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by EverettStitt536725 posted Oct 17, 2015


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STORIES TOLD FROM GATE NUMBER EIGHT Part Two, of Many More Tales to Come, by Nick Faraway .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. 4. November Issue Maggie looked at the cover of the November issue for the first time. At the bottom, scrolled in loopy, 60s-era font, it read: Everything you need to know about the Mile-High Club! Inside of a small bubble above the text was a flight attendant smiling over her shoulder, ass partially exposed to the camera. Maggie felt something tighten in her throat. Whores, the lot of them. She felt the acidic bitterness in her stomach begin to curdle. ...Whores in cheap costumes. She reached into the cardboard box for the last time, no longer worrying about the coverage her skirt was affording her ass. Then, Maggie slammed the Hustlers down on the shelf hard, bending their spines by accident. Fuck, she thought, trying to bend the the magazines straight again. These God-damned... Maggies thoughts were cut-off when she heard the sound of stifled giggles, coming from somewhere behind her. She whipped around, feeling her skirt settle against her hips as she turned, and saw a young man looking back at her. He was grinning. Excuse me, the young man said, reaching past her for one of the November issues Maggied just finished placing on her shelf. His eyes were a dark green, with an emerald gleam that seemed to pierce through normal vision. The two-piece suit he wore looked expensive, especially considering his age, but well wrinkled from frequent travel. When you work in an airport as long enough, Maggie told herself, you can tell how often a man travels by one glance of his suit. And he travels *very often.* As the young mans arm reached past her, Maggie noticed the silver, heavy-looking watch on his slender wrist. As he wrapped his hand around the November Issue, the young man glanced sideways at her, still grinning with one corner of his mouth... The eye contact was too much to bear... 5. Jolt of Pure Curiosity Henry took the magazine, tucked it under his arm, then gave the older woman attending the store another fleeting smile, before turning to walk towards the snacks. He casually picked up two packs of MandMs, then strolled toward the fridge full of bottled soda, trying to resist the temptation to look in the older womans direction. Henry hadnt heard her heels clicking on the tile floor for a couple moments now, which had begun to seem odd; as far as he knew, she could sill be standing there, eyes shooting fierce daggers at him. But of course, he didnt make it to the fridge without stopping to glancing over his shoulder. The twist of his neck came impulsively, as if dictated by some jolt of pure curiosity. She was still standing in-front of the rack of magazines, only now, her hands were empty. She was, literally, just standing there. The impression was that of a schoolgirl who knows she hasnt done her homework. When Henrys eyes met hers, she instantly began walking briskly toward the counter, head bowed downward. Ashamed, Henry thought. But why? She has no idea about the photo I took... ...This woman is strange, Henry concluded.* — Maggie watched the young man pull met art erotic two bottles of Coke out of the fridge, then made sure to have her eyes lowered when he turned back around toward the counter. My God, she thought. I cant believe he saw my little temper tantrum back there... Did hot sexy naked chicks he notice, though? Was he looking? Before Maggie could finish her line of thought, the November issue of Hustler plopped onto the counter in-front of her, with a comical Thump! sound. The cover was bent all out of shape, heavily creased down the middle. She looked up, an apology hanging off the tip of her tongue, then saw his face. He was smiling, eyes focused on hers. Something about his expression was utterly disarming. Uhm..., Maggie said. It felt as if her brain had emptied its-self of all its previous contents. The young man dumped the snacks from his Discover More arms onto the counter, then said: How is your morning going, maam? Fine, Maggie managed to mumble. She reached out and started scanning his purchases, starting with the two bottles of Coke. And how about yours? Good. More of an afternoon, by my clock, but Im doing good. Just a little tired, thats all. Long flight? Long wait for a flight, actually. He laughed. It was the same partially stifled giggle as before. The memory made her cheeks prickle met art gallery uk with embarrassment. 6. On Display... Henry noticed the older woman trying to scan the bent bar-code on the Hustler over and over again and took the opportunity to glance down the valley between her large, full breasts. Her skin was a light, creamy colour and evenly toned, aside from a few clusters of freckles. Then, Henrys spider-sense tingled, so he looked upward, just in time. Her eyes met art video his. After an awkward smile, she looked back down at the troublesome bar-code. Shit, should I really tell her?, Henry wondered. *She should probably know it, it could happen to her again.But, what if she freaks out over it? — Thatll be $23.67. Cash? Yes please, the young man said, reaching into his wallet for two twentys. There you go. Maggies fingers fumbled to make his change, feeling her anxiety climax. Just being silly, she insisted to herself, and carried-away with yourself. She handed him back his change, then said: Have a good day. After a brief hesitation, she added: Sorry about bending your magazine. I was in a rush, and... Its fine, the young man said, interrupting her. Oh, and... Uhm... He leaned forward, over the counter. His voice become lower, hushed. I wanted to tell you something, but I wasnt sure how youd react... Maggie watched him look around to make sure no one was with-in hear-shot, then the young man continued: When you were bending over, before, stacking magazines, I mean. Well, youre in a skirt and... These tiles are really shinny and like, recently polished, I guess. I could see your panties in the reflection, every time you bent down... They are red, right? What?, Maggie said, feeling the tile-floor beneath her begin to tilt. Her cheeks began to burn with an intensity that seemed unnatural. Yeah, your pussy was kinda on display. Looked fucking good, by the way. Took a while to appreciate what I was seeing, but... Damn. Nice legs, too. Then, then young man picked up his plastic-bag full of purchases and walked away, without another word, leaving Maggie standing behind the counter, face glowing red, mind racing... What the fuck just happened!? .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. Authors Note: Coming Soon, in a Separate Post! Part One: Part Two: Youre Reading It! Part Three: Coming Soon! KinkyNick_Canada
