Pornstar Cherokee - 7 Places To Look For A Top Blonde Pornstars

by CaitlynXpn85781 posted Oct 18, 2015


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Seeing Ms. Reynolds in class on Monday did not make Molly as uncomfortable as she thought it would. In fact it made her heart race with excitement when she realized that she had blown her english teacher’s boyfriend and she had no idea. She greeted Molly with the same smile and cheery hello that she did every day. Molly was one of her favorite students and now she was also her boyfriends favorite runner. All she could think about during class was Jack. She relived what happened over and over. Their kissing, the feeling of his strong hands digging into her breasts, the taste of his warm cum as he shot load after load down her throat. She felt herself getting wet right there in the middle of class. She hadn’t seen him since their last encounter and she wondered when their next sexual rendezvous would be. She hoped it would be soon. Jack could barely focus the entire day. He had to see Molly again. He had to feel her tongue gliding over his cock again. He sat in his office rock hard all day just thinking about her. Her perky tits, long legs, and her firm and round ass. He resisted the urge to jack off because he knew they would be together again after track practice today, he wouldn’t have it any other way. The first time they saw each other was at practice. He saw her approaching in her black spandex shorts and lime green sports bra with a group of her friends. He turned away to avoid staring at her. He heard her voice "Hey coach" he turned. She and her friends were setting their stuff down. "Hello ladies" he addressed the entire group just in case anyone had any ideas about what happened in the training room yesterday. No one looked at him or Molly with any suspicion. He got smiles from most of the girls, probably vying for some the attention that Molly gets so often. Practice went normally. Jack got used to having Molly around and acting like their relationship was just like his relationship with all of the other runners. The only time Molly tried to flirt with him or most beautiful porn stars even allude to the fact that she remembered what happened yesterday was at the end of practice. Everyone was either stretching or making their way to the school building to change and Molly decided to stand facing away from Jack and slowly bend down to touch her toes. Her ass stuck out right in front of him and she peeked through her legs to meet his his top 5 porn stars gaze which has fixed on her. She did nothing to stare back, no wink or smile, just a stare as if to say "Come get me" He intended to do just that. Molly did surprisingly well playing it off and acting normal. She was proud of herself for being such a good actor. She managed to keep most thoughts about Jack out of her head, although every time she glanced at him images of his cock flashed through her head. Her mouth practically watered at the thought of it. She decided to take an extra long time getting her things together from the locker room and made sure she was the last one to leave. She decided she would stop by Jack’s office on her way out. She was still wearing her spandex and sports bra. She knew he would like that. Molly made sure no one saw her walk to his office. The door was open. She stepped into the doorway and knocked on the door "Knock knock" she said just loud enough for him to hear. His head turned and they just stared at each other for few seconds. "Come in and close the door" he said softly as he turned in his chair to face her. She obeyed and closed the door quietly. She set down her things and stood there. Her heart pounded just like it did the day before. Jack stood up and took two quick steps towards her and she practically jumped into his arms as their lips met. Jack was waiting for her. He knew she would come and when she did he could barely contain himself. The feeling of her warm body pressed up against his instantly made him hard. He picked her up as they continued kissing. Her ass served as a perfect handhold as her lifted her off the ground and sat her on the edge of his desk. Molly was more than ready to be fucked. She grabbed at his shorts and pulled them down a little. Jack released her to and pulled his boxers down the rest of the way. She stared at his cock as he ripped his shirt off. It was veiny and throbbing. She felt his hands pulling at her shorts and she leaned back to allow him to pull them off as she pulled her sports bra over her head. She sat there with her legs spread wide open as Jack just stared at her, taking her naked body in "Fuck me" she said forcefully. He kept female pornstars his eyes locked with hers as he stepped forward holding his cock at it’s base. Jack wasn’t sure how long he would last. Molly sat with her hands planted behind her, legs spread and ready to be taken. Without a word he stepped forward and rubbed the head of his cock across her pussy. She was already wet and she gasped as he touched her. He stared at her as he pushed his head in. Her mouth opened but no noise came out. He pulled away quickly and then pushed in again just little farther this time. Agian her mouth opened but no noise. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in to kiss her as he pushed the length of his cock into her. She moaned loudly into their kiss he slowly pumped his cock in and out. He pulled away but kept his face inches from hers. She moaned each time he pushed into her. He whispered "You have to be quiet" She nodded and bit her lip as he sped up his thrusts. Her tits rocked back and forth and made a light slapping noise as the came back down to her chest. The room was quiet except for their labored breathing and soft moans coming from Molly that she was trying to keep down. She couldn’t keep this up for long. The walls of her pussy were tensing up with every thrust. She wanted to scream out Jack’s name in pleasure but she knew that would be a bad idea. She’d had pornstar rough sex before, but not like this. Before it was slow and almost boring. The guys that had fucked her before just thrust into her for a about a minute and then lost all control. This sex was passionate and lustful. The feeling of 5 star porn videos his cock inside her was better than anything she had ever felt. She could feel it throbbing and flexing inside her tight, soaking wet pussy. Molly let out a small yelp as Jack sped up more. Another one slipped out as her pussy clenched around his cock. Jack gritted his teeth. He could feel her body tensing up and knew she would orgasm soon. He couldn’t let her scream and risk someone who might still be in the school hear them. He kept one hand firmly on her back to keep her close to him and reached the other hand up to cover her mouth. Her eyes widened as she let a moan she had been holding in. Jack kept pumping as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her legs quivered and Jack felt a rush of warmness come over his cock. He slowed his thrusting as her muffled moans got softer. Molly practically screamed into his hand as he thrust his cock completely into her one last time and held it there. He felt another warm feeling as she came again. She stared at him as he slowly pulled his cock out and pulled his hand away from her mouth. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her off the table. She fell to her knees as he began to stroke his cock faster and faster. Molly knew exactly what was coming. She owed it to him to take his hot load all over her face, especially after being fucked like that. She leaned back on her heels and waited patiently for Jack to finish. She brought her face up right in front of his cock just as he burst. Jack grunted with each shot as he painted her face. She closed her eyes as his warm cum covered every inch of her face. Jack couldn’t believe how much he had just cum. Molly kept her eyes closed as she giggled and licked her lips "Wow you must have been saving up" Jack smiled "All for you" Jack walked to his bag and grabbed a towel "Here wipe your face" Molly took the towel from him and wiped the still warm cum from her face. Jack began to put his clothes back on and Molly did the same "Good job not screaming out" Jack said as Molly slipped her sports bra back on. She smiled "Yeah thanks for covering my mouth I’m not sure how much longer I could have kept that up" she laughed and stepped up to him. They kissed lightly at first and then more passionately as their tongues intertwined. Molly pulled back and stared at Jack "Maybe I’ll stop by here before school tomorrow" she said raising her eyebrow "Would you like that?" Jack stared for a moment and then smiled "I would like that" Molly returned his smile and then turned and walked out of his office. ratsonrats1896 [1 comment]
