Free Naked - The Unexposed Secret Of Nakedgirls

by EuniceQem594611 posted Oct 18, 2015


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ex girlfriend picI wrote this a few years ago and I figured I'd share it here It was a sunny summer day and a pleasantly cool breeze blew over Emma as she was helping her granddad dig in his yard. She was on summer break from the local university and spent a lot of time with him. When Emma was ten her parents had died in a car crash and she moved in with her grandparents. Emma's grandma had died two years ago which encouraged her decision to go to college locally, allowing her to stay close to her grandfather even though all her close friends went out of state. The fact that her parents left her a four room apartment in an 18th century building on the north side of downtown had a little something to do with it as well. Emma had realised early on that she was a lesbian, she had tried to date guys a couple of times to try to conform to the rest of the girls in school but the boys just didn't do anything for her. Her first experience with the fairer sex had been with her best friend growing up, what had started as kissing practice had soon developed into a real relationship. This coupling ended when the girls turned fifteen and Emma's best friend had to move with her parents to another state, leaving Emma heartbroken and longing for a new relationship. This culminated in her making an ill-advised move on one of the popular girls at a party, ostracising her from the in-crowd and forcing her to spend the last years of high school as an outsider. When she was sixteen she told her grandparents that she was a lesbian and they embraced it wholeheartedly, making Emma love them all the more. Emma had turned to the track-team after her embarrassing episode at the party, turning her pent up lust, frustration and anger into energy fueling her as she ran. Emma was now an athletic brunette 20 years old, she was a bit taller then average at 5 feet 10 inches. She had a toned and tanned physique from her years on the track-team with long slender legs and a very nice ass but she was pretty flat-chested. She often dressed in a tomboyish manner but still tried to accentuate her legs and ass, she had a short and messy haircut that highlighted her high cheekbones. After blowing her unruly hair out of her face Emma lifted a boulder, she noticed something glimmering beneath and after dumping the boulder in the wheelbarrow she got down on her knees to pick the shiny object up. After some careful excavation she found herself holding a beautiful and elaborate metal bracelet. Emma realised that it was very old and probably should be donated to a museum but something about it captivated her and Emma ran excitedly to the house to clean up the bracelet to try it on. After washing it and making it gleam she saw that it was made of silver crafted in the form of two serpents with emerald eyes. It was made to spiral the wearer's forearm in a criss-cross pattern from elbow to wrist with the heads of the serpents meeting at the wrist with their necks crossing. Emma was entranced by the beauty of the bracelet and eagerly slid her right hand through the spirals, amazed at how well it fit. As she stood there admiring it a glow began to emanate from its emerald eyes. The serpents suddenly came alive and wrapped tightly around her forearm and opened their mouths wide to sink their metal fangs deep into veins of her wrist. Before she could even react her mind shifted and suddenly she was in what must have been a dream standing in front of two giant serpents, the same silver serpents that were wrapped around her arm in real life. As she stood there, terrified and confused, the serpents spoke as one. "We are gods of fertility and change and in the bracelet you are wearing some of our power is instilled. You can change your body and appearance at will. If you touch a person you can gain a complete imprint of their personality, memories and physique so you will have the ability to change into them at any time. The only thing we claim in return is the orgasmic energy from you and your lovers which is something you won't even notice. If you miss-use the power we have granted you, you will be punished. We will not appear to you again but we will always be at your side, the bracelet is now a part of you and you can not remove it without dying. Fare well!" Emma woke from her dream just a second after the bite and as she sat down dumbfounded on the nearest chair she realised that the fear she had felt as the bracelet came to life had completely dissipated. She somehow knew that everything the serpent gods had told her was true and she accepted it without question. The bracelet seemed to be grafted to her skin now and flexed smoothly with her muscles when she rotated her hand. Eager to test what the bracelet could do she looked down on her small bra-less a-cup breasts, her biggest disappointment with her own body. First she just thought about the change and nothing happened but as she focused they started growing, slowly at first, then faster and faster until she was a solid c-cup. As she made her tits grow she realised that any action with the bracelet had to be a conscious act of will, as moving your arm opposed to thinking about moving your arm. She was now threatening to rip her tight t-shirt, large stiff nipples almost poking through. As her breasts grew she felt herself