Bj In The Car - What Are Backseat Porn?

by AidanSchippers9 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Chapter 11 - Bukakke Baby "I want to be in a porno, get on film fucking, on the Internet. I want hundreds of guys around the world jerking off to me, wishing they could fuck me! That's why they call me slutty Riley!" -.. Saturday November 10th, 2007 - 19 years old -.. It was Wednesday morning, and I was driving my shitty used Pontiac Sunfire to work at the mall. I worked at one of those sunglass stands in the middle of the hallways, basically sit there for 8 hours doing nothing, who buys sunglasses in November? I was feeling good, blasting California Love out the windows on full volume, sipping on a Starbucks Chai Tea Latte. I reached for my Belmonts and looked down for a second to light a smoke, not seeing the BMW in front of me braking. SMASHH! "Oh fuck", I shook back and forth, my latte spilling all over my white blouse, my neck smashing back and forth with the impact, the cigarette and lighter flying out of my hands. I looked up and shook my head back and forth quickly, I saw an older Indian guy getting out of the BMW. I shook myself out again and reached into the glove compartment to grab the little plastic blue envelope of stuff my dad told me I needed in the car. I had never been in an accident before, I only had my license for a year and this car for two months! I got out of the car, morning rush hour traffic driving around us. "So you hit my car." Said the man, he was probably about 50, with greying black hair and dark brown skin, he spoke in a thick Indian accent. "Uh yeah, sorry about that. I guess we need to exchange insurance?" Fuck my parents are going to kill me. "You are very pretty, what is your name?" "Riley, uh Riley Blake. You?" "It's a pleasure to meet you Riley, it is unfortunate under these circumstances. Tell you what, both our cars are drivable, pull into this parking lot and let's talk." We were just in front of the mall I worked in, we both got into our cars and drove them into Hillcrest's parking lot, letting the traffic make their way down the road unimpeded. The mall parking lot was still mostly empty, only employees were parking and making their way inside. "So Riley, it seems like we have a problem here. Repairing my trunk may be at least Five Thousand, do you have that?" My eyes started watering, I was hoping I could cry my way out of it. "Oh Riley, do not cry now, I have a way for you to help fix this." I looked back at him and rubbed my eyes. Fuck I hoped he didn't want to have sex with me, but I totally would to wipe this all away. "How old are you Riley?" "I just turned 19." "Perfect. I own a video company, and we are looking for an actress who looks like you. You can absolutely say no, and just do insurance or cash, but if you are open, this may be a good fix for both of us, and I will get your car fixed too." I looked at him, waiting for the catch. "If you are not open to it, that is fine, but it is a pornography video." "Really, a porn video?" "Yes, now you don't need to worry, it is being made for India, so it won't be shown here. It is about Indian men meeting a white girlfriend. Unfortunately we don't have many blonde white girls in India but we have many Indian men here, so it just makes sense." "I'm listening. How many men are you talking about though?" "Like maximum three men. And I will pay to fix your car, you will not need to fix mine, and you will get $300. Actually make it $500, just for you. You are pretty and blonde Riley, exactly what we need. "Yeah fuck I'm in. Can you fix my car today though?" "Yes indeed, my brother owns a garage around the corner, we can drop off both our cars there now and he can drive you to the bus or something." "Okay cool!" "My name is Imran, here is my card. Be at the address on there at 10am on Saturday?" "Sounds good, thanks Imran!" We got the cars taken care of and I worked my shift. I wanted to call Becky and tell her about this, but she was away in Israel for the entire year visiting family and becoming a better Jew or whatever, and no way I would tell Tiff, or really anyone else. Saturday morning I told my parents I was going to work, even though I had pawned that shift off on Jamal, who had a huge crush on me and would always take my shifts. I got out to the address in Mississauga by 9:30. It was a non-descript warehouse near Pearson International Airport, with a sign above that said just Imran Industries. The door was locked so I rang the doorbell, I saw a small Indian man looking through the door as he unlocked it. "You are Riley?" He asked in a thick accent. "Yes." "Mmmm very nice." he said in a creepy tone as he openly checked me out. "Follow me, come come." He brought me to an office and handed me paperwork and asked for my ID. He photocopied my license as I filled out the paperwork, signing off that I was of age and consenting. As soon as I was done he told me to follow him and brought me to a warehouse, with lumber stacked on shelves and forklifts sitting idly. He lead me through a labyrinth of shelves, he walked quickly it was tough to keep up. I had left my hair down and my makeup light, I figured they would want me done up in a certain way. I was wearing a grey tight sweater and tight jeans, with three inch heels on. "Here she is." Said the Indian guy to a pretty Indian woman. They spoke a foreign language quickly for a minute, then she took my hand and