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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

hot naked chicksI've been encountering stories of men who like to jack off on the subway. I want to find one of you. I want you to sit across from me in an empty car and stare at me until I'm terrified. Your face breaks into a delicious smirk and I'm completely thrown off balance. Then you to shift your hips forward to the edge of the seat and sprawl in front of me, with your hard cock pulsing against your jeans. You get harder and I see your cock twitch as you watch my cheeks flush and I part my mouth in shock. I can't hide my arousal from you, it's too intense. You dominate the entire space and fill my senses with your presence. Your scent wafts forward and I taste you on the air. My heart is pounding. You casually unbutton your jeans and it becomes hard to breath. You slide your zipper down and your cock juts out, riveting my attention. Of course you don't have anything on underneath. You chuckle as I finally suck in a breath of air and slowly, you wrap your fingers around your shaft. My mouth snaps shut. I long to taste you. I can't believe this happening. I can't believe my mouth is watering and my cunt is weeping. I curl my hips forward to keep my juices from wetting the seat and suddenly it hits me again that we're in public. As you start to pump your cock lazily, like you have all day, and no concerns about getting caught, it dawns that you're no bum - you are a powerful man. You don't have to rush, because you are the kind of man who does whatever he wants and answers to no one. You own this car. From the cut of your designer jeans below your massive cock, and the arrogant, domineering posture of your body draped across the seat, to that haughty smirk, it's clear you come from money. I realize the full implications of being alone with a powerful man who is probably right to think he's above the law. Your face breaks out in a full grin and there is a moment of complete understanding between us. I don't know what you will do next but I know it's entirely your prerogative how far this goes. Now you're rubbing the palm of your hand over the head of your cock and the circular movement is mesmerizing me. God, I want to taste you so much. Your eyes drop to my nearly flat chest and you arrogantly raise your eyebrows. Fear skitters through my torso, but with your intent gaze comes a new awareness: my tits are engorged, my nipples are hard as diamonds and yearning for sensation. I'm shocked and deeply ashamed that your display is arousing me. But still, in the back of my mind I picture your wide, graceful hands sliding around to cup my tits. I know now that I need to feel your mouth on me. "Do it." It's not a question. I slide my shirt up with a trembling hand. You frown at my binder. I quickly curl the tight material up over my nipples, sighing as the cold air hits them. You groan as the full mass of my freed tits becomes apparent. A breast man, then. At least one of us can appreciate them. I glance out the windows, afraid I've just ruined my life by exposing myself for you. What have I done!? I feel so ashamed. You've made me into this exhibition-slut for your pleasure. I'm mortified to feel tingles of arousal building in my pussy. You beckon me forward with your other hand, but I couldn't move if I wanted to. What do you want? Your face hardens and your eyes warn of a building storm. Is your temper as volatile as your libido? Your form is so much larger than my slight build and I know that you would quickly overwhelm me if I ran. Would you force me? "Bare yourself for me." Your gaze burns through my clothing, setting my cunt ablaze with pleasure. The ache you inspire is deep and penetrating. My juices flow freely in preparation for my cunt's desire. Your hand has stilled on your cock, now weeping pre-cum in an obscene trail down to the floor of the subway car. Every muscle is tensed. You wait, a true predator closing in on his prey. 'NO. No. How dare you!? Who the fuck do you think you are?' Adrenaline surges through me, the rage of a person who has been fucked over one too many times by rich assholes like you. When I charge you, you're too stunned to react. Your mouth flies open when I knock your shoulders into the seat behind you. "Fuck you!" I slam my fist into your jaw and your head snaps back. Your eyes are dazed, the confusion gives me time to do what I need to do - what I'm meant to do to you. Before the haze has fully cleared from your eyes I knock you off balance again by straddling your thighs. You're starting to go semi-soft, so I quickly slide my hot cunt up and down your shaft. Now you're the one gasping and I'm the one laughing. "Is this what you need?" I taunt. I punch you again and feel your cock harden against my lips. "Perfect!" Leaning over you, I bring my face close, your breath on my mouth as you pant through your still gaping mouth. Your face is a picture of confusion. "Boy, you fucked with the wrong cunt tonight." I slowly lick around your gaping, aristocratic lips and simultaneously torture your cock head by mimicking the circling movement over your dick with the tip of my large, engorged clit. Your