Free Live Cams Nude - The Foolproof Free Lesbian Sex Cams Strategy

by DeidreLangham70 posted Oct 18, 2015


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Years ago, back in my Uni days I lived in a house with a History major. This guy was cool enough, and although we weren't quite friends we would often go to campus bars together to meet out study groups; lots of intermingling of groups would occur (as it does on university campuses). One friend of his in the group was a girl named Lesly. Over a few weeks she and I flirted quite a bit, even though she had a boyfriend. On New Years Eve there was a semi-formal party at the campus bar. Everyone was on the dance floor for countdown and when zero hit everyone started closed-mouth kissing anyone of the opposite sex around them (it was basically a room full of acquaintances). Her and my eyes met. I saw that he boyfriend was in a manly boy hug/twirl with a few of his buddies and she and I leaned in, totally actual free cams innocent enough. She had already pecked a few of his friends. But our kiss lingered for about two seconds. Not quite open-mouth but almost. And her upper teeth tugged at my bottom lip as she pulled away. Skip ahead a few months and my roommate and I are getting ready for another typical campus night. He mentions that Lesly is coming to pick us up with her roommate in a cab. As we are waiting he confesses that he has a thing for Lesly and that she and her boyfriend had broken up a few weeks prior. I was a bit conflicted, I was kind of into this girl(and thought she could be into me), but I decided to respect the roommate's intentions. He actually knew her pretty well from class and stuff. It made sense. When the cab showed up we found Lesly's roommate had taken the front seat and Lesly was positioning herself in the middle. I went in behind the driver and my roommate realized he had forgotten his wallet and went back inside. While we waited I was introduced to Lesly's roommate. She turned around for a moment and we shook hands, she looked back ahead to our free erotic cam house and as I brought my hand back Lesly kind of intercepted it. She pulled it on to her leg and i squeezed. We were all making sexy free cams idle chatter about who would be there tonight and I am squeezing her leg and she presses my hand into it. Just as it was about to escalate my roommate leaps out of the house and we regain ourselves. Unfortunately that's all Lesly and I got to do while in University. About three years later I found out I would free bbw cams be going to a city about a four hours drive for a conference. It happened to be a city where a few of my friends had moved to (places to stay) but also where I knew Lesly lived. I wrote to a few friends and then Lesly as well. It was a standard 'Hey, it's been a long time. Would you like to meet for a coffee? I'll be in town on these dates," kind of email. She responded pretty quickly and said that she'd love to meet for coffee and gave her cellphone number. A few weeks later I'm at the conference and text her on a break. We both ignore the coffee idea and she gives me her address and says to come by around dinner time. I show up expecting a meal, but instead we just sit on her upstairs balcony with some wine. She's wrapping herself in a blanket but is wearing basically just a workout outfit. Not quite a sportsbra, but it shows a sliver of skin before it meets the yoga pants. We drink a few glasses and of course the conversation comes around to how much we wanted each other back in university. We laugh and cringe about how the timing never worked out and whatever. She gets kind of mad when I said I backed down cause of my roommate (who she says she never had an interest in). To break the silence I mention how cold she's looking. It's been getting dimmer and she kepts adjusting the blanket she has. As we go inside there's a kind of mudroom coming in from the balcony area (which doesn't make sense to me cause it was an upstairs balcony, but whatever it was an old house). I stand and wait in the small area while she closes and locks the doors, as she turns around I'm there, close proximity. We lean in and kind of laugh; a laugh that meant we both knew when I came over tonight we'd end up fucking. We don't quite kiss and she tells me to follow her. We get to the bedroom and she then tells me to wait a moment. She goes in (I thought she was just giving it a quick tidy or something), and then reemerges about two minutes later. She is now wearing just a bra and panties. Nothing too hot, not even matching (navy bra and black panties) but her boldness was a huge turn on. But what's even hotter is that she's now wearing a black bandit-style mask with eyeholes. I've never had a mask-fetish before(or since) but in that moment it totally did it for me. I pounced. We are making out hard, tongues dancing, I ignore her tits and slip my hand down the front of her panties. She is soaking. She starts to back away to the bed pulling me with her. She breaks the kiss and says "You like?" through her rushed breathing. "I do," I tell her, and I can see she's got a bit of a plan. "Want to go a step further?" she asks. Because I'm warm-blooded I assure her that I do. She leans forward off the bed and pulls out a translucent, tupperware storage container from until it. She tells me to close her eyes. I do. I got a sense of what was in there, some kind of costumes and things. Wasn't fully ready for where we went. She tells me to lay back, and she laughs and tells me to trust her. I lay back and she straddles me, but low so that she's more overtop of my thighs than crotch. She tells me to open my eyes. Her panties are still on, the bra is off, but what is most remarkable is that she is now wearing a theater mask. It is expressionless. If you're thinking Eyes Wide Shut you aren't far off. Her mask was expressionless like those, but it was red and black. Kind of a paisley pattern. It was bejeweled with small, gold colored pieces. I went for her. It was so hot. When she saw I was into it she put a mask on me. When I saw her I didn't consider how the mask was even on. When she put it on me I realized it was affixed with two elastic straps. This thing wouldn't come off easy. Mine was a pale blue, but I barely remember it as I was so focused on hers. Our fucking was amazing. We didn't talk or make much noise at all. The masks mentally made us non-verbal. We fucked for over an hour. We could imagine each other to be anyone. It was extraordinary. What put me over the edge was toward the end when she would pull me in and we would be making out, but with the masks on. There were no mouth slits, we were simply rubbing the lip areas of the masks together. I came insider her and then passed out for fifteen minutes or so. I woke up to her wearing a robe (she had just showered) and taking my mask off gently. We parted ways and shared a few laughs at the door. Never spoke to her again. ylwshirts