Free Pov Porn - 3 Things To Do Immediately About Amateur

by SallieWillcock3961 posted Oct 18, 2015


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amaetur allureA long and emma amateur allure harsh winter has befallen the kingdom of Serendon. Biting frost and scathing winds sheered the cliffs of the lands castle but no element bears the strength to break the walls of Palebrook Castle. It's princess, Emily Ailgorn, lay restless in her chambers. A dreaded sense of lust coupled with a crippling anxiety has overtaken her. She had asked her chamber maids if they could assist her in coping with her urges but they simply scoffed and jested at her inexperience. "Eight-teen years and not one of them spent learning about herself. Is she really the heir to our kingdom? Hmph!" "Poor girl, give her some credit. Who has she to learn from? Oh, that's right, all the men in the kingdom!" Seeking comfort from the only source she trusts, Emily decides against her best judgement that she must consult her father, King Reignor Ailgorn of Serendon. She carefully walks the halls, making sure not to alert the night guard. As she passes one of the many grandiose windows decorating the castles corridors she notices a strange glimmering. Moonlight cascading off her nightgown adorned with wondrous baubles and accented by her milky white skin had set about a soft glow within the antechamber before her fathers bedroom. Continuing on, she knocks softly at first, then loudly to awake her father. She can hear her father groan as he rolls upright and flings the nearest object at the door, shouting, "No visitors! It's long into the night and I should be long into my slumber. State your name and business so I can deal with you properly come sunrise!" Shifting aside a small stone in the wall to allow her voice to carry to her father Emily mutters, "Father, it's me, Emily. I feel... strange, and would like to speak with you – please." Having realized his daughter may be injured or afflicted by foul magics, Reignor quickly jumps to attention and runs to unbar his door, opening it so Emily may enter. "Emily, my dearest princess, what ails you?" he asks. "Well," she attempts to close door behind her, seeking privacy, but the sheer mass of the door quickly defeats her. Reignor steps forward, shutting it with ease. "I feel strange, sort of, um. It isn't easy to explain. The chamber maids -" Her father interrupts, "Shall I call for our priest, or perhaps the apothecary?" "No!" she exclaims, bursting out embarrassed. "It's just that – I had asked the maids to help me, with, m-my lustful thoughts." Stammering now, she tries to explain herself but fails miserably. Reignor heavily sighs, "And how am I to help? I am your father, not some eunuch for your practice!" "So that may be, but you're the only one whom I can trust to not laugh or poke fun at me in the courtyards! You've always told me I should come to you for help, so why not now?!" His daughter had made a fine point, but it was a point that ran a very fine line through morality, ethics and Reignor's own sense of right and wrong. After some contemplation, he continues, "So then you ask me, in my own chambers that I've built through influence and strength to lay with my own daughter -" "Not lay, specifically" she interrupts, "To... erm, train in the way of p-pleasure. If it truly is as you brag, then nothing shall penetrate these walls, neither in, nor out." Finally persuaded, Reignor instructs Emily to help prepare the chamber. They draw closed the tapestries bordering the lunettes, their accompanying windows having already been covered. A chill ran up Emily's spine as the large quarters suddenly fell devoid of light. Reignor lit a fire within the hearth behind his bed to quell the darkness. For the first time Emily sees her father as nature would have it. As the fires light danced around the room, she took quick, curious looks at him. His broad shoulders and imposing stature now softened by the paleness of his skin and the smooth flow of his hair. No longer did he seem as destructive forces of divine might but as groomed, sculpted valleys of musculature and discipline. Distracted as she makes out his silhouette before the fire, he calls her to attention. "Come, sit." He states softly. Emily makes her way from the windows and sits upon the bed. "Now princess, I need you to stand up and sit with your shins beneath your things, your feet pointed out, like so." He motions to himself, showing Emily the position. As she begins to sit he gently grabs her hips, "Over here sweety." guiding her in front of him, her body perpendicular to his. His sudden change in tone finds Emily pleasantly surprised. Reignor spreads his knees creating two arches of support before continuing. "Now, I'm going to support you as you bend back, placing your lower back on my right leg, and your neck across my left leg." As Emily is lowered, Reignor takes care not to let any of her hair become trapped beneath her. He moves her thin, silvery hair aside and brushes a few strands away from kennedy amature allure her eyes. Emily's body now lay arched before him for the nights lesson. "Are you ready, my dear?" "Y-yes." She replies hesitantly. Reignor begins first by gently working her core. Running his hands over and down her stomach in wide, circular motions. Ever perceptive, Reignor carefully watches Emily's