Free Cam Chat - The Time Is Running Out! Think About These 7 Ways To Change Your Cam Porn Free

by AOBArlen2407552808245 posted Oct 18, 2015


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And here we go. Chloe had told me I was her girlfriend; finger fucked me into submission and KO’D my vindictive Ex-girlfriend. So why did I feel that the zombie apocalypse was fast approaching? We had been at Chloe’s for 30 minutes and freesexchat silence had been the only sound. Being the stubborn twat that I am, I refused to speak first. I had done nothing wrong. (EH okay a stretch) I began to pace, two laps around the hallways and I decided on my destination, the fridge. I opened it scanned the contents and closed the door. I repeated the sacred ritual twice more, half hoping that some left over Chipotle would appear but really counting on my actions to annoy the shit out of Chloe and have her break the silence. "Christ Kennedy, my fridge is not like the Indian in the cupboard" snapped Chloe from the living room. best free sex web cams (Victory was mine bitches) "Actually" I said walking back out into the living room "I went to get you this for your battle wound" handing her a bag of ice. Was that my original intention? Fuck no, but I’m quick on my feet playa playas. "So…are we going to talk about what happened?" I questioned crossing my fingers that she would not answer and just jump on my body and use it however she like. "Sure. Do you want to talk about when I made you cum in the booth or when you kissed your psychotic baggage?" remarked Chloe. "Hence your silent rage fit Chloe? Let it out babe" I egged her on, feeling my own anger build."Or how your best bro outed me to everyone at the bar or how crazy I looked punching out some ex-lesbian conquest of yours." Chloe added. Yeah did you hear that? That was our bubble bursting. "1st of all you did make me cum and it was spectacular" I tell her, pulling her hand up and making her high five me. "2nd yes I did kiss Ava but she did kinda sorta attack me no?" turning my head to show Chloe the crazy bitches scratch marks on my chin. 3rd I most distinctly remember trying to stop you, but you can’t seriously sit here and tell me you wouldn’t be more pissed at me if I had" I said matter of fact. " Chloe, now listen closely to what I’m about to say, because after I’m done I am going to go take a shower, so I don’t say anything I regret. I understand that dating a girl is not a place you’ve visited before but you shouldn’t call the lady who you grind your pussy into your girlfriend at the table when her ex shows up and then suddenly be angry at her friend for outing you. I don’t live in the closet anymore Chloe, which I thought you’d be more sensitive too since I did in fact come out too you. If you can’t be out here with me comfortably, I respect that, but I won’t date you. So you think about why you kissed me and told me to wave after Adrian said his piece at the bar but now you attack me." I told her. "I’m going to shower now" I said walking away "and don’t you dare tell me to turn down the ihome when I’m in there, I need to dance this shit out." I turned the shower on and cranked it up to hot hot heat. The steam consumed the bathroom. I glanced at the mirror and did a half turn "Look at you, you’re hot, I’d want to be out and showing you off if I dated you" my inner goddess reassured me. Making My Dreams Come True by Hall and Oates was playing as I squeezed the body wash onto the loofah. A sudden tap tap on the door interrupted my solo dance party. "Kennedy" Chloe said through the door. "Chloe we will talk when I’m out, now seriously go away" I shouted over the music. "Please" Chloe pleaded in that all too familiar sound of late. "Chloe no crying, this will not a crying thing" I asserted. I heard footsteps backtrack and a swift pitter patter toward the door. Thud was the sound her body made as she tried to break in. "Chloe….. it has been unlocked the whole time" I told her trying to hold back my laughter. Opening the door "Kennedy can I come in please" she managed to get out in between sniffles. "Seriously Chloe, Seriously" I snapped while sticking my head out of the shower curtain. "K" is all she said looking up at me, all puss n’ boots big eyed and shit. "Fine you wench" I conceited Stepping into the shower I tried to nonchalantly check out my Chloe. She looked enchanting even in her emotionally mess of a state. "Kennedy I need you to just hold me" she told me. "Chloe, we need to talk 1st" "No. You’re mad and I’m