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Juliet waits.
It has been 2 months since her first encounter with the creature she now calls ‘my wolf’. In that time she has changed. Everyone has commented on it. She has become much more forceful. Juliet was never someone you would call a shrinking violet but the differences were stark. In the last month she has dumped her long-term boyfriend. Found a new job. Completely revamped the operation of her parent’s farm and more.
Her emotions were all over the place. Some days she was just giddy and filled with life. Taking joy in every little task and smiling with ease. Other days she worried. Snapped. Isolated herself from everyone and heaven help anybody who attempted to lure her out. She was intense. Everybody said so.
Juliet was aware of all of this. Only she knew why.
Some days she swore to herself that she would leave. Get on a plane and get as far away from him as possible. But no matter how many times she reached for the phone she could not bring herself to do it.
Other days she simply reveled in the feeling of being finally alive. Laughing at the people around her who were simply shadows. Pretending to be alive. Pretending anything they did mattered. They were such fools. So pointless.
Through it all the was the lust. The need. Long nights in her bed thrashing and sweating. Legs spread wide with fake cocks plunging into her very core. She even had a special one that she ordered off a store on the Internet. Very big, very long, almost the size of his. That was her favorite. She would start with lesser ones. Human ones. But she would end with it. Pushing it in so deep it hurt. Stabbing into her pussy and even her ass. Wishing he was driving it into her.
Her life was joyous confusion and she did not care. She was alive. And it was the first night of the full moon.
Juliet waits for him.
Not unprepared this time. It had taken some effort to find the clothes she needed. Thick leather now covered much of her body. Well except for the good bits. She giggled a little at that point. Leather covered her torso and wrapped under her breasts. Tall boots extended up to mid thigh. Her arms were also covered but her fingers were bare.
A stray breeze blew and she felt it across her bare ass. She no longer minded how much he would hurt her. She could not quite admit she wanted that part but deep down she knew she did. With this outfit the damage would be reduced.
It would suck to have her lover kill her in his passion.
He might still. She knew this. It was part of what made it so amazingly overwhelming. Fucked to death. Would they put that on her tombstone? Maybe she should require it. Another little giggle. Let the town talk about that. It would fuel coffee shop gossip for years.
Throughout all the up and downs. All the emotional highs and lows. The whispering and conversations that came to an end when she walked in the room one thing remained crystal clear. She wanted him.
One hand slides down her body to lightly stroke between her legs. He followed her scent she was sure of it. And the pulsing wetness between her legs was a beacon now. Just knowing that he would come tonight had her in an extremely worked-up state. It would be easy to cum right now.
Juliet had been learning. It is funny when you think something is just fantasy everything you read seems the same. Once you know something is truth then you start to see the differences. Much like he did she had researched. The leaves he had given her had been a huge clue. From there she had been able to learn a fair amount about him and his kind. They have always been with us but at some point we allowed the truth to become myth. Perhaps to protect ourselves so we could pretend we were the masters of this planet.
Juliet yearns for him.
She feels it in every cell in her body. From her nipples that ache to her pussy that throbs. From the lips that wish to wrap around his hardness to the hands that want to grip his fur.
Her head snaps to the left. Was that? She goes still barely breathing. Listening. Yes. A howl.
There is fear. That won’t go away and she hopes it never does. Juliet does not want this to become safe. The danger and the risk matter. Only through that could she feel this alive. The edge of the knife. It is insane and she laughs knowing it. Wanting it.
Sounds in the trees.
She looks over to the right. The big buck was terrified and pulling at the rope that held it. He too was part of her plans for the night. When she had proposed raising deer it was supposed to be to sell them for meat in an area where hunting was a big deal and people adored venison. The real reason was quite different. According to everything she had read deer were the primary food source for the werewolves. Well after humans of course.
She waits letting the light robe drop away.
The leather was white. Pretty in its way. It also reflected the moonlight like her pale hair.
For the first time since I was changed I look up at the moon and smile.
I stand naked in the forest feeling the beginning of the transformation. It will still hurt. My humanity will slip away nothing is different. Except I know where I will go once it is over. I will run. I will howl. But I know where I will end up.
