Nude Girl Pics - Who Else Wants Free Sex Pictures?

by EuniceQem594611 posted Oct 18, 2015


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Throwaway time!
So I’ve never posted on here before, but today something happened that I thought just absolutely warranted it.
First, a little background information. I’m about 5’10", 165 pounds, pretty muscular build, very tan in the summer, dark hair, dark eyes. I work at a high end country club lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons. I work with a lot of different families and get to know the kids and their moms pretty well.
Anywho, today I was giving lessons to a couple of kids I’ve been teaching for years and it went really well. Their Mom has always been fond of me, very friendly, tips well, but it is important to note that she has never EVER been flirty towards me.
Let’s call her Amanda. Amanda is late thirties-early forties, blonde hair, blue eyes. A little heavy, but overall in pretty good shape. Large shapely breasts and a good butt. I got to see her in a swimsuit all the time, very enjoyable. Overall quite an attractive older woman, and with the added mom factor I had definitely fantasized about her a time or two.
That brings us to the next part of my story. It was towards the end of the day meaning very few people left at the pool. I had just finished up Amanda’s second child’s lesson and was done for the day. Amanda tipped me twenty bucks and talked about how much the kids liked me and how it had been a pleasure. This was their last set of lessons for the summer. All of this was normal. A big tip, but I still didn’t think anything of it.
Her kids left to go hit some balls with their dad (Her husband! Which is of interest since he was right there at the club). Amanda stayed to swim a few laps. By now the pool had all but cleared out. It was just Amanda, one other family, and myself. I had sent the other guards home, but it was getting late and since I knew everyone there, I figured it would be fine for me to slip away and take a shower.
Here is where shit gets weird. Choose to believe me if you want, I don’t really care. Just needed to share this. Even typing it out it seems surreal.
I was enjoying a nice hot shower, when thoughts of Amanda crept into my head. I thought about her large breasts with her nipples always poking through her tight red swimsuit. I thought her plump ass and the camel-toe that I could occasionally see if she was sitting on the side of the pool just right. Naturally, I was getting quite hot and bothered and really needed to relieve myself. Here I was, fully torqued, standing alone in the locker room shower. I considered rubbing one out, as my cock was throbbing and I was already stroking it a bit, but thought better of it seeing how this was my place of work. Of course I couldn’t do anything sexual here!
I turned the water fully cold and scared off my persistent erection then exited the shower. I walked out of the locker room wearing just my swimsuit as I normally do, hoping that my cock would behave itself. No one was in the pool, or the main indoor area, so I figured everyone had gone home for the night. I start doing my normal closing routine, which involves checking to make sure both locker rooms are clean. I walked to the door of the women’s locker room, and despite thinking everyone had left I was still responsible enough to do my typical call of "Is anyone in here? Male lifeguard coming in".
Nobody said anything, so I walked in.
Standing by the showers was Amanda, in nothing but a towel. She was smiling at me, looking at me with those cool blue eyes. I was so flustered that all I could do was repeatedly mutter "I’m sorry, I’m sorry", but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She just looked so damn sexy standing there in that tiny white towel smiling at me. Still smiling not making a move to do anything else.
Finally I snapped back to reality and turned to exit the locker room, but then Amanda said something that sounded like it was straight out of a shitty porno.
"Wait. I was hoping you would come in. I feel like I never got to properly thank you for being so sweet to my kids all summer".
Being the bumbling fool that I am, I still couldn’t really put two and two together. I awkwardly muttered "No Problem" a couple of times and turned to leave again.
This is when she finally broke her smile and dawned an extremely seductive look on her face.
"Where are you going? I said that I wanted to properly thank you". She took a step towards me, never breaking gaze, and let her towel drop to the floor. She was completely naked underneath. Beautiful breasts just as I had imagined, puffy pink nipples that were incredibly perky for a woman of her age. She had just a bit of tummy, which drove me wild.
I was frozen where I stood, just staring at her beauty. She slinked over to me and lightly grabbed my hand, still not breaking my gaze or wiping that seductive smirk off her face. She led me over to the showers. She could tell I was still confused and a bit nervous now, so she smiled and gave me the sweetest, sexiest, "It’s ok" I have ever heard. She turned on the water and stepped into the shower, beckoning me to join her.
I stepped in, like a damn fool still wearing my red lifeguard swimsuit, but this didn’t stop her. She put both hands on my chest and leaned in to kiss me. Lightly at first, and then more passionately. I began to reciprocate, even using a little tongue, still afraid to let my hands wander at all. Her mouth tasted amazing, like nothing I can describe. She broke off our kiss and looked at me with that face again. Like she knew some sort of sexy secret that she was torturing me with by withholding it. She pulled both my hands up and placed them on her breasts that were soaking wet and slippery to the touch. They felt like home. This is where I finally began to get over how stunned I was and let my primal instincts kick back in. I began massaging her fantastic breasts and fondling her perfect pink nipples. She was momentarily set back by my taking charge, but soon started cooing softly and closed her eyes.
