Shocking Before And After Fitness Transformation In 5 Hours EXPOSED! Furious Pete

by Marylin6764502411335 posted Oct 04, 2015


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Shocking Before and After Fitness Transformation in 5 Hours EXPOSED! Furious Pete

Most of the time it's very hard to believe that a certain supplement or maybe training program can really make you do the exact same thing if you follow the exact program. Now before I get started, I just want to make it clear that the pictures that I showed had nothing to do with his video. I want to make it perfectly clear that the physiques that were altered or were transformed in those pictures may have actually been the result of the programs advertised. The reason I'm saying this is because I simply don't want to get sued by those people. Now without further ado, I'm going to show You how I went from this physique To this physique in less than five hours. Now the first step in this video is to reverse the process. That's right we're going to do the after picture first and the before picture after. So here we go! First thing that we have to do is go to the gym. Make sure you do as many bicep curls, triceps push downs, and chest presses. Make sure you are as vascular humanely possible. Next, jump into a tanning bed and get as tanned up as possible. When you're all done with that tanning bed, go straight home and set up some really good lighting in your basement. Now to prove that this video really is legitimate I'm showing you the date on a CNN website when I take the after picture. Next grab a bottle of PAM. that's right, that good old cooking spray and spray the hell out of yourself now you're all shinny. Get ready for a your after picture. Now that the after picture is done we're ready to do the before picture, the fun part. For the before picture we want to put ourselves into a fat blob mindset. Take two hours off you worked hard to do those after pictures just rest up and then make sure that vascularity is disappearing. Grab some canned Beefaroni. If you adored this post and you would such as to obtain even more facts pertaining to reviews on forskolin for weight loss ( kindly see our own site. Make sure it's really high in sodium, we're really trying to retain that water. Grab a bag of chips and down all of them. Next step, grab yourself a bottle of pop A two liter bottle or even more is preferable. A diet pop actually works better because it has more carbonation, therefore making your stomach even bigger. When you're done with your pop grab some chocolate milk this shit will bloat the hell out of you after that diet pop. Believe it or not you're ready to go. You can see I look fat as hell compared with the other picture so without further ado let's take a couple snapshots there you have it guys check out my before and after picture now five hours apart that's pretty crazy what you can do with your body and with a little bit of photoshop. I just wanted to show you guys that anything is really possible in this world nowadays and don't believe everything that you see with your eyes. Once again the transformation pictures that I showed you guys earlier have no reflection really on this video just showing you guys examples of really crazy transformations and ya I don't want to get sued. Let me know if you liked the video and don't forget to subscribe like and fav this video bye!
