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hot sexy modelsMonday morning I dragged myself to work, 24 hours ago I thought I would be in a great mood following my weekend with Kim, was now the worst I have ever felt. First, Kim and I confess our love for each other then she proceeds to tell me that she is moving out of town and we will not be seeing each other again. Then, I return home and find a note that my wife, Debbie, had left me for a woman, we had been together since high school and she leaves me a note, how fucking horrible. I went up to my office and did not want to see anyone, I also did not want to tell anyone about Debbie it was too soon and I did not want to talk about it. Unless the whole office knows because the woman she left me for was Linda from our accounting department. I also could not say anything about Kim as we kept our relationship a secret except for a few of her friends that she told about us or had seen us together. I tried to immerse myself in work to keep me going but it was not working. I had also made a decision to stop fucking all of the girls that I had been in the office. I know most guys that have their wife leave them would chase as much pussy as possible but I had found that all of the random fucking had left me empty and I was wanting more. That was what was so great about Kim was our connection, the sex was fantastic but it was the time together not having sex is what made it so special. I was determined to take it slow for a while. With that thought running through my head I looked up from my desk when I heard a knock on my door, it was Courtney my intern, "Hey boss, was wondering if I could meet with you over lunch and discuss whatever comes up" she said, as she licked her lips and played with the button on her blouse. Fuck she looked hot, her blouse was black silk that clung to her thin frame, you could see the outline of her nipples pressing against the fabric and she had the top three buttons undone and a long pearl necklace that hung down between her breasts. She was also wearing a tight skirt that was mid-thigh length, the material clung to her young, thin fit ass and legs but stretched when she moved. She came into my office and sat on the edge of my desk and spread her legs in front of me making her skirt slide up to her hips and giving me a view of her bare pussy, she rested one foot on my crotch. There could not have been a sexier creature ever in front of me. A few days ago I would have shut the door, right then and fucked her good and hard. Now I was in such a bad place I did not get hard with this ravishing creature in front of me. "Courtney, sorry but I just don’t think I am up to it today. You look so beautiful and sexy, but I just can’t. Any guy would be lucky to have you but I am so sorry I am not up to it" I said in a somber tone. "It is obvious you are not up to it" She said looking at my crotch and her foot rubbing my limp dick. "Let me know if you change your mind, I sure would love to wake up that big cock of yours" She walked out the door and god did her ass look great in that skirt. For a moment I questioned my decision thinking I should just take her out of the office and fuck every sweet tight hole of hers all day long. But I just thought better of it. I made it through the day, trying to avoid seeing Kim as I knew it would be tough. At the end of the day I was leaving and stopped to talk to Vicki our receptionist that is a good friend. "I was shocked to hear that Kim put her notice in and is moving, and isn’t it odd that Linda up and quit and just did not show up today, did you hear that" Vicki said to me as I came down. "You don’t seem like you are feeling that great, everything ok?" She said in a concerned tone. Vicki and I shared most things but I did not ever go on with her about all of my relations in the office and she never let on that she knew from any of the women. "Yeah, Kim told me she was leaving, I am real sad to see her go, we had gotten pretty close" I replied not wanting to say too much out of respect to Kim. "I also knew about Linda, I found out about that yesterday when my wife left me, to go live with her" I had to tell someone and Vicki and I are close, it felt good to say something. "Holy shit, you are kidding aren’t you?" Vicki said totally stunned "No that is the truth, they met each other a couple of months ago at a dinner we all went to and they had been seeing each other regularly, I did not know how regularly until last week, and then Debbie said they were going away together this past weekend. So I went away with a friend for the weekend and when I came home all of her stuff was gone, and she just left me a fucking note, a fucking note, do you believe it." I still could not believe it as I said it. "Shit, I thought I had a bad weekend, my boyfriend broke up with me. I really did not feel like coming in today I felt so crappy about it. But I think you have me beat. At least he didn’t turn