Free Met Art - How To Find Sexy Porn Pics Online

by YukikoCabrera19995 posted Oct 18, 2015


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free sexy girlsIt's a long one guys and girls! (That's what she said hur hur hur) This is a throw-away account so I won't be replying to comments blah blah etc. This is the story of the first time I had sex with a girl. I had had sex with a few guys before this and had been sexually active with my best friend since we where 14, but it wasn't until I was 18 that I lost my 'straight virginity'. I had been going out with Zoe for about a month. She knew about my bisexuality and was fine with it, she also knew that I had never been with a girl before as well. We'd had some hot and heavy make-out sessions before, she had felt my cock through my trousers and I had felt her boobs through her t-shirt but we hadn't gone any further than that. She used to tease me that I would be disappointed when we finally went together as she wouldn't let me fuck her in the butt Zoe was also 18 and had lost her virginity when she was 15. She was a little shorter than me at about 5 foot 7 (I was 5 foot 10). She had dark blond hair, blue eyes, was fuller figured (I liked her that way and still prefer ladies with awesome curves) and had a cracking set of boobs. I was skinny-ish with short brown hair and brown eyes. It was summer, and me and Zoe had been out with some friends for the evening. It was pretty late and she wanted to go home. Being the gallant boyfriend I walked her home. We got to her house and we start kissing outside. As usual we got really into it and started groping at each other. She pulled away and said that she really wished she could sneak me into her house, but her parents would kill her if she had a boy in her room after dark. I reminded her that my grandparents (who I lived with) where in London for the weekend and that I was home alone. Zoe grinned and told me to wait on the doorstep. She quietly went inside and came back a few minutes later, saying that she had left note for her mum telling her that she was staying at a friends house. "Which is technically true," she said with a grin. "Shall we?" She took my hand and we walked to my house, which was only 10 minutes walk away. That night though the walk seemed to take forever. The whole time she was making small talk and I was replying absent-mindedly, my head spinning with the possibility that Zoe would be staying the night with me. What would she want to do? Would she want to go all the way? Maybe she was just having me on, and we would get to my door and she would kiss me goodnight and go home herself. She was a a hell of a joker, it was one of the things that attracted me to her in the first place. She looked over at me and asked what I was thinking. I said nothing much, and she grinned that grin again and said she'd have to give me something to think about then. She pushed me up against a fence and kissed me roughly. I had still been hard from the kissing earlier, and the prospect of what might happen that night, but somehow I seemed to get harder still. She grabbed me through my jeans and rubbed hard; I thought I might cream in my pants. We carried on walking and finally got my house. When we got inside I started to panic. I told myself to calm down; it wasn't as though this was the first time I was going to have sex. But I couldn't seem to control my mouth, which seemed to be running at 90 words a second. I asked if she wanted a drink, or something to eat, or would she like to sit down, or watch something on TV, or a DVD or She stared to laugh and kissed me gently. "Why don't you show me your room?" I was trembling, either with fear or excitement I didn't know, maybe both. I led her upstairs and took her to room, with it's heavy posters all over the walls, sound system in the corner, books all over the place and a single bed. I just said "Well, uh, this is it!" I had no idea what to do. MY heart was racing, my body was trembling and I felt like my dick was going to rip it's way out of my jeans and start rampaging round the room on it's own. She touched my arm and I turned around to face her. She free sexy pics kissed me and said that she would like a drink after all. I practically fell down the stairs on my way to kitchen. What should I get her? Did she say hot girl sex or cold? I settled on a glass of water eventually. I took carried hot girl porn it back upstairs and back into my room. When I entered my heart almost stopped. She was in my bed, up on one elbow facing me. There was a pile of clothes next the bed. There was a bra on top of the pile. I came within an inch of dropping the glass. She smiled and said "Clothes off, in bed, now." I stripped off in a flash, but hesitated at my boxers. Was I being too presumptuous in getting completely naked? She saw me pause and said "Lose them." I took them off and a long string of pre-cum dripped off the end of my cock. She reached