body, checking her expressions, watching for fidgets or twitches that may give away areas of greater pleasure. Emily begins to blush as his hands move further up her chest, now massaging the base of her breasts. "Relax, princess, there is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, nothing gets in, nothing goes out" Reignor chuckles as he uses his own brag, earlier used against him, back against Emily, hoping to comfort her. "It's just -" Emily begins to explain herself, "I wasn't aware that this area was so... sensitive. It only ever hurt when I wore harsh brocade." Surprised at the sheer magnitude of her inexperience, Reignor continues. Now circling her breasts fully, occasionally running down between them, across her waist and back up her sides. Applying a bit more pressure he runs his hands across the top of her breasts, his rough hands catching on her nipples as she winces in a mix of pain and pleasure. Noticing her sensitivity, Reignor decides this may be a good opportunity for Emily to learn something new about herself. He grabs her breasts, filling his palms and begins gently massaging them, working his fingers slowly closer to her nipples. He gives them a smooth pinch, rolling them between his thumb and index fingers as Emily's body perks up in response. With a sharp, deep breath she implores. "Ha ah, please more of that..." "Of course, princess." Reignor continues with his left hand, switching between breasts, pinching, prodding, and massaging to his daughters delight. He places his right hand, palm up, between her breast and slowly runs it down her chest, his nails tickling her stomach as his hands near her waist. He flips his hand and runs amature Allure blowjobs it down her thigh, tenderly asking once more. "I'd like to continue, but only if you're ready." "Yes!" She replies, this time with much more confidence and enthusiasm than before. Splitting his fingers into groups of two, Reignor firmly rubs her labia majora up and down, not forgetting to continue working her breasts. Emily's breathing deepens, further taxed by the pleasure. Reignor begins pinching her labia together now, squeezing from the bottom and pulling to the top as Emily's juices begin to ooze out of her. Her breathing sharpens, quickly moving from strong deep breaths to a quick panting, struggling to keep up. Reignor presses her labia majora aside with his first and last fingers, now rubbing her labia minora with his two middle fingers in a similar fashion. Pinching each pair of fingers before spreading them again, he pulls back his hand and begins to massage her clitoris. Using his two middle fingers he firmly pushes down her clitoral hood, her clit riding between his fingers before quickly circling back to start again. Gasping Emily begins to panic, and grabs Reignor's hand. "D-daddy I ca-an't breathe wh-en you do that!" Reignor backs off, returning to gentle rubbing motions and apologizes. "I'm sorry sweety, but if you want to finish, it may feel like that again." Emily's confidence now waning, she replaces it with faith in her father. Having caught her brought she quietly replies, "Alright, just don't hurt me, OK?" "Never would I let so much as a fly hurt you, my beautiful little princess." Reignor leans amateur allure full over, giving a soft reassuring kiss to Emily. As his warm lips come to pass, Reignor's hair caresses her face, a scent of honey mead and citrus fill her head, reminding her of warm summers amatuer allure gallery and kind springs. She lets go of Reignor's hand, and he continues. As waves of pleasure begin to wash over Emily she's caught off guard as Reignor deftly slipped a single finger deep inside her. She feels her entire lower body clench as her abs tense and she lifts herself from her fathers lap. She reaches out for anything to support herself with and finds only her father to cling to. Leaning into his chest, Reignor moves his arm around her shoulder and across her back to help support Emily's body. He continues to thrust his hand deep, out and again while maintaining a soft pressure on her clit with his thumb, stroking it gently, but increasing in speed. Overwhelmed with ecstasy her moans are choked out by gasps, her lungs competing for air against the powerful pulses of her body. Mere whimpers are all she can muster as her body bucks and trembles approaching climax. Inserting one last finger and slowing his thrusts to a strong, oval motion, unyielding against the walls of Emily's vagina Reignor brings her to orgasm. Emily can feel her whole body explode with pleasure, her midsection curling uncontrollably, pressing herself against her father, before falling back and curling again. Her hands, once palms grasping at thin air, now dug deep into Reignor's back, her nails tearing into his skin. He winces, then grins, knowing he's made his little girl happy. Emily falls back and rolls off her fathers legs, nearly collapsing as she hits the bed. Shivering with sheer bliss, she musters a small, "Thank you." before Reignor picks up the sheets, and tucks her in. "Your welcome" Reignor says sweetly into her ear, "And remember, if you ever need anything, you can always come to me." end So to anyone who managed to get through that mess: This is, clearly, my first "work". That being said, any criticism is appreciated. Also I may have screwed up formatting in some sections, woops. dishesInMyRoom
