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www.karupAuthor's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage, in particular the guy's appearance. For your imagination: John is 23 years old, average height, and lean and lanky. He's got short brown hair, and brown eyes, and usually wears glasses. He's average looking actually. Tawny is 22, is very skinny (maybe too skinny) and has small-ish B-cup breasts. She's got freckles, dark red hair, and green eyes. She's totally out of John's league but through the magic of "twoo wuv," they've gotten married. Feedback is much appreciated. John tipped the limousine driver, and watched him drive off. He was knocked nearly off his feet when Tawny jumped onto his back. "Carry me across the threshold!" Tawny cried playfully, wrapping her arms around his neck. John laughed, snaking his hands underneath her legs to insure she didn’t slide off, thankful Tawny chose a simple wedding dress with a knee-length skirt. "This isn’t exactly the way I pictured doing it" "I’m not letting you knock my head against the door frame again," Tawny said with a laugh. "You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?" John shook his head, recalling when they first moved in together. He walked up the sidewalk to their apartment, but then he frowned. "Y’know, I’m sorta disappointed I’m not taking you to a nice hotel or a bed-n-breakfast." "I don’t mind, going to Comic-Con is my ideal honeymoon. I’d much rather spend money going to San Diego, nerding out with you, having real fun, than being bored out of my mind in some hotel, or getting sunburned on some beach." "Well, then, I hope you don’t mind that I did this," John said, opening the door to their apartment. Tawny slid off his back and gasped. "Johnny, it’s beautiful!" Their small one-bedroom apartment was adorned with a plethora of flickering white candles, placed everywhere, on almost every surface, creating a dim translucent glow, causing soft shadows to dance across the walls and ceiling. "When did you find the time to do this?" she asked, stepping further into the apartment. "You know how Ben disappeared early during the reception?" Tawny chuckled. "You trusted Ben with this? I’m surprised he didn’t just TP the whole place" "He knows how serious I am when it comes to you," John said, taking her hand. Tawny turned around to face him. "I love it, John. It’s perfect." "I love you," John said, bringing his face close to hers. "I love you, too." She closed the distance with a kiss. John immediately pulled her body against his, deepening the kiss. He couldn’t help himself, every time she kissed him, since their first time, he found it nearly impossible to hold back. They weren’t prone to public displays of affection, even simple little pecks on the lips, because when they kissed flames ignited. Tawny pulled her body away slightly to undo his bowtie, but didn’t break their lip-lock. John followed her lead, stripping off his jacket and taking off his yarmulke. "You look so sexy in a tux," Tawny said directly onto his lips. "You should wear suits more often now that you’re a married man." "If I do, my friends will think I’ve sold out," John said with a chuckle. "Who cares about your friends?" Tawny said playfully, "I’m your wife." John pulled back, and smiled. "My wife," he said slowly, gazing at her incredulously. "I still can’t believe you agreed to marry me." "You can’t?" "Sometimes, when I look at you, it seems too good to be true. It feels like I’m dreaming. Every time I go to bed with you, I’m afraid that I’ll wake up the next morning and realize you were only a dream." He reached up and softly pulled off her veil. Tawny followed by removing her barrettes, letting loose her long red hair. "I never thought I’d meet a guy like you," Tawny said, looking into his eyes. "Who loves me like that, supports everything I do" Her lips curved into a smile. "A guy who understands my weirdness even encourages it." In the dim light from the candles, Tawny’s normally green eyes were dark and dilated, giving her a dusky and sultry look. John pulled her into a kiss again, reaching around her back to let down the zipper of her dress. As he pulled away, the garment slid off her body in one easy motion, revealing that she was only wearing a pair of panties and stockings underneath. Her taut and thin torso was exposed entirely to John’s eyes. The nipples on her small breasts perked up and hardened under his gaze. "Come on, Johnny," Tawny said, turning around and sauntering towards their bedroom. John watched her walk away, drinking in the curvature of her back, the tightness of her ass, and the shapeliness of her legs. His cock swelled quickly at the sight. After taking a moment to thank whatever deity bestowed him with this angel, he followed her into the bedroom, stripping off his shirt as he did so. In the bedroom, also decorated with candles, Tawny sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back with her long elegant legs stretched out in front of her. John could hardly believe his eyes, the sight was so sensual and surreal, like something out of a boudoir skin mag. Tawny broke the illusion, by jokingly arching her eyebrow and smirking, wordlessly saying, "Come hither." She even added a wag of her finger. John chuckled at her playfulness, but dropped to his knees just short of reaching her. Tawny looked at him in question, but John didn’t answer her. Instead, he took her foot in his hands and pulled off her shoe. Doing the same with the other foot, he rubbed his hands and lips against the fabric