Petite Asians - Fear? Not If You Use Sexy Young Blondes The Right Way!

by JannieStreeter88 posted Oct 17, 2015


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This took me a while to crank out. Sorry for the long hiatus. *Chatper young shaved pussy * I wake up once again. Reality finally sinking in and the slither of hope that this is all a horrible, horrible dream is slowly dissipating. I’ve been given a brief overview on how to operate the various consoles in my room. Most of them are fairly simplistic to use if a bit alien to me. There’s a device that allows me to choose what clothes I wish to have and as far as I can tell they seem to materialize out of thin air. I’m sure there is some brilliant insight on how these devices actually work, but right now I care very little on how and far more interested in the convenience. Across my bed there’s a small table with a ‘food processor’. The item seems to be able to create a variety of dishes milf fucking young guy from any culture. The taste is a bit bland, but it’s filling and won’t let me starve. I never was a great chef, but even I could make something that has more flavor then that thing. There’s a small shower that lets me wash up. I feel disgusting and seeing as I didn’t have much time to myself or even given much of a choice over the past few days, I hardly had a time to bathe or do much else. I was finally able to wash off the smell and well, the dried cum that was still lingering in young tight pussy porn bits of me I don’t even want to think about from my encounter with Mon’gor. I materialized a pair of sweatpants and a white tshirt. After being dressed like a prostitute and being treated like a whore for the past few days the last thing I wanted to do is wear heels and a miniskirt. I spent the day going over the history record on the terminal. Humans got cocky is what it comes down to. We were still fighting about the same old differences and have gotten much much better at killing each other. Around the dawn of the st century advances in genetic engineering allowed us to create genetic clones of any species that we wanted to. Living or dead as long as had a proper genetic sample. Instead of sending humans to fight the human wars. Foot soldiers, the soiled as they were later called were created. Seeing as they were so effective, the Enlightened were later created. The main failing of the soiled is that they were… well dumb as a rock. The enlightened were created with genetic manipulation to try to increase their intellect. They are able to speak in coherent sentences and were used as officers in the field. Eventually they Neathdratals were tired of fighting and dying for humans. Sacrificing their lives to settle the thousand year old disputes about race, land, power and grievances so ancient that nobody even remembers who instigated the conflict. They rose up against humanity. The strength of the best trained military power rose up and took arms against their creators. The humans had relied on Neandertals far too much. They had no plan to deal with this crisis and scattered. By the time they had formed some type of resistance, the empire was formed. With the help of a few brilliant scientists they created the Olympians. They are the largest of Neandertal breed. It requires a pure sample of genetic material and only of them were created though they have the highest level of intelligence and strength. They are the idea that the empire strives for and they form a council that leads the empire. Humanity has dwindled. When the conflict started there were over billion humans alive. With the easy of the ‘manufacturing’ or cloning of the soiled The empire overran and wiped out half of the human race in a blink of an eye. After that, it was a war of attrition where humanity was slowly losing. We’ve managed to create a race that is superior to use in power, intelligence and were shocked that they might want to take the driving seat as the Dominant species. "Well, that’s just fantastic. We’re fucked ways from sunday and the new big man on the block all want to use me as a breeding toy. That’s just great." I mumble to no one in particular. Sigh. Humanity is hoping that the genetic cloning process will eventually corrupt the empire and give them a chance to fight back. You can only make so many copies of a copy before it’s unusable anymore. Of course by then there won’t be any humans left at the rate they’re going. The empire is hoping to use me to fix their Achilles heel and create an evolution of their species that is able to procreate. I have virtually no chance in hell to get Jason resuscitated and my existence is based on how much abuse I can take from these monsters as they copulate with me. I am a prisoner, it’s true...running my hand over the metal collar that I have a feeling has more sexual applications then anything to do with restraining me. I just wish I had a better grasp on my own choices. My hookup with Mon’gor showed me just how little control I have around these men of the empire. I was in heat. I wonder if it was due an after effect of the long sleep or something else. beep, beep My thoughts are rudely interrupted as I look at the screen. I’ve had two days of peace and quiet as I ingested all this material. I guess they finally want to talk to me again. There’s an invitation with explicit direction on what to wear and