Tea Parties Rock Washington With ?In Your Face? Politics. Not For The Faint Of Heart! By Brent Thomas

by ArtMaygar615560827888 posted Oct 18, 2015


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Rumor around the tea party campfires are how the disenfranchised got less than what one could think about ?cordial? welcome? from Pelosi on down. Whispers and memos filled the halls as foot soldiers received strict marching orders. ?Do Not Engage the Enemy.?

FOX favorite, anchor Neil Cavuto, furiously, well, occasionally however, was seen hitting the FOX ? Obama hotline speed dial, only to speak to busy signals with out answers.

Just thinking out loud here: ?I don?t know about you Nancy, but it doesn?t appear like an excellent tactic to circle your political wagon around a rotting corpse.? ?Most polls show the percentage of those who strongly disagree with Obama Care at near third party numbers. From both sides from the aisle.

Sliding ever downward from super majority, to reconciliation to up-or-down and now a potential ?deeming? has even constitutional lawyers from the left, doubting whether or not this opportunity pass legal muster.

Still, free spins on Air-force One (thanks Dennis) and back room, closed door deal making is slowly get the Dems better a ?passable number. Some were hoping the vote would've taken place by midnight about the 17th and isn?t it a coincidence how the vote might have fallen on St. Patrick?s Day.

Was Harry thinking here that enough black and tan debauchery, with out you are likely to take much notice? Even more so with the following mornings 'mia culpas' towards the porcelain prince?

Meanwhile individuals that most in the living and dealing and paying (taxes) and dying in this country were well represented by more than a few unruly right-wing astro-turfers.

Signs held high with admonishments of no longer ?Business as Usual? in Washington DC, and much more a few sporting founding fathers garb and warning the ?All is Not Well? bell tolls for thee and me.

So, today?s ?let?s take America?s temperature? questions are really compelling I?ll probably obtain a guest writing spot for the ?VIEW?. I hope so. I really want to go head to head with Joy ?the basher? Behar and get right up in their mush.

The questions in no un-random order are:

1. If you were to attended a tea party, what would your sign say?

2. Would you vote a alternative party this November? What about 2012?

3. Sarah Palin. What should we all do with your ex? no, really?

4. As of today, who would you love to see become ?The Big Cheese? in 2012?

My choice? for Prez? It only is practical in my experience to hire someone who?s fully willing to run the greatest corporation on the planet. That?s what America is? the biggest conglomerate for the planet.

The nanny state policies and ?everything for everybody? mentality are going to drive us in a debt greater than Kim Kardashian?s caboose. At this rate, if you have teens, they?ll find a 50-60% tax bracket once they?re in their 40?s. Yikes!

Former Stand-Up Comic and Serial Entrepreneur Brent Thomas started writing political satire / humor inside the late 80?s in order to ?take America?s temperature? through the stage. He?s taken his diatribe and created a assortment of Politically Charged, NO B.S. In-Your-Face Conservative / Libertarian T-Shirts, ideal for Town Hall meetings, Tea Party soir?es, Polling Places and Prison (ouch).

You can read the rants to check out the shirts at and don?t forget to penetrate our FREE t-shirt give-a-way.

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