of her stocking. His lips trailed from her ankle, up her calf, past her knee, until it met the lace garter wrapped around her thigh. He placed a soft kiss on her bare skin, then latched onto the garter with his teeth and slowly pulled it off. Tawny shivered in pleasure at the feel of his lips and teeth against her skin. She extended her leg up towards the ceiling, so that John had to stand up to remove the garter. The garter removed, he placed a quick kiss on the arch of her foot, the tickling feeling causing Tawny to giggle as he snaked his way back down her leg. With her leg extended up into the air, John was given a full view of her pussy wrapped in a white lace thong. The fabric clung to the shape of her vulva it was soaking wet. John pulled the garment aside and was met with Tawny’s glistening folds, flushed red with need. He wasted no time and kissed them, causing Tawny let out a stuttering gasp. John didn’t break contact and massaged his lips into her pussy, eliciting further uneven breathing. "Mm, Johnny, yes" Tawny moaned. She reached down and guided his head, running her fingers through his hair. She grinded her pussy to his lips. John finally snaked out his tongue, first flicking it lightly against her clit, testing her sensitivity. Her thighs quivered in response. He licked her clit harder, and this time her whole leg twitched. John then placed his lips around her clit, sucked it into his mouth and flicked his tongue roughly against the sensitive little button. Tawny squeaked in pleasure and arched her back off the bed, crying out, "Oh!" John reached up and forced her back down against the bed, holding her in place by the stomach as he worked his oral magic on her nether regions. Tawny squirmed and thrashed against the bed, and humped and ground her groin against his mouth, gasping and moaning as the tension built up in her pussy. Finally, as her movements reached a fever pitch, John disengaged from her and crawled up the bed. He spooned up against her. "What are you doing?" Tawny asked him, looking at him with sour disappointment. But John ignored her, pulling her into a deep kiss to silence her. The lip-lock was so sensual, Tawny was almost appeased, but then she gasped against his mouth when he snaked his hand into her panties and began furiously rubbing her clit and pussy lips. His fingers moved faster and harder than his lips and tongue ever could, and they quickly brought her back to the precipice of her orgasm. John trailed his kisses away from her lips then along her jawline. Already squirming against his machinations in her panties, Tawny seemed vibrate when John began softly nibbling her earlobe. "Come for me, Tawny," he whispered into her ear. "Oh, John," Tawny gasped. "Are you close?" he asked back, not stopping his rubbing. "Yes, so close, so close," Tawny replied, reaching down with her hand, and placing it over John’s, encouraging him to rub even more rapidly. "Come for your husband, Tawny," John murmured softly, really digging into her. Finally, John heard Tawny’s breath catch in her throat, he felt her stop squirming, and he saw her stomach tighten. For a split second, Tawny was frozen. The only thing moving was his fingers against her clit and folds. Then she screamed, "John, I’m coming!" Suddenly, she was twitching and convulsing against his hand, gasping and moaning into his lips, as her orgasm exploded throughout her body. John kept up his handwork, struggling to hold on to her pussy as she bucked against his hand, made all the more difficult by the slick juices dribbling out of her. John knew her orgasm had subsided when she finally pulled his hand up to her mouth and began licking her own cum off his fingers. "I’m the luckiest girl in the world," Tawny said, playfully biting his finger, looking up at him. "Your first sexual act as a married man was giving your wife an earth-shattering orgasm." "How could I resist? The noises and faces you make when you come are so sexy such a turn-on." John leaned in and kissed her yet again, removing his hand from her mouth and using it to guide her own down to the swollen erection trapped in his pants. Tawny rubbed her hand up and down the length of the bulge. "You feel that?" John asked. "I’m rock hard, and you haven’t even touched me yet." Tawny giggled. "That’s because you’ve got the libido of a teenage boy. You’ve got boners all the fucking time." "That’s only because I’m thinking of you all the fucking time. Every boner I’ve had since the day we met has been for you." "For me?" Tawny asked, undoing his belt. "You own my cock," John said, pulling down his pants and underwear. His dick sprang free and wagged until Tawny wrapped her hand around it. "You didn’t have to marry me, it’s been yours even before we made love for the first time." "Really?" Tawny said, stroking it slowly. John took a breath through his nose, trying to hold off the waves of pleasure caused by every move of Tawny’s hand. "The night of our first kiss? I had a hard-on from the second you pulled away, all through the walk to my car and the drive home. I couldn’t even wait to get inside. I came only a second after I pulled my dick out of my pants, right in the car, like some virgin who had never been touched before." Tawny giggled. "Oh, god! And I made you wait five dates before we finally did it! I’m so sorry!" "It’s okay," John said, wrapping his hand around hers, guiding her caresses along his stiff shaft. "It helped me work on my stamina." "You should’ve worked on your nervousness," Tawny laughed. "The first time you saw me naked, I thought