Casting Couch Xxx - The Birth Of Casting Couch Tubes

by MatildaDonley31 posted Oct 17, 2015


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back couch castingHello reddit users. I recently stumbled upon my own gonewildstorie and really wanted to tell someone so here it is. Sexy part at **** I am ' brown hair muscular buildish. I like running. Hell I love running. just go porn casting videos out and run to clear my mind, there is nothing better. The summer was approaching me and my friends, some had plans to go to camp but some had no plans ( I had none). The people who had no plans included laura and my best friend matt. We starting stressing out about what we would do all summer (our past before college) so I suggested we do a running group. They loved it. Now we at least had something to look forward in the summer. Then summer began and my matt backed out like the lazy shit he is saying he doesn't really care about being in shape. So it was just me and laura. We had a strained friendship, I wasn't exactly sure why but the conversation never really flowed. (Btw laura is moderately attractive, ' black hair, very thin.) So I didnt really want to go running alone with her because I had a feeling it may be awkward like usual. " hey um matt backed out of the running idea" I said "where are you at on it?" " I'm still in I really need the exercise haha" she replied. Well looks like we're going running. We set up to run on the first monday of vacation at at night And so we did, for about twenty minutes untill she got too tired and I couldn't motivate her to run anymore. Now we're minutes away from her house when we stop and this is what I was afraid of, having to make conversation. casting couch movies But to my surprise it didnt go so bad, she started telling me about some problem she had during the year and how it got resolved and it was a nice convo all the way to amateur anal casting her house. When we got to her house she stopped and asked " do you want to come in and it some neat sandwiches or something to get protein? I think I heard its good after you run.." I enjoying the day meanwhile said " your parents dont mind?" I asked "no. Plus no one is home. My parnets are on vacation together and my siblings are at friends." So I said "sure" also partially cause I really like meat especially when someone makes it for me. We get inside, eat and talk. Everything was going great but I felt tired so I said " I think im gonna head home soon" "o cmon its vacation dont be lazy you'll have time to rest all summer" she replied. So I stayed. What do you want to do?" I asked " i dont know watch a movie or play a game?" She answered. We've watched movies before at her house and she had no good ones so i said " lets look at the games". She had no fun games either... we ended up playing "would you rather "for a while (it got Sexual at times) but started to get boring fast. Now is when the true story starts. " you wanna play truth or dare?"she asked " no offense but you are way to shy, I don't trust that you will play fair." I replied. I think that kind of imsulted her and enticed at the same time because she answered back with " dont worry about me being chicken worry about your self" with a smile on her face. It may sound sexual now but it wasn't we didnt think any of it I just thought id make her do silly stuff. We started playing mostly truths in the beginning then we started daring a bit. And ever so slowly it started getting more and more sexual. She started asking who I like. And I asked if she ever touched herself abd so on and so forth. Then we started to strictly dare. I warned her " it might get dirty ,just saying" "you scared?" She retorted back"But we should prob go to my room". So the games continued. We agreed that you cant copy someone elses dare. So I started with shorts obviously and she took them off but still had her underwear. She said shirt. I wanting to beat her to it said" take everything off", and she refused. I said " see I told you you'd back down" "fine you want to play it that way" she answered and got completly nude. " take off your boxers" she said with a skile that id have to take off my shorts to do so. So there we are both naked, playing truth or dare. Then I made her do a handstand for minutes straight without the help of anything except for me if she wants. Naturally she needed my help so she started her hand stand while im behind her holding her legs. Ten seconds in I decide to do something ill never forget. I spread those legs apart to get a beautiful view of her vagina. She said " hey! You just said handstand" I replied " you want my help or not?". So she continued to oblige and seconds in I realize shes getting turned on ( the juices were a dead giveaway). I take a step further and just balance her by holding on her vagina, she starts squirming. I come around to her front side and tell her ill let her go if she blows me. She agrees and starts sucking my dick while im playing with her tits. Im not proud but I couldn't last and came right in her mouth without warning. She was startled to say the least and spat out what she could. "Now it your turn" she said pointing down south. I dont have much experience but she seemed to enjoy it but wasn't getting off. So instead she "dared" me to fuck her, didn't have to tell me twice as I went in bareback I started slow so I can last till she had an orgasm. A few minutes in I felt her pussy "hug" my dick and her moans were louder then ever, after that I picked up my pace starting ramming into her with all force I swear ot was probably for like minutes and she came again! I couldnt last any longer. I pulled out; pulled her closer to me and shot string after string onto her some was in her hair, face and breasts. We made out for like minutes after that showered together (got a bj) and made plans to go "running" again ;-). P.s. the truth part of the truth and dare game gave me the courage to do what I did I just didn't want to bore everyone. iwantpicspls