Naked Old Women - What Does Free Nude Mature Women Mean?

by HalleyRothstein posted Oct 17, 2015


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x-posted from /r/RandomActsOfMuffDive I was in the middle of a two-week stint in the Sydney Office and decided to exchange my weekend trip home for a couple of extra nights in the hotel, so I could catch the international royal fleet review happening on the harbour – particularly the accompanying fireworks and aerial display on the Saturday night. I had a great view from my hotel room of the naval flotilla stretching into the distance along Sydney harbour, so why not? Sydney prides itself on its party spectaculars, and this was not something I'd likely encounter for free and completely coincidentally again, especially since the fleet review moves around each time! Plus the weekend weather promised to be so much nicer in Sydney than back home in Melbourne… I posted requests (offers?) in both /r/RandomActsOfBlowjob and /r/RandomActsOfMuffDive (which I'd just opened that day – coincidence!? ;p). Despite some tantalising offers from RAOB, the most promising prospect came as an RAOM offer! so I was really excited – my first ever random experience where I'd be receiving! Squee!! We spent some time in the lead-up to Saturday talking about logistics, fantasies... and jewellery! I was most intrigued by the concept of going down on a pierced cock – I've never done that before, and I love having random experiences where I get to try something new! (You didn't really think there'd ever be a question about reciprocation from me, did you? ;D) So the night finally arrived. My date messaged to say he was running a little late due to all the road closures (thanks to Prince Harry and all his pretty sailor boys and girls in town to show off their toys to the people who paid for them), but my old friend – we’ll call him Bob – arrived on time for a change, so we settled in for a "quiet night in the hotel"; ordered some snacks and drinks from room service, raided the mini-bar while we waited, and sat in front of the window to catch up while we watched the masses stream from the train station to the waterfront, and wondered which of the crowd below I'd end up blowing that night. I don't usually have much of an appetite before these encounters (except for cock), so I didn't end up eating much until after we were well into the swing of things. Soon enough, I got a message to say he was downstairs. Bob went down to meet him, while I "slipped into something more comfortable", taking in the great view of all of the ships on the harbour, and the million or so people streaming in to see them. Sydney is an awesome city to look down on – just as long as you're not trying to get around. XP We'd agreed that he would bring a bottle of Champagne to help celebrate what we presumed would be the first successful RAOM, so he arrived with a box in hand, and we did the usual greeting small talk, complete with discussing the road closures and how hard it was to get around in Sydney whenever there's anything on – some things never change. It felt strangely formal shaking hands, knowing what everyone was expecting to happen, and especially given my European habit of kissing both cheeks, even of strangers you just met. It gave me a little flashback to resort conference sales presentations and signing contracts in hotel rooms... Bob popped the cork, poured a glass each, and we toasted the evening before settling in to watch the fireworks and military aircraft display, spraying huge defensive flares along their path... Or at least, the guys watched the show... I'd already been watching it while I was waiting for them. So I took that as my cue to suggest that the gentlemen remove their trousers so we could get the party started properly... They'd each taken one of the two armchairs set up to look out the window. Bob and I go way back, so he was more comfortable and got his trousers off first. I started by taking his head in my mouth and licking lazy circles around the top. He was already hard and I enjoyed moaning down his length to increase the sensations that little bit extra. Being the perfect gentleman, though, he insisted that I move over to be in front of the other chair before too long. After all, Bob and I get to play fairly regularly, and I might not get another opportunity with the guy whose cock I was about to start exploring... Or him with me... So I scooted over to the other chair and took my first look, in person at least, at the metal-topped member in front of me. It was a Prince Albert piercing (so we'll just refer to my new friend as "Al" from here on ;p), and the bar looked pretty thick and bulky. o_0 I figured I'd give it a go but was pretty sure I'd be asking him to take it out before long. Bob picked up one of the cameras I'd brought and motioned to Al as if to ask if it was OK to take some pics. We'd already discussed it, but it's never polite to just start flashing away in a stranger's face while he's getting a BJ from someone he barely knows! I carefully engulfed his head, bar and all, in my mouth, and tried an experimental swirl with my tongue. As long as I kept my mouth in the one position I could avoid the clanking of metal on my teeth, but not being able to lose myself and be carefree wasn't particularly satisfying – so he got rid of that quickly, and I got back to the job at hand. Pierced cocks are better for sex – not so much the oral variety – because they're mainly for the woman's pleasure, and this is not how I was planning to be pleasured, so I was happy to have pure penis in my mouth! I did really enjoy the sensation of the hole the piercing left; I'm not sure if he enjoyed how much I ended up playing over it with my tongue! But I don't recall him complaining... V's mantra of shoot first, delete later was apparent as he took a sequence of shots, each one with less and less cock visible. Seemingly satisfied, he handed the camera to Al for some shots from his point of view. Then immediately picked up another camera (or maybe my phone) and started photographing that! My new friend was noticeably more comfortable now, and had me take off my bra so he could fondle me and suck on my nipples. I kept pumping his length gently while he examined my nipples very, very closely, with his tongue as well as his fingers. I went weak at the knees, overwhelmed by the sensation, when, at V's suggestion, he sucked both of them into his mouth at the same time. I got a bit carried away with going down on him, and after a while the