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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

It is 6 pm…
Full moon tonight.
I can feel it already. Tugging at me. Calling to me. All these years and with everything I have learned it still feels the same. I’m edgy. Snapping at people who don’t really deserve it.
It has been nearly 10 years since my life changed. A hunting trip up north into Canada. My buddies were the kinds of guys who really loved to get away from everything so we were really north. Hunting with bows. Makes the odds a little more even. Ok so most of us carried a big pistol in case we ran into something seriously dangerous but we hunted the way man has hunted for thousands of years.
This time something was hunting us. Took its time about it too. For two full days we knew something was out there. It did not strike until the third. All I really remember are the screams, gun shots and a mouth full of teeth clamping down on my ankle. Then a huge crack as a support beam for the porch was broken. Most of the roof came down on me.
When I woke up I was in the hospital and all my friends were dead. I was told it was a bear. I suppose I wanted to believe it so I did. I went home. A month later I woke up again. Naked in the woods and covered in blood.
It was the first night of the full moon.
Confusion and fear.
To say I was freaked out would be an understatement. I managed to make it home avoiding the roads. As I stood in the shower watching the trail of red run off my body I feared what I may have done. Was it human or some animal who’s life was sprayed across me? I remembered being odd all day. I remember the sunset. Then…. nothing.
In the modern era cameras are everywhere. All I had to do to learn what happened the night before was turn on the TV. The images were grainy but they played them so many times they are burned into my brain. A huge wolf. A man. Death.
Me. I knew. Impossible as it was I knew.
Took me a long time to come to grips with the idea. I did not really believe it until the next full moon. At least I believed enough to get far away from any people. A few cattle died that first night but no more humans. I chained myself for the next two nights. I thought I could do that forever if I had to. I was wrong about that. You cannot know the hunger. After a couple of months it drove me to run wild again.
My wolf side is not mindless it seems. It went past the cattle. A girl died.
I considered killing myself. Maybe I should have. Instead I started looking for information. Those few months were horrible. I chained myself for the 3 nights of the full moon. I drank constantly to dull the pain of the gnawing hunger. I found a solution of sorts. As wrong as the problem some would say.
I feel the wolf inside fighting to get out.
The hunger.
I stand naked under the moonlight. My body contorts as I stop fighting. It always hurts. Bones creak. I look at my hand as my fingers change. Black fur growing out of my arms.
Howling in pain.
I run.
The forest moves by me. Senses so sharp I can feel the life around me. Small animals run. Big ones too. I bring down a deer. So easy. I feed. blood spraying my body as my sharp fangs tear the creature apart. Not enough. Still hungry.
I picked this place for a reason. Few farmhouses. Most will be careful enough to say indoors during the darkness of the night. But there is one. She will be there. I can feel her already. She is bold and dismissed the wild talk of the townsfolk. Perhaps she is strong enough.
Her scent is carried on the wind.
I run fast but silent. Powerful paws hitting the ground as I leap over a fallen tree. The scent of water hits my muzzle. I slow. Even quieter now.
She is standing on a small dock. A light white dress. Hair the color of moon light. Young and beautiful. If I were still human the guilt would overwhelm me. Instead I look down. My long cock is getting heavier. Red and evil looking. It knows what is about to happen.
Creeping out from the deep shadows of the trees I move towards her. She is staring up at the brilliant moon. When she finally does turn it is slowly. Does she sense me? Her eyes widen as I stand fully up. I am 20 feet from the end of the dock. Breathing in a pant. A low growl.
She is terrified. Her face as pale as her hair now. She is fully grown but only a few inches over 5 feet tall. Her eyes dart left and right. Looking to escape.
I growl. Moving slowly she gets to the end of the dock.
"Please don’t hurt me." she says with terror in her voice.
I move closer. Looking into her eyes. Even in the faint light I can see they are brilliant blue. I look slowly down. My cock is jutting out from my body now. Huge and thick. Her eyes follow mine and there is a gasp.
"Noooooooooooooo!" she screams and bolts.
Barely gets four steps before I am on her. Pushing her forward and down onto the ground. My claws slash. Cloth rips. Bright red lines crisscross her body. She kicks and fighting. Hands beating on me in her panic. She pushes away only to slam herself into the ground knocking the wind out of her lungs. Her eyes look down and she sees her breasts with the cloth barely covering any of her. Pink nipples clear in the moonlight.
