Best Pov Porn - 3 Easy Steps To A Winning Porn Sister Strategy

by PamUes3192526465242 posted Oct 18, 2015


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big butt povIm an 18 year old college freshman, and when I started this semester I was a virgin. This changed at the beginning of the semester and ill be sure to not leave out one detail. The first chapter is my actual loss of virginity, and youll see where the next few chapters go. It all started with Tinder. If youre unaware what tinder is, its this sleazy social media dating app where youre presented with a person, and you swipe your finger right if you like them, and left if you dont. Now being the curious young lad I am, I swipe right on everyone, a common tactic used amongst tinder users. This way Id see anyone and everyone who swiped right on me, and Id unmatch the undesirables. So on a college campus, a good proportion of students had this app, and I matched with a few amateur allure girls that I knew. One girl I recognized from Twitter, we followed each other although I had never actually met her in real life. Lets call this girl...Madison. Now Madison was a cute girl, she was a light skinned Hispanic girl Id say. Short, dark hair, curvy figure, and a roundish face. She was by no means fat, but she had a nice thick body. We talked a few times here and there, and also around this time I received a message on tinder from an older woman, a 37 year old woman. This woman, lets call her Kelsey. Kelsey was a dark eyed, blonde woman, with a very nice rack, a slim body and an ass to boot. She was a teenage boys wet dream. And she messaged me. Immediately I assumed she was either a fake profile promoting some cam site or shes catfishing me, and as the conversation went on it appeared to be the latter. She brought up the topic of meeting each other, and I agreed, though I was reluctant. She gave me the address of some pool/bar club place, and on a Wednesday evening we decided to meet there. As i follows my GPSs directions, I was almost there and I ended up going down this long dirt road. Fuck, Im gonna get fucking killed I know it. I said out loud as I drove, but eventually I got to the place and it seemed like an okay establishment. She texted me saying that she was there, and to come inside. I was so nervous, I could feel my hands shaking. I was about to get catfished i fucking knew it. I go inside and suddenly Im greeted by a tall blonde. We realize that were who we were looking for and smile briefly then say hello. She pulled me into a hug and I sort of awkwardly hugged her back, then followed her out by the pool where we laid out on some chairs. At this point I could see through her sundress and she had on a very sexy one piece red bathing suit, with very ample cleavage. I felt myself get hard right there, so I had to adjust the way I was sitting so she wouldnt notice. So we talked for a while, there was music playing and it was an overall relaxed environment once I finally calmed my nerves. It was pleasant to know I wasnt being catfished and that a beautiful older woman was interested in me. She talked to me about her past, her college years and how she was in a sorority, and asked me about my college life and whatnot. She kept making jabs at our age difference and I think was getting a feel for if I thought it was inappropriate for us to be associating with each other given the age difference. After a few hours of getting to know each other, I realized I had to leave because I had some roommate stuff to deal with so I hugged her goodbye and left happily. That night I was so giddy I could hardly sit still. I was going to be hanging out with an older woman, a cougar. I wondered if I would actually get to have sex with her some day. I almost got ready to rub one out to that thought when I got a message from the other girl, the girl my age, Madison. This was a few hours later now, around 1am. She asked if I wanted to hangout for a bit. In my naïveté I thought sure why not, that sounds fun, I could get to know her some more. She mentioned she was a little bit tipsy and my heart began pounding. I didnt respond for a few minutes, completely unsure of what to say. Finally I got another message from her. Do you want to fuck? Well pov fucking christ, hell yeah I wanna fuck you. Sure, Id like that. I awkwardly responded. Fuck, I blew it man. Or did I? She told me to come meet her outside her dorm building, and I did. She was sitting outside on a bench, looking up at the stars and she got up when she saw me. We said hi and talked for a moment before quickly going inside to her room. We sat on her bed as she played some music and we got a bit closer, then started making out. I could taste the alcohol on her, and I almost backed out. I couldnt take advantage of a drunk girl. She could sense this I think, because she told me she could feel herself sobering up as she stopped drinking a few hours ago. I relaxed and went back to kissing her, now on top of her. I felt her breasts over her tank top and cupped them gently, this wasnt my first rodeo with a pair of boobs. I pulled at the bottom of her top and she pulled it up over her