Free Amateur Pussy Pictures - A Secret Weapon For Nude Amateurs Galleries

by KristoferDartnell posted Oct 17, 2015


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Part 1 Part 2
After finishing the pizza and nearly eating a whole pint of ice cream I saw mom starting to dose off in front of the TV. I could not help but notice how tight the tube top was on her. It was doing its best to cover her breasts, but the way she was sitting I noticed her them being pushed up. Her nipples were also a little hardened, not so much, and just enough to give me a tease. Her shorts were stuck to her ass like skin, just like the yoga shorts she wears. She has had them since she was 16. I honestly wonder how, after so many years of use, they would smell like. How many times mom has sweat in them, how many times she slowly slipped her finger in them and cum in them and how many times a boy in her younger days has ripped them off her.
"Well Jules." She says in a tired but rather sensual voice.
"I think I am going to hit the hay."
"I’ll see you tomorrow." as she gives me a kiss on my forehead and walks upstairs.
Her lips very soft, luscious and very thick, I could just imagine what they would feel like if they touched my slender lips. I sat there in my monkey-print pajamas and Coachella t-shirt that I bought when I was 15. Fit me about the same, however more snug. I didn’t grow too much after that, which made me a little amateur erotic pictures upset whenever I saw my mother’s near-naked body. I look at my phone and realize it is 2.45 am, wow, I should call it a night I thought to myself.
I woke up at quarter to noon and got a text from my closest friend Melanie, ‘Wake up, bitch! I’m back from London and want to get drunk and sleep with an American guy!’ Mel was a very flirty girl. She had the confidence most women don’t have and used that to her advantage. Her vagina had powers that could control all men, young and old. I only wish I had that kind of confidence so I could use it to get and do what I want. Both mom and Mel are alike; maybe they should be a family.
I decide to lounge by the pool and put on the skimpiest bikini I had, I kind of want to try to tease the pool boy and tan. I lay down on the pool chairs with a cold beer and a cigarette, mom can not find out I smoke she absolutely hates it. I can tell the pool boy is looking at me and he makes me feel slightly aroused. As I am watching the pool boy stare at me I get a call from Harold.
"Hello?" I ask
"Hey Julia, it’s Harold"
"Oh hey, Harold."
"Listen, I can’t make it to Tennis this afternoon but how about I take you out to dinner instead?"
"Haha ok, just don’t cancel that last minute either." I replied in a slightly bitchy tone.
"Julia, I promise I won’t wear something formal."
"Bye Harold." And I hang up the phone.
I don’t know whether it was the pool boy watching or some sort of confidence I gained but I like being a little on the bitchy side when talking to Harold, normally I would be very shy and tell him not to worry but not this time. This time I wanted Harold’s strong arms to be behind holding on to mine and teaching me tennis. I wanted his strong jaw to be beside my rosy cheeks and showing me how to swing a racket. His sweaty, and hopefully dangling dick would be hitting my ass. I would obviously soon reach for his cock and give him head on the tennis court, I wonder what his coach would say then. I think he would rather cum on my face then win a championship.
When I walked back inside I noticed moms duffle bag near the kitchen counter, she must have gone to the gym and went back to work. I quickly opened it to see what it contained.
When I opened it up I saw a bunch of different things. There were work clothes she had worn the day before and left in her locker including her day old black lace panties and bra, she had sweaty socks, sweaty nylon panties and her sweaty sports bra. She also had her luffa, I took a big sniff of the it and remembered the time she was showering the day before. I wondered whether her pussy smelt like that as well. I started to feel very horny now; I put on my moms already soaking wet gym clothes. Her panties fit well, however, her sports bra was a little loose. I decided to put on her day old bra underneath the sports bra and put on my tank top and shorts. I ran, I don’t know how long I ran for but I know it was for a very long time. Every stride I took I wanted to be more and more like mom.
I think I ran over 10 miles and was sweating puddles, and my legs were aching. I ran back home and into my room. Not concerned about taking a shower just yet I jumped into bed. I didn’t even take off my damp clothes or my mother’s gym clothes. I slipped my fingers underneath the now completely sweaty panties and started masturbathing, I though of Harold’s sexy body, his big dick pounding me. It drove me crazy and made me cum instantaneously. I could see my cum leak through my panties and my shorts. I passed out from sheer exhaustion from my run and cumming uncontrollably.
I woke up about 45 minutes later to my mother entering the house and yelling out my name. ‘Fuck, the gym bag.’ Out of sheer schoolgirl curiosity, I realized my mothers gym bag was left wide open where she dropped it off and her clothes were scattered all across the floor. I think she knows what I have done.
Part 4 cumming soon sexynatalia