growing wet, an unexpected side-effect of the bracelet's power. Emma stared down at herself with a big grin plastered on her face until she realised that she was risking being caught by her granddad and shrank her chest back. This left her t-shirt loose over her again tiny breasts as she headed out to finish the day's work so she could head home and explore her new-found powers properly. To help with the progress on the herbal garden they were preparing she concentrated on her entire body, making it more ripped and muscled and then she focused on her hands, making them bigger and stronger. With her new body the work went very fast and since her grandpa had poor eyesight he failed to see the subtle changes in her body. Emma's mind already buzzed with the incredible possibilities the bracelet gave her but she remembered what the Serpent Gods had said about abusing her powers. She figured that as long as she did what felt morally right to her she would be in the clear. After she was done with the garden she changed her body back to normal and hugged her grandfather good bye and headed to her car. As soon as she got in to the car she made her breasts grow to a d-cup and then she drove, hot and horny, the half hour drive home. As she drove she was feeling herself up the whole time, hefting the unfamiliar weight and twisting, pulling and pinching her nipples. It was a miracle that she arrived home in one piece! When she arrived at her apartment she ran into the shower and tore off her clothes to admire her new breasts and see if she wanted to change anything else. Her breasts were round, perky and perfect and Emma just stood for several minutes just caressing herself, feeling their weight. She could even bring the nipples to her mouth to suck on, an incredible new feeling. After a while she looked over the rest of her body, she gave her hips a bit more flare to compensate for her now huge breasts and removed all hair from her entire body and made her skin softer and more sensitive. Emma also made her already pouty lips a bit more bee-stung. After this she stepped in to the shower to wash the grime of gardening from her now perfect body. Emma was still incredibly horny, more turned on then she could ever remember being, probably a direct cause of the bracelet. After washing the soap off she sat down in the shower and lifted her right breast to her mouth and started to suck and nibble, then she took her other nipple and started pinching and twisting it with her left hand, the combination of pleasure and pain almost pushed her over the edge without even touching her pussy. Her right hand caressed her incredibly smooth belly and then quickly found its way down to her sopping wet pussy. Emma spread her lips and gently massaged her clit, coaxing it from its hood and then gently circling it with her fingertip before milking the stem like a little cock. Emma felt very hot and wanted to be filled hard and fast. She pushed two fingers in deep to rub her g-spot, pounding herself furiously and slapping her clit with her palm on every in-stroke. Emma felt the walls of her pussy starting to spasm and bit down hard on the nipple in her mouth and pulled the other one as far from her body as it would go and came hard, screaming around her breast and squirting against the shower door. She stared in surprise at the shower door, she had never squirted before and was amazed by the power of her orgasm. Emma however was still not satisfied and wanted to fill her pussy to the brim. She shifted her agile body so that her knees were by her shoulders and her upper arms rested at the back of her thighs so she could see her pussy as she sucked her nipples. She reinserted her fingers one by one until all four were in and worked them deeply. She stared to work them in and out with long strokes, faster and faster. Still not satisfied she made her fingers grow longer and longer until she bottomed out in her soaked pussy, actually feeling her cervix with her fingertips. Emma had never felt this full and loved the feeling, she came again and again, squirting floods of cum all over herself, making her fingers thicker and thicker after each orgasm until she was a quivering mass on the shower floor. Emma was so fucked out that she didn't even have the strength to pull her elongated fingers out of her stretched and satisfied pussy before slipping into blissful darkness. After laying exhausted under the stream of hot water for half an hour she regained enough strength to get up and get cleaned up again. When she pulled her fingers from her pussy she was a little freaked out, her fingers were ten inches long and thick and gnarly as a lumberjack's. Emma quickly made her fingers grow back to normal and then examined her well-fucked pussy to see if there was any lasting damage done but it had already closed up most of the way and was almost as tight as usual. It seemed to Emma that her sex drive had increased and she had a new-found ability to cum multiple times after getting the bracelet since she had never masturbated until she passed out before. Getting out of the shower Emma realised she was famished and dressed in the few clothes that still fit her, a very stretchy top, no bra, and tight jeans and then headed out to her favorite restaurant in the neighborhood. The main reason Emma loved the quaint little restaurant just across the street, besides the terrific food, was an extremely cute and friendly waitress. She