Free Sex Live Cam - The Philosophy Of Free Adult Cam To Cam

by OttoKnopf12585709 posted Oct 18, 2015


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Kerina's mobile beeped and flashed red as it received a message. 'Hi Kerry. Not meeting at mine tonight, cause my stupid older half-brother will be there. We will meet at Kylie's place instead. You can stay ova if you like. See you there. Luv Jane  ' Unfortunately for Kerina the mobile sat unheeded under the locker where she had dropped it earlier in the day. This was unfortunate as if she had it, she would have undoubtedly avoided what was to happen. Kerina stumbled up to Jane's door and knocked. She was uncomfortable, wearing the little blue summer skirt and her tight Princess Aurora t-shirt. She was tired, feeling out of place in this nice neighbourhood dressed like this. And to top it all off, when she was 5 minutes from Jane's house, it had started pouring with rain. 28 year old Brendan opened the door of his dad's house. He had been off travelling for a few years, working his way around the country, but two weeks ago he had come home to work out what to do with his life. His annoying little sister Jane had grown up and was a real pain; seeming to resent his intrusion on what had become HER house. He found it hard to believe she was 19 now. Brendan had a guy he used to know coming over to see him tonight to talk about a work opportunity for him and then later he had a few friends coming over. When he had spoken to Jane about this, she had flown off the handle, something about having plans for her friends to come over. She had made some phone calls and then left. Brendan wasn't sure if she had made new plans and didn't really care. He was sitting in the lounge watching TV when there was a knock on the door. "Hi there...what the hell?" Brendan asked as he opened the front door, wearing his blue jeans and black singlet, "Did Johno or Ross hire you?" Brendan's eyes roamed over the figure of the sweet pretty blonde girl before him. Her innocent and wide eyed look was strangely contrasted by the short skirt which only stretched down less than half the way down her thigh, and the wet shirt which partially displayed her nipples. "Umm, what? Hire me?" Kerina asked confused, unaware of her exposed nipples. "Yeah, aren't you a stripper? Or a hooker?" he asked watching confusion then shame swim over the pretty young teens face. "Oh, uh no. Nothing like that," Kerina said looking down in shame. Her eyes widened and her hands flew up to cover her breasts as she realised that her wet t-shirt was now see through. "I, I, I am just here to see J-Jane," Kerina stammered humiliated. "Oh. You are one of her friends huh. Well, I don't know where she is at the moment. But I guess you can come in," Brendan said stepping back allowing Kerina to walk in. Kerina walked in bare foot, arms hugged tightly across her chest and starting to shiver from the wet clothes she was wearing. Brendan was not in the mood to help one of his sisters snooty little friends, but there was something vulnerable and attractive about this little one, acting so nervous and innocent and yet dressed like a slut. He wasn't sure how old she was though. She looked a bit younger than Jane; he wasn't even sure she would be legal. "Well, here is the lounge room," he said walking into the first room, "The kitchen is through that door and the bathroom and bedrooms are down that hall," he said pointing each out. "Did you want to shower Kerina? You are looking pretty chilly." "Well, I guess, but I didn't bring anything else with me." "Well that's okay, hon," Brendan said cheerily, with a smile that didn't touch his eyes, "You go ahead and shower and I will find you something okay? I can even take your clothes out to wash." "Oh, well I guess," Kerina said, feeling uncertain, but encouraged by this older mature guy who was acting as if nothing was wrong. "Well, come on then," he said leading her down the hall to a door, identical to the others in the hall. Go on in and have a shower, there is a towel in there and I will find something for you to wear. Oh, did you want me to wash your clothes as well? They are looking wet and messed up." "Uh well, sure okay," Kerina said not wanting to seem like a silly little girl. Kerina walked in the bathroom, it was nice and big, with tiles everywhere, a shower, bath a big sink and a nice fluffy towel on the towel rack. Kerina pulled the shirt over her head and rested it on the sink. Nervously she unclipped the skirt and slid it off her hips and stepped out of it. "You ready hon? Want to pass the clothes around the door?" "Okay", she said in a weak