Discovering Interactive Marketing Agency

by JannetteParr591 posted Oct 04, 2015


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2013 is set to be the year where marketers and advertisers finally wake up to the potential of the mobile phone as a marketing tool.

The market is growing rapidly and is changing the way people not only access information but how they live their lives. Over 90% of people are within arm's reach of their phone 24 hours a day. ? No other device provides the same level of interactivity. This gives mobile a huge advantage as an advertising platform.

Television advertising requires the consumer to be watching television at the time of your advert, online ads require them to be on the internet and other traditional advertising methods provide an even narrower window of opportunity. Mobiles offer a vast array of advertising options for budding mobile marketers available to target the consumer 24/7, including SMS, WAP, app display ads, search ads, rich media and video adverts.

Marketing is all about reaching the right people with the right message at the right time + and mobile advertising allows you to do just that. Take a product with a rapidly increasing market. Ensure the product is an advanced communication and entertainment tool, vital to the customer's everyday life. Give the product the technology to advertise to consumers at any time of the day across marketing Champaign a vast array of different means and then you will have a very powerful marketing tool.

The power of the mobile is reflected in the level of consumer engagement with mobile advertising. 90% of searches made on a mobile device leads to a form of action and with over half ultimately leading to a purchase. More and more people are using the internet to access their information, particularly when regarding purchasing goods or services. And with the technological advances and convenience on offer, most are using their mobile phones to access this information.

It is only now that marketers are beginning to realise the full potential of mobile advertising. Here are a number of stats which outline just why mobile marketing is fast becoming the most effective marketing tool available today.

A Growing Market

+There are now four times as many smartphone users as PC owners.

+There are more people in the world who own a mobile phone than own a toothbrush.

+In the UK, there are more mobile phones than people.

+It took the television 13 years to reach 50 million users. It took the iPhone just 2.

With Greater Levels of Engagement

+People report a lost phone on average after just 68 minutes. It takes over a day for the average person to report a lost wallet.

+The average person responds to a text message in just 90 seconds.//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>?