The looming shape over her. The massive thing sticking out from my furry loins. She grabs at the grass and tries to push herself along the ground. The terrified girl only gets a few feet before my clawed hand grabs her thighs. Sharp points sink in to her soft flesh and she screams again.
My powerful arms twist and she rolls over onto her stomach with a grunt. She claws at the ground. Both sets of claws rake down her back. Cloth ripppppps and her back and ass are on fire. The tiny little panties she had been wearing are destroyed.
I am down on top of her. My much larger body pressing hers into the ground. Grabbing both of her wrists I jerk them back. Pulling her. The pretty face dragging along the ground. I shift as I bring her up to her knees. My cock smacking into her now bare bloody ass.
For one long moment we are locked in place. As my hips shift backwards my massive cock slides down her ass. When it is no longer touching her I growl long and low.
"please no." is nothing more than a whimper from her.
I stab forward. In one violent thrust I sink into her.
She screams but the sound is mostly lost in the grass. Only a few inches in her. But now the hunger is fully upon me. What little of humanity I still have left vanishes.
I fuck her. Hard. Violent. bloody.
The howling from her is endless. Her little pale ass quivering as it smacks against me. Over and Over and Over again.
Then I do the one thing I have tried not to do. Bending down I sink my fangs into her shoulder. Not closing my jaw to take a chunk out of her flesh but sinking in deep. There is no scream this time. She is past the ability to do that. Her body relaxes as she hovers just this side of consciousness.
Later I will realize my cock was sliding easier now. Female juices dripping off it.
Right now I cannot notice because I am pounding into her.
I howl.
I explode.
A gusher of white hot cum explodes out of me. Even as I am grinding and thrusting it is spraying out around my shaft. Onto her red streaked thighs. Her body shudders and she passes out completely.
When I lean back and let her body sump to the ground I throw my muzzle back and I HOWL.
I run.
Towards the lights. Draining my full balls has restored a tiny bit of my mental control. I get within 100 feet of the house and I HOWL again.
Running off I hear the door slam and a voice yelling, "JULIET!"
The next two nights…
I chain myself before the moon rises. The wolf will not like it but my hunger is sated and it will not be too bad. I remember. Everything. But it was dark and the memories are blurry. I hope she survives until I can get to her.
The next night…
Standing in the tree line I watch. I have been here for hours. Making and discarding ways to get to her and do what I must do. I should have thought about this more carefully. Knowing what I have to accomplish and finding a way to do it are two very different things. I finger the bag of leaves in my pocket and watch.
As the sun begins to set the door opens. Maybe the parents will leave. If it is just her in the house I can try… No. There she is. Moving slowly with help. Onto the porch. Yes!
Mom fusses over her for a while. Finally Juliet pushes her away and they both go back into the house.
I take a deep breath and step out of the trees. Walking as casually as I can. Angling out so she will see me before I get too close. I don’t want her to call for help. Of course the long leather trench coat and the hood that hides my face might not be helpful but it is necessary.
She sees me. I raise a hand and wave like I know her. Anything to get close enough. When I get closer I can tell she does not recognize me. I have rarely visited town so I can only pray she has never seen me.
"Hello." I say in a friendly voice as soon as I think she can see me.
She looks back at me suspicion written all across her face. Her shoulder is heavily bandaged and I can see signs of wrapping under the robe she has one. She is sitting on a layer of pillows and blankets. Face bruised. One cheek is dark and ugly looking.
"Who are you?" direct this girl.
"A friend."
"Really? I don’t know you."
"I know. But I know something about you." with a very little smile.
Arching an eyebrow, "Oh? And what would that be?"
"The thing that attacked you was not a man."
Shock. She takes an intake of breath.
"And I know it was no normal animal." I continue before she can say anything.
I watch as she slowly nods.
"Nobody will believe me. I gave up trying. If they want to believe it was a wolf then to hell with them. But a wolf… would not do what it… did to me." she says with dark haunted eyes.
I nod.
Reaching into my pocket I draw out the bag. I am not standing a few feet from the edge of the porch. The angle of the fading sun putting my face in shadows. I toss the bag so it lands in her lap.
"What?" she says picking it up.