voice. Nude, Kerina walked to the door and, standing behind it, passed her skirt and shirt around. Brendan took them from her hand, "Okay, have your shower, I will try to find something for you to wear," he chuckled to himself. Kerina walked to the shower and stepped in. She adjusted the water temperature and relaxed as the water ran over her body. She felt the tensions easing away again, the pretty girl was able to put aside all the horrible events of the last couple of days and just let the water take her thoughts away. All too soon, however, the water started to cool and Kerina realised she had been in there a while. She turned off the water and stepped out to get the fluffy pink towel. Standing there nude and wet, she grabbed the towel and dried her self, looking around. Her reflection looked back at the from the mirror, the little princess Aurora necklace sitting prettily on her skin. A knock at the door made her jump. "Uh yes?" "I found something for you to wear. My sister has her room locked, so I can't get her stuff, but I got something for you here." "Oh, okay, Kerina agreed eager to get dressed." "Here you go," Jack said as the door opened a little and his hand offering the clothes pushed in. Kerina was surprised for a second but then she eagerly took the clothing. She passed the towel around the door to him also at his request so he could hang it out to dry and then the door closed again. "I'll be out in the lounge room okay," Jack called out as he walked away. Kerina unfolded what she was holding and realised it was a t-shirt. She looked around the floor for a minute thinking she must have dropped something. Nothing there! Feeling a little nervous, Kerina unfolded the t-shirt all the way, expecting to find something else wrapped up with it. Nothing else! Kerina pulled the white cotton shirt on anyway, deciding it was better to be semi-clad than to be nude. She now had personal experience on the subject. Pulling her head through the t-shirts neck hole, Kerina let the shirt fall down over her shoulders, breasts, tummy and hips. To her dismay she discovered it didn't cover as much as it first appeared. The hem of the t-shirt sat about three inches below her crotch as she stood there, revealing a long bare stretch of thigh down to her knee. The t-shirt while not skin tight was still not baggy and had some shape to it, Kerina's bodies shape to be specific. The sleeves were a bit looser and went almost down to her elbows, but the neckline was also a bit more generous than Kerina's petite body required. The front of the t-shirt had a big black tick and the words 'Just do id'. Obviously a cheap knock off. Kerina's biggest concern, however, was that while her modesty was preserved, albeit barely, if she was to do anything but stand, the t-shirt would likely ride up and expose her lack of underwear. Pushing her long blonde hair back over her shoulders and adjusting her princess necklace, Kerina took a deep breath and opened the door. She walked back down the hall to the lounge. "Brendan?" Kerina called out weakly "In here Kerry." Kerina walked into the lounge, where Brendan sat relaxed on the big lounge, wearing his jeans and black singlet still. Kerina stood just in the doorway nervously until he looked up. "You okay babe?" he asked, trying to hide the malicious glee he felt, reducing his sister's friend to this state. "Uh, yeah...its just I was wondering...if there is anything else I could put on?" Kerina asked weakly. His attention back on the TV, Brendan answered Kerina distractedly, "Uh, yeah no, sorry babe. Jane locks her room and that was the only clean thing I have. Well, I have undies, but they would be too big for you. Is something wrong?" "Uh, well, it's a bit...that is, its... no nothing, it is ok," Kerina stammered, thinking at least she could maybe just go to sleep and Brendan wasn't even paying attention to her, "Uhm, where should I sleep tonight?" "Oh, on this lounge. It doesn't fold out, but it is a big lounge and I can get you a blanket later on." Kerina stood there nervously as Brendan turned his attention back to the TV. Not wanting to sit on the lounge, Kerina wandered back toward the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She turned around nervously. She heard the door open and muted voices, then footsteps coming towards her! Kerina looked around but the only way out, apart from the hall to the lounge room, was through a glass door into the backyard. She compromised and stood behind the kitchen bench instead. She was standing there looking around nervously when Brendan and another taller brown haired guy walked in. "Hey Kerry, this is Mike. We need to talk some