Naked Young Milfs - The Simple Nude Young Celebrities That Wins Customers

by ChristoperWendt2 posted Oct 17, 2015


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I could jump out of the car at the next set of lights, there’s a train station a two minute run from there, I could be gone in no time. I stared through the misty window as the wet rain tapped against the windshield of my father’s Chevy. I would rather spend the day hiding on a train than going through this absolute misery. "Almost there" my father rattled out, impatient at the slow traffic. "A real lady shows up on time, no rather, early my dear". Ugh will he ever shut up about this. Of course, I would be there soon, the dread filled within me again. I am 18 goddamit, why do I have to do this to become a "lady"? Surely my age and horrible life experiences up until this point could make up for learning which fork to use when and how to do the fucking foxtrot. The car screeched to a halt outside of the community centre. "Off you go Emily, make your mother and I proud" I think my eyes almost rolled out the back of my head as I cringed, shrugged and slinked out of the door, almost slamming it behind me. Great, look at the princesses. Although I couldn’t help but admire them, two gorgeous blondes, must be sisters were talking to their mother in the entranceway. Although their obvious enthusiasm was entirely annoying, their long hair, slender waists and long legs were all too impressive. All the guys must be all over them. Partially jealous and slightly sexually frustrated, I stared slightly longer than socially acceptable before taking a deep breath and proceeding inside. White, white everywhere. White dresses, flowers and tablecloths. I guess they just assume we are all still virgins? . Which in my case was the unfortunate truth, hence my sexual frustration. I’m not terrible looking, have nice eyes and large breasts but none of the guys in school paid me any attention. I’m not sure why though, this has caused most of my self-confidence issues. My thoughts were interrupted by my objects of observation earlier. "Hiii" they both rang out. "We are Jen and Stephanie, so nice to meet you, we are both so very excited" Jen obviously took the lead at conversation as her older sister kept a silent wide smile. "Hi, I’m, I’m Emily" Good, you can socialize, is that enough to be considered a lady now? Jen continued on "I’m so excited to be here, I graduated this year and Steph is back from university for the summer. And we are totally excited to become debutants. what school did you go to?" Oh she does breathe some time between talking. Ugh, we are talking about that hell though? I thought I left it behind me when I graduated. "Just the local one here in town" I eventually replied. "O.M.G do you know Danny Jenkins?" Did I know him? I was obsessed with him for, oh I don’t know, almost all my life. " Danny? Um, yeah I think I do" Of course I do! I would stare at him in my literature class and fantasize about his broad shoulders and toned body, I once caught a glimpse in gym class and my oh my, I was thinking about that for months….ok years. "He’s a jerk" she just stopped my fantasy in its tracks. "I totally fucked his brains out last week and he hasn’t called me since" You lucky bitch! I bit my tongue back just in time from actually saying it but, what a whore! Well, It wasn’t like I didn’t wish I could be like that. "Oh what a jackass he must be, you’re gorgeous he’s missing out" I tried to console her, while imagining what those two fucking must have looked like, she was overly skinny and I’m surprised he didn’t break her, she must have a coke habit. "I know I am barely a size 1, but what can you do, some men are pigs" I nodded my head in agreement. "Well I should go try my dress on, come on Steph, let’s go. Nice to meet you Emily." "You too" I muttered out while gazing at the floor, lost in my imagination and jealousy of her pleasure. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jen and Danny, If I had the chance to finally have sex with Danny I would lose control and probably let him have me anyway he wanted. I would do anything to have one chance at that, I guess I can only live vicariously through the skinny coke whore; hey! I already have a friendly nickname for her. Obviously this was my bitter jealousy talking, and more than likely my now soaking underwear. I wandered over to where the other girls were, time to choose the dress. I grabbed one in my size, without regard to it’s design, colour or even significance I threw it over my shoulder and walked around the corner to try it on. I slipped my t-shirt and jeans off to leave myself standing in my underwear in front of a mirror. Not a great place to be, this is when I become critical of my own body, all the little lumps seem to grow to double their size with clothes off. I couldn’t look at myself normally, my underwear was soaked through, so probably better that I just get this dress on as fast as I can rather than having a body crisis right now. Halfway through pulling the ugly, egg shell coloured, doiley inspired garment on, I was just about to squeeze my breasts into the top when I heard the main door swing open. That was the moment. The moment I first saw him. The only thing I could make out to begin with was his wide adult