Selling Real Estate Online - Why So Many Realtors Fail To Sell Real Estate Online?

by Hortense18063862879 posted Oct 03, 2015


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According to the National Council of the Aging, 81% of America's 13.2 million households aged 62 and over own their own homes. Seventy-four (74%) of those seniors own their homes free and clear. Altogether seniors own nearly $2trillion worth of home equity.* You got to hand it to the government to help you figure out how to spend it.


Extended Closing - An extended closing is similar to a purchase option except that the extended closing is done with a social discovery Purchase Contract (REPC). In the extended close the closing deadline is extended or put into the future significantly further than a typical real estate purchase.

Marketing gurus have written volumes on what constitutes value for clients. They can be summarized into one sentence: The client perceives value when the benefit received is believed to be worth more than the money spent.

Make a comparison of the winning bid and the reserve price. What was the actual selling price versus the minimum bidding price? Record it for reference.

A wedding is always expensive, whether it is a mini bash with a select few buddies or a humongous party at a specialist venue. So if nuptials are approaching then a savings account could help you to save some money and use it on the ceremony or reception. Furthermore, if you have some kids then savings account a could be a superb way to set money aside for their weddings, even though it seems like a far off prospect. Even if you are the groom's mum, you might want to set some cash away to make sure that the wedding is a stupendous event.

Visit the site. How does it look? Observe the key features of the property and its surroundings. Is it currently occupied? Are the occupants the owners? How is the foreclosure of the property being accepted by the owners? Some discreet and tactful questions may provide the required information. Talking to the occupants would be a good approach failing which friendly neighbours may prove to be helpful. Would you be able to amicably deal with the occupants after purchasing the property?

Like a raging storm, the tempest will erupt in a volatile manner with little or no warning. Prone to blow up at the slightest trigger their erratic behavior quickly becomes problematic. Being in public is no deterrent for the tempest and public displays of anger come with the package. After tiring of attempts to calm the storms or becoming social discovery victims of it, friends head for cover and make themselves scarce.

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