There has been some guilt. Victims sometimes form attachments with their abusers. It is not love just a protective reaction. Give them what they want and survive. For a time I feared that was what was happening. She was giving herself to me out of fear of death.
So I watched her.
In the town. Carefully. I listened not just to her but to those that know her after she left them. People talk. There has been a lot of talk about her. Most in their ignorance complaining she was not the girl they thought they knew. Everyone expects their friends to remain the same. Stay in the little box that they are comfy with. When someone changes even their best friends have a hard time dealing with the change. People are selfish and only care about themselves.
Most of what was said I dismissed. Nothing wrong with becoming more forceful especially when I realized that in the past she let people walk on her far too often. There was one girl who spoke out in a group of complainers. She said they should all shut up. Could they not see what was under the surface? Juliet had met someone new. Someone that changed her. Yes she had dumped her boyfriend but that relationship was never going to go anywhere everyone knew that.
She was happy.
Happy? Could this really be true. The next time I saw Juliet I looked at her with new eyes. I saw the secret little smiles. When she bent someone to her will I could see her enjoy it. She was not abusing them she was simply making life what she wished it to be which is what everyone does.
My guilt vanished. For the first time in years the weight of what I was became lighter. The gloom was less.
I wait.
As the first wave of the change takes hold I look up at the moon. Not fighting it. Pain. Wracking my body as I become the wolf.
A long howl at the moon when it is over and I run. Through the forest. The scent of game ignored. I am searching. I know the way but the wolf has to find it each time.
The scent.
My lips curl back from my fangs. The scent runs through my body straight to my crotch. My cock twitches and I run faster. Ever moment the scent is stronger. If I was more aware I would realize how much stronger it is this time. But that does not matter all that matters is that it leads me to her.
I break through the trees into the clearing by the lake. Sliding to a stop.
She stands in the moonlight. Almost glowing in her white leather. My head twists side to side seeking threats. I spot the buck and take two steps towards it. Juliet looks at me with a little smile and walks across to where the doomed creature is tied. She lets it go and naturally it bolts.
I leap.
With one swipe of my claws I bring it down. Blood spurting from its broken neck. I crouch down and my jaws bite deep. I feed. Ripping it open. More blood sprays across my fur.
I do not notice but she moves slowly closer to me. She should be repulsed by what she sees. This is not some neat little meal. Bit of the animal fly through the air as I snap my head up looking for other predators. Back down again to chew off another piece. I gorge myself on the buck. Claws ripping it open.
Her hand touches my shoulder and I growl. She does not pull back even when my bloody muzzle turns in her direction. The scent of her strong enough to overwhelm even the raw blood. I see one glistening line of cum tracing a line down her inner thigh. Juliet rubs her hand between her legs and holds up her wet fingers in front of my face.
My tongue lashes out across her palm. The taste sends another electric jolt between my legs and the massive dark cock begins to rise.
I twist and grab her with clawed hands. Sinking into her skin. She cries out softly but barely twitches. Instead of me pulling her against me she forces herself forward. The hard pink points of her nipples and the leather covering her torso rub along my bloody fur. Smearing across her and she goes down to her knees. Her hands reach out even though moving her arms causes my claws to sink in even more.
She grabs my half hard cock and stuffs it into her mouth. A lot of it. My claws slowly release her as a small growl escapes my lips. Juliet is not trying to do anything more than make the massive rod of flesh hard. Her head bobs up and down rapidly. Gagging herself and letting spit drool down it.
Her efforts do the job. In mere moments the dark weapon is jutting out hard from my loins. She lets go and twists. Putting herself down on all fours and her face into the grass. Both hands reach back and grab her cheeks. Pulling hard and spreading wide her wet pink pussy gapes open.
"Take me my wolf. Fuck me!" she cries out.
The words mean nothing but I am on her while they still echo off of the trees. With one hard thrust I stab into her bringing a huge pain-filled cry from her lovely lips. My claws on her again sinking into her ass and hips. The pain shooting through her and fighting the pleasure of being filled almost beyond her capacity to take.
Her hands have slipped away and they go under her body. One grabs a hanging tit and pinches down really hard on the pink bud. Making herself gasp to distract her from the pain of the claws. The other going between her legs. She knows she has to push herself so she rubs hard on her throbbing clit.