when to show up. Apparently I am to have dinner with Kan’hal, an enlightened. I step out of the shower loving the fragrance with which I was provided. Feeling refreshed, as I look over the out of choice they Kan’hal has chosen. He explicitly instructs me not to wear any underwear or bra. I end up taking a bit of extra time to shave my pussy leaving nothing to the imagination. I have a feeling he’ll end dinner the same way I ended my evening with Mon’gor. I’m oddly aroused and looking forward to it in a peculiar way. I slip on the tight leather miniskirt feeling the smooth material glide over my body then taking a moment to adjust to my body type and size. That’s one thing I love about this world. No shirt is ever too small or too large. It fits just right unless you want it to be two sizes too small, then it’ll adjust accordingly. Ooooh, this doesn’t feel like leather. It’s has the same feel and look but the way it feels against my skin. mmmm, no wonder he wanted me to wear it. I slip on the white tank top that stops barely above my belly button. It has a lucid quality and it's utterly sheer. It feels almost wet without needing any water to do so. My nipples react as I look at my reflection. It look like a kinky coed. Of course they have to add a pair of black high heeled boots. Does everyone here think women dress like porn stars? I step out and show the guard my invitation and I’m escorted to the residence I’m having dinner at. The guard takes his leave as a large soiled opens the door. A butler I suppose. I step in closer and get a powerful whiff of his musk. I close my eyes briefly trying to get a handle on my senses. Okay this is definitely not because of cryo sleep. The fuckers give off an aphrodisiac. No wonder I got fucked so hard and so fast. I’m presented to Kan’hal who smiles brilliantly. He’s tall and muscular like all of his people standing at well above feet tall looking down on me quite literally. I look into his beautiful brown eyes and meet his stellar smile. The last experience I had with a Neanderthal was….well I can’t honestly say I didn’t enjoy myself though he was hardly a vivid conversationalist. We’ve shared more orgasms than words and I wouldn’t really have had it any other way. Looking over Kan’hal’s powerful body I imagine he is more than capable of providing the same service. Though he seems far more intelligent. "Good evening Ms. Rouge. It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I’ve heard…" he pauses briefly as a wide smile washes over his face which is reflected almost instantly in the blush crossing my cheeks. "... a good bit about you. I’m very interested in you and your abilities shall we say? We have never encountered a human that was able to copulate with any of the subspecies of the empire. No homo sapien to date has ever survive such an encounter. You not only survived one, but you matted with a soiled. They’re… hardly known for being gentle lovers" If my cheeks weren’t red enough already they certainly turned a few shades darker. Christ, subtlety is definitely not a trait that survived the passage of time. "uhmm.. thank you? I suppose. I’m not sure I’ve had much of a choice in the matter. I think he fed me some pills that made it.. better? " Kan’hal nods and smiles. "yes, certainly. But even with the aid of body molds and pain suppressors you’re still the first human. You understand how you are a gem to our species. We require a gene that we are unable to extract from the human genome. Our people are dying and for better or worse. The only we to pass on our genes is through some very old fashioned means. Though I’m hardly one to complain especially with …. " He gives a light wave of his hand to indicate my curves. "You… you’re very kind Sir." God, I feel exposed now. Not that my dress was every subtle, but still the way he’s looking at me…. "Sir? mmm, I do love your submissive tendency Mrs. Rouge. May I call you Amy?" I nod meekly "I see you’re not used to our .. pheromones yet. Most humans have grown immune to them for the most part. Partly due to the atrocities that were committed during the war and the fear they exhibit towards our kind. " He seems to pause briefly looking over my body once more. The sensual dress shimmering with dim light in the room. I feel his eyes locked on me, as he circles around like a predator evaluating his prey. Looking for weakness as I feel his hand just lightly grazing my back. I barely suppress a moan as his hand runs out of materia caressing my back then slipping around my exposed abs pulling me in towards him. I just can’t hold it in anymore. The moment his powerful member presses up against my bubble ass, grinding against me as the micro mini rides up my curves "I was told you were married?" I look at him and nod slowly, not sure where he’s going with this. "hmm, interesting. I was led to believe that humans tend to value the sanctity of this ancient rituals, especially in the time you were from. Tell me did coupling with another while being married make it hotter for you? Do you get more aroused by the fact that you are betraying another with each orgasm that washes over your body? Or is he simply so irrelevant that he doesn’t even register to you" I gasp looking at the ‘man’ in front of me. "Of course not! I love Jason. I’ve been asking for his release since I got here" ...well except for those few hours I