was a former classmate and friend that always stopped to talk and flirt with her even when they were swamped. Emma had fantasised about taking Anna, that was the waitress' name, home and making love to her all night long but she had never had the courage. Anna was a fiery redhead, a short and curvy bundle of joy with pale skin, big green eyes, perky c-cup breast and an ass to die for. Anna had moved in from Scotland for the senior year and had as a fellow outsider been drawn in to Emma's small crowd. Emma had never gotten to know her as closely as she would've liked because she fell in love with her and her lovely accent and had a hard time hiding it. This night Emma sat down in a corner booth completely out of view in the almost empty restaurant, there were actually more staff then costumers, and watched Anna walk over. She was determined to take her home, and with the help of the bracelet she felt much more confident and knew it was possible. Emma had noticed a change in the way she thought and imagined the outcome of things, it seemed that the bracelet had given her a more positive outlook on life as opposed to the more negative way she had seen things before. She was a bit freaked out that the bracelet could not only change her body but was affecting her mind as well but as the changes so far were all positive she pushed her fears and doubts to the back of her mind and focused on getting Anna to come home with her. As Anna approached, as usual wearing jeans and a restaurant t-shirt, she noticed something was different with her favorite customer. When she reached the table and Emma lowered her menu Anna's jaw dropped at the sight of the huge boobs that protruded from the formerly flat-chested girl. Emma laughed out loud at the incongruous, slack jawed look on Anna's face and innocently said, "Hi, how have you been? I'm up here by the way." Anna tore her eyes from her friend's new tits and blushed as she sat down opposite Emma in the booth and asked "Where the hell did those things come from, I just saw you a few days ago and there is no way you could have gotten implants and be well enough to get up and about!" "No, they're not implants, it's all me." Emma said with a big smile. "How the hell is that possible!?" Anna asked, her eyes drifting back down, transfixed to Emma's beautiful orbs. "It's done by magic, you silly little girl!" Emma answered in a mock British accent. "Ha ha, very funny." Anna said in a deadpan voice. "No, it really is like magic, why don't you take my order and then take a break and join me for dinner and I'll tell you all about it." After Anna agreed Emma placed her order and waited as Anna headed of for the kitchen to ask her boss for a dinner break. As Emma saw Anna heading towards her again Emma decided to freak Anna out a bit more and shrank her breasts down to their original size. As Anna arrived at her table she just stared at Emma and then slumped down opposite her in the booth and exclaimed: "Am I losing my mind or what, I could have sworn you had huge... " Anna turned red as her voice trailed away. Emma just looked at her for a while, thinking that she was incredibly cute when she blushed and then focused on her breasts and made them fill out again and reveling in the amazed expression on Anna's face. "I told you it was magic! Just wait until you see what else I can do." As Emma said that last part she lowered her voice seductively and reached her bare foot under the table to caress Anna's bare, smooth leg. This got a look of surprise from Anna but she didn't flinch away and soon her nipples poked through her t-shirt. Then a shout came from the kitchen saying that the food was ready and Anna got up with a dreamy look on her face and headed off to get their dinner. Emma had suspected that the feelings she had for Anna was reciprocated for a few months and she was elated by the way the cute redhead had responded to her advances. She scooted in on the round vinyl couch to make room for Anna so that they could sit next to each other and sat back with a huge smile on her face, it seemed that she was finally getting the girl of her dreams and she sent a silent prayer of thanks to the gods of the bracelet. After Anna returned they sat close together and Emma told Anna everything about the bracelet as they ate a great dinner. Anna was amazed at what the bracelet could do and ran her fingers gently over the spiralled snakes running the length of Emma's forearm. Emma was careful not to steal Anna's imprint, she felt that it would be a violation of their friendship and should be given freely. After the explanation and a little more show and tell they spoke of everything, getting to know each other better and casually touching. They felt very natural with each other, Emma being more of a tom-boy and Anna being a very feminine creature. When Anna came back from the kitchen with their deserts Emma got her arm around the redhead's shoulders in a casual way and then, a few minutes later when the conversation came into a lull, their eyes locked and Emma leaned in slowly, their lips meeting for the very first time. The kiss started out slow with their lips touching gently and then Emma started caressing Anna's lips softly with her tongue, nudging them open. Anna had never felt such soft lips or felt such closeness in a kiss and eagerly accepted the brunette's tongue into her welcoming mouth, intertwining it with her own tongue and then sucking