I just fuck her like the beast that I am. Savagely. Thrusting with the full strength of my wolf body. Smacking into her ass loudly. Blood trickles down her backside. Cum drips from her pussy as it gets wetter and wetter.
She cums twice before I howl and spray inside her. For me it is somehow more powerful than every before shaking my entire body and pulling a long low growl from my muzzle following the louder howl.
Juliet takes over and keeps moving against me. Milking every drop from my hardness. Then as I rock back she once again goes into rapid motion. Twisting and coming back to her knees. Locking her arms around my waist and finding my dripping cock with her mouth again.
She tastes the mix of cum as it smears across her face and lips. There is still a little more cum dripping out of me and she sucks that down with a little cooing sound. Humming softly around my flesh. Nothing letting it go soft. She has a plan but does not know if it will work.
As she sucks she is pulling down with her arms. Trying to push me into sitting down. If I were a man I would understand but I don’t. I react badly and rake my claws down her back. She convulses against me but the leather takes most of it. Her shoulders get sliced and her reaction is to slam forward against me. Losing my cock but knocking me onto my back.
She scrambles forward to get on top of me. Ducking her head down to avoid my slashing claws and snapping jaws she manages to capture my cock between her thighs. Rubbing hard against it to try and pacify me before she gets too badly hurt. It mostly works but not before her ass picks up a new set of bloody slices. As my head comes up I can see my cock sticking up just below her round butt.
Juliet ignores the pain and works her thighs against my shaft and slides down a little. One hand reaching down to press my dick against her soft cheeks. Stroking just under the massive head she slowly calms me.
When she thinks it is safe to stop gripping me so hard she raises her ass up. Smooth white globes covered in bright red blood. Her hand reaches down and grabs me. Pulling my cock into her hot wet slit. She slams down fast as my claws rake across her ass again.
She screams.
Then she fucks me. The same way I do her. Hard and fast. Head against my shoulder. One hand grabbing my fur and the other between her legs. Pumping fast on my hardness. I am thrusting upward now. Lifting her completely into the air making her gasp. But she still has some control and this thrills her. She cums more times than she can count. Each new explosion sending waves of pleasure through her and increasing her hunger.
Juliet has no idea how long this goes on. Her throat is raw from the hot gasping breaths that pant out of her. Her body is one throbbing mass. Everything is raw sensation. Even the scraping of my claws across her skin do nothing more than propel her into her next orgasm.
The final one is triggered when I explode inside her. Stabbing upwards my hairy ass coming off the ground and holding her up. She grinds against me with my cock buried all the way in her. Rubbing her clit so hard she knows it will be raw in the morning. Not caring.
The scream when she cums rips through the night.
I slump back down. Muzzle wet with saliva and blood. Breath hissing out of me. She stays ontop until I start to move and then she rolls off and onto her back.
I get to my feet. Take one look at her and turn to lope off towards the tree line.
'Now comes the hard part' Juliet thinks to herself.
She groans with pain as she pushes herself shakily to her feet. For a moment she sways not certain if she can do this. One step. Then another. She cannot move very well but determination drives her.
Into the forest.
Juliet has hunted before but her skills are not really needed. My trail is not all that hard to follow. But it is a long one and more than once she has to stop and rest against a tree. Checking herself she finds she is not bleeding all that much. A few of the slashes are a little deep but nothing life threatening.
She follows.
At the end she almost panics because she thinks she has lost me. The trail seems to end with no house in sight. She calms her panic and listens. The soft sound of breathing comes from the left. Carefully she moves forward. She sees me on the ground asleep. With a soft sigh she moves closer and slowly lowers herself down next to me. reaching out she wraps one hand in my fur and instantly passes out.
The next morning…
I wake up as I always do with a sudden start. Almost as if being human again my body feels the need to jumpstart my brain. I close my eyes breathing slowly.
Then I feel it.
Flesh against my flesh. My eyes snap open and my head turns. Juliet is laying curled into a ball beside me. Confusion. The desire to get up and run is strong. But the state of her body prevents me from doing that. There is barely an inch of the white leather that is not covered in blood. Her beautiful skin dark and slashed everywhere. If I leave her here…. I cannot.
