Magnetografo - The Appeal Of Magnetografo

by LeannaFgp02441121 posted Oct 18, 2015


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*edit: typo
Just found out about this sub. Here's my story. From this summer.
A bunch of us were having a party at a buddy's of mine. Big house party, twenty people or more. We're all in our late twenties or early thirties. The house is his.
We drink. We smoke. People are having a good time. We talk, we play a couple of games, standard house party kind of stuff.
Throughout the night I'm sticking close to Red. Red is this girl I have an eye on. Tall, taller than most guys, but I still have a couple of inches on her. Since girls usually go for guys taller than they are, I figure that narrows the playing field. I figure I have a shot.
Tall but curvy. Not fat, just curvy. Good hips, good tits, with actual flesh on her bones. With gorgeous red hair that falls well past her shoulders. Hence the nickname.
We talk a lot throughout the night, Red and me, and I figure things are looking pretty good. I can tell she digs me, at least a bit. The way she has of playing with a lock of her hair and tucking it behind her ear, I read as an invitation.
I have a problem though and my problem's name is Tiny. Tiny is the sister of the guy whose house we're at. I like Red, Tiny likes me. She's never more than a few feet away.
Tiny is cute enough, even if she's small (hence the nickname). The top of her head barely reaches my chin. I guess petite is what they'd call her. Twenty-one is what I call her. She's just turned legal, alcohol-wise, and enjoying it a bit too much. She's at her brother's place, surrounded by people who aren't total strangers, so fair enough. If you're going to let loose, that's a pretty safe place to do it. But still... Twenty-one. When I was twenty-one, she was... I'd rather not think about that.
I try to let her know I'm not interested but I can't go too hard on her. I'm at her brother's and it'd look bad in front of Red. So I try to be charming in front of Red yet firm with Tiny.
For a while I think I've managed to walk that tightrope.
When the sun rises, we figure it's time for the party to end. A lot of us crash at the house. The guy's got camping gear and mattresses and plenty of room in his basement. I manage to score a place on the futon next to Red. Things are looking good.
It's summer. It's hot. I take my shirt off, she takes off her jeans and we cuddle. There's a guy on the couch, a couple of girls on another mattress, so we cuddle. I pass out in less than a minute.
I'm woken up some time later. I don't know how long later but not much. I'm dreaming and reality seeps into my dream before I fully wake up. There's something hard between my legs. something (ants? spiders?) crawling on my stomach, something's wet, sucking, pulling.
Tiny is sucking my cock.
Somehow she's managed to pull my shorts completely off without me noticing. I'm hard as a rock and she's sucking it in as far as it'll go. I want to stop her but I don't want Red to wake up. If she sees this...
I reach for Tiny to pull her off of me. She answers "Nuh uh" without taking my cock out of her mouth, but LOUD. So loud I'm afraid she woke up Red. I try again. "Don't try to stop me I know you want it" Fuck, she keeps this up she'll wake everybody up.
Fine. I do want it. Who the fuck wouldn't, right? It's either I let her go through with it or we wake Red up. I let her proceed.
She licks and suck and she grabs my balls with her hand. Feels pretty damn great actually. But as I'm getting close she pulls off, gets on top of me, pulls her panties to the side (she's wearing a t-shirt too) and slides me in her. No condom or nothing.
I freak out a bit, because I don't really know this girl. That night is the first time I really talked to her. So I try to stop her again but she says "No!" again, again way too loud. She's basically kneeing Red in the back, the futon's rocking from her riding magnetografo my cock up and down, and at this point I don't see how Red magnetografo could still be asleep. But she's still lying there, not moving, with her back turned away from me, so there's no way to be sure.
Tiny starts to moan, not too loudly thankfully, but still I put my hand on her mouth to keep her quiet. She seems to magnetografo like that a bit too much though, and she moans more loudly before grabbing both my wrists and pinning them down on the mattress. I could get away, but not without some struggling and wrestling, which I don't want to do. Besides, Tiny's picking up the pace, riding me like I'm a fucking bronco, and in less than a minute I spill my cum inside her.
She seems satisfied with that. She smiles, and kisses me, and she gets back up and goes back upstairs. I didn't even get to see her tits
Now where the fuck did she put my shorts? I walk around the basement, bare-assed, and I'm pretty sure a few of the people down here are peering at me through semi-closed eyelids. I find my shorts in a corner, slip them back on, and lie back down like nothing happened.
When we wake up the next morning I act like nothing happened but Red doesn't magnetografo seem to be digging me anymore. I offer her a ride home but she turns me down, opting to go with one of the other girls instead. We don't talk much and for the next month she avoids me.
Yeah, she was awake.
(There's a follow-up to this but I'll put it in another post so this one isn't too long. )