was begging my brains fucked out of me. "Of course he matters! " Christ, I think I liked it better when these brutes didn’t speak. Mon’gor only grunted as he fucked me and though he was beyond rough with me in some ways this man is already far more cruel than Mon’gor ever was. "I’m sorry my dear. I’m just trying to understand your culture. I do find humans so fascinating. They are our parents in a way. They did go out of their way to bring us back after we’ve gone and gone extinct. I do respect the survival traits and innovation of your species. " He reaches for my firm yet perky breast twisting my nipple teasing me lightly as I purr softly in response. "So, are he was sliding his monstrous cock inside you? As you were riding him and pleading for more. Are you telling me you were thinking of Jason? Or are you thinking of how good it feels to have that beast of a cock inside you? " My cheeks turn red as I moan softly. His fingers toying with my breasts and my body responding. "I… I.. mmmm.. no..i.. I guess not. I still lo…." oh fuck this bastard. He’s not playing fair. "I’m very curious about this whole ‘love’ thing humans are so caught up on. We fuck when it feels good. Granted we can’t procreate and I really don’t think it’s necessary for you to procreate. I’m just curious as to why it’s so important to your kind. " He rips my blouse without pausing as if being denied sex wasn’t even a possibility. Well, then again I’m not giving him any reason to think so either. His hot mouth closes on my breast as he easily lifts me up and drops me on a nearby table. My slutty skirt riding up my giving him a nice view of my perfectly bald married pussy wet and glistening ready to be filled. "oooooooh…" is all I manage to say in response. His fingers curling as they sink inside me. I look back at him. On one hand wanting to defend my marriage and my love for Jason. Though it’s hardly on the top of the list. My legs spread as I feel him enter my pussy again and again. Moans escaping my lips. A sound that has become far more familiar then it should be for a married woman. "I think this whole ‘marriage’ thing is just a hoax for you to get a stable supply of cock to fuck you as often as you’d like. After all if you did "love" him, wouldn’t you be objecting more. You should be building up a tolerance to the pheromones by now. It’s not the drugs that’s making you act this way. You love the sex and want more. " "mmmm...i….i thought you wanted to have me over for dinner? " moaning blissfully as I feel my body reacting to him. He simply responds with his beautiful brilliant smile. Pushing his fingers fully into me as I scream in pleasure. "Oh, I might be eating something later tonight. It depends on your behavior. Though you’ll definitely getting fed something. It is what you want isn’t slut? I thick throbbing cock filling your married pussy? I can see it your eyes.. you’re craving to be fucked right now." With a swift motion he yanks my skirt off leaving me nude in my thigh high boots. He looks at my naked body inspecting the ‘goods’ as he licks his fingers tasting me. God that’s so fucking hot. I can feel my pussing aching for his touch. For that monster cock i’m sure is hiding under the huge bulge that has formed in his pants. "get on your knees pet" I step off the edge of the table, my puss wet and my thighs glistening with the wetness dripping down my long legs. I kneel in front of Kan’hal look up with him with expectations and wonder as I feel his gentle touch caressing my cheek, circling around me then pulling my hair back as I feel the cold metal of a collar slipping around my neck. My hair twisted and intertwined with the leather leash he clips on me. Leather? is it leather even. I have such a hard time pinning down what all the materials in this new world. They all feel familiar yet sexier and more alien. He gives the leash a little tug and pulls me along as I find myself on all s crawling behind him leading me to a very large bedroom. My leash is attached to the bed post as I feel his hands curiously exploring my body. In no rush to take me despite my pleading moans craving to be fucked again. Truth be told I’ve never had sex like I’ve had with Mon’gor. He was a brute, he was rough and had the vocabulary of a year old child and the mental capacity of one. But he took me places that I’ve never existed of experienced before. "You’re a bad girl aren’t you Amy? Fucking around after being awoken. Cheating on your husband. I have a feeling we’ll need to correct your personality before you’re worth to be the Matriarch of my entire race. You’re hardly a shining example of humans morality" I feel my cheeks burning my pussy glistening attached to the bedpost virtually nude I’m hardly in a position to question his assessment. I was still working through my thoughts when I feel a brilliant red pain sear through my body as the riding crop makes contact with my round bubble ass marking me. "Ahhhhh.. FUCK.. Christ… what the hell is wrong with you that hurt!" "I asked you a question pet. Answer when spoken to!" crack as I feel the string of another impact. My ass warming up instantly. "God almi….. yessss.. I’m a fucking slut, god. Stop it already that hurts!" I can almost feel him grinning in delight. "those do hurt a good bit don’t they pet? I suppose we should start you punishment with something a bit gentler." This