I shift to my knees and slide my arms under her body. She does not wake but like a small child she clings to me head against my bare chest. The walk home is not a long one.
Laying her down on my bed I strip the heavy leather off of her. She groans and makes pain faces but her eyes do not open. I wash the blood off of her. Only a few of the wounds bleed and those I slap gauze onto and tape down. When I am done I cover her in the blankets and then I sit down in a chair.
A few hours go by. When she starts to stir I get up and brew a cup of the tea for her. As I come back into the room with it her eyes are watching me.
"I have wondered so often what you looked like." she says in a sweet voice with a touch of rasp to it.
"No. Are you angry that I followed you?"
"No. Confused. Sit up. Drink this."
She does that making a face at the tea.
"God that is vile stuff. But it works."
I nod and sit back down in the chair.
"So now that you have found me what? Are you going to turn me in?"
She shakes her head which makes her wince.
"No. I wanted…. I… Why is this so hard? I wanted to know who you really were."
"So now you do. Not much really. Just a man."
"No. You are more than that."
"Less than that."
My turn to shake my head.
"I am a monster. I don’t know why you have not had me killed. I expected you to line up men with guns."
"I can’t do that. I…. Oh hell just say it Juliet…. I love you."
My eyes show the shock that rips through me.
"You don’t even know me."
"Then I love the wolf. And that wolf is you."
"Is there something wrong with you? Every time you have been with him you have risked your life. How many times do you think you can do that before he rips your pretty throat out?" I spit out.
"He won’t."
"Why? Because you are a pretty little piece of ass? Do you really think that matters?"
Her eyes light up.
"You think I am pretty."
I blush. How the fuck did she do that?
"You are beautiful and you know it. But that is not the point. He cannot see that."
"I think he can. Or maybe not. But he hurts me less each time. Although." she sits up more and groans. "He still works me over pretty good. Do you have a bath?"
"Could I use it? Soaking helps the tea to work."
I shake my head in annoyance and get up. Starting the water nice and hot. When I come back she is slowly getting to her feet. Her body is beautiful even as damaged as it is now. I feel a little twitch in my crotch and I suppress it.
"I… need a little help please." she says reaching out for me.
I move to her sliding an arm around her waist. Together we get her into the bath. I leave her there and go outside. Not knowing what to think or what I should do. Make her leave. Move somewhere else. I don’t know.
"What is your name?" she asks through the screen door a little while later.
I turn to see her wrapped in my robe. Hair wet but some normal color in her cheeks.
She smiles.
"I like that name. I need to sleep for a while. Will you still be here when I wake up?"
I look back at her not reacting.
"Please don’t leave. Please." she asks in a soft voice.
"Alright dammit. I will be here."
She smiles and vanishes.
The next few hours pass swiftly. I spend most of the time working. Trying not to think. Does not work very well. How could it? I wish I could say I came to a good decision. Send her away. Leave town. That was the right thing to do. The one thing I just could not understand is why she was even here. She did not seem insane but what rational person would take such a risk? All she knew about me was the wolf that alone should be enough to send her running for safety. I should have left when she gave me that note I realized that now.
Why didn’t I? I did not want to admit the truth even to myself. How could I ever to expect to have any sort of real life? I know what I am and I know what my fate will be. Sooner or later men will hunt me down. And contrary to the myths they don’t need silver bullets to kill me. The normal ones will work just fine. I do heal quickly and I will not go down easily but the wolf can die and he will.
I lift my head. Even in human form my sense of smell is sharp. That is the smell of steak and frying potatoes.
I walk back into the house. She is standing in my tiny kitchen. The meat and potatoes on the stove. She looks up at me with a little smile on her face.
"I am starving. Bet you are too." she tells me.
I just look at her.
"Or are you still full from last night?" she jokes.
Jokes? I remember. A part of me shivers at the thought. How can she joke?
"No. I could ah eat I guess."
"Then take a seat." she says cheerfully.
I do that not knowing what else to say. She works for a few more minutes and then comes out of the kitchen with a plate and a mug. Setting them down in front of me she disappears and comes back with the same for herself.