shoulders pulling his blue dress shirt across his tight toned chest. Eventually my eyes wandered down to his bulge in his overly tight pants. My mouth was agape and I may have even drooled slightly. I was still staring as he coughed and looked down. Why did he look down? Oh god my tits are hanging out, he saw me staring. Flustered and red in the face I turned and pulled the dress up to cover my now flushed and heaving chest. Holy shit. My whole body was trembling. Hands became sweaty and my heart was about to leap out of my chest. I heard his footsteps go off to the right, as I turned around to catch the back of him he was walking to talk to parent dropping of their future debutant. I admired his firm walk and firm butt, before running to the bathroom to gather myself. My heart was still pounding, short on breathe I looked into a mirror and noticed an open stall behind me. I ran in. Who was that? My mind traced back to the moment the door swung open. It was if the room became silent. I sat down on the toilet hiking a ridiculously poofy dress over my trembling legs. I felt a warm rush through my feet and into my calfs, then thighs, my god my thighs were pulsating hot red heat. My hand trembled its way down to try to hold my thighs still, however they ended up caressing the inside of them. Not helpful Emily! I shouted internally to myself. Crash and a clatter of high heels interrupted my actions. "WOW, did you see the dance instructor Alberto?" Oh yes, the familiar chirping of the living fairy tale. Jen and Steph were applying more lipgloss and copious amounts of cheap perfume. "I would totally go down on that" they giggled in unison before turning and leaving with more clatter of what I can only assume were 5 inch heels. My lungs exploded out, like I had been under water for too long. I became to feel a mix of emotions. Frustrated, jealous and insanely turned on. Not like he will be noticing me with miss stick figure bouncing around. My hands were now rubbing my face as if to try and wake me from my fluster. I gathered myself in five deep breathes before pushing my embarrassing mock back down below my waist. I walked out and stared into the mirror. What chance would I have with a real man like that? Images of his deep brown eyes, dark complexion and rugged jaw filled my mind. My eyes took in the image of myself. Shy, dark long hair, wide eyes, pale complexion and full lips, virgin. Anyway let’s get this hell started. The next hour and a half were filled with lessons on, proper dining etiquette, proper mannerisms and of course now I understand which fork is for salads and which is best for poking your own eyes out in boredom. It’s the big one, for maximum effect. I could barely sit still, never mind concentrate. My panties had become entirely soaked with my mind still racing over every inch of Alberto’s incredible body. When is the dance part of this? Finally the makeup caked lady running the show announced a break in proceedings. 15 minutes and we would be practicing our dancing. My heart started racing again. How am I going to keep myself together when I have to spend a whole hour staring at him? In front of me, not taking up much space was Jen, admiring something from a far. I pulled up next to her to see Alberto stretching in preparation for class. I forgot where I was, and let out a sigh of pleasure under my breath. Jen noticed, giggled slightly and turned back to stare at him. "I’m going to sleep with him" Jen blurted out. Great. She would be interested in him. Is she doing this on purpose? Danny first and now she wants to screw the new object of my affection. "Don’t you think he’s slightly too old for you?" I responded with. Sure maybe he was mid-thirties and his age did nothing to supress my extreme obsession with him but maybe it would for the bimbo. "Hun, some of the guys I have messed around with could have been twice his age, nothing like an experience man, am I right?" Like I fucking know! "Oh yeah, you know it" I replied, very awkwardly. Jen let out some odd giggle and squeal mix, before bouncing over to the dance area. Alberto was ready to begin. But for me, it wasn’t just the beginning of a dance class. It was to become much more. "Good afternoon girls, please find a space for yourselves. We are going to begin by warming up." His voice filled the room and filled my mind. It was a deep grown up voice. A man’s voice. It made me tremble. Really Emily? Keep it together, it’s just his voice for fucks sake. I didn’t know immediately what that voice and what that man could do to me. What control he could hold over me and how utterly lost I could become when he spoke. "Let’s start by stretching our arms over our head like this" He motioned up and stretched his strong, thick, muscular arms over his head. I paused for a few seconds before mimicking his actions. My eyes fixed on his hands and forearms. "Now lets stretch our backs, please lean forward like this and touch the ground" He moved forward into a stretching pose and looked up as we all copied him. As I stretched down I could notice my cleavage was very noticeable. My dress had slightly pulled down again. Oh god, how much can I embarrass myself today. I went to pull it up, my eyes flashed up to glance at Alberto again, maybe I can stare at his legs some more. But I wasn’t the one staring