gay on me, at least I don’t think he did" She said jokingly. Hearing her make a joke about it made me smile. "Sorry to hear that, what kind of an idiot would break up with you. You are beautiful, fun, intelligent, you are just wonderful." "Thanks, you don’t have to say those things. Do you want to go get a drink and drown our sorrows together" Vicki asked "I could really use one, glad you asked, and I do mean it he would have to be a fucking idiot to break up with you" I replied, we agreed on a place to meet and headed out. I did mean the guy would have to be an idiot to break up with her. Vicki has long blonde hair, the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, she is at the most 5 feet tall but is real fit and has the most perfect ass I have ever seen and firm small breast that are the perfect size for her petite build. I had wanted her since the first time I met her but she was usually in a relationship and when she was not she made it clear she would never want to date a married man. This left us in the friend category but our friendship grew over time. I get to the bar a few minutes before her and ordered drinks for both of us, we had been out in a group before so I knew what she liked. She came running into the bar and gave me a hug. She looked as good as always wearing heels, tight black pants and a tight blue t-shirt that perfectly complimented her eyes. That night we drank allot for a Monday night, but we had fun and bitched about our relationships enough to make both of us feel better. We drank more than I thought and we ended taking a cab back to her place because she was only 5 minutes away. She got a pillow and a blanket and tossed them on the couch. "You should be pretty comfy there, I will see you in the morning, thanks for being there tonight." "No, thanks to you I feel much better having someone to talk to" I replied. We hugged and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and she went upstairs to bed. I thought to myself how different she is, all of the women I have been hanging out with would have had my dick in their mouth by now. Not that I did not really want her to, but it was a nice change. That morning I woke early to hear Vicki moving around in the kitchen, she was wearing sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt she looked cute and sexy. "Sorry did I wake you, I can’t help it, I get up early every day, just can’t sleep in" She said. I sat up "No problem, I like to get up early but I do admit I do feel a little hung over" I replied. "Were you hot last night, sorry about that, I like it warm in here, I noticed your shirt is off" She asked. "Oh yeah, sorry, I have trouble sleeping fully dressed, my shirt is not all that is off" I said looking at my pants laying on the floor. "You might want to turn around while I throw my clothes on" I realized that I had my usual full morning erection and just my boxers on which did not hide my huge bulging thick cock. "I am not embarrassed, why are you" Vicki replied edging me on. "No, not at all" I answered and pushed off the blanket and walked across the room with my large bulging cock leading the way. I proudly stood there facing her for a moment so she could take a good look and imagine what I was hiding. "Holy fuck, I heard a rumor that you had a big cock but from that bulge I don’t think the rumor does you justice" Vick said walking closer to me. "What do you think now" I said as I pulled down my boxers and released my massive thick cock that was begging for attention. "Steve, I really like you, but I like to take things slow, and I think we need to, so I don’t want to go too far right now, if that is OK with you?" She asked looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and grasping my cock in her small hand. I leaned down and kissed her. She is so tiny and petite, I was used to her in heels and with her walking around now at her house just made me more attracted to her. She led me to the couch and we kissed deeply and she stroked my cock. I caressed her perfect little ass and gently touched her breasts through her shirt, she was not wearing a bra and this aroused her nipples. We never broke our kiss and she kept on stroking my cock. I went to slide my hand under her shirt, I really wanted to see her small breasts and perky nipples. "No, not yet, let me just take care of you right now, lean back" Vicki asked and I responded leaning back against the couch and pushing my cock up as high as I could. "Wow you are so big, my hand looks so small around it, does that feel good?" she asked. "Yes that feels wonderful" I replied just laying back enjoying the attention and the sensation of her massaging and stroking my dick. She increased the pace of her stroking and started massaging my balls with her other hand. "You like that, I want to finish you" she said rubbing a little faster. "Oh yes, a little more that will do it, a little more" I moaned and finally exploded, a huge amount of cum shooting