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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

When I look back now I can barely recognize the girl I was at 19, that summer before I left for Iowa State. That small town catholic girl, who didn't have her first orgasm until she was 19, is worlds away from the woman I became. I was really confused that summer about my new fluid sexual identity that was forming. The "lesbian" label is never something I've been comfortable with adopting, and not because I think there is anything wrong those who choose to. Because of my small town religious upbringing I would have avoided that label when I was young, but eventually I realized it just didn't define who I am. I’m not even really comfortable with the bi-sexual label, because most people assume those who adopt that label are sex crazy. My preferences are very fluid and usually it’s not the gender of a person that draws me in, it’s just the person. I've never had group sex or anything wild like that, although I have indulged in taking a sometimes very dominant role with men and women. My world was really changing that year I got to spend my last whole summer with Jill. We were moving quickly into this sexual relationship that was a really new experience for both of us. Jill’s interest in girls began to blossom early that summer after a brief adventure with the school’s prom queen. The whole thing was just so unbelievable at first, Jill and little miss perfect, Beth Carter. When I finally got to know Beth away from school it was even crazier to find out how much of a closeted lesbian sex pot she was. She was ready to dive head first into the honeypot of girl on girl sex in a way that me and Jill weren't entirely prepared for. Jill had invited me over to the Carter’s for the 4th of July after confessing of a little touching and kissing one weekend with Beth. They had had been drinking wine and decided to go for a midnight dip while their parents were playing cards. When they were changing into their swimsuits, Beth aggressively moved things forward. She had just grabbed Jill’s hand and pulled it to her waxed wet pussy, while shoving her tongue in Jill’s mouth. It was the wildest thing this small town girl had heard of, up to that point. It definitely made a visit to the Carter’s sound a lot more interesting. On July 4th I picked up Jill at 5 o'clock and we headed over to the Carter’s with our bikinis on under some Metallica t-shirts and cutoffs. I had seen the house from the road many times, but when we pulled into the U shaped drive and got closer, it looked huge. The Carter’s owned the local car dealership that had been in the Carter family since the 60’s. At the time they seemed like millionaire’s to me, but their McMansion was just like all the other cookie cutter ones in the fancy neighborhoods in Des Moines or Omaha. Beth’s yellow Jeep was out front with a perfectly clean and polished little body, just like the driver. "Jill, are you sure this is cool, me coming over today? I’m not so sure about this, and I’m not taking any shit from Beth. If she cops her "oh my god I’m so popular" attitude today, I’m outta here." She just smiled and poked my forehead. "Just be cool Tanya, Beth is a lot different away from school. She’s actually pretty easy to talk to, and cusses like a sailor when she’s away from her parents." "OK, but I’m serious. I won’t make a scene or anything, because your mom and her mom are so close, but I’m not putting up with any B.S. If she pisses me off I’m leaving, and I’ll come back later and get you." "It’ll be cool I promise, don’t get your panties in a wad." I punched her in the shoulder, and grabbed the door handle. As we stepped out of my pick-up, Beth came flying up the driveway on a dirt bike. A bright red one, with knobby tires and it was covered with mud. She had mud splattered on her black boots and jeans. Her blonde hair was pulled back and a red handkerchief was tied to the ponytail. She skidded to a stop in front of us killing the engine, and pulled on her t-shirt a few times to fan herself. "Marshall Amplification" was printed across the front of the black t-shirt, a V was cut in the neck low enough to reveal a little cleavage and the sleeves were cut off. This was sure as hell not the Beth I used to see in high school, she looked like a damn model from a beer commercial. "Hey Jill, what’s up chick? You brought Tanya today, hey Tanya." "You’re cool with Tanya hanging out, right?" Beth untied the handkerchief and shook her wavy blond hair and shot me a mischievous look. "Fucking A, this is going to be awesome. Shit Tanya that truck is cherry; an International Harvester, those things are fucking tanks. You guys do a frame off restoration on that?" Now I was speechless. She not only showed appreciation for my favorite possession, she knew what it was, and understood the work we put into to restoring it. My brilliant response was like something Rickey would say. "Uh… yes." "Awesome, it’s so cool a hot chick drives that around town instead one of those dorky farm boys that spit tobacco down the door. It’d be awesome to drive it sometime; I’ll trade you my Jeep." She was busting my balls just like Jill and I do to each other all the time. This thankfully brought me out of my state of dorkyness. "In your dreams, nobody is driving that panty dropper around town but me." "Good answer "she smirked. "We are going to have some fun tonight bitches. I need to go take a shower, you guys come up to my room while I get cleaned up." We had to go through the garage so could we drop off Beth’s clothes in the mud room before going upstairs to her room. She pulled off her boots as soon as we got inside, and then peeled her jeans and t-shirt off. She threw her clothes in one of the three washers they had in there, and had us follow her up a back stairway that went right up to her room. I was right behind her as we climbed the stairs and her perfect