when I looked up this time. He was staring at me, then quickly glanced down. Holy shit, was he staring at my chest?! Did he notice me? A smile stretched across my face as Alberto kept his eyes fixed at the ground. That’s ok, it gives me a chance to take in his figure again for memories sake. I saw his bulge had grown slightly from earlier. It was huge, that was now the object I was transfixed upon until an alarm sounded. "alright guys, that was the hour for this week, we’ll call it a day and I’ll see you all same time next week" What the hour had already gone?! No that was too fast, I didn’t get enough. I looked up before rushing to the washroom to see Alberto smiling slightly at me. Probably just being friendly? Professional? But he was staring at my tits! I rushed into the stall after grabbing my clothes to change into. I pulled the frock over my head and threw it on the ground. My body was all over the place. My legs still trembled and my hands pushed against my stomach before reaching inside of my panties. I could feel how wet I was. I couldn’t stop myself from feeling myself anymore. I made sure the stall was locked and slowly reached down to feel a throbbing wetness. My finger traced up and down, before finally rubbing slowly, then faster. my mind drifted to Alberto’s crotch, did it grow because of me? That was enough. A warm feeling spread from my feet up through my legs like a high voltage power supply being shorted out by lightning. It reached up to my hips and swelled into my groin before a loud swing interjected. "Hello? Just checking if anyone is in here before locking up" That voice. It brought the intense feeling fully up through my body, no matter how hard I pushed my hand to my mouth but to no avail, I held back the screams but a slight trembling moan reached out from within me. "Hello! Is everything alright? Do you want me to get someone for you?" Alberto must have heard my moan of relief as a sign of distress. "No, um no, no just give me a minute, I’ll be coming, I mean coming right out" Emily!! Get it the fuck together. "Ok Emily, I’ll just wait outside" Wow, he knows my name? he knows my name simply by my voice. Maybe he has noticed me. I pulled on my jeans as fast as I could. I was still soaking from my escapade, so much so I was worried it would soak through my jeans. I pulled my shirt on over my head, pulled over my still heaving chest from my breathing. I grabbed my stuff, cleaned up and headed towards the door. Just get out there and go home, don’t make a fool of yourself Emily. I swung the door open to see Alberto leaning against a wall. His eyes scanned up from the ground and deep into my eyes. There was a distinct moment when we both knew what each other could do to each other. We both knew at that very moment that we were drawn to each other. "Are you o.k Emily? I thought I heard a strange noise in there." I quickly thought up an excuse "I just think I pulled a muscle in my back during the stretching." Normally I’m not that quick to lie. But it seemed natural at that moment. "oh really, did you want me to take a look? I’m a physiotherapist during the week. I just do this on the weekend so I’m qualified" take a look?! The thought of him being close was enough to drive me crazy, never mind the potential idea of his hands touching me. "I think I will be ok" No Why?! Emily you are such an idiot! "I insist" He interjected. His voice was firmer, slightly deeper and pressing. It did something in me. I just wanted to obey. I wanted to do whatever he told me to. "Sure, it’s just down here" I motioned to my lower back. Better Emily! But you’re probably going to start shaking as soon as he is close. My mind was never happy with anything I did normally. But there was a slight congratulatory tone within this thought. " Ok let’s take a look. Can you pull your shirt up slightly just so I can see if anything is strained?" Without hesitation, I looked into his eyes and pulled my shirt up just below my breasts. He didn’t seem to be flustered or to lack any composure. He curvy teen porn just reached down and felt my lower back. His hands where slightly rough but warm and very firm. I could feel my heart rate pounding through my bones. I was sure he could feel it too. "Are you ok? You are shaking" Shit! He noticed. "Just a little cold" I quickly covered with. His face was close to my neck, I could feel his breath on my spine and his hand feeling my skin. "You don’t seem like the kind of girl who wants to become a debutant" he broke the silence that had fallen since I had become entranced by his touch. "Yeah, I don’t really want to it. My Dad is pressuring me to finally become a woman. Whatever that means" I should have just kept my mouth shut, played along, say that I was enjoying it, maybe I just insulted him? "I understand that." His response had taken be aback. "You seem like you’re already a woman." Emily he’s staring at your chest. It didn’t creep me out, it made me incredibly excited. "Thanks, I’m glad you see it that way" My smile couldn’t hide my feelings back. He must know what I’m thinking. "Lean forward" he motioned, pushing slightly on my back. His tone again was so firm and commanding. It brought something out within me, I immediately obliged and it felt incredible to lose all self-desire for that moment. He told me