led me to the back of the warehouse, where at least 30 Indian men stood or sat around, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Some were young and attractive, others were old, and a few were even wearing turbans. "Attention!" The lady yelled, then started talking loudly in their language at them all. Imran told me maximum 3 guys, and there were over 30 there, I hoped I wouldn't have to do them all, but my hopes were dashed when the lady said to me "ok, ready for them all? Good." Then grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a mirror at the side. "Put on makeup, very thick, look slutty." "Um, Imran told me there would only be 3 guys?" She laughed and walked away. Fuck, I guess it's gangbang time. Not that I really minded, it just would be weird with all these Indian guys. I did what she said and caked my makeup on thick, they had a full set of every colour and type available at the mirror. She came back a few minutes late and inspected. "Okay, looks good, strip down." So I did it, I got myself completely naked. She looked away from my naked body and handed me a very skimpy bikini. "Now put this on." As soon as I was 'dressed', she grabbed my hand and pulled me back toward the guys. "Crawl to the centre and do whatever they want." I looked at her, everything had happened so quick. "Lights! Camera! Action!" She yelled out then walked away. It was just me, 30 Indian guys to fuck and 5 camera men standing around with their cameras out. So I said "fuck it" and got on my knees and crawled toward them. I knew I would be raw for weeks after. Before I made it even a few feet I was rushed. A young guy stuck his brown dick in my mouth first and I started blowing, a camera on either side of my face. Guys were yelling in Indian languages, it felt like a thousand hands grabbing at me. My bikini top stayed on for less than a minute, I moved on to the next cock, a turban wearing man with a long beard who looked at least 60, his cock smacked my face a few times then he shoved it in, his pubes smelt gross, but I spun my tongue around and around. My hair was grabbed as I was stuck onto the next cock, then the next. A few guys grabbed my bikini bottom and ripped it off, literally tearing it as they shouted at me. Somebody stuck himself in my pussy from behind, no lube made me scream out, making a guy slap my face and push my head down deep on his cock. I looked around after being facefucked and all I saw was guys stroking their cocks, waiting for their turn to fuck the white girl. I was passed around like a hot potato, dick after dick being shoved in me. I sat up on my knees after someone pulled out of my ass and I was pushed down on my back and immediately attacked by 10 guys. One of them busted on my face, another stuck his dick in my mouth, then one in each hand to jerk off, then one went deep in my pussy. I noticed a guy grab a big cup and place it on my chest, two guys immediately busted in it. I realized this was a bukkake video. At least three cocks were smacking my face, I got two of them jammed in my mouth, they just kind of thrusted them, rubbing them together like they were starting a fire, my tongue licking both. Both pulled out at the same time, one going half on my face and half in the cup, the other fully in the cup. One guy grabbed the cup and another grabbed my hair and pulled me up by my hair onto my knees. I sat on my knees with the cup under my face, guys were circling me tight, mostly naked except for the two holding cameras, one at my level the other looking down at me. Cumshot after cumshot started hitting me, many in my face and dripping into the cup, others right into the cup. I had my head back and my tongue out, unable to see at all due to the amount of cum on my eyes. "Grab a handful from the cup and eat it" whispered the camera man at my height. I dug my hand in, fuck it was almost full! I scooped it up and shovelled it into my mouth, it was cold and sticky, it felt nasty, and tasted even worse, it had a spicy edge in it, tasted a bit like curry. I rubbed some on my face too, and smudged it all around, pushing some in my mouth from my face too. The cumshots just kept cumming and cumming (pardon the pun), covering me from head to toe. Finally I heard someone yell in English, "cut!" It was the woman from before, "don't move Riley". I stayed still. "Okay, now it's the cup drinking scene, Riley do not gag, I need you to start by sucking off one last penis, when he ejaculates on your face, lick what you can off your face, then drink the entire cup, every last drop. Just pretend it is delicious buttermilk. I will add some sugar to it so it tastes better for you." I assumed she did it, I still couldn't see. "Ok Ahmed you didn't finish yet, you be the final man. Action!" I felt a dick stick in my mouth, I circled my tongue and sucked hard, it took him a few seconds to pull out and finish on my face, I reached my hand up to my forehead and squeeged it down my face to my mouth, scooping it all and uncovering my entire face onto my tongue. I could finally see, I looked around and all 30 were still standing around me in a full circle, stroking their cocks, waiting for the finale. Gotta give the crowd what they want, right? I lifted the cup up and poured it into my mouth, most of it made it, but some poured down the sides of my face. I smiled as best as I could while doing it, holding back my instinct to gag and puke everywhere. Once I poured