Erotic Artistic Nudes - The Death Of Erotic Perfection

by MonikaP845112049958 posted Oct 17, 2015


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< Part 6 Lady Jennifer continued, Im not surprised by your confusion. Our society has a hard time coming to grips with what is the true nature of our sexuality. In every other positive relationship that we engage in, we seek someone who is our equal, or someone like ourselves, but not in sexual relationships. There we dont want someone who is the same as us, we want someone who complements us, someone that fits us like a missing piece of a puzzle. Sexual intercourse is a physical manifestation of this, but the true nature of it runs much deeper than that. Lady Jennifer turned away, which caused a great deal of distress from Marcia. She was really hoping for some physical attention. What I am trying to get at is what I mentioned earlier, and that is the duality of domination and submission. In all sexual relationships there is someone who is in control, and someone who is allowing him or herself to be controlled. The roles may swap back in forth in any sexual encounter, but those roles are there, nonetheless. The terms domination and submission are poorly understood in our society, but they are the only ones I have to use. Too often those terms are directly linked to whips and chains and leather restraints, but that is only where things wind up when we dont understand what is going on. Lady Jennifer turned back to Marcia, and reached between her thighs. She then began to lightly run her middle finger back and forth across the crotch of her panties. You may think you are not doing anything right now, but you are in fact performing an act of submission. On my part, I am performing an act of domination, and I while I am enjoying it, I can assure you, Im not enjoying this nearly as much as you are. This is the most important fallacy of domination and submission. It would seem natural that the person in control would be enjoying the sexual encounter the most, but if done right, that is rarely the truth. Lady Jennifer pulled her hand back, and again turned away. As she continued to talk, she rubbed the dampness she got from Marcia between her fingers. The entire concept of domination and submission is profoundly misunderstood. When I say something like men dominating women, what pops into your mind? Marcia didnt understand where this was going, and quite frankly, she didnt care. She just wanted her mistress finger back where it was. Luckily this appeared to be another of her rhetorical questions because she went on. What usually comes to mind are things like Muslim countries where women are the property of men, and they are not free to decide the life they want to live. I would put forward that this has nothing to do with domination, and more to do with fear. Domination and submission are dual concepts, and both are active. For domination to occur there needs to be a corresponding act of submission. If a woman is kept ignorant, has no rights to do anything, and she even has her identity taken from her by having to hide under a burka, how is she choosing to be submissive? How can any man take pride in that kind of domination? The more options a woman has to do other than submit to the man, yet she does, the greater her submission, and correspondingly, the greater the domination by the man. The only thing Muslim men demonstrate is how much they fear their women, not how much they dominate them. And domination without submission is nothing but rape. If you want to understand domination and submission properly you need to understand how much power you have as the submissive, and you must be able to trust the dominant person in wanting you to have as much freedom as possible to choose to be submissive. Once again Lady Jennifer stepped towards Marcia, and once again she spoke quietly in her ear, Like right now. You have a choice. You can chose to leave this room, and I promise, if you choose this, there will be no repercussions whatsoever. Your other choice is to beg me to put my hand back where it was. Which choice will you make Marcia? Marcia didnt see a choice at all. She wanted to feel her mistress between her legs so badly that the choice she was given was like choosing between death and life. Mistress Jennifer, please put your hand back between my legs. You mean like this? Lady Jennifer only tormented her by placing her hand on the inside of Marcias thigh. No, Mistress Jennifer. Marcia pleaded. Im sorry, Marcia, but you are going to have to be more specific. Please put your hand on my vagina, Mistress Jennifer Much better, Marcia. With that, Lady Jennifer wrapped her left arm around Marcia to support her, then began to slowly rub Marcias crotch with her right hand. Soon she was pushing aside her panties, and plunging two fingers inside her. In no time, she had Marcia worked up until she had her second orgasm of the day. Marcia clung to Lady Jennifer as