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ALEC I give Quinn his instructions. He is only too happy to help in my little intrigue. Then I eagerly get back to my observations. I watch you light one cigarette after another. I love that I have left the hook so deep in you. That night, I order another girl from SmokingHot. She arrives dolled up to the nines. Dark red lipstick as I specified. Ah Ember. I say Nice to see you. Sure she says. We make out in front of the observation cam. Then I have her sit and smoke in the same posture I observe you in. She smokes very sexily. 100s in a long black cigarette holder. I jump her when I can hold back no longer, spilling the ashtray. Take it Brianna! I shout. Brianna? Shut up I say as I enter her. She struggles because she knows I like it that way. They must have quite a file on me at their company. I finally get her pinned down and give it to her good. On the video screen the doorbell rings. I look up to see Patty facing down Quinn. He asks for Brianna and she fetches her. When I see Briannas face at seeing Quinn, I come inside my hooker. Brianna is completely undone. She does not know how to react. Quinn fills in the space. Hello Brianna, I got your text that you were in town and had some free sex video chatroom time tonight. It would be my pleasure to take you out to see some of the sights. She stalls. Oh, Im not dressed for it… perhaps another…? Oh, Im in no hurry, take your time. I watch Patty and Brianna hustle into her bedroom. They argue. Patty looks at the handsome Quinn and thinks it would be good for her to have something to black hot girls naked take her mind off me. She does not know the history of course and Brianna can not tell her. Finally Brianna runs out of excuses and they dress her up. She comes back to Quinn and he is duly impressed. He holds out his arm and the two of them go off. I am left watching the empty foyer and awaiting messages from Quinn about how far he can push her. Just before I switch off, I see the elder daughter sneak into the room. She see Briannas cigarettes and looking both ways, she grabs one. Oh ho, I think. Then I turn back to my call girl. Youre Brianna now. OK. Call me Quinn. Yes Quinn. Shes going to get a workout tonight. BRIANNA I look down at the ground as we make our way to Quinn’s car. I am afraid to look at him. He opens the door like a gentleman, and as soon as I am seated, I instinctively start hunting for my cigarettes. I can feel Quinn smiling and stealing glances at me as he drives, but I stare blankly at the dash, mindlessly chain smoking. Quinn silently admires your handiwork. Each drag I take is deep and deliberate. Quinn watches my cheeks hollow as I suck the smoke into my lungs. I hold it there for several seconds before exhaling, and then, after tapping my ashes, bring the cigarette immediately back to my lips. My body craves nicotine constantly, and I smoke without thought, without reflection. He marvels at how needy I am after little more than a year of smoking. You have told him I am up to three packs a day, and he is duly impressed. While he drives, he is also observing the subtle signs of lung damage. The way I can no longer get all the smoke from a heavy drag out in a single breath. The way the air catches in my lungs and makes a slight wet, crackle as I exhale. The way my chest heaves as I breathe air and smoke in through constricted and inflamed bronchi. Finally, remembering the assignment he has been tasked with, Quinn breaks the silence, "Brianna, you know this is foolishness. You don’t belong in Nevada. Alec has forgiven you – forgiven us…" "Forgiven?" I reply harshly, "for what? For doing what he asked?" I take a heavy drag from my cigarette and dramatically toss the remainder out the window. That’s it, I think to myself, I quit. I only smoked because that asshole made me. I’m done being his plaything. I stare coldly at Quinn. I don’t want to be here. Quinn glances over; his brow furrows with concern. He places a heavy hand on my thigh. My crotch spasms involuntarily, and I have to stop myself from reaching into my purse and pulling out another cigarette. I want to push his hand away, but I can’t. "This is no place for you," he continues. "You know Alec has been my friend for a long time. You have to accept the way he is…and you have to know that he loves you." My heart aches and my pussy begins to throb. I want to believe him. I want you to love me. As my face catches in the light, Quinn can see that my eyes are wet with tears. He moves his hand up just slightly on my leg… "But while the two of you are separated, we might as well have a little more fun together…don’t you think?" Quinn gives me a quick wink and turns his attention back to the road. ALEC Quinn takes you to a club on the strip. He lights up a cigarette and offers you one. You take it automatically before frowning and handing it back. Brianna, you have to admit you will give in. Everything is against you in this. He leans back and exhales a stream of smoke, replaces his hand on your thigh. You dont want to believe him. You want to believe that you are stronger than that. But as his hand creeps upward you feel yourself swooning at the touch. The waiter brings champagne, looks down and smirks. Your face turns red to realize what he has seen, what he thinks of you. Youre not that kind of girl are you? Youre better than that. The two of you watch the show as his hand move steadily up your leg in the darkness. You dread that when he gets to your sex he will find it already wet and primed for his touch. When he does he cups your pussy, squeezing it. You shudder try to push him away. At that moment, he brings his cigarette to your mouth and you inhale involuntarily. He has you now at both ends. Smoking his poison and yielding to his touch. Will we be taking a hotel room? he