Hot Naked Girl Pictures - 8 Things You Can Learn From Buddhist Monks About Beautiful Nude Ass

by EverettStitt536725 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Motosicle I get to the office at 930 today. It's a glorious summer morning, and I'm wearing a light floral print summer dress. I had decided to take my time this morning, and to walk around near the river, to listen to the birds and feel the morning sun on my face. It's nice that Sherry, my receptionist, has made coffee, and I pour a cup. Anything urgent? I ask her.

Nothing yet she replies. You're showing Hillside to the Parkers at 11.

Thanks, I guess I'll check my email and get things ready. I click the door shut to my office, and fire up the computer. Taking a sip of coffee, I notice an email from Michael. He's an ex boyfriend who stays in touch. We weren't particularly compatible, but we always had great sex and now he sends me dirty emails that always have a way of improving my mood. He's attached a photo of his chest and stomach, with just a peek at the beginning of his penis, leaving the rest to my imagination. His chest is hairy, and there's a trail of hair winding down his stomach to his pubes. He's not necessarily what you'd classify as fit, but I still think he's sexy as hell.

I am aimlessly touching myself under my dress, but when I realize this, I think, What the hell Let's do this right! I make sure that Sherry is still at her desk, and then slip my panties off and hide them in my desk drawer behind some paperwork. I spread my legs a little, and start running a finger lightly over my labia, enjoying the soft tickle and leaning forward on the edge of my chair. I trace the soft skin on the inside of my thighs and the crease where my leg joins at the crotch. I pull gently at my pubic hair, and apply some rhythmic pressure to the mound underneath, imagining a phantom Michael pressing his pelvic bone there. I run my finger down my clit, and continue down to feel the warm moisture between the lips of my pussy, glancing sideways at the photo on the browser and longing to feel that hairy chest rubbing against my nipples.

The rest of my email is boring Real Estate spam, but I keep my finger pulsing slightly in my vagina just because it feels good, and the combination of the beautiful day and Michael's sext has gotten me feeling really horny. I decide to throw him a bone, so I put my cell phone under my desk, and snap off a photo of my spread pussy. Without much deliberation, I hit send. I know he never will tire of my naughty pictures, and I have to admit it turns me on to think of him masturbating to pictures of me.

There is a soft knock at the door and Sherry opens it just enough to poke her head in.

Looks like Mr. Parker is here an hour early, She says softly. I glance at the clock, which shows 10, and I realize I'm flushing slightly, even though I know she has no idea what I've been up to.

Uh… OK, stall him while I get the keys and stuff together.

She leaves the door open and goes out to greet Brad Parker. At first I feel panicked about how I'm going get back into my undies, but then think, You know what, this is going to be fun! and decide to go commando for the day.

I collect my things and go out into the foyer to meet Brad and his wife. Only Brad is there, and we ritually stumble through that awkward girl-guy handshake. Would you like some coffee while we wait for Julie to arrive?

Oh, she's not coming today, he says, but she trusts my judgment. We've already done a drive by and checked out the exterior. We're pretty close to making a decision if there are no deal-breakers.

Brad and I walk out to the parking lot, and I offer to drive us to the house in my SUV.

Why don't we take my motorcycle, he offers, It's such a great day for a ride.

For a second, I try to imagine myself straddling the seat in a short dress with no panties, and I try to politely decline; but it does sound like great fun.

Oh, come on, you'll love it. He hands me a helmet and explains that I should keep my feet on the foot pegs and make sure I don't touch my legs on the hot tail pipe. He gets on first and steadies the bike so I can climb on.

Looks like I don't have much choice in the matter. I've never been on a motorcycle before–I hope I don't fall off!

You have to hold on to me, or else you probably will fall off. He jabs his finger in the direction of a foot peg. Don't forget.

I get on and try to maintain my privacy by tucking my dress in and under my butt. I timidly hold to the sides of his shirt, and try to keep my legs from touching him.

He fires up the bike and revs the throttle a couple times. I feel the quick jolts of vibration hit my crotch and then a steady enjoyable purr afterwards.

Listen, he yells over the loud vintage motor, You need to hang on, TIGHT! I hear the clutch pedal clunk into first gear.

I obediently interlace my fingers around his upper stomach area. It is impossible not to notice that his stomach is flat, and the muscles feel hard under my hands.

We roll easy over the parking lot and wait for a couple of cars to pass. When we pull out of the lot, the bike leans over so far, I feel like we're going to tip over, so I instinctively pull tighter onto my host. We are upright with a twist of the throttle, and I am momentarily amazed and thrilled with my mini lesson in the physics of momentum. This is going to be a fun ride.