gently. They both were amazed with the tastes and scents coming from each other, almost getting lost in the exquisite bouquet. As the kiss grew more and more intense their hands started roaming over each others bodies as much as they could reach sitting next to each other, forgetting that they were in a public place. Emma caressed Anna's back and down to her perfect ass while her other hand focused on the redhead's thighs, flat stomach and even copping a feel of her beautiful and perfectly proportioned breasts as she felt her own pussy soaking her panties. Anna used one of her hands to keep hold of the tall brunette's neck, almost as if she was afraid the kiss would end, while her other hand copied what was done to her. When their hands landed on each others tits they moaned into the kiss and almost started to tear the clothes of each other before they remembered where they were and reluctantly pulled apart. When they had pulled away from each other Anna said with a breathless but exited voice as she gazed lovingly into Emma's eyes. "Oh my God, I never knew it could feel like that to kiss another person! It was the most amazing thing I've ever felt, I think I almost came just from that kiss!" That last part came out before Anna could stop herself and made Anna's pale, freckled cheeks blush furiously. "Oh, you're so cute when you blush, but don't be embarrassed, it was the best kiss I've ever felt too and it almost hurt to pull away. Come on, I'll pay and then we can get out of here and home to my place." Anna just nodded, a bit scared by how fast things were moving but everything just felt so right. They made their way out of the restaurant, holding hands and giggling, sneaking kisses as they passed over the street and in to the elevator in Emma's apartment building. While they rode the elevator Emma pushed Anna up against the wall with and mashed her body against the smaller girl as closely as possible, wanting to feel all of her at once as she kissed her passionately once again. As the kiss grew even more intense the much smaller redhead wrapped her legs around the taller brunette as she was lifted up by the tight and loving embrace. When the elevator doors opened Emma placed her hands under Anna's luscious ass and carried her still kissing to her door, not caring what her neighbours saw. After getting the door open she carried her prize directly in to the bedroom, kicking the door shut as she went. Emma leaned forward and placed Anna gently down in the middle of her large bed before breaking the kiss. She stared deeply into those amazing green eyes before she placed gentle kisses on Anna's freckled button nose, her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks and then down to her left ear, gently licking, nibbling and sucking the earlobe, eliciting sexy moans and tremors from her lover. She then made her way down the pale neck with wet kisses and licks to the collarbone and further down as Anna's fingers caressed her hair. The sounds and tremors she was eliciting from Anna were the most erotic and exciting Emma had ever heard and she became almost obsessed with finding new ways to derive these reactions. When her lips touched fabric she shifted her body and started kissing around the navel, slowly inching Anna's top up while planting kisses and licks all over her midriff, marking her advance. The tall brunette soon reached her target, a pair of lusciously round and perky breasts encased in a white lacy front-clasped bra. She placed kisses along the lacy edge as she pushed the top over Anna's head and then smiled up at her and leaned forward to kiss her while she unclasped her bra. Emma then shifted her attention down again and started to kiss and caress those pale and slightly freckled breasts, shifting from left to right and slowly circling towards large rock hard pink nipples with small aureoles. As Emma placed the right nipple in her mouth, gently sucking and licking, and taking the left one between thumb and forefinger and gently pinching and rolling it she was surprised by the strong reaction from Anna. The redhead let out a loud moan as her entire body started shaking and then she grasped Emma's hair tightly, pulling her even closer, almost choking her with her tits. Emma realised that Anna had just had an orgasm solely from nipple play and was elated that she could bring such pleasure to the object of her affection. "Oh God, I've never exp OOHH!" Anna started to exclaim but she was cut short by Emma who had gotten naked while she was still dazed and had just torn off Anna's jeans and panties in one quick move. Emma quickly got in between the milky thighs and kissed all around her target before kissing her hairless nether lips and up over the red tuft of hair at the top. Emma reveled in the softness of her lover's body and couldn't wait any longer before tasting the nectar that was flowing from that lovely coral colored flower. She licked from the bottom of the slit, collecting wonderfully tasting juices as she parted the redheads fleshy inner lips and finishing with a quick lap at her still hooded clit. Emma used one hand to reach up and massage Anna's breasts while she used her other hand to pull back the hood of the clit while she fluttered her tongue fast over the engorged pink pearl. This drove Anna closer and closer to the edge and as she lay there panting and moaning out, "Oh God, Oh God," again and again Emma delivered the final blow as