hands flex on the seat and I can tell you're about to try to regain control. Slowly, agonizingly, I slide your cock between my thick, hot lips down to my opening. You still. I penetrate you with my gaze and order you: "Ask nicely." Your jaw clenches. You never ask for pussy. I quirk my brow, returning your earlier gesture. Your lips slam into mine and you fight against the weight of my legs on yours, arching your hips forward. I dart my hips backwards, allow only the briefest breach of your cock head into my core. Your hips jerk after mine, as if I had your cock tied on a leash. We fall into the isle, bodies clashing for dominance. I'm fighting with all my strength, possessed by the need to fuck you, too proud to let you fuck me. Neither of us is surprised when you finally pin me against the seat, next to the small puddle of pussy juice from earlier. "You uppity little whore! I should nut in your tight little ass for this and leave you laying in your own slime to finish yourself off." "Mmm, please!" I moan, rolling my hips into your pelvis. Your cock is at my entrance now and I haven't got the strength to stop you. I'm so wet that your head slips past my pubic bone easily. I've long since perforated my hymen with greedy dildo sessions but I'm still virgin tight. "Yessss." You hiss. "Ready, whore? Open for me." You're so wide and I'm so tight that you find your progress slowing in the velvet grip of my pussy as it spasms around your invasion. I know you wouldn't believe me if I told you you were my first, so I try to focus on relaxing my muscles. But you're so thick I feel like I am being split apart. "Slow down." I beg. You're sucking at my neck, oblivious to my pain, so I slide my hand under your shirt and tweak your nipple, hard. "Slow down, motherfucker, you're going to tear me." You groan in satisfaction and nip my neck. You cock is relentless, almost half way in now. I vaguely register we're at a stop now and a few passengers have boarded the next car up. "They'll see us! They'll think you're raping me." "So what?" You're crouching down to suck my nipples now. God! The feeling shoots straight from my tits to my clit. "So," I flex my cunt muscles to get your attention, "I don't want some old lady running in here to beat you over the head with her vera bradly purse out of a misguided desire to save my honor. What I want is for you to fuck me slow and deep until I squirt all over this disgusting subway car." That registers. You twist your head around to asses the threat, your cock shifting in my sheath. "Idiot." I laugh, pushing you backwards. We land on the floor and you're still inside me. You shouldn't be surprised that I've taken advantage again. And really, it's for your benefit too, now that we're concealed behind the bench of seats you were first jacking on, we can make this last as long as we want. "Let me ride you at my pace. They won't know we're here and we can go as long as we want - as many stops as you dare. Maybe someone will even get on the front of our car. You'd like that, wouldn't you, you filthy perv?" I'm cajoling you with my pussy too, swirling my hips to the pace of my words. You've made me want this delicious perversion too. The tension melts from your body and I feel your hands circling my hips. "I need you to touch me," I admit. "Oh, yeah? Is that so?" "I want to take you deeper but I'm so tense and you're so big. Help me relax?" "I like you tight like this." Your grip tightens, threatening to pull me down. "No! I'll tear. Please. I can make this really good for you. Get me off and I'll be ready." "Fine. But if you get too loose I will take your ass." A shudder ripples through me. For all the protestation, you're remarkably adept. Your fingers softly part my puffy outer lips and gently trace the ridges of my inner lips, trailing down to the ring of flesh stretched around your cock. Teasing me, you curl them upward, slowly stroking upward, ever closer to my clit. "God, don't stop! Please touch me." "Where?" "Higher." "Here?" You pull away and massage your palm onto the crest of my mons. "Fuck, man. Fucking tease." "What? You said higher." Your hands slide upward to my belly. "Go back. My clit. My clit. I need you there." "See how rewarding it is to acquiesce?" Now I'm growling at him. "Touch me." Finally! I swallow a scream as you circle the head of my clit. "Fuck, your clit is huge! It's like a little dick." Your excitement takes me higher and blood surges into my cunt, further distending my giant clit. "Fucking hell, you're amazing. You never know what you'll see on the subway," you muse while you push run your fingers down my length, pulling my hood away from my glans. "Hmmm, yes, you have no idea," I return, "please, don't stop! Jerk my clit-dick!" I don't really register your comment and thankfully you've decided to stop teasing. Your fingers are masterful. Suddenly my world has become centered on the cool friction of my hood running across the head of my clit and the throbbing pressure of your cock jammed up against my g-spot, rocking into me with the rhythm of the car. "Unbelievable. You're still getting harder!" "I'm so close! I can't take it!" Abruptly the car lurches to a stop. We're at the next