business, but his two younger bro's are out in the lounge room. Can you go and look after them for us?" "Uh, but....I...." Kerina stammered. "Good thanks babe, off you go," Brendan said with out even looking at her. Mike started pulling pamphlets out of a bag he was carrying. A laptop also came out and he put it beside the pamphlets and turned it on. Kerina padded bare foot down the hallway, feeling nervous twinges in her tummy as she heard the voices of the boys in the lounge room. Kerina looked in to see two guys wrestling around on the floor. One had shorter brown hair and the other had longer curly blonde hair. They were both over six feet and although their faces were younger, their bodies were well toned and skinny. They wore track pants, one had a white tank top and the other had a grey t-shirt. Kerina stood there uncertainly until they looked over and saw her there. Kerina was dismayed as their looks of surprise quickly turned into what appeared to be a more adult curiosity. They untangled themselves and stood up. "Uh, hi guys. I am Kerina," Kerina said trying to appear confident. "Hi Kerina," said the blonde haired one, "Uh who are you?" "Oh, I am a friend of Brendan's sister, Uhm what is your names?" she asked. "Marty," said the blonde haired one, "And he is Jim," Marty said pointing to the brown haired boy who was just staring. 'Oh, well, pleased to meet you," Kerina said feeling her cheeks redden. "Well, don't just stand there, if you are going to keep an eye on us you should come on in." Politeness warred with embarrassment, but as there was no other real option, Kerina stepped hesitantly forward. Mistaking her hesitancy for uncertainty where to sit, Marty stepped forward and guided her by the elbow to the big lounge. "Here, sit with us," he said. Kerina sat slowly, legs together, hands holding the bottom of the hem down to cover her neatly trimmed pussy as she sat. She almost jumped back up as she realised that by holding the front of her t-shirt in place, the back of the t-shirt had hiked up half exposing her ass. Fortunately sitting down hid this, but the side of her legs were exposed almost to the top of her legs. She sat there on one end of the lounge, Marty plopped down next to her and Jim sat at the other end of the lounge. Marty grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels. Kerina was grateful for the opportunity and she tried wriggling a little, having a little success at covering herself a bit more. "Choose a channel dude," Jim gibed Marty. "Shut it dude. My channel surfing rocks." "Shut it? You sound like a teen drama queen," Jim snapped punching Marty in the arm. "Like that huh?" Marty grunted, dropping the remote on Kerina's lap. She picked it up uncertainly as Marty elbowed his brother in the ribs. Jim lunged at Marty, trying to pin his arms. Marty tried to stand, but Jim pushed him and they both fell. Jim rolled past onto the floor and Marty fell back onto Kerina. She tried to push Marty off her, but he was too heavy and she couldn't move him despite her efforts. Fortunately Marty was a bit embarrassed and sat up quickly off her lap. Unfortunately she had slid down a bit, and as Jim sat up he found himself looking straight between her bare thighs at her neatly trimmed blonde pussy. "Crap!" Kerina looked down and quickly closed her legs as she realized the view she was giving Jim. Unfortunately it was too late. "Wow, she's got nothing on under the shirt," said Jim surprised. "You are full of it," Marty said standing, annoyed Jim had pushed him over. "Nah serious, it's true isn't Kerina?" "Uhm, we shouldn't really talk about this....' "Come on, Marty doesn't believe me," Jim asked. "Show me Kerina," Marty said looking at her curiously. "No! No way!" Kerina said blushing. Jim and Marty were standing around her now where she was sitting on the lounge. "Come on Kerina, just let us see," said Marty kneeling down in front of her. Kerina looked shocked and held the hem of the t-shirt down, blushing. Jim was the more astute of the two and he stood watching for a second as Marty kneeled down. "I'm gonna tell Mike. I don't think he would like to know the person looking after us is this." "What? No!" said Kerina horrified. "Well let us see then. We won't tell." "I-I don't know. I don't think this is..." "Ok, lets go and talk to Mike..." "Wait!," Kerina said louder than she meant to. Brendan's annoyed voice echoed down the hallway, "Hey! Keep it down in there. We are working here." Kerina blushed, her mouth closed, "W-well, just quickly then," she said feeling trapped. Before she could do it, Marty grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it up, out