little butt was right in front of me, covered by a tiny pair of yellow lacy panties that matched her bra. I don’t think I had ever owned matching underwear at that point in my life. Jill was right; she looked even more perfect with no clothes on. I could smell her all the way up the stairs. Musky but sweet, definitely a girly smell, but not like the locker room at school after basketball practice. I could hear my heart beat in my ear drums when we got up to her room. I didn't understand it at the time, I was too naive. It was sexual excitement. She was the most popular girl in school, always the queen of the ball, the forbidden fruit for any girl. Now she was being a real person, a cool girl that rides dirt bikes and knows about cars. The bitch was smoking hot even when she was sweaty and dirty. Her room was gigantic; it was basically the entire second story over their three car garage. She had her own little kitchen in one corner, and a separate area with a leather couch and some bean bag chairs surrounding a round coffee table. Next to the couch were some built in shelves with a really cool old school Pioneer stereo and turntable. The receiver was surrounded by a bunch of vinyl records; she had hundreds. She walked over to the window on the other side of couch and flipped on the box fan that was facing out. She reached under the coffee table and pulled out a tray with a little pile of weed, a pack of papers and 6 perfectly rolled joints. "Help yourself, its killer weed. You might just want to share one. Just try to blow the smoke at the fan. I’m going to hit the shower, and then we can go have dinner. My dad's making bacon wrapped fillets. " We plunked down in the huge bean bag chairs and Jill picked up a joint and smelled it. "Well, should we?" "I don’t know if I can handle it. I get paranoid when I smoke, and we’re going to have to sit and eat dinner with your parents, and Beth’s parents." Jill lit one up anyway and took a big drag, then handed it to me with puffed out cheeks, trying to hold the smoke in. I took a big a hit and immediately started coughing when the heavy smoke hit my lungs. Then Jill started to cough because I made her laugh, and reached over for the joint so she could take another hit. This was a bad idea. I took two more hits and gave the joint back to Jill. "No more Jill, that’s it; I’m going to be blasted when we go down for dinner. " I floated out of the chair over to Beth’s record collection to scope out her tastes. The collection was perfect, just like her house, and her jeep and her tan little body. I started from the bottom right and moved to the left. I didn't recognize some of them, but I noticed a lot of the same bands dad and uncle Stu used to listen to. On that bottom shelf she seemed to have everything ever released by ZZ Top, The Who, Van Halen, Bob Seger, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Motorhead, Motley Crue, Montrose, Led Zepplin and everything in between. I looked at the at the top shelf and started from the left; AC/DC, Aerosmith, The Allman Brothers, The Beatles, Boston… and it went on and on. I pulled down the first release from Boston and flipped it over. Written in ink at the bottom was "To T.C., the best boyfriend ever, from J.T. Aug 1976". It was a gift from Beth’s mom to her dad while they were still in a high school, what a trip. All the albums were probably the original ones from back in the day. I lifted the album up and breathed in, it smelled just like that vintage record store in The Old Market in Omaha. I removed the record from the sleeve and it was perfect, no scratches. I switched on the old Pioneer receiver and could see the glow of the vacuum tubes through the top vents. I gently placed the record on the turn table and pushed play, then plopped down back on the bean bag. The first song started as the needle crackled on the vinyl. "I looked out this morning and the sun was gone. Turned on some music to start my day. I lost myself in a familiar song. I closed my eyes and I slipped away" "It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling).When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling). I begin dreaming (more than a feeling). 'till I see Marianne walk away. I see my Marianne walkin' away." The music swirled around the room; our heads already numb form the half of a joint. We leaned back and lost all track of time. We listened to the second song, then the third. The wild beginning to "Long Time" was so cool; my dad told me it was recorded in the guitar player’s basement before there was even a full band. When we got to almost the end of the song, right when the heavy riffs kick in, Beth came running out of the bathroom. She was wearing just a little pink towel and yelled "Awesome song!" She played air guitar with her feet wide apart, making high sweeps with her right hand to the rhythm of the guitar. Her towel slipped to floor while she had her arm high in the air; and there she was totally naked. We hadn't been at her house longer than 30 minutes, and she had managed to get naked in front of us already. No tan lines, no pubic hair, and everything had a perfect shape and size. She’s maybe 5’5" 110 lbs., and her boobs look big but not too big. They had almost no sag, and perfectly placed smooth quarter sized areola with pencil eraser nipples. She screeched and grabbed her towel, laughing hysterically as she ran back to her bathroom. Jill wolf whistled and leaned back on the bean bag kicking her feet and laughing, and that got me started. It was so very funny, because we were so very high. Jill came back out a few minutes later with her bikini on: red, white, and blue with stars and stripes. It was the coolest swim suit I had ever seen. It barely covered her boobs, and the back was so small it was half way in her butt crack. She spun around giving us the whole view. "It’s my 4th of July suit, mom got it for me in Ames, you like?" "It’s fucking sexy girl; you