Geschmacksmuster - What Does Geschmacksmuster Mean?

by Danny848799331616533 posted Oct 18, 2015


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anticipésFriday night. I've always fantasized about some nice, well-meaning mysterious stranger that takes me out for a few dates. I’m not a very trusting person and I don’t go home with too many people until I really know them. I tease them with what could be because it’s fun for me. Short skirts. High heels. Low cut tops. Twist my hair around my finger. Bite my lip. Rub my ass against them. I’m waiting for something of substance because I know I can. When I met him it was electric. He and I laugh, we have a good time, we share interests, and the physical attraction is evident. Our conversation clicks in ways I haven’t clicked with someone in years. I will admit I have yet to meet a sexual match that corresponds to my cerebral needs. Someone who craves my curvy, plush, tall body but loves my mind and can keep up with my playful banter. But that’s not the fantasy. When the weekend comes, my fantasy is that he turns me into his human sex doll. And there’s no safe words. Friday night comes, and we head back to his place. I don't drink heavily very often, and despite my large frame, I am a huge light weight. So I'm inebriated and unable to protest as I usually would. I agree to come home with him. He's playful with me while we are in the car over, with his large hands up my skirt and eyes hardly on the road. I'm thrilled after numerous years spent in ho hum, vanilla, low sex relationships to end up with such a sexual being. I love to tease men as I’ve said, and I've been teasing him all week – I know it's not nice, but I love to drive men until they just pin me and fuck me like we are the first two humans on earth. I want to see how far I can take them and how hard I can get them to fuck me. It's a game I play. If only I knew who I was playing this game with. We enter through the threshold of his home and there's a hand on my ass pulling down my lacey tanga panties through my skirt. The door shuts behind us and I'm pressed against the wall – his forearm squishing into my upper back as I lean over, legs spread and he plays with my pussy. I let out a moan and try to turn around to face him, but he presses me into the wall harder and begins to rub his growing erection against me. He has several inches on me and I love feeling helpless while he leans his strong body into mine. I am so close, I want to cum because his fingers feel so good after the buildup of the night, but just as I'm about to he pulls his fingers away from my sensitive little clit and begins to lightly finger the outside of my ass. This is a new sensation for my virgin ass and it excites me but however, only prolongs the now painful throbbing in my pussy. My legs get shakey and weak in my heels. I feel his rock hard erection growing against me and internally I'm wondering why he just doesn't pull it out and fuck me already. Here and now, while I’m drunk. What could he be waiting for? He exhales heavily into my ear and bites my neck, hard, a little too hard. I wonder if there’s blood. That’s definitely a new one for me. He grabs my forearm and pulls me off the wall, and while forcefully walking behind me, leads me down into his basement guest room and throws me onto the floor, just in front of the missionary bed. He begins to get on top of me and undress me. Slowly unbuttoning my blouse, my panties at my thighs, he rips open my front clasp bra and begins to suck my nipples. I reach up to lovingly run my fingers through his hair and he grabs my wrist and pins it above my head. My pussy is red hot and soaking wet looking at this man and his carnal desires. It's freshly waxed and can’t contain its own juices. I'm practically pleading to get fucked and to cum all over his cock, but when I do he puts his hand over my mouth, "You talk a lot. But you don’t get to talk right now". He pulls me up and leans me facedown onto his bed. Blouse still on, tits bouncing free and my panties now down by my knees, one of my heels fallen off. He grabs my arms and takes off my blouse and bra. A finger traces down my back and underneath my skirt, only an inch before it stops. Then, there's nothing. He never turns on the light, so it’s dark in this basement room, with only the light from the street lamp outside illuminating the space. He's so quiet and I hear him rustling around. I feel his strong hands grab my wrists and cold metal as he slaps a handcuff on me. I am startled at first, but even more startled when he straddles my back, grabbing my other wrist and feeding the handcuff through the bars on the headboard, and securing me. He slides down to the end of the bed. He pulls down my skirt and panties slowly, obviously feeling my entire soft body. He retrieves my other shoe and slides it back on my foot. I know he said he likes my sense of humor, but I’m guessing this isn’t a good time to make a Cinderella joke about being the right fit. He says "You have been such a little fucking tease. Do you know what's going to happen to you now, you dirty little cunt? Don’t answer me, it doesn’t matter, you’re going to find out". I hear his belt unbuckle and I assume he’s taking off his pants to free his enormous erection and fuck me senseless. I’m caught off guard when I feel the lash of a belt on my ass, and I gasp and jerk from the pain. He does it, again and again, each time harder. Every time I scream out. He stops briefly and after a pause I hear the belt fall to the floor, lifts up my hips and begins to finger me again, rubbing my clit and the friction is hot. I know he's watching the welts on my ass bloom and enjoying it because he begins to massage and pinch where he hit me the hardest. I feel the walls of my vagina getting tight and ready to spasm. I pull against my restraints while my body starts to seize and arch. I’m moaning myself into oblivion. He stops. I start to breathe heavily, move my hips against the mattress, anything to get friction and relief. I feel his eyes on my back and I know he's watching me wriggle and seize at his restraints, my face is hot from the heat of the mattress I’ve been breathing into and I am feeling light headed and frantic. I bet he’s touching himself while he watches my body react to his torture. He turns on a vibrator and he runs it down my ass cheeks and begins to slowly fuck my pussy with it. Every few fucks he touches it lightly to my clit and I practically jump off the bed. The vibrator is set to low and it is just enough that I think if he leaves it on my clit for one more second I am going to seize into a huge orgasm. I scream out in my frustration, "Please just fuck me, won't you? Fuck my tight little pussy, please just fuck me, I need it, I need your cock inside of it stretching it out, fucking it raw until I'm crying, please just fuck me". I'm desperate. I’ve never been desperate before. "Honestly," he says, "I told you, shut the fuck up….and I meant it." He flips me over onto my back, so that my arms are now above my head and crossed where they are restrained. I am so helpless and exposed. He comes up and straddles me and forces my big pouty, red lips open, and slides his cock in. He clutches my throat lightly at the base of my neck to choke me. I moan and try to scream but it's in vain. I'm filled with his cock. I hear a click and he turns on the lamp next to the bed. He then takes out his phone, and begins to take photos of me, taking his cock deeper into my throat than I should be able to, the fear in my eyes, his hand around my neck, the hand cuffs and my twisted arms. I get a good look at his face since this has all begun – he’s smiling and intense. He sets the phone down and begins to focus on fucking my throat, he has turned me into an object and is going to use me as such. To him, my need for oxygen isn’t as important has his need to fill my throat up with his cock. Fingers pulling my hair, his cock slides in and out of my mouth one more time, and he cums all over my chest and neck. "I guess you forgot to specify how I was to fuck you, if you’re going to talk out of turn you could at least be specific. But now you’ll know better," he says. He takes out his phone again, and takes a few shots of my DD cum covered tits, flips me over and takes pictures of my red, raw ass. I look over at the clock on the bedside table while he moves off to the side of the bed. It's 3 AM. When I turn to find him he’s near the door and begins to get dressed. "Goodnight, see you in the morning", as he leaves the room, turning to look at me and winking, and closes the door. I hear the click of a lock. idivorcedapornaddict [1 comment]