After a few blocks, Brad yells back, Let's take the scenic route! Fine by me, this is fun! I holler back through the face shield. He swerves onto a twisting vine of a road near the river, and I find myself squeezing tighter against him with every turn. I wonder if he can feel my tits pressing into his back as much as I am consciously aware that they are. My nipples are hard and aching in a slight pleasant way, and I can't ignore the steady vibration of the saddle. I am glad my dress is staying put, even though I feel like stripping naked and flying through the air. I realize with a shock that my legs are now pressing hard against his, but I can't imagine loosening my grip, so I just hope that he won't misunderstand the sudden intimacy.

We finally arrive at the house on Hillside Drive and pull to a stop. Don't forget about that exhaust pipe, he warns.

He holds the bike steady as I clumsily teeter off while holding his shoulders for support. I feel like the whole world is looking between my legs which makes me feel shy and sexy at the same time.

He dismounts like an old-fashioned cowboy, and pulls the bike onto its stand.

That was a lot better than the SUV! I gush through a delirious grin. My first time, wow! I start scolding myself to shut up–I sound like a goofy teenager.

It really is fun, but it can be potentially dangerous too, so you have to be careful.

We put our helmets on the seat and go up to the house. I give him a quick marketing run-down as I unlock the front door. I realize I feel about ten years younger with the exhilaration coursing through my body. There is a graceful lilt to my step, and my hand gestures are more animated than usual. I feel like flirting. My love box is buzzing.

I want to show you the master bedroom, but first let's go upstairs and see the guest rooms.

He opens the door to the stairs, but I know the light switch is hidden behind the door. I try to slide past, but my tits rub against him on my way through. In my mind, I sense it happening in slow motion, with each breast pressing into him and bending slightly to the side, with my nipple grinding into his back before popping off to be followed by the next one. It makes me shudder with embarrassment, but he chivalrously pretends not to notice. Let me get the light, I say, a little too late, and too breathless.

I lead the way up the stairs ahead of him, aware that being a few steps above him, my ass is at his eye level. I arch my back a little, just to make sure it is well represented in case he happens to notice. I turn to make some idle chatter, and think I catch his glance darting away from my ass region. I always think it helps loosen things up if there's a little sexual tension with my male clients, but I'm really not thinking of anything beyond that. Just trying to keep things light, and have a little fun.

We briefly peep into the upstairs rooms, and I point out the great view from the window at the end of the hall. As I am gazing out the window with my hands on the sill, pointing my sweet sexy ass at him, his hands suddenly appear next to mine, and I feel him press against me from behind. My nipples contract violently and I gasp involuntarily.

What's this? I ask.

He suddenly jumps back, and the color flushes out of his face.

I'm so sorry! he exclaims, I. . .I. . .I'm sorry, I just. . .

I am feeling super wound up sexually from a combination of the day's events, so I spontaneously do something really unprofessional.

I walk up and grab the top of his pants by the belt, put my other arm around his neck and kiss him passionately on the lips.

It's OK, I whisper, looking directly into his eyes. I'm into it. I pull him toward me and push my tits into his chest. He smells like shampoo and motorcycle exhaust.

You're j-just so. . . sexy. . . he stammers lamely.

Don't talk, I quietly instruct him, placing a finger on his lips. I keep his neck cradled in the hook of my elbow, and slowly kiss him while I fumble with his belt and the buttons on his jeans with my other hand. I inhale the smell of our breath mixing together. He has unzipped the back of my dress, and is tugging laboriously at the clasp on my bra. I'm shivering, and it feels like something is squeezing my clit. I can feel some fluid start to run down my inner thigh. I press my legs together and grind my mound up against his thigh. I impatiently yank at his jeans to undo the last button, and then take hold of his cock. He inhales sharply as I wrap my hand around it and squeeze. I've never felt a cock so hard, and I've felt a few. I want this thing in me, but not yet.

I think momentarily about ripping the buttons off his shirt, but thinking about his wife Julie, I guess the least I could do is keep this a secret. I pull it over his head and drop it to the floor. He has finally managed to unlock my bra, so I slip out of it, and let it fall to the floor with my dress. He is staring at my tits, which I have to admit are something special. They are very natural, and my hard button nipples still have an upward tilt. They are the kind of tits men love to grab and suckle.

I fall to my knees and rip his pants and shorts down, somewhat dramatically. His boots are still on, so he has to lean against the wall for balance.

