Free Cam And Chat Rooms - Want A Thriving Business? Avoid Cam To Cam Sex Chat Free!

by FredricHarkins89710 posted Oct 18, 2015


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The first part of this story is a wall of text but important preface. if you want to skip to the sex part then feel free to do so.
It started out in High School. Samantha was a beautiful blonde. Piercing green eyes and a curvy body. Her and I were good friends, only friends as she did not find me attractive. I looked at her with passion, wonderment that there could be someone so beautiful. Her personality matched and made it even worse. She was easy-going and so light hearted. Her smile would melt the devil and did with me on a daily basis. Seeing her was torture and a blessing all at once. We parted ways after High school as most people do.
Fast forward to twelve years later. I am now 30 and have been dating a wonderful woman for 2 years. I am in the local grocery store. I run into Samantha. The only thing that has changed is that she has gotten older. We talk for a bit and catch up. She has just left the town she moved to as she was living with a guy and it didn't work out. We parted ways again. She later added me on Facebook as a friend and I accepted. Two weeks later, unexpectedly, my girlfriend decides she wants to explore other options and leaves.
Samantha and I start chatting on fb about the "good ole days". we talk for hours each time. We finally decide to go out one night. We go out for dinner and chat. The smile never leaves her face. We come back to my house and sit and chat some more. I have not let my eyes leave her beautiful body. I notice how beautiful and long her neck is. I can no longer stand it and I lean in and kiss her neck. I embrace for the push back but there is none. She falls back a bit and I catch her in my hand. I move my hand to the small of her back and hold her up. I continue to kiss on her neck. I move up to her mouth and kiss her soft lips. I bite the bottom lip and I move to her Earlobe. I whisper softly in her ear that she is all I have ever wanted. I continue back down her neck, her chest, remove her bra. I kiss on her nipples while still holding her in my arms. I lay her down softly on my leather couch. Her back arches up as the leather is cold on her skin. I grab a blanket and lay under her. I continue with tasting every inch of her, taking it all in. The feeling of getting what you have always wanted but waited so long for is indescribable. i move down to her stomach, she has those beautiful hipbones that stick out just a bit and I have to see what they feel like in my mouth also. She is wearing jeans, but not for long. I unbutton them, unzip and remove from her body. She has on black satin panties and they look wonderful.
I start kissing on her toes and massaging her feet. From there I move back up her legs. I kiss her on the inside of her right thigh. She is breathing so hard by this point, she wants her panties off and me on top of her, but she doesn't get that yet. So I continue to tease her by kissing and sucking on the inside of her thigh, right where her leg meets her pelvic bone. My tongue or mouth doesn't touch her panties. she raises her hips to meet my mouth but I still do not touch her panties. I do however move my mouth. I go across to her left thigh. I let my mouth skim by her panties and my tongue just barely graze her. Just enough to feel my breath. She is trembling with anticipation by this point. She just wants me and I am making her beg. I am making her want something so bad that at that moment she can't have. I want this as I want her to feel what I have had to feel everyday in High School. She did not do this all on purpose so I cannot punish her for too long. So I grab the side string of her panties with my teeth. I slide them off of her hips, down past her knees as she raises her hips up to let them come off, then past her ankles and off of her feet. I look at her as I let the panties go out of my mouth and give her a devilish grin. Now the fun begins.
My head goes back between her legs, I bury one arm under her ass, one hand is on her breasts. i feel my ears on her thighs and she feels my warm breath close in on her. She feels my tongue slide in her lips, it splits them apart. I have a long tongue and have been able to hit a gspot before. I slide it in as far as I can and I hear her say "Oh God" as she thrusts it in my face. I lick there as much as I can and breathe through my nose. When she shoves it deeper on my face her clit is covering my nose and I cannot breathe. It doesn't matter and if I suffocated like this it would be just fine. SO I can tell she will not actually cum from this as it is a penetration. I bring my tongue outside of her. I want to make her cum so I focus on her clit. I lick there and move my tongue around her clit. I move it up and down and let my tongue slide just a little inside. Now she is really responding. She is trying to climb up the wall but I know that I cannot stop now. She grabs the back of my head and pushes me down harder on her. I cannot breathe again so I think to myself 'let's go out with a bang". I bury my face as hard as I can. My tongue goes wild on her, on the inside, on the outside. I cannot tell whether she is soaking wet or it is from me. She feels that warmth that starts at her neck and her legs tense up. Her thighs squeeze my face and I feel her hands go down and clench the blanket. Her pelvis raises up and then I feel it. I feel her gushing, I feel her lips grabbing my tongue and letting go. She is screaming for me not to stop. I continue licking and having to swallow whatever comes my way. Her lips are still convulsing on my tongue and have been for at least a minute. Finally she lets out a blood curdling "oh my God" scream and I feel her whole body relax as she falls back down on the couch. As she is laying there I go to wash off my face. I come back, look her in the eyes and tell her that was everything I thought it would be. I kissed her while looking into those piercing green eyes and told her I would wait another 12 years for her if I had to.
TO be continued...