guys had to remind me about what we were supposed to be here for... What can I say, having a cock in my mouth is kinda distracting... We moved over to the bed and I lay on my back, parallel with the bed head and the wall o' cushions, while Al knelt over the top of me and started a closer examination of my pussy and its own piercing, a vertical clit hood bar. He started off slow and I played with his hair a bit, just tangling my fingers in it, not really directing his motions in any way. It didn't seem necessary, because his tongue and fingers were finding all the right places. He'd do slow circles around my clit, then dart between my lips quickly, then increase the force of his licks, then slow down again, alternating between slow and fast movements often enough to keep me just on the edge. After a while I had to take my piercing out, because the sensations were becoming overwhelming. I don't think I'm alone in being a little self-conscious about guys seeing me below the waist, initially at least, because it's obviously way more intimate than when they're "just" playing with my boobs, so at first I had to force myself to relax and focus on what I was feeling. Because what I was feeling was pretty fan-fucking-tastic, I have to say. It was a completely new kind of awesome to find a guy who enjoys going down on a woman as much as I enjoy going down on a man. I always knew intellectually that it's a real turn-on to have someone who gets off on the act itself, but it's a whole other story when you're getting to experience it in action. After a little while, Bob came over and repositioned me slightly so my head was hanging off the edge of the bed, and fucked my mouth while Al continued to go down on me. I really enjoy the feeling of being distracted from the cock in my mouth by the mouth on my clit, and vice versa, but it does make for a very squirmy BobbyJo! The guys had to hold me down (gently, of course) to stop me from wriggling away, which drove me into an even wilder frenzy. I didn't actually cum at that point, but I did get the shakes from being overwhelmed by the pulses of pleasure shooting out from my clit; I had to stop sucking on Bob in case I bit him accidentally. That prompted him to disengage and go into photog mode. He moved away from the edge of the bed and started taking more pictures. He took shots of Al and me 69ing (which turned into a bit of a contest between me and Al for who could distract the other person more... I think he might have won that one! ;D) and of me giving Al head while he was kneeling on the bench at the end of the bed, and I was leaning on my side so he could get to my boobs... and of me getting slightly delirious while Al was vigorously finger fucking me when I lay back down on the bed. At that point we decided to take a break and went down to the hotel bar. Al and I chatted about Sydney vs Melbourne (unavoidable, apparently), Reddit and normal stuff, while we flicked through some of the pics and vids of my previous experiences, and Bob went to get drinks. The small talk flowed freely (which is surprisingly common after you've exchanged fluids), and Bob and Al got along famously chatting about their mutual interests. And we're not talking about me! ;p There were some unrelated shenanigans in the lobby requiring the eventual attendance of security, so Bob hung around for the show (with a couple of well-dressed young ladies who were clearly looking for a fun night) and suggested Al and I go back to the room for more play in private, sensing that the extra pressure of an audience wasn't necessarily entirely helpful for two strangers exploring each other... We peeled off our clothes again pretty quickly and moved straight back to the bed. I laid back across the bed and spread my legs for him. Once again, he started slow and sensual, then progressed to tongue fucking me vigorously. He was doing it with his whole body, basically on his hands and knees, rocking his torso backwards and forward like he was fucking, but only touching me with his tongue, mashing it against me with each stroke. It was a totally new experience for me, and one I was really turned on by, because the way he was moving was just so hot... but eventually it became so overwhelming I had to take a break. He rolled over onto his back and I leaned over him and took him into my mouth again. He gave me a hand, and watched me with an intensity that I found both entrancing and slightly unnerving. I felt like I was being watched. But I like putting on a hot show, so I did, looking back into his eyes as his cock slid in and out of my mouth. Between his hand and my mouth, he started spurting, and I engulfed his head in my mouth and swallowed down his load. After he got his breath back, he told me he wanted me to really sit on his face (cue obligatory Monty Python reference?) and grind my pussy into his mouth with all my weight – which was another first for me. What a night! He had to tell me how to position myself, and give me a few directions so that I could relax and enjoy it – it's a bit scary to feel like you might suffocate someone with your twat, but at no stage did he seem to be stuggling! I put one knee on either side of his head and leaned my hands on the bedhead above him, so I could grind away on his face. Fucking his face was such a pleasurable experience (so much so that I'm twitching right now while I'm thinking about it again ;D), and it let him enjoy some manual self-stimulation while I was enjoying his tongue. I had to stop after a while because the position wasn't sustainable, unfortunately, and turned around to see him stroking his hard, engorged cock. I took another opportunity to explore that rough little hole near the base of his head with my tongue, then leaned on my side with my legs open, giving him something to keep his hands busy, while I enjoyed providing a bit more reciprocation. He totally deserved it.... When we were done with round two, we cuddled and talked for a bit, while I gently stroked the length of his back and sides with my fingertips. We were both starting to doze off and it was getting very late, so he said he should get going. He gathered up his things while I grabbed an oversize pillow so I wouldn't be buck-naked when he opened the door, then we hugged and kissed each other goodbye. I headed back to bed, texted Bob (who was off on his own adventure) my "home safe" code word to let him know he could relax, and drifted off to sweet dreams of new experiences and who I might be able to share them with... BobbyJo_babe