By this point I was hard as a rock and still wearing that stupid swimsuit. Her experienced hand deftly found its way down to my friend who was desperately trying to escape. She slowly dropped down into a crouching position, and as I was momentarily disappointed as my hands were stripped of the soft heaven that was her breasts, I was elated when she began to slide my swimsuit off. My dick sprang out with enough force to hammer in a nail, and I can still picture the look on her face.
I am not a huge guy by any means, but the excitement on her face made me feel like I was Ron-fucking-Jeremy. I was absolutely helpless under her power now and just leaned back against the shower wall in pure bliss.
I’ve received oral sex from a handful of different girls over the years, but they have all been my own age. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen practice truly does make perfect because Amanda was a fellatio goddess. She ignored my begging cock and went straight for balls, which drove me crazy with pleasure. She start off just nuzzling them with her nose before lightly licking them and finally taking each one into her eager mouth.
If god would have struck me down right there I would have been totally cool with it.
She slowly licked her way up my shaft before taking all my six and half inches of mediocrity into her velvety smooth mouth, all the while staring up at me with big blue puppy dog eyes. She vigorously sucked me off while massaging my balls like our lives depended on it. Soon she let her hands wander behind me and grabbed hold of each of my ass cheeks. She dug in with her nails so hard that she drew a bit of blood. However, in heat of the moment it felt like absolute heaven.
And then just as quickly as this all had started she stopped. She stood up and walked out of the shower. I was dumbfounded. I stood there with my swimsuit around my ankles and a cock that could have chiseled diamonds. When I stepped out of the shower my disappointment was immediately alleviated.
Amanda was busy laying a few dozen towels on the ground, making us a sort of makeshift bed. I kept standing there like a jackass drooling over the fact that I was about to get to fuck this incredibly hot MILF.
After she finished building our sex nest she got down on all fours and turned around to look at me with that look one more time. I eagerly stepped towards her and prepared to mount, but then she whispered,
I didn’t know what to make of this at first, but then she said something I found overwhelmingly sexy.
"You owe me".
I was no longer stuck in awkward, confusion mode and knew exactly what she meant by this. I happen to love eating pussy, especially when a girl is fresh out of the shower, and even more especially after a girl has been in the pool. Something about the fresh, cleanness of the chlorine drives me mad (maybe I’m a bit weird who cares). I knelt down behind her, cock wagging back and forth between my legs. I couldn’t even make an attempt to be sexy and tease her a bit. I buried my face right in her pussy. She was soaking wet and tasted like no girl I had ever licked before. I feverishly licked her pussy like I was trying to find out what really lies at the center of a tootsie pop. Technique was out of the question, I could hardly contain myself. She loved it though, moaning, bucking, and pushing back against my face. This pushed her butthole right into my nose.
Now for those of you who aren’t fans of the boom boom I apologize for this next part, but I happen to be a huge fan of delivering assplay. The scent of her nice, freshly clean, bumhole right on my nose was too much for me to handle. I pulled back and spread her ample cheeks, admiring what lay between.
Her pucker was astoundingly pink, more so than any girl’s that I have ever seen. It also looked like it had been freshly waxed and was staring me right in the face. Prior to this I have only had one girlfriend allow me to out her ass, so I was eager to dive right in. I grabbed her by the hips and buried my tongue right into her gorgeous asshole. She writhed in pleasure and what I was experiencing had to be even more intense. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was from tonguing this beautiful woman’s anus.
At this point my cock was ready to explode. I couldn’t hold off any longer and thrust it into her waiting pussy. I had always heard that older women were not as tight, but her pussy had me in a death grip. I pumped away, thumb in her ass the entire time, but couldn’t have lasted more than 2 minutes.
Partway through she cried out, "Fuck me Daddy!" which was a little odd since I am about half her age, but these were still the sexiest words that my ears have ever heard.
I could feel my intense orgasm nearing, and started to worry since we weren’t using a condom. She must have been able to tell because she quickly pulled away and knelt down in front of me again. She began to suck and stroke like I’ve never felt before and soon I was cumming incredibly hard. She swallowed every drop with that sexy smile on her face before standing up. She leaned in to kiss me, cupping my balls, and I reached down to diddle her bum one last time.
We got dressed and parted ways, separately because the paranoia of being caught was finally starting to set it. Very few people were still at the club at this hour, and virtually no one would have a reason to come by the pool area, but we still had taken an incredible risk.
I’ve never been with anyone so skillful and so dirty. I can’t stop thinking about how hot it was and my cock hasn’t gone down to rest for the entire night. Sorry for the wall of text, I took an Adderall to write a paper for school, but of course got wrapped up in writing this instead.
TL;DR – Had dirty, dirty sex with the hot mom of some of the children I give swim lessons to. LateNightThrowawayYo