head, sitting up to take it off. I kissed her like this again, and went to undo her bra strap. I pride myself on knowing how to undo a bra strap, but I couldnt fucking get it for some reason. She laughed it off and undid it herself, then tossed it aside as I played with her boobs some more and madeout with her. She went to take my shirt off, and I helped her a bit, leading us to touching skin on skin. I moved my hands down the front of her stomach and into her shorts, under the panties, and began rubbing over her vulva. She felt fairly wet already so I stuck a finger in and began rubbing it up against the upper wall. She gave a satisfied moan into my mouth and pulled away a bit, pulling her shorts off, and the thong she had underneath. She asked if I had a condom, and I nodded (I had two that I grabbed for free from our student health center). She said I seemed nervous and I said that I had never done anything like this before and she nodded understandably. I shook my head, saying No, like Ive never had sex before. She leaned forward a little bit, her confused expression barely visible in the dark room. Youre a virgin? Youre too hot to be a virgin. She said and laughed a bit. I wasnt sure if that was supposed to be a compliment, but I just silently shrugged. I was a virgin, simple as that. She kissed me again and urged me to pull my shorts down, and I did, which led to us making out again as we laid next to each other. I was fingering her again, with two fingers this time as she moaned loudly, her pussy getting wetter and wetter. Stop fingering me, now I want your dick... She said and trailed off, biting her lip as she rolled on top of me and positioned herself to ride me. She tried to get me in but with a condom on, combined with amateur allure girls the anxiety, I was having a difficult time staying fully hard. I was getting a bit embarrassed and she suggested me being on top, so we got off her bed and laid on a blanket she set down. I go between her legs and easily slid right in, and wow. It was just as warm, and soft as I had heard. I began thrusting my hips, hard and fast right away and I found myself moaning. My balls felt tight already and my body was going tingly, and I knew I was about to cum. I bucked my hips hard and felt my cock explode into the condom, filling up the little reservoir end. Mm fuck are you gonna cum for me? She moaned. I uh, I already did. I admitted bluntly and stopped thrusting. Oh, well thats okay. She giggled. Youll be good for another round though, trust me. And she was right, we madeout for a few minutes and I felt my cock poke her leg. She had me stand up and she leaned in to suck me off, getting some of the cum off and getting me throbbing again. She smirked and turned around, presenting her pussy up to me as her round ass stuck up in the air. I put the condom on and started to fuck her from behind, but after a little while I got tired. Sex was like a workout, what the fuck? I stopped and caught my breath for a moment, confused as to why it required this much effort. She turned around and looked at me and said she wanted me to keep going, and then she sort of changed positions from doggy, to a more laying down on her stomach with her legs spread while I fucked her and played with her amateur allure big tits with my chest against her back position. She was moaning but I was getting a little tired again, plus I couldnt feel much with the condom pamela amateur allure on, which I suspected was a bit too small as it was ridiculously tight. I pulled out and took the condom off, and she turned back around confused. I cant stay hard with this condom on. I said, a bit defeated. She leaned in and began to give me head again, and I got fully hard, but I didnt have another condom. Fuck it, want to just shower with me? She asked, and I eagerly and immediately agreed. We got into her shower and washed off the sweat and sex juices, and I got hard right away. She turned around, and pushed her ass against my cock. You can pull out, right? She asked. Probably, I thought to myself. Yeah, but uh youre clean right? I asked, and she turned around and nodded, telling me shes been tested and knows shes clean. I shrugged and put it in raw, and hot damn. Raw dogging it is without a doubt the best thing ever. I was harder than ever, and I fucked her from behind under the hot water until I felt like I was gonna cum. Im gonna cum, fuck. I moaned and slid out, and she immediately stroked my dick furiously, making me shoot my cum up on her arm and her back. I was spent. I smiled and we washed off the cum, then she offered me to spend the night. I cant, I have classes in the morning. Sorry. I said and got dressed. She seemed a bit upset at that but I really did have calculus in the morning. It was already really late, around 3 or 4. I left a bit awkwardly of course, and we texted a bit before going to sleep in our own beds. The next day I texted her some more and she stopped replying eventually. I shrugged it off and went about the rest of my day. I never actually heard from her again, but it didnt matter, as I heard from Kelsey just the next day. herestoyou22 [1 comment]
