Naked Boys And Girls - How To Earn $1,000,000 Using Playboy Bunnies Nude

by TarenZ35394212120 posted Oct 17, 2015


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Part Thank you guys for all the kind and messages on Part ! And on cute girls nude my pictures too. :") To those who said I seemed like a good girl, that's funny, he said the same thing, even after all we did lol. Sooo like I said we’re both college students and nearing the end of the semester, so when we got back after dinner we agreed to take a study break. I opened up my laptop at his study desk and he lay on his bed to take a power nap. After a couple of minutes of pecking away at my keyboard, I heard him say something to me from the bed, but I couldn’t quite hear.

"Umm, what was that?" I asked, turning around in the chair. "Don’t you… to…" He still sounded muffled. I stood up and walked toward him. "What did you say?" I asked, taking a seat on the bed. "Don’t you want to stroke him?" he said quietly. Ohhh. I laid over his chest, over the pillow lying on top of him. "But I thought you were going to take a nap," I whispered. "Could you stroke me to sleep?" "I have to do my paper.

" "Do me first..." That did it. I reached down and slowly rubbed him through his jersey shorts. I could hear him deeply purring as I applied pressure with every stroke. Then I lifted the waistband of his shorts and inserted my hand inside, stroking him through his briefs. Every now and then he’d emit a sound through his throat. I went on for about minutes, cupping and rubbing his balls, and stroking him up and down the back of his shaft with my fingers through the thin fabric.

I looked at him, his eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. I slowly drew out my hand, then left him to finish my paper. I finished at around AM. He decided not to get up from his power nap. Even though we’d planned on sleeping on the same bed, I didn’t want to wake him, so I turned off the lights and fell asleep on his brother’s bed. I got up at around AM for a drink of water and a piss, then got back in bed. He was still fast asleep and I was too shy to wake him, like what if he wasn’t a very pleasant person in the morning or something.

For some reason I was terribly afraid of annoying him. I passed the time browsing Facebook, glancing over at him from time to time to see if he’d wake up or at least move into a position where I could have some space on his bed. I was getting really antsy and eager for some physical touch, especially a good cuddle. At around :AM I finally gathered the courage to approach him and stand over his bed.

"Move over a bit," I softly whispered, nudging him. He moved just an inch, and I went over and lay on my side next to him, laying my right leg slightly over his. His hands were behind his head, so I my head was at about his armpit. God, he smelled great. I made a mental note to check out what deodorant he used and recommend it to my brother. After about of five minutes of lying still, he moved his arm from behind his head and wrapped it around me, pulling me close.

He also rubbed my back a bit before settling there. God did that feel good. I took from this that it would be okay to wrap my right leg around his waist. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy inside from the intimacy, but my heart was pounding like a drum against my ribcage. I had to put a fist over my heart to keep him from feeling it. He pulled me against him again, so that I was half on-top of him. My head was practically on his chest, and my arm laid across his torso.

I looked up at him and his eyes were still closed, so I just gave him a little kiss on his chest through his shirt and snuggled back against him.