Nude Girls Having Sex - The Fundamentals Of Hot Girls Stripping Revealed

by Moshe22B42178821 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Hey guys, I'm Shannon. I'm workshopping my new novel, and I was hoping to get some feedback. Please let me know what you think! I was in over my head. I knew I was. I was living on my own for the first time in my life, in a one bedroom apartment on the south side of town, paying my own bills, buying my own groceries. My job barely brought in enough money to keep my head above water, and my student loan debt was growing by leaps and bounds every semester. By being very careful with my spending, I was able to set aside about $1000 over the course of October and November for Christmas presents for my friends and family.

Then, on the very first day of December, I was driving through an intersection and a Blazer clipped my back end. I screamed out loud while my car spun around, and I just caught sight of the other car as it drove away. The repairs totally wiped out my Christmas fund and cut my grocery budget in half naked girl picture for the week. I was crushed. I called my best friend Cassie when I got home from the body shop, and she rushed over with two bottles of my favorite wine to comfort me.

"I don’t know what I’m going to do," I said, wiping tears from my cheeks with a wad of Kleenex. "I’ll let you pick up a few of my shifts," Cassie said. "You can make up a little money that way." I had met Cassie at the restaurant where we both waited tables. She was 5’8", with blonde hair down to the middle of her back. She worked out all the time, so her body was just about perfect, and she always wore low-cut shirts to show off her C-cup breasts.

She always made great money. I was jealous of her in a lot of ways. She was confident and charming. My breasts were bigger, but I couldn’t bring myself to dress the way she did. I was 5’10", with short brown hair. I didn’t work out nearly as much as hot naked chick Cassie, but I was always naturally skinny. The trouble was that I had always been shy. Cassie always told me that I would make more money if I would just flirt with the customers, but I could never get enough confidence to do it effectively.

"Thanks," I said, "but I can’t do that. I have finals coming up. It’s hard enough finding time to study with the shifts I already have." "Could you ask your family for money?" I laughed. "Right. I’m going to ask my family for money to buy Christmas presents for them. I might as well tell them to go out and buy what they want for themselves." "If I had the money, I’d give it to you myself." I took her hand and squeezed it.

"I know," I said. "You’re the sweetest." Cassie looked around my living room. "Do you have anything you could sell?" "Nothing of any value," I said. "Just the camera that my dad gave me for my birthday. I feel like I just learned how to use it." We polished off the first bottle of wine watching Friends on Netflix. When Cassie opened the second bottle, I was starting to feel good. Then Cassie sat straight up sex girl free on the couch.

I could practically see the little naked girls light bulb switching on in her eyes. "Oh my God," she said. "I just had an idea." "What? What is it?" I sat up too. Just watching her was getting me excited. "Okay, so, you’re going to have to keep an open mind here." She set her wine glass on the coffee table. When she was really jazzed about something, she got really animated when she talked. "I read on the internet about these guys who buy women’s panties.

Like, they get off on it. You send them a picture of yourself wearing the panties, and they pay, like, ridiculous amounts of money. You could make bank." I rolled my eyes and slumped back on the couch.