station and the change in velocity forces me down onto your cock another inch. We both cry out. I tumble over the edge, my clit throbbing in your grip and my pussy pulsating around your shaft. I'm flowing. I barely hear your shout above the blood rushing in my head as I drench you in my juices. The world goes black. When I come to you're slowly stroking circles into my lower back, still hard, buried fully inside of my cunt. You're so still. "Wha - " you silence me with a finger to my lips. Your face is taut and your gaze is fixed over my back. I slowly turn around. An elderly man is sitting on my wet spot, staring at my ass, massaging his cock through the fabric of his pants. I can't move. His eyes alight on my tit, and he rubs harder. To my complete horror, there are voices at the other end of the car. I turn to you and we exchange a long stare. "They don't know. He's the only one who knows." You whisper. The old man kicks my leg. I look back at him and he kicks me again. "Fuck him, bitch." I feel you jerk and harden further. I know this is your fantasy, but it is my worst nightmare. "Fuck him or I call them over to see you two." I bury my face in your neck and feel tears burning at my eyes. At his third kick, I lift my hips away from the warmth of your groin. You slide out of me and the cold air rushes in against my cunt. I feel utterly exposed. You would be fine, I know you would buy your way out of whatever trouble we got in, but my life would be over. I imagine how someone like me would fair in prison and decide I have to do whatever it takes to make this old geezer happy. I ride you as fast as I can with my cunt newly split open. The old man starts to huff and wheeze. My stomach turns but I know his sounds are a good sign; he'll cum and we can stop. I glance up at you and see your eyes are still fixed on him, on his dick precisely. You're flushed with pleasure and it reminds me of some patrician god. I'm angry that you get to freely enjoy this. Speeding up, I try to ignore the way your cock bottoms out in me and the tantalizing pull of your cock head across my g-spot. I will not cum during this performance, I vow. A soft, rhythmic sound reaches my ears, flesh on flesh. The old man must be palming himself now. Your hips are rocking into me and I just want it to end, so I start curling my hips and clenching at you like the best of whores. Now you're gasping and it's all I can hear, your soft gasps and the geezers sickening wheezing. Surely they will hear him, he sounds like he's about to die. But if he dies, then we can stop! I almost laugh. You're thrusting so fast and deep, I can't keep up with your pace. I'm finally getting fucked, fully owned and humiliated. "Hurry up, if you cum it'll be over." I beseech you to end it. "Already came. It will take longer this time. You can't rush perfection." "You came in me!?" "Before," you grunt out. I bite into your shoulder in spite. You go deeper. "Yeah, bitch. Ride him harder. You in heat, bitch?" The old man gasps. I can't take any more. It has to end. I twist around and flash my tits at him. His cock is nearly in my face. Looking him in the eye, I open my mouth as if to catch his cum and sensuously slide my hands up to my tits. Wetting a finger, I start tweaking my nipple. The old man's eyes bulge and his cock erupts all over my ass. Warm ropes of geezer jizz across my crack, where you massage them into my skin. "Yes! Fuck me!" I hear you gasp and your seed boils over into my pussy. The old man zips up and tosses a pack of one dollar bills on my back. It's his stop. I'm trying not to sob and you grab my chin. "Hey, hey, you did good. He's gone now," you're a charmer, pretending to care, "keep quiet, with any luck the rest of them will get off soon too." I frown at you and you smile your cheeky, mischievous smile. "Get fucked, man." I mutter. I drop my head into your chest. "Yes, I'm beginning to see the appeal of that." Your hand snakes between me and pulls your limp dick from my cunt. You start to rub it up and down my slit. "What are you doing?" "That was one hell of a performance. Repaying the favor." "Just - Oh - s-s-stop." "Wouldn't dream of it. You've got a subway car to drench, if I recall." "Oh my god," I pant, "they'll hear me!" You catch my mouth in a kiss, slowly fucking my mouth with your tongue. You've become too sensitive now and switch to circling my clit shaft with your fingers. I can't resist you. It's too intense. When you gently slide a knuckle over my clit head, the soft touch sets me off again. You swallow my soft moans and I know I can let go. I squirt again, less this time, but by now you're completely drenched in my cum. The train stops again and I sigh a breath of relief as the other passengers leave. We're finally alone. "This is me." I say, pulling on my jeans. "Wait. Do you - " "I hear there's a problem with men jacking off on the subway. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" "Of course not, that's truly perverse." Your cheeky smile is back. "That's too bad, because I've been trying to find one to ride home." "I would try this line again tomorrow, around this time." "Perfect." pantyhat

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