Sex Online Chats - How To Handle Every Cuckold Cam Challenge With Ease Using These Tips

by AndraWise0113700 posted Oct 17, 2015


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adult sex camBack ground (ctrl-f "Erotic" to skip) : This incident was a few months ago. I met "Kate" when I was 14, we both went to the same church. We dated, in name only, briefly during my 9th grade year but literally nothing happened, I dont even think I ever kissed her. I stopped going to church and basically lost Sex Web Cams live contact with her. We would facebook each other from time to time and I saw her occasionally when I did go to church to see friends or appease my family. I always had to some degree fantasized about her she was the girl I had a crush on throughout puberty but we never really got to see each other. Most of 2014 I spent away from home however towards the end of the year I came home to visit. I knew Kate was going to be at church this Sunday I had texted her earlier in the week. My mom was sick so I ended up just going by myself saying that I just wanted to catch up with some childhood friends, really I just wanted to see Kate. In my head I thought maybe I could ask her out, but I knew it wasn't really a possibility since I was going back to college in January and would be over an hour away from her. Skipping some boring details, including the beginning of church, Kate and I met up and starting chatting. I mentioned how I had been up late the night before and could use a coffee adult sex cam and if she would want to skip the last hour or so of church and grab coffee and a cig (we both smoke to the disapproval of our parents or in her case would-be disapproval if they knew). Luckily my mom was sick so I didnt have to get the keys I just had them and so we left church and went to a drive through coffee place nearby. After getting the coffee we just sat in the car in talked, I had fantasized earlier this morning of doing something like this and me somehow losing my virginity to her but I was clueless, I asked her if she was dating anyone and her response was no. She then returned the question and I answered no. I changed the topic slightly to values how we'd both been raised and how we saw things differently now. I brought up chastity and how I had been waiting until marriage until I was about 17 at which I decided I didnt care anymore but had still not slept with anyone. She seemed genuinely surprised, then I said "I was wondering if you'd be my first". Then I think we were both a little surprised. I was shocked that I said it, I had somehow let horny teenager id out. She had a sort of confused contemplative look on her face. After an eternity of silence I began to apologize, sort of stuttering like an idiot and began to start the car. She adult live sex looked at me and said "Do you have a condom?" I have never felt my heart beat so fast in my life, but I didnt have one. I start the car and drive the nearest drug store, she goes to the bathroom and I grab the first box of condoms I see and head to the check out. While waiting I start to panic, what if she thought if she just wanted to leave but didn't know how to say it etc etc. The guy in front of me was so slow and I stood there trying not to hyperventilate. Then I saw her walking up one of the aisles towards me. God she was beautiful Long brown hair, ~5'5" and the most beautiful blue eyes, an ass I had admired for almost 6 years, and as I later found out some amazing (c-ish?) breasts. The guy in front of me finally finished I threw a 10 at the cashier and booked it out of the store. We got back in the car and she started massaging my crotch. I had up until that point never been that turned on in my life. Erotic: I drove to an empty parking lot of a store that was closed on Sunday. She took her panties off and hopped into the back and sat on the seat. I got back there as fast as I could and we started making out and feeling each other up. We really didn't have much time, maybe 30 minutes before church ended and our absence would be noticed. I slid the condom on then got on top, she hiked up her skirt and I tried, and failed, to find where to put it. She then tried but we couldnt get it in. The combination of the awkward positioning of the back seat and my lack of experience was making it impossible. She took control then, told me to let her be on top. I sat down on the back seat and she got on top grabbed my dick and slowly impaled herself onto it. I will never forget that feeling, and up until that point in my life it was the best physical feeling that I had experienced. She rode me for around 2 minutes before I came, and continued for another 10 or 15 during which I came another 2 times, the third time finally making some noise and owning up to it ( I was too embarrassed about the speed of the first 2). She sat there on my with me inside her while we made out for another 3 or 4 minutes before realizing we really had to get back to church. In the end we made it back without anyone noticing. Her and I continued to hook up and eventually date up until about a month ago. I have several other stories I could post if there is any interest but I honestly just wrote this one so I would some record of it for myself. Cheers. formerlyavirgin