of Kerina's fingers, up to her waist. Kerina looked down shocked, her legs together, but bare from the waist down. "Come on, move your legs apart. We cant see it," complained Marty. "What...n-no..." "Ok, call Mike Marty," Jim said annoyed. "No...Ok, uh..." Kerina said embarrassed, as she spread her legs apart, displaying her neatly trimmed pussy to the boys. "Shit!" "Wow!" They exclaimed. Kerina sat there blushing red as these two boys stared at her exposed pussy. "Please, that's enough," Kerina said weakly. "Shut up," Marty snapped, pulling the shirt up over her now bare tummy, "I want to see her tits," Marty said to Jim. "Do it man," Jim said excited, "Take off your shirt," Jim said to Kerina. "Well, okay, just for a minute, then I can put it back on and that's it, ok?" "Sure, whatever, get it off." Kerina looked down demurely as she pulled the shirt off over her head and then held it in her hands uncertainly. She sat there nude, her breasts exposed, her soft skin looking smooth and sexy, her smooth firm ass and tight neatly trimmed pussy displayed. She sat there quivering with embarrassment her naked body on display for the two boys to see. Kerina jumped in surprise, as Marty's finger groped at the entrance to her pussy. "Stop that!" Kerina yelped, remembering to be quiet just in time. "Ok, hey Jim, look out for me" "Sure dude," Jim said looking out the door as Marty pulled his track pants down, revealing a lack of underwear and his hard cock. "What are you doing?" she asked stunned "I want a turn, come on Kerina," "B-but but..." Marty grinned and pushed her legs apart, making her lay back a bit more. "Shut up Kerina, you know you want it," He said as he positioned his cock against her pussy lips. Kerina gasped as he pushed into her roughly and started pumping her vigorously. She lay there naked on the lounge, terrified Mike or Brendan would catch them. Kerina whimpered in pain and discomfort as he inexpertly pistoned his cock into her tight pussy. Marty was ecstatic, what a dumb bitch. He couldn't believe they had talked her into this so fast. He was almost sick from the desire he had to cum in her. His ass raised up and down between her legs, his thin long cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Kerina was whimpering terrified when she suddenly felt the cock starting to spurt inside her. Instinctively she thrust her hips pushing him away. His cock popped out with a meaty squishy sound as he was still cumming. Spurts of cum splattered on her belly. Marty got up and pulled his track pants up, hi fiveing Jim. "She is hot dude," Marty said to Jim as Kerina lay there stunned, nude with cum running slowly over her soft belly. "Come on guy, we are going," Mike's voice rang out from the other room. "Okay, bye Kerina," the two boys called to her together, grinning at her nude used form on the lounge and then disappeared from the room, with Jim complaining he never had his turn. Kerina got up quickly and hid behind the lounge as Mike and Brendan walked past, then she grabbed the shirt and quickly fled down the other way to the bathroom. She wiped the cum off with toilet paper and washed her face. Pulling the shirt back on, she had a glance on the mirror and was embarrassed to see her hair frazzled and her cheeks a little red. Kerina walked back into the lounge and sat down carefully, hoping to forget all about the horrible boys. She looked up and smiled hopefully as Brendan walked past. He glanced in, "How did you go Kerina?" he asked. "Uh, good, good..." she said weakly "They were okay were they? They can get a little rowdy sometimes. I think they like you though, they were asking all about you." "Oh, yeah they were fine, no problem at all," she said. "Well, you know how 15 year old boys are, huh?" "What, they were 15?" Kerina asked stunned. "Yeah they look older don't they? They just play a lot of sport I guess." "Oh, uh yeah," Kerina said horrified she had shown herself to 2 boys so young and one had actually had sex with her. "Well I am going to make up some drinks for every one. They should all be here soon," Brendan said. "Uh, ok," Kerina said not listening at all. Brendan walked off down the hall and Kerina discovered a bed sheet on a coffee table by the lounge. She gratefully pulled it over her, covering her from the waist down and she lay along the lounge. Well, at least the worst of her evening was gone. It was so unfair again, but she didn't know what to do. They had taken advantage of her and now she was worried about someone finding out because she would be in trouble!! Kerina started to doze off, the worry and the stress sapping her of her strength. Kerina_Smith