out and rubbed a little off of the end. She put the finger to her tongue and licked it theatrically. I lifted the duvet and slid in beside her. Her hands where all over me immediately,her lips crushed to mine with her tongue in my mouth. We where on our sides, facing each other. I slid my arm underneath her and pressed her to me so her breasts where against my chest. My other arm started to run down her side lightly. She was not a gentle, kissing me hard and raking her nails down my side and back. She lifted her leg and wrapped it around my ass, pressing her groin against my dick. She shifted a little to bring herself up further, and I felt warm wetness against my shaft. She grabbed my ass and pulled me forward, rubbing my dick against her wet lips and clit. She started to moan into my mouth and I thought I was going to cum straight away. Then I had a horrible thought. I broke off the kiss and said "I don't have any-" "Don't worry about it." she replied. "But-" "I said don't worry about it." I couldn't believe it, we where going bareback! She shifted again and was trying to get underneath me. I held onto her and rolled with her, lying on top between her legs with my dick pressed firmly against wetness. I looked into her eyes and she looked back with that grin. She reached down between us and took hold of me. I lifted myself up a little and she guided my dick to where she wanted it. I felt the hotness against the tip and I trembled again. "Are you ok?" she whispered. I smiled and told her I was just nervous. I pressed forward and felt myself sliding into her. There was no resistance, just an amazing sensation that moved all the way down my shaft. She let out a small sigh as I pressed myself all the way in and held it there, not wanting this moment to end. She brought her legs up and wrapped them around me. I pulled nasty pussy Pics back slowly, relishing the sensation of her inner walls around my cock. Thrusting back in again felt as good as the first time, and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. On the next thrust the familiar feeling began to build, and on the next one I came harder than I ever had before. I was pretty noisy about it as well, and it felt like I had emptied both balls into her. I thrust again, but the sensation was too much, so I just stayed in her. She kissed me long and hard, saying how loved the feeling of me inside her I told her it felt great to be inside her. We lay that way for a while, kissing and talking about what had just happened. I was still hard inside her, but was still quite sensitive. I asked if I could go down on her as it was something I really wanted to try; she was more than happy for me to go for it of course, but it's always best to be polite I withdrew and inhaled sharply at the sensitivity. I realised then that I hadn't really seen Zoe naked yet, we had been under the covers the whole time. The light was off but there was a streetlight across the road which had always given my room decent illumination. I had pushed my self up to a kneeling position and was looking down at her free naked chick pics form; it was a beautiful sight to be sure. Her hair was loose and was pooled on the pillow like a blonde halo. The look of mischief that was never far away was twinkling brightly in her eyes, and she was looking up at me in a la zona modelos way that made feel 10 foot tall. Her breasts where perfect circles with stiff, light-brown nipples that I just wanted to suck so badly. Her slightly tanned curvy body was perfect to my eyes then, and is still the standard I set other ladies against today. Her legs where slightly raised with the knees bent around my thighs, and her shaved pussy sat there in the middle; just waiting for the first touch of my novice tongue. I didn't waste any more time and shuffled myself down until my face was between her thighs. I could smell the mingled scent of my cum and what I guessed to be her wetness. I licked gently at first, not parting the lips but brushing over them. Instantly I got a small moan from further up the bed. I licked again, harder this time, pushing my tongue down the middle and tasting her properly for the first time. She tasted warm and musky; I couldn't get enough of it. I licked harder again, and this time I felt the hard nub of her clit at the top of her cunt. She moaned louder then and ran her fingers through my hair; pulling my head gently toward her. I didn't need any more incentive and went work with great glee. Though I hadn't been with a girl before I had watched a fair amount of porn picture galleries, and knew that if I concentrated on the clit too much she might become over sensitive, so I worked on starting at the bottom of the slit and slowly working my way all the way to the top. At the bottom I felt the hotness that was her hole, and stated my own cum seeping out. I tasted cum before and it didn't bother me, it may have actually turned me on that much more. I