Magnetografo - Create A Magnetografo Your Parents Would Be Proud Of

by Gustavo49L6583065770 posted Oct 18, 2015


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gebrauchsanleitungSo I'm 18 now, and I've never really been super interested in trying to get laid. I think some of it is magnetografo I often look at things objectively, like I could either beat off real quick, or spend hours and hours talking to some girl. But finally I started talking to some girls for a little while. I'd known her for a few years and we had been in high school for all 4 years together. She's always been kind of nerdy, we're in honors classes together, and I never considered her for someone to hook up with. About a year ago, on the way back from a marching band competition she texted me and the convo turned somewhat sexual. Then a few months passed and nothing really happened. She's probably 5'6, c cup, so really nice boobs and a decent ass. Mainly incredible boobs, that are always quite perky. So basically I'm always dreaming about them in class. Sexy face, and she got some sexy glasses recently. Basically she morphed into a cute girl in a librarian sort of way. But definitely cute. We've been flirting a long ass time, she's a virgin, I could've had sex when I was 15 at a church mission trip, but at that time I was still religious and didn't want to try to fuck this girl who 2 years older then me and really experienced in a church. Basically I regret being religious every day, as I know longer am. Irrelevant to this story, but that would have made a good one. But regardless I'd never had sex, I'm probably average looking, but always on the extremely thin side for a specific endurance sport. So thats not the most attractive. Anyway this girl and me talk about her giving head, and shit like that. So she comes and picks me up from my house since my car is loud as fuck and my parents would here me leave. She picks me up, theres a hell of a lot of sexual tension as we look for a safe spot.Eventually we pull into a park. She has an SUV so we climb into the back seat and just start talking about school shit, and friend shit. The seats were down so we were sitting on a flat area probably 4 feet wide by 6 feet long. Leaned up against the wall, she's leaning in my arm. We talked for about an hour while I was feeling her magnetografo gently, nothing to terribly sexual though. After a long ass time we started making out, she wasn't that great but I was more worried about myself and not trying to be a fuck up. But it ended up being really nice, and we both got more relaxed and comfortable. I started to feel her breasts, and finger her. She was incredibly wet, and this continued magnetografo for probably a few minutes. I started to get incredibly hard, and eventually I took her shirt and bra off. Now I was sitting against the side of the car, on the inside. Legs face outwards, and I was straddling her. With her shirt off and back to me we made out some more while I felt her breasts. Then she went for my cock, and fuck. It was amazing. She had definitely given a bj before, and god damn. I'd only gotten one BJ before, and it was from a mormon girl who was so busy thinking she would get condemned for it, it wasn't that great. But this was amazing, I felt pretty close to cumming several times, but we talked good. It was exciting to see my cock in her mouth, after years of seeing her just sitting class, being kind of bitchy. My cock is decent sized, but nothing super amazing. She could deep throat somewhat, and I thrust into her mouth a bit. But yeah, mainly seeing the face whose always being a big nerd, and kind of feeling superior to everyone, full of my cock and gagging on me was a super hot and powerful feeling. I was hoping no one would see, but it was dark and the park is about 30 meters from the road. She sucked dick pretty loud, but not loud enough to get noticed outside. I was standing the whole time while she kneeled on her shirt and bra she had removed. Sexy again. By now, I was so excited, and I just wanted to fuck her so badly. But yeah, I'd never had sex before so obviously this was going to end quickly. I tried to calm down a bit, and we picked a position comfortably for both of us, in midst of the panting and fondling. The temperature outside was nice, and it was crowded inside, so we decided to stay mostly outside, hiding behind her car. It was after midnight by now. She was wearing yoga pants, and her nice tight ass looked amazing. I bent her over the middle row of seats, with her feet still on the ground outside. While I was fucking her from behind. It was like she was reaching for something she left on the middle seat, all bent over. It was my chance and I was freaking out, I didn't want to cum way too quick and be embarrassing, but her ass really was quite nice and I was ridiculously hard. I slipped the condom on, somewhat smoothly, and after a bit of lube, magnetografo went in. Holy shit. She was way tighter then I imagined, and it felt like I died and went to heaven. I started really slowly, and then began going in father and farther. I only know sex stuff, in the twisted way that porn and reddit teach you, but I was trying to do my best. It felt absolutely incredible, and I began to get some good rhythm going, still only about half of my cock going in each time. She was moaning, and it was amazing, nailing the sexy smart girl, in her own car I see in the school lot every morning. She asked for me to go harder, and I went from all going half way in, to balls deep. Complete rookie move, as she screamed really loud. I stopped momentarily, but then she immediately begged at me to keep going. Seeing her ass bounce with each thrust was amazing, and she was definitely enjoying it and coming close to orgasm I thought. I had been back to going half way in, but I went balls deep for about 10 times in a row, and felt her start to tense up, and contract in certain places. I knee she was close to orgasm so I kept going, and finally she did, which I was relieved about. All this stuff probably only took 5 minutes from the time we started fucking. So she had just came and we were moving into the car to try her riding me in the back seat. Then we see a police car roll into the park. This is a small park with only one entrance, used primarily for baseball. And we were the only car there so obviously it is for us. We quickly throw on some clothes and try to look normal in the back seat. I say "I'm just here with my girlfriend". And thank jesus himself, it was a cool cop, and he just said "okay, I'm just checking cause lots of people smoke weed here", or something to those effects. "It's time to get going", he said. "Thanks officer, we will". So fuck. I was gonna cum way quick, and the officer kind of saved me. But it was such an amazing feeling and experience to finally see one of my sexy, but stuck up classmates getting drilled by me, and sucking my cock. We drove to my house, and pulled off into an empty lot. She finished me off with a bj, while she was still in the drivers seat. Not perfect but, but I swear she was amazing at sucking cock. I came more then I ever have, and got it primarily in her hair, and some on her nice boobs. Should've taken a picture but it was great and super sexy to see. Only a little on her face (eyebrow, dripping to eye), so nothing for her to swallow. We then kissed a bit more, and she dropped me back off at home. I realized I've been missing out on quite a bit. But I'm only 18, and I have lots more time. Thanks cop I guess, for not making me a five minute chump on the first time. Here is me [18m]. Body shot Dick pic mvnjkhesiuh