up in the air and all over my stomach. "Wow you did like that, let me clean you up" Vicki said as she went into the kitchen to get a towel. I thanked her and we kissed again, grabbing another feel of her firm ass. She told me that was enough for now and I dressed, she made me breakfast and I called for a cab to take me to my car so I could go home to shower and change before work. That day I was feeling better, I made a point of going to see Vicki a few times during the day which made up both happy and I surprised her with a big bouquet of flowers that were delivered to her home that evening. We started dating like real dates, dinner, movies, shopping just usual stuff. Not meeting up and fucking like crazy like I was used to. But it was great, she made me happy just being with her and I had made it clear to all of the other women in the office that I no longer was going to see any of them. It had been about a month that we had been dating and we still had not had sex, Vicki a few more times jerked me off but I never got past touching her over her clothes. I did not mind as our relationship was really building and I did not want to ruin it. It was finally her birthday and planned on taking her out for a nice dinner and had gotten her Discover More some gifts. I picked her up at her place and she looked fantastic. She was wearing a tight black dress that was short, like not much over your ass short, and a low v-cut that had her small firm boobs pushed up to show some cleavage. Her long blond hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back. She had 4 inch heels on that made her tan bare legs look extra sexy. "Wow, you look beautiful" I exclaimed. "Happy birthday" I said handing her a bag with a few small wrapped boxes. "Should I open them now" she said blushing. "Yes please do" I replied. She sat and opened the gifts which were matching gold and sapphire ear rings, necklace and bracelet. She had a tear roll down her cheek. "Is there something wrong" I asked. "No they are beautiful and I love them. I just never had anyone buy me something so nice before, I really love them" she answered quietly. "I thought the sapphires would be great with your blue eyes, let me help you with the necklace" I answered and continued "You have been there for me and are such a great friend, and over this past month you have grown to be more than just a friend, I am a little scared to say this but I love you" in a very nervous tone. Vicki smiled and hugged me and kissed me deeply. "I was scared to say it. I love you too" she said now smiling and kissed me again. "Ok let’s get to dinner" I said as we got up and headed out "Damn you look amazing" I pronounced as we walked towards the car with her perfect ass in that short dress teasing me. We ate and talked all night, she kept staring at her presents and never stopped smiling. Seeing her this happy made me happy. Vicki suggested we go back to her place after dinner rather than going to a club like we had planned. She said she just wanted to be with me tonight. I was fine with that. All the drive home I had trouble focusing on the road because she looked so hot sitting next to me in her short little dress, I was so hard. We got to her place and I sat on the couch and opened a bottle of wine while Vicki got some glasses. When she came over to me she put the glasses on the coffee table and surprised me by sitting facing me on my lap with her legs on each side of me. This made her dress ride right up over her ass. "Oh I feel all tingly inside" she said as she kissed me. My one hand went right to her bare ass cheek, she had on a black thong and the other gently rubbed her breast. She whispered in my ear "Unzip me" and I pulled down the zipper in the back of her dress allowing her to pull it off over her head revealing a black push up bra and a good view of the thong. She slid closer on top of me grinding her pussy against my hard cock. She reached behind her and unfastened her bra and tossed it on the floor. I had been fantasizing about her breasts since our first morning together and here they were now staring at me. They did not disappoint. Perky B sized breasts that were firm but had some sag now that she is in her 30’s. Medium sized light brown nipples that were just right sized for her tits and they protruded out over an inch, god I love her little tits. "Do you like them, I worry they are too small, sorry about not letting you have them earlier" Vicki said looking down at her tits and cupping one in her hand. "They are perfect, they are really perfect for you I love them and I love you" I kissed her and felt both of her breasts pulling on her nipples. I then had to suck on them. Touching them and sucking them was getting her so excited she held my head against them you could tell how sensitive they are and how it excited her, the whole time she was grinding her pussy against my cock. It was far better than any stripper could do and it was getting her off. She