knew that rhythm was an important part of eating out as well so I kept a steady bottom-to-top licking action going. She was squirming and moaning constantly now, grabbing my hair to get me to apply more pressure. She was bucking her hips faster, so I started licking faster to keep up. I didn't really know what to do with my hands, so just placed coed pussy pics them on her upper thighs. She put her legs over my shoulders, took my hands and placed them on her boobs. I didn't need telling twice and started to play with them; squeezing them and rubbing my fingers over her rock-hard nipples, the whole while licking hard and faster and she moaned louder and louder. I don't know how long we kept it up for until she started to judder and tremble, pulled my head back and said "Fuck me" in a breathless voice. I moved up and positioned myself again. When I entered her this time she felt much tighter but no less wet. She moaned loudly when I slid all the way in and wrapped her legs around me again. I started thrusting quickly this time as I felt much less sensitive than before. Her head was back with her neck bared, so I started kissing and nibbling it as I went. She started to grab my shoulders and trust herself, making me go deeper into her that I could before. Her pace was quickening to I tried to keep up and pretty soon we where both breathing heavily. I could feel her tightening around my cock like she trying to push me out so I started thrusting harder. She started going "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuuuuuuuuuuck" and I knew she was about to cum herself (either that or she was faking it for me, I was happy either way). I was getting close again due to the tightness and the pace, and started moaning myself. She came first; going rigid for a second then relaxing several times. She didn't scream theatrically but moaned loudly in my ear. I came just after her; the clenching of her cunt tipping me over the edge quickly. We where both covered in a sheen of sweat as we kissed hard, hearts pounding like we had run a marathon. We broke off, breathing heavily. "I guess I did something right then?" I asked with a grin. She nodded in answer and kissed me hard again. I withdrew and lay beside her. We kissed again and she rolled on her side so we where spooning. We talked a little more while I kissed her neck and shoulder, then we both drifted off to sleep. I don't know how long it was later but I woke up still in the spooning position. I smiled thinking of what had happened earlier and I grew hard again. I moved my hand down to her hip and pressed gently with my cock. She shifted and moaned a little but didn't wake. I pressed a little harder and moved my hand up to her breast, stroking the nipple and squeezing gently. She started to stir then and pressed her butt up against me. I started gently kissing her shoulder and she turned her head toward me. She looked beautiful, all full of sleep with a smile on her lips. We kissed again and she moved my hand down between her legs. She parted them slightly to give me access while I dry humped her butt. She was still wet down there and I started to explore with my middle finger. After a while she opened her legs fully and grabbed my cock from between them. She moved it so the head was almost level with her clit then closed her legs again. A few gentle thrust and my shaft was coated in her juices. I slid between her thighs straight along her lips, if I thrust hard enough the head brushed her clit which she loved. We kept this up for a while until she shifted slightly and I entered her with a hard thrust. She gasped and I asked her if I had hurt her. She said it was ok she just wasn't expecting it! I started to fuck her slowly, it felt so good to be so inside her from behind. I had one arm underneath her and was cupping a boob while the other hand played with her clit. It was all very slow and sexual and I came quite quickly. I said sorry for shooting so fast and she said she would have me make up for it in the morning. I fell asleep still inside her. I woke in the morning to find myself on my back with the gorgeous girl straddling me. She saw I was awake and laughed. "Aww, I was hoping to get you inside me before you woke up." I was already hard. She grabbed my cock and pointed it upward, then raised and lowered herself onto it. It was a hell of sight seeing her take it all into her and it felt amazing. She started to rock her hips back and forth slowly, moaning the whole time. She got faster and faster while I played with her breasts, and I felt her starting to tighten again. I could feel myself getting closer when she came again with a cry and fell forward onto me. I surprised her by grabbing her around the body and flipping her over onto her back. I re-entered her and fucked her hard and fast til I came again a few seconds later. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much I enjoyed remembering it! zeMetalGuy