in as much as would go, I used my pointer finger to scoop more up and put it in my mouth, sucking it clean. She definitely did not put sugar in the cup. I felt proud for finishing the cup, and I know it showed on my face. The lady walked back over to me. "Smile in the camera as say "I'm a dirty white slut, see more at" (Not the actual site) I did as I was instructed, it felt weird to be staring up at a camera saying the closing lines of a porno, the fucking and sucking felt sex car natural and normal, but this just made me feel so open and vulnerable. "Ok great. We're going to break for lunch now, production will look at the video and determine what scenes we still need." "We're not done?" "No, no hunny, we will be here all night." "Fuck eh?" I stood up and grabbed a lit cigarette out of the hand of one of the guys. "Hey baby you are very sexy and good at this?" Said one of the guys to me. "How about my own full blowjob?" "Save it for the camera dude." I said and turned to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me around to face him. "For my cigarette, you owe me bitch." "Um excuse me?" "You heard me slut. Get down and suck my dick." "Dude I need some resting time for my jaw! I just blew you guys for like an hour!" "Shuttup!" He yelled and knocked the smoke out of my hand, then threw me down on the floor and shoved me on his dick. A few guys were standing around stroking, I guess waiting for their turn. One of them held my head down on him, forcing me deep. The cameras started rolling again, filming this guy force my face down on his cock. It was fat and hairy, definitely in the bottom 10% of dicks I had seen before. I just let him have his way, I was really outnumbered and just wanted him to finish so I could have a smoke and hopefully find some booze. He slammed my face over and over, until finally cumming deep in my throat. I knew the cameras wanted a show, so I threw my head back and gargled the jizz back in my throat, then leaned my head forward and let it drip out in a solid string, then I sucked it back up into my mouth, opened my mouth for the camera so they could see it sitting on my tongue, then swallowed it down and showed off my clean tongue and smacked my lips. Once they had a good shot I stood back up. "Now give me a fucking cigarette." I said firmly to him, he handed me two. I turned to someone else, "lighter, let's go." He handed me a small red Bic, and I turned around and walked away from the guys, determined to get an actual break. I walked into an adjoining office and shut the door, sat on the chair with my bare ass and lit my cigarette. As i took a deep pull I put my head back and closed my eyes as I blew a stream of smoke into the air. I opened up the top drawer of the desk - Jackpot! a Mickey of Vodka was in in there, I pulled it out and took a swig, chasing it with smoke. I sat back and finished both cigarettes and half the mickey, then jumped up from the chair feeling reenergized. "Who wants cock? I do! When do I want it? Now! Who do I want to jerk off to me? All of India!" I yelled out to pump myself up, then swung the door open. "Who's ready to drain their nutsacks boys?" I yelled out at all of them. Slutty Riley was ready to get to work on these Indian boys. "Atta girl!" The guy who just fucked my face yelled back. "Samira are we ready to go?" "10 minutes boys, finish your lunch and keep your penises down boys!" The lady yelled back. I guess she was Samira. "And Riley no eating, stay slim. Just grab some more cigarettes from Mo, but Mo no strings attached this time!" I walked to the back of the fucking area through the crowd, suddenly loving the attention again. A few of them grabbed at my ass and tits while I walked through. I got to a pole at the back wall and started dancing on it, the camera men started filming and the guys stared. I dropped down and twerked for them then smacked my ass. I spun myself around and dropped down on the pole, holding it above my head with my left and rubbing my tits, then pussy with my right. Once I got pussy juice on my hand I stuck it in my mouth and slurped it, then spun myself back up, quickly dropped back down and crawled toward the guys. I went straight to an old turbaned man and licked his cock from tip to base, then put my mouth around the next guy's ball sack and sucked it, then flicked the next guy's tip with my mouth. I hoovered the next guy, then stood up and grinded on the next, rubbing his tool on my wet pussy. "Riley! Wait for the actual shoot will you!" Samira yelled at me and grabbed my face, pulling me off the guy. "These guys need their rest, and so do you. Are you that much of a whore you can't wait two minutes? These guys aren't going anywhere!" She threw me on the floor and walked away. I stood back up. "Smokes, let's go boys." One of them handed me a cigarette and I walked back to the office, pissed off at Samira and wanting more of that vodka. After a few more swigs and a cigarette, Samira yelled, gathering everyone back out to filming. I got up and put out the rest of my smoke, taking one more gulp of vodka and shivering as it rushed through me. "Okay boys, we need more roughness in this round, do the same as last time, but more grabbing, swearing, spitting, slapping, all that good stuff, make her look like a real white whore." I couldn't help but feel that it was just Samira who wanted to see me treated like that, but whatever. "Riley, start off on that pole