she took the clit between her lips and squeezed and sucked hard as she pinched her left nipple, making Anna's hips lift of the bed and buck against her face. The orgasm seemed to go on for ever and just when Anna thought it was over Emma plunged her tongue deeply into her pussy, making her cum all over again. Emma pulled back for a while, just kissing up and down Anna's pale legs, kissing and sucking pretty feet and toes. As soon as she saw that Anna was returning down to earth she started at the soaking wet love hole again with a wicked new plan in mind. Emma wanted to use her powers to give Anna as much pleasure as possible so she made her mouth open open wider so she could have the entire pussy in her mouth at once, sucking hard to make a tight seal. She then snaked her tongue deeper and deeper inside, making it reach all the way inside until she could tickle Anna's cervix with the tip of her tongue. She made the upside of her tongue course and bumpy to stimulate the G-spot while she made a small second tongue to stimulate Anna's clit. As Emma did this she reached up and took hold of Anna's rock hard nipples and rolled and pulled them roughly. All this stimulation was almost to much for the Scottish redhead and she started cumming almost continuously, screaming so hard that no sound came out, as Emma almost drowned in her juices and savoured the way Anna's vaginal walls spasmed around her wiggling and pumping tongue. After almost a half hour of ecstasy Anna's body and mind gave out and she slipped in to exquisite oblivion. Emma had played with herself most of the time and had climaxed a few times as well. As Anna passed out she withdrew her tongue and made everything go back to normal before moving her lover beneath the covers, snuggling up close behind her. As Emma lay there with her nose nuzzled into the nape of Anna's neck and her arm wrapped around the softest, most wonderful body she had ever felt, she felt a wave of complete contentment and love wash over her as she drifted off to the best sleep of her life. Emma woke up to the most exquisite sensations emanating from her crotch and as she looked down between her still huge tits she saw a head of red hair between her spread thighs and heard slurping and muffled moans of contentment. When she reached down and ran her fingers through the soft curly hair Anna raised her her face up with a warm smile on her face and her chin covered in juices and said. "Good morning sleepy head, I've never known such pleasure as you gave me last night and I figured this would be a good way of paying you back. Plus, you just looked so delicious I couldn't stop myself!" "God, this is the greatest way to wake up ever, but you don't have to think you owe me anything, I've fantasized about last night for years! Now go ahead and finish your breakfast!" Anna just giggled and said with a mock-salute. "Yes ma'am! Right away ma'am!" before diving right back down and starting where she had left of. The brunette giggled at first but soon started moaning as the redhead worked her lips and tongue over her entire crotch. Anna licked and slurped at the over flowing pussy, she had never known that another woman could taste so good or that there could be so much pleasure in giving pleasure to another person. She was also amazed at the huge amounts of liquid that was pouring out and eagerly drank all she could as if it was the fountain of life. She saw that some of the abundant juices were running down between Emma's round ass-cheeks and before she knew it she was eagerly lapping at a cute pink rosebud. Emma had never had her ass played with but she found it to be incredible and moaned loudly and bucked against Anna's face. The eager moans coming from above pushed the Scottish girl to work her tongue inside and she reveled in the decadence of having her tongue buried in another girl's anus. Anna noticed an increase in the juices flowing down to her mouth so she worked her way upwards again. She zeroed in on the engorged pink pearl at the top of the pink folds as she pushed a finger inside Emma's pussy. This pushed Emma over the edge and with a scream she started squirting all over her lover. Anna was surprised but quickly pulled herself together and placed her mouth at the opening, but not before getting a liberal amount of girl-cum on her pale breasts. She was eagerly drinking the vast amounts shooting from her lover's convulsing cunt, prolonging the orgasm as much as possible with quick licks to the clit between squirts. As Emma came down from her high Anna gently inserted two fingers and curled them upward to massage her g-spot. Emma felt that same urge to be filled she had felt in the shower yesterday and stared moaning "More" on every in-stroke. Anna added a third finger, the most she had ever used herself while masturbating, but the pleads for more kept coming. She worked a forth finger inside and worked them in and out deeper and deeper until her thumb rested against Emma's clit, eliciting another orgasm from her new love, coating her arm in girl-cum. Even as the orgasm washed over Emma she was begging for more so Anna did something she had only read about on the net. She pulled her hand back a bit and folded her thumb into the palm of her hand and pushed forward again. Her hand slipped in with surprising ease and she felt that there was even more room inside once past the outer ring of muscles so she folded her fingers slowly into a fist