Why Marketing With Custom Printed T Shirts Is So Effective & Affordable

by MellisaFisher34918 posted Oct 03, 2015


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If you're looking for an alternative marketing strategy you should highly consider using Custom Printed T Shirts. A custom printed t shirt is one item that everyone loves to have.

Would you rather have a pen (which will more then likely get lost) or a t shirt that is a one of a kind? If you have your logo printed on a shirt with a really catchy slogan printed on the back people will be knocking your door down to get one. If you compare the price of a one to two month print ad to the cost of batch of custom printed t shirts you'll see that you can get much more for your money. While a print ad only stays in circulation for a certain amount of time a custom t shirt will last for a long time. Another great advantage is that people won't just see you when they have a need. They see you time and time again. That will make your name stick in their mind!

You can take your t-shirts and hand them out at a trade show. You can even hand them out at a parade. Even if people don't know who your company is they will take a shirt because t shirts are like gold to people. People are proud to wear something that attracts attention to them and a nicely designed t-shirt will do that. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a really awesome designed t-shirt either. A t shirt can be designed with fewer colors on it then most people think and it still have the same effect and in some cases even more.

You can use your custom printed t shirts in other ways as well. You really want people to sell for you. Put a company shirt on every one of your employees and they become your sales people. People that have an interest will approach your employees if they are wearing one of your shirts. Train your employees to sale your services. They don't have to be a full fledged sales person but a knowledgeable employee can send potential prospects your way. That potential customer wouldn't have approach your employee if they had not been wearing a custom printed t shirt with your name on it.

Custom printed t shirts are such a great way to stand out no matter what the case may be. If you've got a business you definitely want to make an everlasting first impression on your customers. A sharp dressed crew will make people say, WOW, this company has really got it together. You may be bidding on a large contract and it may come down to rather your crew looks and acts professional. When you have your crew outfitted in custom printed t shirts they know that they are representing your company. That gives them a little incentive to perform at a level. People want to work for a company that knows how important it is to look your best while at work. It shows that you're not just any other company. It shows that your company has great potential. That large contractor will notice that as well.

Spend your marketing dollars wisely and be diverse.

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