The Very Best Online Marketing Tools

by CorrineCombes9614456 posted Oct 04, 2015


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Beware of the Wolves in Sheep's clothing. They present themselves as solid online marketing companies, have a stimulating sales pitch, and their compensation plan doesn't look too bad either. They have large corporate offices with all kinds of people back there to ensure your success. ? Sounds nice, yes? Companies that sell products like lotions, potions, pills, miracle juices or miracle gas saving products aren't often to the advantage of the average person for a variety of reasons, some of which are:

The product is not what is making them the money-you, the distributor, are! They offer you an auto ship program, where they sell you product at wholesale prices. You are then required to turn around and sell these products for a profit. Of course, if you're unable to do this, and product just languishes in your garage, then who is out of pocket? Not the company, they already have your money.

The bulk of the money the marketing online company receives is from you, the distributor, and not from the coming mouse click up site internet product at all. They have a program called auto-ship which entitles you, the distributor to purchase product from them at wholesale prices. You are then required to sell said product and, hopefully, make a profit. Once you've paid for the product, they're unconcerned whether you can move it or not. They've already made their profit.

This is a favorite - the incentive of a free car or vacation for selling X amount over X amount of time. Of course if your personal volume and your group volume are at an imbalance, then you no longer qualify! So sorry! But they are very appreciative of all the money you made them trying to get that car or vacation package!

Home parties have been around for a while as everybody has friends and family they can push this crap on. Who better to obligate? It's really simple... If I wanted weight loss, I'd go to GNC. If I wanted Lotions, I'd go to Save On, Longs, or my favorite Department store. If I wanted to put additives in my gas tank, I'd go to Kragen, Chief or Pep Boys and buy a product from STP or Penzoil. You get the idea..?//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>?
