Blonde Pornstars - How To Something Your Pink Porn Star

by CaitlynXpn85781 posted Oct 18, 2015


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Below is the second installment about true events that happened over three days in June. If you haven't read the first part you should. It's good stuff and gods honest truth. Don't want to? Here's a quick recap: I am the male Maid of Honor with three other bridesmaids and my first duty was to pick up another bridesmaid at the airport and drive her to the wedding venue but on the way we eat steak, watch strippers, and sex it up in the back of the car. I'm in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Barely a cabin. Like eight pieces of wood nailed together. I'm at camp basically. I'm in a glorified dog house at a wedding being held at a camp and I'm assfucking a fellow bridesmaid. I know what you're thinking. Who brings high grade silicone lube to a place like this? The same girl who also brought two different vibrators and a nipple clamp. That'd be Morgan! This little rendezvous was predetermined on the car ride down. "Can we please do that again this weekend?" Yes, I said "please" like I was begging because I sort of was. The anal sex however, total surprise. She was bent over with her hands against the wall and I am behind her going to town while hoping we don't shake this whole shack to pieces. At one point she grabs a tube from a small black bag and with a simple "here" takes my dick out of her pussy, lubes me up, and now we're doing anal. I cum in her ass. We kiss for a good long time. Then I sneak away into the pitch black woods unseen. This is the kind of feeling only David Duchovny gets! People like me don't have naughty secret trysts in the woods. The next day we play it cooler than cool. Nobody even suspects. There are a billion things to do because it's a wedding. Billion and one if you are the maid of honor. The one coordinating everything is Bridgette who knows the bride from grad school. She has this whole operation planned out and ability to make forty people snap to in hundred degree heat. Her summer dress lays beautifully over her round hips and a momentary breeze shows off the exact shape of her breasts. I'm just a horn dog rolling around camp thinking he's Sean Connery. Nothing but sex on my mind. Which as it would turns, worked for me. Everyone was given their assignments. Mine was to help prep the bridal suite with Bridgette. The bridal suite being an actual cabin with an air conditioner, it's good to be the maid of honor. Bridgette and I had met a couple times before but nothing special. Now we were basking in the top 10 porn stars cool air while sipping the extra bottle of champagne I'd brought. The conversation never turned naughty, not a once. "There's a private shower in here. Fuck it, I'm rinsing off." I closed the door between us and strip down. Bridgette laughed. I get out and put my old clothes on, it'll have to due. "You should do the same. Honestly. Those other showers are horrid." I gesture to the private shower. She immediately shook her head but then ran her hands down her arms and the layer of dust we'd all accumulated. "Will you keep watch?" she asked. hottest female pornstars I raised a new glass of champs best porn pictures and said "I'm not going anywhere." Bridgette showered and I worked on how exactly to say this next part. If my fellow bridesmaid Morgan hadn't balled me stupid in the last twenty-four hours I'd of probably said nothing. The water turned off. I counted down from sixty. Knock knock. The door cracked, Bridgette wrapped in a towel poked her head out. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." I said, then... "Bridgette? Do you want to sleep with me?" She Laughed. "Here?" "Now" I said. She stopped laughing. "Lock the door." and she emerged from the bathroom. Checked the door, check all the blinds, check check check, and when I turned around Bridgette was naked in front of the bed. Dear god, that worked. I quickly discarded my clothes, walk up, and gave her the most suave passionate kiss I could muster. We collapsed on the mattress and are bathed in the cool conditioned air. Ran my hands down her body, these hips and amazing ass just waiting to be squeezed. Kissing a trail from her ear to her large breasts, she took one and brought it up to my mouth. How great is the feeling of an erection pressed against wet pubic hair? Exactly. We rubbed and rubbed against each other. Playful and hot. Yet time was of the essence, something we both knew. Her hand coddled my cock and positioned it. I pushed slowly and she moaned through strained teeth. First gentle thrusts, her body was so soft. She laid a hand on my hip and conducted me, faster then faster. A quick pull from her hand and I smashed my cock against her. The rhythm was set and now I was giving off long hard thrusts. Her legs wound around mine and she mashed her face against the blanket. "I'm gonna cum" I say with the bed now shaking vigorously. "It's okay." she says and I just let loose. Her hands move over me as every muscle contracts. Then I fall into her. Speechless. What was hottest girl porn there big ass pornstars to say? She went to tidy in the bathroom. I put back whatever we disrupted while humping on the bridal bed. "Banging the maid of honor. That's so cliché." and her laughter roared from behind the door. We spent the rest of the day playing grab ass and putting together my best friends wedding. Dear god I had turned into some sex crazy feind, allowed up run rampant at a pseudo summer camp. What else was I capable of? To be continued... 1BPDOi9 FancyNate 1HsWcQf 1HsWcQf[5 comments]