I take hold of his erection and aim it at my mouth. At first, I lick around the head with my tongue, while squeezing the shaft and trying to get my hand all the way around it. Then I put the tip in my mouth and suck on it, while licking the hole with my tongue, and starting to work my hand up and down on the shaft in a false-fucking motion. He starts moaning and rocking a little on his heels. I caress his balls, and feel around his firm buttocks with the fingers of one hand. Then I hold onto his ass with both hands, and slowly insert his entire cock into my mouth. I want it all the way in, so I adjust my stance so that part of it can go into my throat without gagging me too much. This is all too much for him, so he lifts me off and pulls me to my feet, so we can kiss standing. We kiss for a minute, pulling each other close, and I can feel his cock throbbing and twitching uncontrollably against my stomach.

We separate momentarily while he kicks off his boots and wriggles out of his pants. Holding me once again, he pushes my ass against the window sill. He nudges his legs in between mine, and starts spreading them apart while he focuses on my breasts and nipples. He bends over me, and starts fondling and licking my breasts. Each time he bites my nipple it sends an electric message to my clit, and my body starts to relax and anxiously crave this stranger inside it. He kneels with his hands between my thighs, as if about to pray to his goddess, and then forces my knees apart as far as they can go. I have my hands on the window sill for support, and pray a silent plea of my own that I won't break through the glass and tumble out through the window.

He starts licking the soft crease at the top of my legs, and reaching with his tongue to flick at my butt cheeks. Then he moves to the inner part of my pussy, and gently licks between my fuzzy folds and pushes his tongue softly into the crease. He does this for a minute, and then moves up and, spreading my vagina with his thumbs, sucks my clit into his mouth. As he sucks at my clit and flicks his tongue laterally and vertically, he inserts both thumbs into my aching vagina. I put one foot onto his shoulder so I can pull harder into his face, and he starts pressing against the insides of my hole with his thumbs while propelling his tongue against my clit. I groan, and feel a release of pressure wash over me in a delicious wave of pleasure. As I drift into orgasm, my connection to my body goes momentarily missing, and I vaguely worry that I might indeed fall to the ground from the second story window.

When I regain consciousness a half-second (or an eternity) later, I feel an immediate need to have his beautiful rigid cock inside me.

I push him onto his back in the hallway, and leap onto him like an attacking lioness. With one hand, I pull his throbbing rod into me and take it all the way in to the base. My eager cunt is so greasy from a day of dirty thoughts, that it easily slips and slides as I rock my hips violently against the pin of his cock. I don't know if it's the taboo, his hard body, my general horniness, or what, but I feel like I have never been wetter or more wanting. My breasts are bouncing around comically between us and he is pulling at my butt cheeks, getting me even more excited.

Suddenly, he spins me around onto my back with his arm around my waist. I notice the bulge of his bicep muscle, and the tendons and cooperative muscles attaching it to his chest and shoulder.

His hard prick never leaves the iron grip of my pussy, and he soon commences pumping. He starts pulling it slowly out to the tip, and then pushing it all the way in, slowly but firmly, so that it rocks me backward with the forward thrusts. I try to brace my feet on the walls on either side. He starts out slow, and then gradually increases momentum until at last we were pumping fast, like a machine about to blow a gasket. I love the friction, and the manly feel of his brutally rigid prick lurching inside me. His arms are at my sides and it seems that every one of his well-defined muscles is flexed.

His upper body is glimmering with a coating of sweat, like a racehorse nearing the finish line.

Once again I imagine a pressure swelling within me. I start to moan and whine, and I attempt to meet his urgent thrusts with my own upward spasms, while pulling at his back with my fingertips. Everything blurs into a starry haze, and my frenzied cries can be heard faintly, as if from far away. I am aware of my body, yet awash in a liquid embrace of euphoria. Please never let this end, I dreamily implore.

Immediately, he pulls out his cock and starts to caress it into my belly. It jerks and throbs, and he is gasping and choking back moans against the side of my face. A warm stream of semen glides slowly down my side onto the floor. We lay there on the floor for a few minutes pressed together, his cheek against mine, both of us feeling a mixture of subtle embarrassment and absolute happiness.

We get up and slip awkwardly back into our clothes. I clean up our spill with some tissue from the upstairs bathroom.

OK, I think I'm ready to show you the master bedroom now, I say, half joking. I still feel a tingling in my clit, and my pussy is hot and happy.

You know what, he smiles, I think I want to schedule another appointment for that.

submitted by stabbystick [link] [comment]