upset. I can’t even find sentences in my brain because I’m terrified you might not want me ever again" she spilled. (Also a big fuck you to Chloe’s ex-boyfriends who did a number on the girls self-esteem) "That would never be true Chloe" I told her, wrapping my trophy wife up in my arms, bringing her lips to meet mine. I could taste the relief in her mouth, her tongue darting out to find me, in turn reassuring herself that this was reality. I pulled myself back and began to kiss her neck "Chloe I’m still pissed at you and we are going to talk after but from now on the shower will be known as Switzerland, neutral and they make really nice watches okay?" "I love you Kennedy" Chloe told me "I love me too, Chloe. I love me too" I said. Taking a minute to realize what I had said, Chloe began to protest trying to wrangle free sex web cam of my grip "I joke I joke I kid" I breathed trailing kisses back up to her mouth. After getting my fill of Chloe’s luscious lips I instructed her "Lift up your leg and put it on the edge, take one hand and put it against the side wall." I unwrapped my hands from around her, my mouth making its way down to her breast. My other hand traced down her back to my favorite asset. Even if we were in Switzerland I was still pissed so I decided to tease a bit (a girls gotta maintain alpha status am I right?) I filled her breast with kisses, slowly working my way towards the center. I traced the outline of her nipple making sure to take my time; I even reversed my direction for good measure. I finally flicked my tongue against her aroused point at a torrid pace. Stopping suddenly, I followed up with one dragged out lick and went back to laying kisses all around her chest. "Kennedy" Chloe groaned. "Patience is a virtue my dear" I quipped. My virtue had gone out the window at 17 and my patience was nearing an end, so I decided to claim my prize. "I don’t know if I’ll ever get over how fucking good you taste" I purred to Chloe leaving my hand pressed against her body as I followed the path to my treasure. I brought my mouth to hers as I spread her lady lips and entered my two fingers into Chloe. Her head arched backward onto the tile in pleasure "Fuck" she grunted. I continued to work my fingers in Chloe, until I felt her raise her pelvis with each motion of my fingers. "Take your hand and rub you clit right now" I demanded. Chloe was off in her own little pleasure dimension, deciding to ignore my instructions. "Chloe I’m in no fucking mood" I said as I stopped my movement while grabbing her chin, turning her eyes towards mine. "Rub your god damn clit, like the good slut you are" (shower sex makes me hyper-aggressive guys) There was no hesitation this time. Chloe now pleasing herself and my fingers doing their own work, we built up a break neck speed. Even I was out of breath, we were matching each other using our angry from the night as fuel. "Don’t stop I’m close" Chloe confessed. "Tell me you mine" I demanded. "Shut up Kennedy" "No, I need to hear you say loading... it Chloe. You need to be mine." I panted into her ear. "Always, I’m always yours" she told me as her lips found mine once again. Chloe came while her mouth was still wrapped around mine and I fucking loved it. Having Chloe trying to let out her moans and groans only free online cam to cam have my mouth entrap them was fanfuckingtastic. Finding myself bearing her weight while her legs recovered, Chloe began to mumble "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." "Yeah yeah, you are lucky you’re so hot" I told her kissing her jawline. "Kennedy, I need you to not freak out" she told me. (Lol okay and does a bear shit in the woods?) "There is a centipede on the wall" (UM YEAH HELL NO. WHY SHOULD I NOT FREAK OUT ABOUT SOMETHING THAT HAS 18 LEGS) Well yup I flipped a tit. I slipped fell down in the tub, franticly got myself up and began screaming my head off. "IT’S ON ME I CAN FEEL ALL THOSE LEGS" "Kennedy it is not, I killed it and sent it down the drain" Chloe stated proudly. "IT CAN RESPAWN" I assured her. Chloe then proceeded to lose it. "It’s not funny!" I cried. (no, it kind of is. I’m a bad bitch but I can’t handle bugs) "Fine I’m going to your room to get dressed. You can dispose of any other family members it might have and then we will talk. Don’t come see me until you have slayed thy dragon " I told her walking away, deciding to air dry without any towels. As always comments and feedback are appericated! 1eR22yv jackieoismybbyddy 1KKDeW5 1KKDeW5[4 comments]