and started working gently in and out. Emma was going wild with the sensations and was acting like a girl possessed, bucking and shaking and cumming almost continually, her juices soaking the bed beneath her. During a lull in the waves of pleasure Emma managed to get out "Please! I want even more, I want to be filled completely! I loved what you did with my asshole before, finger me there too please!" Anna was amazed at the request but was eager to comply, anything for the girl that had given her such pleasure the night before. She started working her fist in and out with longer strokes as she used the fingertip of the index finger of her other hand around the rim of the beautiful pink pucker, already lubricated abundantly from the juices flowing from above. As she pushed her finger inside the asshole seemed to suck her in and when she had her entire finger inside the muscles of Emma's ass started milking the invading finger as she came again in a huge orgasm. As Emma finished cumming again her anus relaxed around Anna's finger and she was able to easily work two more fingers inside. Emma was immediately in the throws of another orgasm, she couldn't believe how incredibly full she felt and how amazing that feeling was. She knew this new ability and lack of inhibition came from the bracelet but she didn't care, she had never felt this good! As Emma came again and again her ass became more and more relaxed and Anna had soon worked her entire hand inside her ass as well and was now working her hands out and in with hard and long alternating strokes. She was amazed at the feeling of intimacy and connection she felt to her lover and at the incredible abilities of her nether orifices. After about half an hour as her arms started growing tired Anna finally managed to push Emma over the brink one last time with a gentle nibble of her clit, the brunette's body and mind overloaded with exquisite pleasure and pain. After she passed out Anna pulled her hands gently from the still quivering body and as she licked the juices from her fingers as she watched the incredible sight of Emma's gaping holes. Anna leaned forward and licked all the juices she could from her lover's crotch before getting up from the bed and covering up her lover before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. Twenty minutes later Emma awoke to the sound of soft singing coming from her bathroom and the strong musk of sex that permeated the bedroom. She just lay there feeling content and happy for a while before getting out of bed feeling strangely well rested and heading for the sweet sounds coming from the talented mouth of her new girlfriend. At first she just stood there, taking delight in the shape of her lover's body clearly visible through the glass door of the shower and listening with a smile as Anna sang a slow and strangely beautiful version of You Shook Me All Night Long. Emma tip-toed forward and slid open the door before quietly sneaking up behind her and embracing her new love, eliciting a shriek and a laugh as Anna leaned back into her. Anna quickly got over her surprise and they started soaping each others bodies and kissing and giggling in the stream of the shower, rubbing their soapy tits together. After drying each other off Emma led Anna to the bed again, eager to show her gratitude for the amazing morning greeting she had just received. The tall brunette had been fascinated with the short redhead's ass for years and was now eager to examine it up close. She placed a couple of pillows in the center of the bed and then got Anna to lay down with her breasts and shoulders resting on the bed and her head to the side, her hips resting high and her legs spread wide, her hands reaching back to spread her cheeks even wider, presenting her pretty asshole and wet pussy. Emma eagerly leaned forward and started planting wet kisses all over that round bubble butt before leaning down further to eat out her new lover's juicy pussy. She made her tongue longer and stronger so she could get at all of the yummy juices without craning her neck too much and started taking long swipes from clit to asshole, starting with and ending each lick with a swirl. Emma immediately fell in love with the taste and feel of Anna's rosebud against her tongue and soon focused all of her tongue's attention at that tight orifice while her fingers played softly with the pussy beneath. As Emma worked her tongue deeper and deeper inside she pushed Anna closer and closer to cumming. Emma made her tongue longer and thicker and was soon fucking Anna's ass with seven inches of her now very thick tongue as she massaged her clit with her fingers. This finally pushed the Scottish redhead over the edge and she came in her first anally induced orgasm. It was unlike any other, starting deeper inside her body and spread out until her entire body tingled. As Emma sat back admiring the panting beauty before her and shrank her tongue back she got a wicked idea. She looked down on her own crotch and focused. Her clit started growing and changing, her pee-hole disappeared and reappeared at the tip of her growing clit, making it look more like what it was becoming, a cock! When Emma had a very thick and hard uncircumcised 10 inch cock jutting out above her dripping vagina she was finally satisfied. Anna had gotten up on her elbows and stared wide-eyed at the monstrosity aimed at her tight pussy, wondering how the hell it would fit