wave after wave hit her. She never felt so out of control in her life. Lady Jennifer continued to hold on to Marcia as her breath s returned to normal. Then once again that day she gave Marcia a deep, passionate kiss. This time there was no hesitation on Marcias part in returning the kiss. After what seemed like no time at all, but must have been a long time, Lady Jennifer pulled back to continue Marcias introduction. You see Marcia. Being the submissive can bring about a great deal of satisfaction, but it is a lot more complex than what I just showed you. Take your statement today about liking to be spanked. Im sure you meant it, but you spoke from a position of not understanding the concepts properly. It is the submission that you enjoyed, much like what you were experiencing at the time you begged me to touch you. Its not the spanking you enjoyed. It was that the spanking as an act of submission that brought about the pleasure you experienced. If I command you to eat a bowl of ice cream, would eating it be an act of submission? Marcia replied No, Mistress Jennifer. Of course not. Submission requires that you experience something that is either painful or humiliating, or both, for it to be an act of submission. In fact, if you were to actually like being spanked, we would have to find something else in order for it to be an act of submission. This brings me to the warning I made when you said that you liked to be spanked. Most women think the same thing who experience it, but since they dont understand the true nature of what they are experiencing, they end up in these degenerative spirals where they are constantly looking for something even more painful and degrading than the previous experience. The reality is that its the relative degree, and not the absolute degree, of submission that these women crave. In other words, the more powerful, self-confidant and happy a woman is, the less drastic the act has to be to for it to be a profound act of submission. Or put another way, if youre not careful, youll wind up hanging naked in a dungeon with needles ran through your nipples, and brand marks all over your skin, rather than gaining the same sexual satisfaction from just being over a mans lap for a spanking. Lady Jennifer gave Marcia a few minutes to think, and just hugged her close to her. Eventually Marcia spoke, Im still quite confused, Mistress Jennifer. Even though I agree with just about everything youve said, and have enjoyed the experiences you have given me, I still dont feel comfortable with joining the kingdom. Thats all right, Marcia, Lady Jennifer said reassured. I still have a lot more to cover, and I have only just scratched the surface of the religious aspects. I know this is probably your biggest stumbling block. I do want you to know how proud I am that you spoke your mind just now. This demonstrates a strength of character that I look forward to see grow even stronger. The stronger our women are, the stronger our kingdom will be. Lady Jennifer gave Marcia one more hug, then continued, Okay Marcia, were just about done before we break for dinner. The last thing I want to cover is how we initiate sexual domination of a women in this kingdom. Whether the person initiating it is a man or a woman, it is done by reaching behind the woman to be dominated, and grabbing her hair at the back of her head. And yes, this plays havoc with you if you just spent a long time fixing up your hair. If someone comes up to you, and you see them reaching behind you, you should never consider whether they have permission to do so. If they dont, it will be worked out later. All you know is that someone is seeking your submission, and you should respond as if you know they have the right to it by turning your head slightly to make it easier to grab your hair. Let me demonstrate. Lady Jennifer pulled away from Marcia until she was facing her at arms length. Now reach for my hair behind my head, and Ill show you how to respond. Both women were the same size, so it wasnt difficult for Marcia to lean forward, and bring her right hand over Lady Jennifers left shoulder. As she did this, Lady Jennifer turned her head to the right, and dipped her left shoulder. Then as Marcia grabbed her hair, Lady Jennifer placed both of her hands behind her back, and grabbed her elbows. This is the start position for a submission. From here your dominant can do as he or she pleases with you, or commands anything of you. Marcia was a bit stunned by this turn of events. Many emotions were going through her that ran between pleasure and panic. She felt a surge of power flow through her as she grabbed Lady Jennifers hair, but she couldnt shake that this was Lady Jennifer. She wanted to do something while in this position of power, but how could she possibly act on what she was feeling with a woman she has revered her whole life. Part 8 > sarah mpl studios nudes erotica perl10

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