you were going to have a stroke." "Nothing could have prepared me to see you naked. You’re the most beautiful girl on the planet." "That night was magical," Tawny said, reminiscing. She giggled. "Awkward, but magical." She looked up at him and they locked eyes wordlessly for a moment, both recalling the first time they made love together. "I never told you this" John began. He caressed her cheek fondly. "But you were my first." Tawny smiled. "I always suspected, but I was never sure. Even so, I’ll never forget our first night together." "Let’s see if I can make this night even more memorable," John said, suddenly getting up from the bed and removing his pants entirely, along with his socks and shoes. Tawny followed suit by removing her now drenched panties and wrinkled stockings. free karups pics John stood at the foot of the bed, stroking his cock, looking down at Tawny. She was entirely naked, lying on her back, her legs spread wide open. Her pussy shimmered in the candlelight. It was the most welcoming sight John had ever seen. "Time to consummate our marriage," Tawny said, reaching her hand down to her pussy, spreading her lips open for him. He had come such a long way from the shy and scrawny bespectacled guy she had first met; he was now a confident and well-toned man. John crawled onto the bed, stopping to place a quick kiss on her clitoris before moving on to her belly button, which shivered in response to his touch. Finally he came up to Tawny’s small but perky breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and nibbled on it softly. Tawny moaned with longing. She held his head and pulled him up to meet her face. "Enough foreplay, John, just fuck me." "Sorry for the detours, couldn’t help myself. I love your body." "I love yours, too," Tawny said, reaching between them and grabbing hold of his stiff and swollen cock. "And I’d love to have you inside me" John leaned forward to kiss her, obliging her wishes by plunging his tongue into her mouth. At the same time, Tawny guided his cock to the entrance of her pussy. John wasted no time and dove in, up to the hilt in one smooth motion, made all the more easy by her already dripping wet vaginal walls. Tawny pulled away from the kiss and grunted at the welcome intrusion. "There," John said against her lips, out of breath already. He throbbed inside her warm silky walls. "It’s official. We’re married." "I think it was official when the rabbi pronounced us man and wife," Tawny said, "or when we got our marriage license at the courthouse." John chuckled and placed his lips to her ear. "Neither God nor the law has any say in our relationship. I committed myself to you the first time you kissed me, and now this means I’m never looking back. Ever." Tawny smiled and wrapped her legs around his ass. "Just shut up and make love to me." Using her heels, she guided his first thrust. But after that, John needed no more guidance, and he immediately began plunging into her slowly and rhythmically. Although she was wet and her lips parted easily to let him in, Tawny was still as tight as their first night together. John was in heaven then, and he was in heaven now, only this time he knew he would last longer. This time, he knew what she liked, and he could give the same amount of pleasure she gave him. He knew that Tawny loved being kissed, sensually, with open lips, and a teasing and fleeting tongue. She loved it when he ran his hands through her hair, how he nibbled lightly on her ear. She loved feeling the muscles of his stomach flex and contract as he thrusted into her, steadily building up speed and power And she adored how he would suck and softly bite her neck. Being an Anne Rice fan, and an urban fantasy writer herself, it was no surprise that Tawny had a little bit of a vampire fetish. She was no stranger to scarves; she frequently had to hide the bruises and hickeys she begged John to give her. "John, yes, that’s it," Tawny moaned as he buried his face in the crook of her neck and laid his body flat against her. John knew she loved to feel some of his weight against her body, and he loved it too. He could feel her thrash, squirm, and buck beneath him as he pumped harder and faster; he could feel the moans rumble in her chest as they escaped her lips. And he could feel it when she was about to climax. Tawny tensed up, pressed her chest against his, rubbed her nipples against his chest hair; she dug her nails into his back, clutched his body close with her legs, all in anticipation of the coming bliss. And then it crashed over her, making her sink her teeth in his shoulder, holding on for dear life as her orgasm ripped through her body and razed her senses. A long and muffled "oh!" escaped her mouth and was tattooed into his shoulder by her teeth. It took every ounce of willpower for John to hold off his own climax, to bide the boiling tension in his balls. Tawny’s tightening and convulsing pussy tested every bit of his resolve. He didn’t want to come like this, he had more to give her. Tawny finally unlatched herself from John. "Unlatch" was the only word for it. She withdrew her teeth his shoulder, softened the grip of her nails on his back, unlocked her ankles from behind his ass, and loosened the grip her vagina had on his cock. She lay there underneath him, spent. But John didn’t give her any respite, because he knew what she liked more than the illusion of being ravished by a creature of the night and that was being taken by something much more feral. John withdrew his cock from Tawny, noticing that it was gleaming wet