finally moaned and held me tight as she tensed and came. "Wow I haven’t done that before, that felt real good" she sighed. "And look you are still fully dressed, we need to do something about that" I took off my shirt and she worked on my pants. She pulled them off onto the floor which left her kneeling in front of me, my massive hard cock staring her in the face. She grabbed my dick with both hands and guided it towards her mouth. She placed the tip of my cock in her mouth and was gently stroking the base of my cock with one hand. "It is so big, I can’t take more of it" She said trying to slide as much of my cock into her mouth. "What you are doing feels great don’t stop it feels so good" I moaned. Vicki picked up the pace of her sliding my cock into her wet inviting mouth, soaking my cock in her spit and stroking the wetness over the full length of my shaft. The whole time she stared up at me with her big blue eyes never breaking gaze from me. I stroked her long blonde hair away from her face as she worked my cock in and out of her mouth. She stopped sucking me for a moment to catch her breath but feverishly stroked my cock with both hands. "Oh wow you are going to make me cum, please don’t stop" I pleaded. "Come on baby, give me your cum, I want to make you cum" Vicki said as she slid her mouth back onto my cock. That was all I could take and exploded, shooting out more cum than I can ever remember, I shot it into her mouth onto her face into her hair and onto her chest. Vicki looked up at me and smiled, looking proud that she made me cum so much even though she was covered from my explosion. "I am going to go get a towel" she said as she got up and walked to the kitchen. This was the best view I have had of her as she got up and walked away only wearing her thong, she is so petite, fit and her ass is perfect. I was feeling so happy and satisfied and wondered to myself if we were finished for the evening, I wanted more of her but I also know we had been going slow so if this is all she wanted I was fine with it. "Wow you really made a mess of me, I am going to go take a shower" Vicki said as she walked towards the stairs to go up and shower. "Ok that sounds good" I replied. "Well why are you sitting there, I was hoping you would join me" she said as she ran up the stairs, I hopped up and chased after her. When I got to the top of the stairs she was waiting for me now naked babs holding her thong in her hand, revealing a small, well groomed landing strip and her bare pussy. She has big pussy lips that I could clearly see hanging down between her legs, which was clearly visible because her legs are thin and fit leaving a clear gap between them a good view at her pussy. "You are so beautiful" I said pausing to take in her beauty, seeing her naked girls gallery for the first time, all she had on was the jewelry I gave her earlier in the evening. "Thank you, get over here" she said as I walked over and hugged her. My body engulfed her, she is so tiny and petite, probably not even 5 feet tall and I am almost 6-4. I loved holding her. "Come on let’s get in the shower" She said taking me by the hand. We stood there kissing as we waited for the water to warm up and went into the shower, she looked even sexier with her hair and body wet. We soaped each other up, her body felt so good as I ran my hands over her breasts and she grabbed my big half hard cock and slowly stroked me. I leaned down and kissed her and reached down and placed my hand on her pussy, Vicki pressed her body tight against me and moaned with pleasure "That feels so good, oh that feels good" It felt good to me too, I dreamed about touching her pussy and now I finally had her and she was reacting to my every touch enjoying every moment. She broke away from me for a moment and sat on the built in bench in the shower and spread her legs wide having the water rinse the soap from her body. I dropped to my knees sucked on her nipples and touched her pussy, rubbing her clit. "Oh that feels amazing" she moaned. Needing more she gently pushed my head down to her pussy which is just what I wanted. I ran my tongue up and down her big lips and into her little hole and then attacked her clit with my tongue, this was driving her crazy as she held my head tight against her moaning louder and louder. I slid both of my hands up onto her breasts and played with her nipples. This was more than she could handle and she came hard shaking and her pussy oozing with moisture. I looked up into her blue eyes and she was smiling. I stood up and held her against me pressing her head against my stomach as she was still seated on the bench. My cock was now fully hard and stood out right next to face. Vicki grabbed my hard cock and stood up and shut off the water. "Come with me, I need to be with you" She said as we stepped out of the shower, toweled off and headed toward the bedroom. We stood next to the bed kissing and she pushed me back onto the bed and