Naked Hot Girl - Naked Sexy Woman No Longer A Mystery

by Jacelyn89F8398373 posted Oct 17, 2015


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All of this actually happened to me. I wanted to share this story with others to see what others would think about it. I am bisexual and a late bloomer. I was about one inch long not bone pressed soft and just a little over two inches long hard not bone pressed up until I turned 16 and then my package got all lot of growth spurts. They happen fast and are very powerful. The amount I grow is different each time. Once I got a quarter inch longer in 2 or 3 days. I know because I measured it.

The most I gained in one spurt was 2 inches in length. I have random spurts every year. It's too painful for me to say how it happened but when I was a lot younger me and a large group of other boys my age were all on big bus together for a long trip and we all showered together at some place once and I got to see that we were basically all a similar size down there. But as time went on I noticed in different ways that some of them were starting to grow bigger down there and I was still the same tiny size.

I got extremely mad when I realized that they were all growing bigger dicks expect for me. It didn't help that some of them shot out like perfect Nude Photos a rocket and had full size dongs in no time. Each year that went by they all grew bigger as I stayed the same exact tiny size. I was terrified that I had missed my growth spurt and that I would stay small forever because I heard about multiple guys with 7 inch dicks in high school when I was just 2 inches long hard. One guy took his out because of a dare.

I saw a picture of a sexy nude girl's boyfriend's dick on her phone once during lunch at school. A long list of other things happened over the years that allowed me to see that all the other guys my age were growing way way way past me and that some of them had already grown super huge ones. I never had sex and even turned down some offers because I thought that I was too small to be able to fuck anyone. It seems to me like most of everyone else my age had already reached their full adult size by the time I started having my first growth spurts.

When I was 16 I had my every first set of growth spurts. I hot girls naked was shocked and extremely happy about it. My balls grew bigger too, which was great because they were unbelievably av Erotica Adult Sites freakishly tiny to begin with. The amount of cum that shot out of me kept on increasing which was a good and a bad thing. Even when I started growing bigger still didn't have sex and I waited until I became at least average size to even try to have sex. My balls grew many many many times bigger than they were originally.

I very quickly at incredible speed catched up to the dick size of everyone else and I thought that I was done growing when I reached 6 inches (average size according to the Internet) but after that I had even more growth spurts and started growing past everyone else. Then it started to not just lengthen out but get thicker each time I had a growth spurt. It keeped on getting thicker and filling up more and more of my hand until it got sexy teenage girls naked girl pics so thick that now I can't perfect ass pics reach my hand naked asian girls all the way around it anymore when it's hard.

I was up set because as it thickened it grew into the bulging football shape that I have now. I liked the nice even cylinder shape that I used to have. I wish it grew out evenly. That is my only regret along with not having sex earlier (I mean I could have at least sucked a dick or something) and hot naked teen the fact that it took me so much time to start growing. I am happy to say that I got gigantic balls now.

My body height increased normally with everyone else and now I am 6 feet and 1 inch tall.