with her girl-cum. Without warning, he flipped her over and straddled her legs, pushing her body flat against the mattress. Spreading her ass-cheeks apart, he re-entered her pussy from behind. She could only squeak in surprise. John dug his cock deep into her, relishing the feeling of her supple ass-cheeks against his pelvis. He leaned forward, and growled into her ear, "You’re mine now." "Yes, I’m yours," Tawny moaned into the sheets, her face covered by her disheveled auburn hair. "Take your wife." John withdrew his cock entirely and then plunged it back in roughly. "Unh!" Tawny grunted. "No, take your bitch!" With a low growl, John began thrusting into her into mercilessly, literally plundering her pussy from above and behind, doing everything he wanted for his own pleasure, but knowing that Tawny loved every second of it too. Tawny’s whole body bounced off the mattress with every thrust, so she arched her back and poised her ass in the air to stop it, but it only gave John more access and increased the depth of his thrusts. "Oh, yeah, take me fuck me hard" Tawny groaned, clenching the bed sheets below her as she bounced on the mattress. John slowed for a moment to lean forward and brush her hair out of her face. He softly bit her shoulder, saying, "You’re so tight, so warm, so wet" "I’m wet for you, keep going," Tawny moaned into mattress, and bucked back against his cock, telling him not to let up his thrusts. "Come inside me." "Are you gonna come with me?" John grunted, resuming his rhythmic pummeling of her pussy. "Yes, I want to, so bad," Tawny moaned. "Then catch up," John said, dropping down to one of his elbows, and taking a hold of one of Tawny’s hands. He guided it underneath her body and placed it on her clit. Tawny knew what to do, she had done it a countless times. She began masturbating furiously as John fucked her from behind. John smiled knowingly. This was her favorite position, she had told him dozens of times. She loved feel of his cock plunging in and out of her pussy, the feel of his balls slapping against her hand as she rubbed her clit with abandon; the feel of him kissing the back of her neck, nibbling at her shoulders. She loved hearing him grunt like an animal as he fucked her, as he took her. It hit her in all the right places. She said it was the best way for them to have sex, because they both got off quickly, and at the same time. Tawny was losing her mind underneath him, moaning and grunting from the cock plowing her pussy and her own fingers rubbing against her clit. The sight of his newlywed wife beneath him, so wanton, so sexy, brought John to the edge. He felt a clinch in his balls, felt his cock stiffen and hum with tension. His orgasm was nearing. "I’m going to come, are you coming with me?" "Almost there, keep going, don’t you dare stop" she panted, reaching down with her other hand so now two sets of fingers plus a cock were working her cunt. "Oh God, I can’t," John said, really trying his best, but everything that was happening was becoming too much. The tightness, warmth, and wetness surrounding his cock, the smell of Tawny’s cherry-scented hair, the sensual sound of her gasping breaths, the very sight of her thrashing beneath him Then he felt Tawny’s vaginal walls clench and tighten around him. That was his cue, he didn’t need her crying out, "Oh, I’m coming! Come now! Oh!" With one last thrust, John plunged deep within her, and just let go There was a split second of calm then cum came bursting and flooding out of his cock, so hard he could feel his prostate convulsing. "Oh man!" John cried out. Tawny’s pussy clenched and milked him as she rode her own orgasm, bucking back into him. During the final blissful pulsations of his cock, John lost all strength in his arms, and he collapsed on top of her. Fearing that he would crush Tawny, he immediately rolled to his side, but brought her with him, not allowing their genitals to break contact, because Tawny was (amazingly) still coming. She rubbed her clit furiously as John spooned behind her and kept thrusting his cock into her, even though his orgasm had passed. With a final shuddering twitch, Tawny removed her hand from her clit. "Jesus fucking Christ, that was amazing," she gasped, trying to catch her breath. "Yeah, I know," John said, out of breath as well. He pulled her closer to himself and snuggled his nose into her hair, so his every breath was full of her scent. "It was better than that time we went up to the lake house," Tawny said, "I never thought we could top that." John chuckled. "Well, fuck." "What?" Tawny said, turning around. John’s cock slipped out of her, causing them both to shudder from oversensitivity. Quickly recovering, John said, "It’s all downhill from here, isn’t it? We’ll never have sex this good again. We’re married now." Tawny chuckled and kissed him. "I don’t like to think of it that way. We’re going to spend the rest of our lives together. Now we have all the time in the world to try to top even this. Who better to explore your deepest, darkest, kinkiest sexual fantasies than with your spouse?" "All the time in the world?" John asked to be sure. "All the time in the world," Tawny repeated. "Good thing we married young. We’ll be loving and fucking until we’re eighty." "We’ll be having sex when we’re eighty?" John asked incredulously. Tawny shrugged. "Science will catch up." John shook his head and laughed. He wrapped a lock of her red hair around his finger. "I love you, Tawny." "I love you, John." RhoderDX

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