what to do, I was compelled to oblige. "Thanks, you’re very compliant" he joked at my hastiness to move for him. His tone become more serious again "You’re a good listener. I like that." That was enough to break my composure. My chest started heaving. Pleasing his commands became the overbearing thought in my mind. "I try" I shyly replied with. Then the moment happened. This was the starting point for what would become, my initiation into being a woman. I thought I was until that day. I thought I was an adult. But that second when Alberto grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eyes. It was like he knew. I was there to serve him. I was there to make any wish of his come true. Any command to be adhered to. He looked at me firmly and said "Emily touch me here" He pushed my hand against his crotch "I saw you staring when I walked in" his voice ran through me, my hand was fixed against a large penis that was bulging for me. He was so confident. "I know you saw me staring at your breasts during the warm up, and I know you liked it" I gulped, he knew everything. I felt like he could see into my own thoughts simply by the way his eyes looked into mine. "And I know what you did in the bathroom, you’re a naughty girl. I need to teach you a lesson, show you how to be a real woman" He undid his belt, my jaw hit the floor. I just nodded. He knew I was there to serve him now. I didn’t need to say anything, that’s not what he wanted. I just wanted to please the man I would later consider my master. Alberto pulled his dress pants open to reveal tight briefs barely containing his massive thick manhood. "Pull it out" A short command was issued, within seconds I had my trembling hands inside of his underwear, grabbing at his hardening cock. Nothing else in the world mattered at that moment. I was a step closer to pleasing Alberto. He had kept a pretty straight face until this moment, he let out a slight smile. He knew he had found an obedient servant, that was willing to listen and willing to please. "Have you ever given a blow job before?" I shaked my head side to side while looking down at the ground. "Well today is your first, consider it a lesson" The thought of that made my dizzy. My head span with pure pleasure as my body winced in the heat of my excitement. I nodded my head, looked at him and said "Yes sir, I am your student now" Alberto nodded and looked down at his now fully erect penis. I had never held one in my hand, and now I was ready to try and please him with my mouth. My thighs began to heat up as my legs instinctively opened. Alberto thought this was me motioning to be fucked. "No!" he slapped my outer thigh. This reverberated through my body. He had hit me quite firmly and it was throbbing. Although I really liked it. This was all so new to me. "Not yet" He pushed my legs closed. "Not this class, only your mouth" I pulled him closer by the hips. His large penis was less than an inch from my salivating mouth. Alberto looked over me. That would be his way to let me know my task has begun. I took my mouth closer and stretched out my tongue. I ran it from the tip to the base of his hard manhood. I looked up to see him still looking over me. Just letting me know I was still needing to work. I took this as a mission to make him look down. I took the head of his penis into my mouth, pushing my tongue all around it while my hand caressed his shaft. I looked up while sucking faster. I pulled my Alberto out of my mouth and looked up and uttered the words that he wanted to hear "I want your cum down my throat Sir. I want to ultimately please you" It took a dripping hot ten more minutes before my teacher had decided the task was complete. I felt his hand grip the back of my head and pull my mouth in further. His hard shaft was now down the back of my throat as I gagged and instinctively he pulled me back. I felt a warm sensation fill my throat as his cock seized over and over and he let out a huge sigh of completion. I had just sucked him good, I thought I had anyway, my throat contained the evidence to prove it. "Not bad" I hadn’t pleased him, I thought to myself. "We will need more lessons" I immediately nodded my head. "Yes master" I replied. He seemed to enjoy that. "One day Emily, I will show you how to fuck like a real woman, would you like that" I nodded and looked up innocently into his eyes. "And you will fuck me Emily." I nodded again, his firm aggression filled me with a desire to fulfill his wants. "I’ll see you next week." He turned and left abrubtly. My head was spinning. What had just happened? He was aggressive with me, but I enjoyed it. I wanted more of it. My mind filled with thoughts of being submissive for Alberto. To make every want of his to come true. This could be dangerous. But I had never felt so alive, so grown up. I was starting to become the woman I was supposed to be. I grabbed my bag and ran for the exit. Surely father was waiting for me. I’m sure he wanted to know how my first day at debutant training had gone. Although he could never know the truth, I would have to lie, keep a secret of what my master made me do for him. I would never tell anyone, what Alberto made me do that day. I would never tell anyone about anything he has ever made me do, including what happened the next week. Literoticatw [2 comments]