"Leaves. Put four in a steaming hot mug of water for ten minutes. Then remove them and drink the tea. It will be bitter but drink it all and do not add anything to it. Once a day until they are all gone." I instruct.
"And why the fuck would I do that?"
"Because if you don’t you will become what that thing is."
She shakes her head, "I don’t believe you."
"Yes you do." I say as I turn away and start to walk back towards the woods.
"Wait!" she calls after me.
I don’t turn and I don’t stop until I am well under cover. I can only hope she listens.
4 weeks later…
Juliet has healed. Remarkably well everyone says. The town has gone back to normal. I know there is no way she will be out tonight. The moon will be up. I don’t wish to do what I did to her again so I head to a spot miles away. Plenty of livestock and only one man living on the farm.
All that matters is it works. She is alive and will not be cursed. I wish her well.
Standing naked in the moonlight I let my control go.
Then I run and I don’t stop. A part of me is still in control. But I cannot remember the reasoning of my human self.
I run. Across the fields. Through the woods. I don’t pause. No kills. I just run. Coming to a sudden stop when the scent hits me.
In the same spot. Except naked. No bandages visible. Her small but beautifully formed body lit by the full moon above.
I see her shiver even across this distance as I step out of the woods. She walks across the docks. My cock responding as it did the last time to the mere scent of her. Padding slowly forward I stop. She does not.
When she is 20 feet away she stops and looks at me. Something drops out of her hand but it is small and I ignore it. I see and smell fear. But there is something else. Arousal. The deep musky scent of sex radiates from her. Her nipples standing out from her breast. Hard and pink. I watch as she turns around and kneels down. Going to her hands and knees first and then laying her face down on the ground. Arms going behind her back as she grasps her own wrists.
I feel myself slipping away as my cock comes up and I move forward. I run my claws down her back. Somehow I keep them light but still lines of blood are traced and she cries out. She reaches back and grabs her own ass. Pulling herself open. The scent hits me hard. My mind goes away as my cock juts fully hard from my body. She wiggles her butt at me. Displayed obscenely before my eyes.
"It’s alright." say says softly.
Down against her body. My cock stabs into her again. Sinking all the way in with one thrust. The huge length of my hard dick buried into her makes her grunt and groan. Body shaking.
I fuck her hard. She puts her hands behind her back again as my claws sink into her ass. She does scream but not as loudly. I grunt and growl.
Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust Hard and Savage
She is fucking back against me. Groans and cries mixed with deep moans. I can smell the blood.
Hot juice drip out of her. Later I will realize she cums around my cock and that pushes me over the edge. It is a shuddering howling explosion. Again she slumps down but this time she is not out.
When I pull back and come out of her pussy with a slurp she moves. Turning and grabbing my dick in her small hands she licks the huge head. Stroking the huge shaft with her fingers. Our mixed cum coating it heavily. My violent nature is calmed and I let her without moving.
After a couple of minutes she stands up.
She reaches out and grabs what she dropped. Later I will recognize the bag to which she has attached a long loop of leather.
Hesitantly she moves back to me. One hand reach out to stroke my cock again. As she does that she slips the loop over my head. Then she drops to her knees. With her mouth and her hands she gets my cock hard again and then pumps it harder and harder.
When the explosion comes I throw my head back and HOWL. She aims it at her chest and gets drenched in the spray. It drips off her tits. I reach out. Running one clawed hand down her body. The marks it makes are faint but still bright red. Across one breast and down her flat stomach. She does not flinch away.
Only when my hand drops down does she take a few steps away. I look at her.
She smiles.
I run.
The next morning…
I wake up with the bag still around my neck. Inside is a folded piece of paper. I unfold it and read.
My wolf,
Your leaves helped me to heal. I thank you for that. Only time will tell if they did what you say they will. You will never know how close I came to having men with guns hunt you down. I wanted you dead for hurting me. When I was healed and stood on the docks again I realized I was not afraid.
More than that. I realized I wanted you to come back.
Maybe there is something wrong with me. Perhaps you will kill me the next time you find me. But I have spent every night for the last week in my bed naked with my sex dripping thinking about you. No man has ever made me feel this way. When I cum it is with your cock in my mind.
I wait for you tonight. And if I am still alive I will wait for you tomorrow.
Your Juliet
I am stunned. But I know one thing. I will find her again tonight.


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