How To Use Facebook To Promote Yourself As An Authority Figure In Real Estate Investing

by Hortense18063862879 posted Oct 03, 2015


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stateWhat does that mean? The lower the price, the faster your units will sell. If you want to speed up your sales substantially, I hate to say it, but the only thing you can really do is lower the prices.

The answer is savings. A real estate agent can charge from 6% to 7% of the sell price. The seller is usually responsible for these commission charges, but he will increase his sell price to cover the charges or you may be asked to sign a buyers contract in which case you the buyer are responsible for the commission fees. Statistics state that more and more sellers are advertising on the internet to sell their house without the use of upper west side manhattan Agents or are searching the internet for buyers. It only makes sense that a buyer should use the internet to buy their home. There are several strategies you can use to buy your home via the internet.

While I am all for charity and humane treatment of fellow beings, I highly advise against letting tenants violate occupancy rules or become delinquent with rents. Give a warning, but enforce rules after the warning, rather than let it slide. If you allow a bad precedent (e.g. someone brings a large dog, and your building rule says small dog, act immediately--either the tenant or the dog goes).

The spend-down provision is that "you must self pay" for your nursing home care with the sale of all your personal and real assets to the point of financial devastation of your life's savings driving you into financial destitution. Nursing home eligibility will be determined by your lack of any available resources designed specifically to punish/impoverish your healthy spouse.

Always do your homework before buying property. Not taking enough time to research will result in your purchasing something that will cause you regret later. So, before buying any property, make sure that you find out about the surrounding area, the local crime rate, the age of the property, etc.

The US has just recently announced the implementation of Quantitative Easing whereby the Federal Reserve will go out and buy Treasuries. This means the US will be printing a lot of money in order to do this. I guess Ben Bernacke figures that he can print his way out of a recession. Japan is also set to start printing Yen. You're going to start seeing currency destruction all over the place as countries begin playing fast and loose with their currencies. This portends massive inflation down the road. The stock market is actually predicting high inflation down the road as is evident in the recent runup in the price of gold (investors are putting their money in gold so it doesn't erode when inflation starts up). As I write this article the headlines are rife with the new highs that gold is hitting.

The gross mismanagement of the social security system is going to force baby boomers into giving serious thought about their long-term health care. There won't be any money by the time baby boomers reach retirement age. Health care has been escalating at an alarming pace. Government planners have figured out that they can save $10 billion over the next 5 years by increasing the look back provision from 3 years to 5 years.

First and foremost, they are 'IOU'. What is 'IOU'? It means "I owe You". What happens when you invest or purchase a bond? You are basically lending your money to a company or government agency. What about bond mutual fund? It simply means a large group of bonds.