We eat in silence. I just don’t know what to say to her. I’m sorry? Seems lacking. Please shoot me now? That is better but I doubt she will. You are a crazy bitch and should run from this house screaming? Honest at least.
"Remarkable stuff that tea. My wounds are all closed. A few more days and even the scars will be gone." she finally says.
"And you won’t get all furry either." I say with a hint of a grin.
Now I’m joking. What the fuck is happening here?
When we are done we move into the living room. I sit down on the couch and she sits right next to me. I am more than a little uncomfortable.
"I guess we should talk." she says.
"About what? Clearly I am not the only crazy one in this town."
She laughs and tosses back, "Well if I am you made me this way."
"Not me. Him."
"Ok fine him. But still."
"Juliet what do you want?"
She looks at me. Catching my eyes and holding them.
"Yes you. You really don’t know why I am here do you?"
"Fuck no I don’t."
She puts her hand on my leg. I look down at it and then back up at her.
"Because I spent my whole life thinking I was alive. Then the wolf almost killed me and I knew I had been wrong. I was just existing. Doing what was expected. Dating a man I am fond of but don’t really love. The wolf showed me something more. And I want it."
"Even if it kills you?"
"Yes dammit! Even if it kills me. I don’t care."
"You should."
"Why? What is the point? I looked forward to last night like nothing before in my life. If it had been my last night at least I would have died happy."
"You know you are crazy right?" I cannot help but ask.
She laughs and slides her hand up my thigh.
"Yep. Want to know what is even crazier? I want you. Right now. I want to know how much of the wolf is you."
Her hand slides to the inside of my thigh and finds my soft trapped cock.
I feel something stir in me. Not the transformation but deep down I feel the wolf growl. It has changed me I know it. I have kept away from people for that very reason. My hand comes up and goes into her hair. I close my grip and pull her lips to mine for a hard kiss.
After a long deep wet moment she draws back a little. Lips only inches from mine.
"He awakened something in me. I have never been this sexual. Every night…" she says a little breathless.
"Every night what?" I say being rather dense.
She kisses me again before she answers.
She blushes a little, "Every night I think of him and I get wet and horny. Never been like that but I am now."
I reach out with my hand and slide it into the robe. Curling my fingers around one soft breast.
"And how do you feel now?"
She reaches up and takes my hand. Drawing it down as she spreads her legs. She pushes it against her soft slit. I feel damp and slippery skin. Juliet leaves my hand and reaches into my pants. Sliding her fingers along my skin until she can wrap around my cock. It is not hard but it is heading that way fast now.
"You know as much as I love what he does to me there are some things he cannot do." in a tease of a voice.
I slip two fingers slowly inside of her. She shivers and squeezes my dick.
"Like what?"
"Lay back and I will show you."
She stands up and lets the robe slide off her body onto the floor. She undoes my pants and pulls them off. Turning she climbs on top of me as she takes my cock back in her hands. Her pretty butt hovering over my face. I get my first good look at the soft place between her legs. Pretty pink lips that already show the puffiness that comes with arousal. The hint of her clit at the top. I lean up and lick along it.
She sighs a long, "Yesssss." and wraps her lips around me.
I start to lick in long swipes. Pushing my tongue inward a little. She tastes very sweet and is very wet. Her mouth feels amazing on me. She uses her hands and mouth not only on my shaft but on my balls too. Treating them with respect and getting them very wet with her tongue.
We move together for a while. I feel her shiver and there is a gush of cum. It spatters across my face as her thighs clench against my head. With a smooth move she rotates on top of me. Aiming my cock at her pussy and slowly sinking down onto it.
She bends down and kiss me hard as she slowly slides along my length.
"I want to live here."
"But there are two conditions."
"One. You fuck me anytime and anyway you want. You fuck me a lot."
Kiss and a grin.
"And the other?" I ask with a little gasp as she clenches her pussy tight around me.
"You never mind that I love him just a little more than I love you." with a dazzling smile and a huge blush.
"Yesssssss…." she sighs and proceeds to fuck my brains out.
So for a third time my life changed. Some nights we chain the wolf. She likes those night when she is in control. I always wake up with a sore dick. Other nights I hunt her in the forest.
She loves those nights.
And so do I.


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