These Would Serve As Reminders Of My Fifa 15

by ChuT4413876941502193 posted Oct 17, 2015


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I barely knew thee; actually, I never knew you at all, why did you cost a small fortune? I did, however, have the privilege to pour coins in one of your greatest games, Metal Slug 2, in the arcade. I spent countless hours attempting to beat its six levels, but to no avail, as the money ran out. So, when I got a chance to download it on the PlayStation Network, I jumped on it.Now, what you have to understand is that SNK did a direct port, meaning you are playing the game in a miniature screen within your TV screen. To reference a meme, they put a screen in your screen so you can play while you play.

candaan lucuAs a result, you get an awesome splash screen which tells you exactly what you are playing, and you can be content. You get your choice of starting the game, messing with your settings, replaying saved game videos, or going into network play. This last one allows you to connect to the PlayStation Network and play co-op with others online. I went solo, starting on normal mode, and after going though the Neo Geo settings, I got that feeling back. I knew I would be spending a lot of time playing Metal Slug again.The game is exactly like the original console and arcade versions: constant shooting, pure bullet-hell style entertainment. I wasn't trying to be strategic; I just wanted everything dead, which works out because your enemies are also not so bright.

They would jump over me, shoot under me, and stand in place waiting for death - and death came. What I love about it though is that I can kill them with weapons that range from shotgun to laser-rifle. The power-ups that change your weapon are normally dropped by men you rescue (whom I presumed to be homeless, but they turned out to be Military personnel!) or found in crates that you blow up. I have never had the fortune of blowing up a real crate, but I don't think you would find live animals, gold, or a rocket launcher in one. You may, however, find one of those homeless people mentioned earlier. You can also get points for saving babies, various animals, and picking up treasure chests and jewels dropped by enemies. However, I do have to ask: why are there babies in the desert being guarded by Arabian soldiers? Are our babies guarding military secrets?

You go, beginning to end, fighting mobs of enemies on foot and in vehicles, using one of four possible characters. Your character can also operate vehicles at certain points in each level; my favorite being the camel with cannons. I found myself accidentally abandoning my vehicles though. You can use the R1 button to jump and shoot at the same time, but when in a vehicle it makes you leave your vehicle, causing it to explode. This forced me to fight a lot of the bosses and enemy vehicles on foot, which is a terrible situation. I went through wave after wave of opponents as profanity flew from my mouth. I had fun using the new recording option to save videos of how much I suck at the game.

These would serve as reminders of my skills (or lack thereof)! Like many say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and I believe this is the exact situation. The game is a classic, and if you loved it growing up then you are going to love it again. From its nostalgic music to its pixelated levels and characters, this game is a hit.Who doesn't love a good Mega Man/Iron Man remake? Platformers from the 80s and 90s were commonplace in gamers' homes everywhere, but slowly FPS games, RPG and action adventures wiggled their way into our hearts, replacing memories from long-lost adventures of Contra, Mega Man, or even Super Mario 3. Extend Studio attempts to light that little retro spark in us with A.R.E.S.

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