time the spank is a bit gentler. Still hurts like a bitch but I feel the blood rushing to my sensitive ass. I each time he hits me I feel my pussy tingling. Slowly build it up. Occasionally taking a break as he uses his hand to smack my pussy and clit making me squirm and twist. I can feel my orgasm building up through the entire ordeal. The last painful strike sends me over the edge and my body betrays me once again as I start cumming shamelessly in front of this sadistic Dom. Tears running down my face unsure if it’s due to the pain, humiliation, guilt though despite it all I still liked it on some level. "good" he says as he runs his fingers over my shamefully pussy dripping cum. "Looks like you’ve got some daddy issues we need to work through. This will be more fun than I expected my little breeding puppy. " "Did that hurt your little tush sugar? " Looking up at Kan’hal tears smearing my mascara more from the shock of it than actual pain. I’ve been spanked before but never this roughly. The thing is…. he made me cum...hard. I’ve never orgasms from impact play. This is my first spanking orgasm and it was…. different. I’m not even sure if I hated or loved I just feel aroused and confused right now. I somehow manage to nod meekly "I just love what a good little whore you’re turning into. Now take your medicine so daddy can fuck you. His fingers still tasting of my pussy slipping into my mouth and pushing two pills into my mouth. The medicine that allows me to take +" cock and survive the ordeal. " Kan’hal releases my leash and tugs me along pulling me up on the bed. My arms are bound to the bed posts with my head facing down. The leash is tied to the headboard. Forcing my face down and my ass up. I can imagine the view I’m giving him. My pussy recently used still dripping cum and offered to him. The only thing he can see of me is my damaged bruised ass and shaved cunt. "You’ve got such a great tight ass Amy. I love a woman with some curves on her. You’ve got a cute fit figure and such a great round ass. " I just purrr in response, bracing myself as he places his powerful hands on my hips and I feel the drugs taking effect. My nipples even more sensitive if they weren’t already as the tip of his cock spreads my cunt lips apart. "ooooh…. daddyyyyy…." I purr as I feel yet another Neanderthal cock breaking me in. It feels a bit more natural though though it’s only the cock head that’s inside inside me and I’m loving it. His powerful hand wrapping around my hair making me squeal pushing deeper " deep almost half way in as I’m moaning loudly…. His powerful hand wrapping around my flowering red hair, turning my beautiful firey hair into a leash. I feel him entering me fully as I scream to the heavens climaxing on his cock as he pulls me up by the hair as I feel myself impaled on his member. He turns and twists me as he likes. Once again turning into a deprived little whore to another man’s amusement. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind there is Jason, my husband. The love I feel for him is still there. Though it pales in comparison to the pleasure I’m experiencing. I’m not sure if I have a strong predisposition to wanting these savages but I’ve never experienced sexual pleasure or orgasms to this degree. My pussy medically modified or not is clinging to his wonderful footlong of thick cock that my body has swallowed up. Squeezing down on his powerful member for dear life… wanting and craving his seed to fill my fertile cunt. I don’t even care what they’re planning to do with me anymore. Breeding me, fucking me.. using me to annihilate my species….logic and common sense don’t seem to matter anymore. The sheer power of our mutual lust and hunger is keeping my body upright on his cock.. impaled on his spear as he leads me to a nearby table. "urgh…" I groan in a mix of pain and pleasure. My naked body pressed against the cold marble surface. His hands pinning my bubbly ass on the table… as he violently fucks me. Destroying my poor pussy….though somehow I still hear myself pleading and screaming for more. I can barely recognize my own voice "HARDER!!! oh god.. yessssssssssssssssssssssss fuck your dirty little whore daddyyyyyy…." My words seem to push him over the edge as I feel his cum slam into me. I’ve never had a man cum so hard. His seed feel almost like a physical contact when it hits my uterus. His fertile seed overflowing my womb trying to find my eggs to make me a potential Matriarch for his entire species. I’m a messs……. this was a "dinner date", and here I am absolutely exhausted. I once again lost count of how many orgasms I’ve had. I’m barely conscious slobbering over the marble table. My pussy overflowing with Kan’hal’s cum making a sloppy mess on the floor running down my pale white thighs. I look like a deprived little whore...and barely care at this point. I soon slip into unconsciousness.. too tired to move. I wake up the next morning my pussy crusty with his dried cum. Well, that was my introduction to a more evolved Neanderthal. My first proper date. I can barely remember what I agreed to, though I have a feeling my time here will be spent doing nothing but fucking and whoring myself. mmmm, I have a delighted smile on me as memories of last night rush back to me. This isn’t such a bad time after all. Humanity is fucked.. but god damn so am I, and I LOVE IT!!. malerp