and eager to find out. Emma rubbed the head of her new cock up and down along Anna's slit, marvelling at the new sensations emanating from her new appendage. The feeling was strange but wonderful, she had less sensation in the head of her cock then she had had in her clit but that was probably a good thing as it would take more pressure inside it's target. The strangest thing was sliding the smooth and soft skin over that rock hard tube beneath and feeling the foreskin sliding gently back and forth over the cock-head as she pumped it with her hand. She found Anna's tight hole and gently but firmly pushed forward until the head was completely buried inside before she stopped and asked. "Are you alright, I made it as big as I would've wanted it myself, I just wanted to please you every way I could think of." "Yeah, I'm fine, just take it slow until i get used to it, I've never had anything close to that size inside me. Just the head feels incredible though!" With that Emma started pumping her big, new cock gently in and out, going deeper and deeper while getting a hang on how to move her hips. When she was about halfway inside Anna started moving back in time with her thrusts, pushing herself further and further onto the big pole that was splitting her in half until it finally bottomed out, making Anna cum hard. As Emma felt the spasms around her new cock she thought she had died and gone to heaven and she came hard as well. Emma had made it so that the juices that normally squirted from her pussy would squirt from her new cock and that same ability to have multiple orgasms would help her stay hard for a long long while. The force of Emma's ejaculation caused a second, stronger orgasm in Anna, this seemed to go on for an eternity as Emma gently stirred her cock as she came herself, revelling in contractions massaging her new cock. Emma then started plunging her cock in and out in long thrusts, faster and faster, slapping her hips against Anna's ass, loving the way it jiggled as she held on to her narrow waist. Anna was overcome by the fast pace and could do nothing but take it, she was so weakened that she didn't have the strength to keep her head up and fell forward to her original position. She had never felt anything close to this with any guy, she loved the feeling of being completely filled and the submissive feelings this position made her feel towards her taller and stronger lover. Anna came again and again as Emma angled her cock to drag across the roof of her vagina on each thrust and twirled her hips deep inside, filling Anna until she overflowed again and again with copious amounts of cum. After what must have been over an hour Emma felt her energy waning so she slowed down to a complete stop buried deep inside her lovers quivering and swollen pussy. She leaned forward and pulled Anna up into a tight embrace in her lap so that both sat upright with Anna's back resting against Emma's flat stomach and pillowy bosom, her creamy round buttocks resting against soft waist and thighs and her pussy still full of gloriously thick cock. As Anna slowly gyrated her hips Emma ran her hands up and down her body, teasing nipples and caressing every soft curve. As she did this Emma planted kisses along Anna's left shoulder, up her slender neck and to her ear, and then over to the other side to repeat the same pattern. As she got up to Anna's right ear she summoned her courage and whispered. "I love you Anna." Anna froze in her lap and Emma was terrified that she had gone to far, but then Anna leaned to the side to look into her eyes and said with complete sincerity and obvious affection. "I love you too!" Anna then leaned in and they shared the most perfect kiss yet, there was so much emotion and released tension flowing out from each of them that it was almost too much. After they parted, panting for breath, they wanted to feel even closer but neither of them could stand pulling apart completely. Emma leaned back as Anna rose slowly from her lap, careful not to pull of completely from the magnificent cock that had just given her such indescribable pleasures. After they preformed some slow-motion acrobatics they came face to in a tight embrace. Both lovers were exhausted but for the life of them they didn't want to stop so they just stayed like that for a long while. Their sweaty breasts gliding against the others as they kissed and whispered sweet nothings. Emma was completely buried inside Anna's pussy and her smooth mound caressed the redhead's clit as they slowly gyrated their hips while their hands roamed each others bodies. After an hour the pressure had built to never before reached heights and they stared deeply into each others eyes as Emma caressed her way down to where their bodies connected. With one touch she pushed Anna to a massive orgasm and watching the waves of ecstasy, devotion and love that rushed through Anna's whole being was the most incredible thing Emma had ever experienced. Anna's vaginal walls contracted around Emma's new appendage and pushed her over the edge as well and she came for a long time, her juices flowing out around her cock in massive amounts as they fueled each others ecstasy further and further. After what felt like an eternity they finally crested the wave of pure bliss they were riding and exhausted, they fell over to the side and with one last kiss drifted of to sleep again, Emma's softening cock still connecting them. Mr_Owlow