crawled on top of me. "I wanted to do this since that first morning I saw your cock, but I wanted to make sure of our feelings, I am sure now and I really want this" She said as she crawled on top of me grabbing my cock and sliding it into her pussy. She just eased the tip in as she is so tight and had trouble stretching around me. "I have never had such a big cock inside of me, I don’t know if I can take it" She said, I could feel her entire body tensing from her anxiousness about being able to take the girth of my cock. "I love you, I have dreamt of this moment from the first time I met art samples you when I came in for my interview. I left the building that day hoping to get the job because I wanted to know the beautiful woman with the most spectacular blue eyes" as I told Vicki this I had slid my hands on her hips and helped ease her down on my cock as I thrusted slowly up into her. "I love you too, and oh fuck are you big" she replied. Her pussy now stretched over me feeling warm, wet and wonderful around my fully engorged dick. Now fully inside of her I sat up and kissed her deep and hard our tongues locked together and holding her tight as she adjusted to the size of me in her pussy. I could feel the tension she had in her body release as we kissed and she started to grind against me. "Oh fuck that feels so good now" Vicki moaned as she pushed me back down on the bed and started sliding up and down the full length of my shaft ever so slowly at first and gradually speeding up. "You are so beautiful and this feels so good" I said as I thrusted up into her. I played with her breasts and pulled on her nipples, the sensation of this made her moan louder and drive up and down on me faster. She is so small and looked so sexy with her long wet blonde hair as she rode me I never wanted this to end. "Hold on a second, how about like this does that feel good, oh fuck you are hitting me with your cock perfect oh fuck yes" She yelled as she had slid me all of the way in and spun around on me know facing away from me riding me reverse cowgirl. This gave me a perfect view of her little tight ass and my cock sliding in and out of her pussy, I grabbed her ass and helped her slide up and down my length. She started rubbing her clit with one hand "Yes, yes that is perfect, oh fuck yes, give me all of your cock oh fuck yes, I am going to cum, cum in me Steve of fuck cum in me" Vicki screamed now in a fury riding my cock. I pushed hard up into and came deep in her pussy and at the same time she shook having a long deep orgasm. Vicki slid off of my cock and laid next to me with her head on my chest and I held her tight. We stayed like this for almost half an hour hardly saying a word, I was caressing her head and back as she gently touched my stomach and groin area, just enjoying the feeling of our naked bodies together. She finally slid up and kissed me deeply, started stoking my cock and whispered in my ear, "Can you do it again, I want you to fuck me again" "I want nothing more in the world" I replied and kissed her again sliding my hand on her wet pussy, she spread her legs wide inviting me to give her pleasure. I easily slid two fingers into her inviting pussy, still stretched from receiving my cock, and I rubbed my thumb on her clit. She arched her back and let out a loud moan of pleasure, I moved my head down to her breasts and started sucking on her erect nipples. "I want your cock, bring it up here I can’t reach it, I want to suck your cock" she begged. I knelt with one leg on each side of her body and placed my half hard cock next to her inviting mouth. I reached my hand back down to her pussy and slid my fingers back into her making her moan as she grabbed my growing cock and slid it into her mouth. I propped her head up on a couple of pillows so I could drive my cock straight into her inviting mouth. I was not yet fully hard so Vicki was able to take more of my cock, I pushed my dick down into her mouth and held it still allowing her to take as much as she could handle and she was loving it. Sliding her mouth over my shaft and rubbing my cock and balls with her hands she was totally into my dick and wanted it all. All of the time I was persistent with fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit. Her satisfaction with this was growing I could tell from her intensifying moans while trying to swallow my cock. She finally released me from her mouth and yelled "Oh Fuck!!!" and came oozing juice all over my fingers. I thought to myself that I had never been with a woman that could orgasm so easily. By this time I was hard again and I wanted to fuck her tight pussy. I slid down her body and pushed her legs up and down towards her chest so she was bent in half and gave me clear access to her pussy for my now throbbing cock. She started up at me with her big blue eyes and muttered "Please fuck me, I want to feel all of you in me please give it to me" With that I slid my cock deep into her, not