again, but this time after a minute of dancing the guys will grab you from there, immediately a cum shot on her face, then a smack and shove a penis deep in her mouth, and another deep in her vagina. Go hard on her, no barred holds, okay. Understood boys and girl?" We all nodded, some of those aren t pillows the guys cheered. I just turned and walked back to the pole and started my dance again. I didn't feel as into it this time around, Samira had definitely dulled my buzz. I did the same twerk and drop on the pole, then just let them take me. You already know I like it rough, and let me tell you, Indians take it even further, they barely treated me like a human at all. I was pulled and grabbed and spat on and jizzed on from every direction. A cock in my mouth one second, then another then another. I was fucked in the ass while hair was literally torn out of my head, my body was scratched all over. One guy held me down with my mouth held open while a few of them of them stood over and horked in my mouth over and over, then with my mouth still wide open a dick and entire ballsack was just shoved right in, he held his legs around me just filling me up. My body was in pain, but that saying Pain is Pleasure held true, I felt amazing being tossed around like a ragdoll. Some guy finished on my face, then another and another. I didn't have a cup this time around so it just went all over me. Another pushed me back a bit and busted all over my tits, I brought my hands off some dicks and rubbed it in all over me. I was fully back in my groove, like fuck Samira. I swallowed back a gulp of jizz then was pushed into the ground, jizz splashing onto the floor, I quickly licked it up as someone started plunging my pussy from behind. An old turban ripped me up by my hair and pig roasted me, I was held up by one guy freeing up my hands for more cocks. The one holding me up let go for a second so he could fuck me too, two cocks in my pussy, one in my mouth and two in my hands, it was all about me cunts! The one behind me pulled out and stuck it in my ass instead, gave me a few pumps then pulled out and blew his load all over my ass. Samira asked me to pull my face off the cock and say the website slogan again while being fucked, I said it in about 10 different positions for her; with guys all over me, with cum sex in car video closing my eyes, while getting anal, with two cocks in my pussy, with 6 cocks on my face. She got some excellent fucking promos. Finally she called it a day. "Alright boys and girls, I think that's a wrap! Excellent work everyone!" I was passed a lit cigarette by one of the guys, I loved everything that had just happened, but falling back on a chair and smoking a cigarette felt so right. The guys started filtering out of the room and Samira walked over to me and say on the next chair over. "Riley, that was truly amazing work. We have jobs all the time, and I think you could really go far in this business. I work here with Imran sometimes, but I work with many other companies in Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. If you want to be in another film and make even more money, please call me." She handed me her card and the $500 I was promised by Imran. "All the best Riley. Your clothes are over there, and there is a shower downstairs if you would like." Fuck yes. I got up after finishing my smoke and saying bye to Samira. All the guys had left. I grabbed my clothes and went downstairs to find the shower. The hot water felt so good running down my naked body, washing away the stickiness from 30 Indian men over 4 hours was not easy. I sat down on the floor and just felt the water running down my body. I heard a sound and jumped up, an older black guy walked into the small white bathroom and turned off the lights. I saw he was wearing what looked like a blue janitor suit. "Who's there?" "I heard there was some kind of fuck party going on, Danny needs a piece of that." He had a thick Jamaican accent. Fuck me. The glass shower door was slammed open. "Ok, ok Danny, tell you what. I am so worn out right now, if you saw upstairs then you know what I went through." "I did see, and I wondered why I was left out." "Because it was a porn shoot, not a fuck fest. But tell you what Danny, I don't want any trouble. I am so raw right now, but obviously no is not an answer for you. I will give you head, but no thrusting or busting on me. Deal?" "That is a very good deal." I heard his janitor suit fall to the floor. "Goddamnit." I muttered and stuck my lips around Danny's dick. I pretty much just went on autopilot, it didn't take much to make a man like him cum. A few swirls of my tongue, a bit of suction, flicked his balls with my tongue, and there it was, I sucked out his nut and swallowed it. If my stomach was pumped right now there would be enough in me to impregnate every woman in town. Danny said "thanks", then picked up his clothes and walked out, turning the light back on for me. I sighed and dried off with a dirty old towel, then put my clothes back on. It was only when I pulled into a McDonalds drive thru, cuz fuck it I needed two Big Macs that I realized Danny had cleaned out my pockets and taken my $500. Fuck. I used my debit card instead, using up my last $20 in my chequing account. A week later a guy from high school texted me a link to of my performance and asked me to hook up. I ignored him. Fuck I thought this would only be seen in India. sammyslut