wear that around your Dad?" Jill asked wide eyed. "Yeah right, he’d have a heart attack. I’ll wear a cover up until tonight when we can get the pool to ourselves." She then turned around and gave her but a little wiggle, and grabbed a cover up from her dresser. Before we went down to eat, she sat and smoked the half of a joint we left on her rolling tray. It was so strong; she must have had a lot more practice smoking weed than we did. I couldn't have smoked all that, I would've been zombie at dinner. When Beth was done she looked over at me. "Tanya my dear, you have Chinese eyes, you better use some Visine before we go down for dinner. Come on I've got some in my bathroom, follow me." Beth’s bathroom looked like a hotel suite. It had a huge open shower with no doors, stone tile everywhere and a long counter with all of her makeup and skin care stuff neatly in trays. "Sit on this stool. Since you don’t do this too often, I’ll help you get some drops in your eyes." I leaned my head back and she placed one of her perfectly manicured hands on the back of my neck. Beth placed two drops on each eyeball perfectly and said "blink". I blinked, and then looked into her dark blue eyes. She stared back at me and smiled, then leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. "There, all better. God I’m so jealous, you have such long dark natural eyelashes. You don’t even use mascara, do you?" "Thanks and no. I usually don’t wear much makeup". I raised my head and I looked in the mirror at the back of her perfect wavy blonde hair, wondering where she was going with this. If she was going to kiss me like she kissed Jill, I was all for it at this point. "Yeah I noticed, I wish I could get away with that. You have better skin tone than I do, and you probably tan easier. I have to be careful until I get a good tan going, I burn easy. You ready to eat?" I looked back up as she flashed those blue eyes and a grin, and Van Halen played in my head. "Blue eyed murder in a size 5 dress. Change, nothing stays the same. Unchained, yeah you hit the ground running." I had sure hit the ground running this summer. "I’m fucking starving." "You got the munchies girl, my weed is kick ass. Let’s go" We had a great dinner, and talking to her parents was a blast. They weren't stuck up like I thought rich people would be. They asked about my plans after school, and if I had a boyfriend, to which I simply answered no. I had no intention of saying anything about Tommy Martin. That heart break seemed a world away now; even though it was only a month ago. We talked about music and cars until almost 9 o’clock and then all the parents went inside to play cards. We made our way down to the cabana by the pool where Beth had stashed two bottles of wine. We changed and then lazily hung to the side of pool until both bottles were gone. My whole body was numb again when we got out to go pee. We took turns using the bathroom and then Beth switched on the hot tub bubbles and lights, and dimmed all the other lights around the pool. Jill was in need of a smoke by now, and stood behind the cabana to sneak one in while we climbed into the swirling bubbles. I was really in heaven in all that warm water, my eyes were heavy from the wine but my body felt weightless. That’s when the Jaw’s theme should have played to warn me of the attack. As soon as Beth climbed in, she kneeled in the hot tub in front of me. She lunged for me and grabbed my boobs, forcing her tongue into my mouth. It was so aggressive; Beth kissed almost like a boy. She kneaded my breasts firmly and swirled her tongue around mine slowly groaning in a low pitched growl. She was as a horny as a boy too. I grabbed her firm little butt and pulled her in, getting as aggressive as she was. Then things moved along faster, and before I knew it my butt was pulled up off the seat. My boobs came up as her head tilted down and then she bit my left nipple through my suit. I could feel Beth really squeezing my butt, while moving both of her hands around, trying to sneak her fingers under my suit. "Jesus you two, already? I wasn't gone for more than 5 minutes," Jill whispered when she came back and caught us. We stopped and looked up panting; still in shock form all that sexual tension we had just released. Jill held her index finger up to her lips "shhhhhh." She looked towards the house and then slipped her top and bottoms off right there. She slipped in beside me totally nude and kissed me with her mouth open, searching frantically for my tongue as Beth watched. Then she leaned up and kissed Beth as I watched, and I thought my heart wasn't going to beat through my chest. It looked so sexy to see the two hottest girls I knew pushing their mouths together, and they were really getting into it. When they stopped Beth looked at me and her eyes almost burned through my skull. She slipped my top town and latched on to my right nipple with her mouth, while under the water she slipped two fingers from her left hand under my suit. She wiggled against my now wet slit and they slipped in easily, while she sucked hard on my nipple. Jill leaned in from the side and started kissing me again. It wasn't as strong this time because I was so buzzed from the wine, but my 2nd orgasm ever started to wash over me. Beth’s fingers moved in and out, as Jill swirled her tongue around mine. I pulled Beth’s head in tighter to my boob and lifted my hips as the wave crashed over me. Sitting in that warm bubbly water while having an orgasm with my best friend and the little queen of our high school, my mind flashed to the painting Mrs. Thomsen had hanging in the art room at school. It looked like a cartoon strip, and the two lovers were leaned in for a kiss. The caption said "We rose up slowly… As if we didn't belong to the outside world any longer… Like swimmers in a shadowy dream… Who didn't need to breathe…" stifleurself [1 comment]

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