being so patient this time and driving my shaft in balls deep. She was so incredibly tight around my shaft and was so wet and warm, it was perfect. "Shit you are so big, give it to me I want it all, I can take it give it to me" she moaned but wincing as I drove slowly in and out of her. "Let me know if I hurt you and I will stop, but I am going to give you all of me" I said as I started pounding down into her sweet pussy. I was hitting her hard and giving her my full length, making loud slapping sounds of my body smacking down into her pussy. "Oh fuck yes, give me more don’t stop" she yelled as I thrust hard into her. "Keep going I want you to make me cum like this, oh fuck don’t stop" I kept pounding her I was dripping in sweat from my effort and she just kept urging me on until she let out a loud scream and came one more time. I collapsed down on her and kissed her, both of us sweaty and hot and with my big hard cock still inside of her. "Take me from behind, I bet that will make you cum" She said excitedly like making me cum again was a challenge. She rolled out from under me and positioned herself on her knees on the edge of the bed so I could stand behind her. Vicki’s ass is perfect especially from behind and her pussy was swollen and red, her hole gaping open from the repeated penetration of my cock. I stood behind her and shoved my big cock into her inviting pussy. "Oh yeah, fuck me that feels great fuck me give me you cum baby fuck me" she groaned as I drove hard into her, knowing that if I was going to cum again this is how I would be able to do it and I would have to give it to her hard and fast. "Pull my hair and spank me baby I want you to fuck me good" she demanded. I did as ordered and grabbed her long blonde hair into a pony tail and yanked back on her as I fucked her hard and slapped her on her ass until her cheek was red. I thought to myself this is the same woman that abstained from sex for over a month other than a couple of hand jobs and now she was getting wild and loved my hard fucking of her little pussy, I was surprised. "Cum in me come on give me your cum" she begged as I pulled on her hair and I pounded into her from behind. Finally after a few more minutes both of us now totally wet with sweat I released inside of her and collapsed on top of her on the bed. The rest of the night we showered again, I ate her pussy in the shower once again because she said it felt so good the first time and we went to bed in each other’s arms our naked bodies entwined as we slept. I woke in the morning alone in bed, naked and with my usual throbbing morning hard-on. I found my boxers and pants at the foot of the bed that I had left downstairs the night before. I slid on my boxers and that was it as it was warm in the apartment. I waited a moment and went in to the bathroom so my cock could get an opportunity to go down. I did not want to look like a total horn dog running down the stairs being led by my huge hard cock. I made my way downstairs where Vicki was standing in the kitchen waiting for coffee to brew and looking at her tablet. "Good morning, you look as beautiful as always" I said as I walked over and gave her a deep kiss. She looked up at me and smiled, and she did look beautiful and incredibly sexy. All she was wearing was my dress shirt from the night before, she had the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone so she was covered walking around but I could get a quick glimpse of her naked breast when she moved. The shirt was big enough on her petite little body to go down to her knees. "What are you smiling at" she said giggling at me as I just started at her beauty and sexy little body. "You look so sexy in my shirt, I am such a lucky guy" I said as I walked to her, kissed her and put my hands around her thin waist. "Oh, thanks" she said blushing, "I guess you do find me sexy" she said as she reached down to my now hard cock" She let go of me and boosted herself up on the counter and undid the bottom few buttons of the shirt and opened it up to give me a great view of her little tits and well groomed pussy. I moved in close to her and we kissed, I slid her ass to the edge of the counter which was the perfect height for me, I pulled down my boxers and slid my cock into her inviting warmth making her gasp in surprise, she was now getting use to my girth and she was dripping wet so my cock gained easy access to her warm wet hole. We kissed the entire time we fucked and I held one of her breasts and played with her nipple which she enjoyed so much. She reached a hand down and rubbed her clit and could feel my shaft sliding in and out of her. We fucked and she rubbed her clit until she came and she felt so good to me I never slowed for her through her orgasm. Vicki whispered in my ear "When you are ready I want to taste your cum, I want to swallow all of you" I said nothing, just kissed her and sped up my thrusting into her wetness. We never broke from our embrace