asks. You are too distracted to answer. He asks again. Then chooses for you as the show ends. You are unsteady on your feet as he draws you through the lobby. In the elevator up to the room Quinn begins kissing you. Your heart races. The kiss turns deep and then breaks off when you have to cough. You are embarrassed, but he only seems amused. Against the door he kisses you again. You push him away, trying to gather your wits. In the room he picks you up in his arms and carries you to the bed. You are half struggling. He throws you among the pillows and things turn to wrestling. If only you could catch your breath. You are fighting him for real and it is exciting. He tries to capture a nipple and his teeth scratch across it. You let out a screech. The distraction allows him to get a finger hooked inside your sex. You squirm but cant get free, your cunt moistening at his touch. You lock your strong legs around his waist and pull him off you and get the bed between the two of you. His eyes look a bit crazed as he chases you. Just as you reach the bathroom, a coughing fit overtakes you and he grabs you around the middle, dumping you unceremoniously onto the bed again. Then he is pressing an inhaler against your lips. I brought this for you darling. You breathe in the medicine gratefully and the coughing subsides. But while that has been distracting you, he has gotten between your legs and you feel his tongue on your thighs. They automatically relax and you feel his breath on your mound. He begins licking and exploring you and you cant help but give in. You feel him pushing a finger inside, searching for your G-spot while he licks a complex pattern against your clit. You grab his hair and push back against his mouth moving in sync with his ministrations. You are almost consumed when he stops and sits up. You see him light up a cigarette and hand it to you. You are too delirious to refuse as he goes back to work with renewed vigor. Inhaling in luxury you feel yourself rising and rising. His fingers find their purchase and then you are creaming against his tongue, convulsing with pleasure, exhaling a long drag of nicotine. After resting, he orders in room service for dessert. He feeds it to you by the spoonful. Becoming playful he runs some whipped cream across your nipple and licks adult sex cam it off. You feel brave and reciprocate by smearing some on his cock and licking it. You have never loved that activity, but now it seems exciting and naughty. He runs his fingers through your hair as you work him, letting you find your own pace. He has a beautiful cock and you enjoy it as you feel it jerk and start with your attentions. Suddenly he flips you onto your back and pushes Http://klyq.co/ your legs up against your breasts. Roughly and without warning he enters you. You have made him very hungry and he wants to enjoy you. He begins to pump you hard, panting with exertion. You put your hands on his chest to get leverage so you can thrust back and the two of you begin to rock in a fierce synchronized rhythm. The fucking goes on for quite a while and then the pleasure descends just as you feel him clench and jerk inside of you. Clutching each other you moaning and ride it out. Then you are coughing again and be presses the inhaler to your lips. BRIANNA I glance at the clock and see that it is 2am. "I need to get back to my sister’s house!" I declare in a panic, but Quinn grabs my arm and refuses to let me leave the bed. He insists that I stay until morning – there is one more thing he needs to experience in order to make his visit complete. I lay back down anxiously, but after such an exhausting evening, sleep quickly overtakes both of us. As I rest, the day’s accumulation of smoke and tar settles in my lungs and constricts my airways. I breathe heavily and start to wheeze softly as the night wears on. Periodically, a light, wet, mucusy cough will escape from my lips. Quinn is hard the entire night as he listens to the various sounds of my sickly lungs. At 6am I roll onto my side, shifting the globs of filth in my lungs. My body is seized by a violent series of coughs. With my airway partially blocked, I struggle for air, gasping between hacks. My eyes open abruptly, but my look is one of annoyance rather than panic – sadly, this is just how I wake up in the morning. I sit up, continuing to cough, and instinctively grab my cigarettes from the night stand. I hold the unlit cancer stick between my fingers, anxious to catch my breath. Quinn watches the entire scene intently, trying to file each sound, gesture, and movement away for future enjoyment. My cough is deep and wet. He can hear the air struggling against mounds of sticky tar and phlegm. I bring the cigarette to my lips, only to be forced to pull it away as another cough overtakes me. My face reddens with exertion and embarrassment as a deep hack forces a glob of phlegm into my throat. I turn away from Quinn and cough it out into the ashtray. "Mmmmmm," he moans from behind me, "beautifully vile." A chill crosses my skin at the thought that Quinn is turned on by all of this. Still panting and gasping, eyes filled with sadness, I turn to face him. I hate coughing all the time. I wish I could quit smoking. And I don’t like being the object of such a weird sex fetish. Quinn kisses my forehead and pushes his inhaler between my lips. I take a deep breath and sigh with relief as my lungs release and relax. Quinn gently plucks the cigarette from my fingers, lights it, and hands it back to me. He watches as I inhale, reluctantly at first, and then greedily as the sweet nicotine makes its way to my brain’s pleasure center. "I’ve got to get back to my sister’s," I insist, smoke streaming from my lips. This time Quinn obliges. The End not-the-real-me [1 comment]

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