for another couple of minutes until I knew I was going to explode. I pulled out of her and stepped back, Vicki jumped off of the counter and dropped to her knees as I stroked my cock. I released my cock when she grabbed it and placed it in her mouth driving me to completion shooting my full morning load into her mouth, making her gag but she swallowed every last drop and licked me clean. My shirt fell off of her shoulders to the floor when she stood up and we hugged, it felt so good to have her naked body pressed against me. "You still have your jewelry on, it looks great on you." I said to her as I lifted her back up onto the counter. "Yeah, I love it, I am never going to take it off, and I will let everyone know that my boyfriend that I love so much gave it to me" Vicki said proudly. "Well your boyfriend loves you too. Who knows someday you might get a ring to match the set" I said before I realized what came out of my mouth. "That would be wonderful" she replied and kissed me. After a few months I had my divorce finalized with Debbie, it was very amicable as we were both in love with other people and just wanted to move forward with our lives. Vicki and I moved in together after I sold my house from my marriage. She was fantastic to livre with, she was constantly horny and wanted sex all of the time. It was hard to believe that we dated a while without sex because she was so crazy about fucking. We both liked to wake up early in the morning every day and fuck before we went to work. After living together for a month or so I proposed to her on Valentine’s day and we were married the following summer. All of the other women that I had over the past year were understanding of my relationship with Vicki and once they knew of our situation they accepted it. I ran into Becky one night when we were out and she was now dating someone and was happy. Angela had gone through a few boyfriends, she is good friends with Vicki, and one drunken night she told her that she can’t find a guy with a cock big enough to make her happy. Lena is happily by herself and says found god, but still has Lisa spend the night with her every once in a while. Lisa said she does not feel guilty cheating on her husband when it is with another woman. Tina has found another guy to fuck her at lunch time, I can always tell when she comes back to work when she met art user galleries with him. Sue is still a total slut, she is not shy about telling me of her sexual adventures and occasionally checks to make sure that I don’t want to fuck her with my big cock. Ashley is still a good friend of mine and she has found a boyfriend I will always watch out and care for her. I heard from Kim a couple of times after her move and she finally told me that she could not contact me anymore as it hurt her too much to talk to me and to not be with me. I wish her well and I hope she finds happiness. Katie got married, she found a guy from what I heard that has a good size dick and just wants oral sex. Katie fell in love. Christine took a job at another company a few weeks after the time we fucked and I never saw her again. Debbie and Linda were married a few months back, now that gay marriage was legalized in our state. They are both very happy we stay in touch on a regular basis. Yan was brought back to China by her parents and did not finish school here. She found such a taste for American cock that she was doing every guy she could on campus. She got pregnant and when her parents found out they brought her back home. Courtney finished school and got married right after graduation. She was fucking a 45 year old wealthy real estate developer that left his wife and kids for Courtney’s tight little ass, she is now a step mom to 15 and 13 year old boys. All of these women were such an experience and allot of fun, but I am so much happier with just Vicki, I could not ask for more. Besides that I don’t have ass prints and pussy juice on my desk anymore. Scast716585

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34129 Free Amateur Porn Pictures - Give Me 15 Minutes, I'll Give You The Truth About Hairy Amateur Tgp ErinMountgarrett 2015.10.17 8
34128 Tips For Dating Younger Asian Women VincentEisenberg 2015.10.17 8
34127 Chicago Throwing Director, Music Executive Talk Achievement, Family And Offer Advice For Aspiring Talent BrendanCoppin014 2015.10.17 8
34126 18 Social Media Site SEO Resources To Improve Your Look Position Social Media Site Examiner. BrookeWeld43563868 2015.10.17 8
34125 Social Research, Art And Humans Of Reading Body Language DonWarren563020073 2015.10.17 8
34124 Discover Any Language Faster DwightButtenshaw1707 2015.10.17 8
34123 Home & Bathroom Features - Remodeling FerminHamby34659891 2015.10.17 8
34122 Making A House Showing That Is Good PattyTrudeau0830 2015.10.17 8
34121 Varieties Of Lawyers KarenDejesus531604271 2015.10.17 8
34120 Cuándo Desechar Las Cosas JohnetteGosse778398 2015.10.17 8
34119 Atacan A Opositores En Plaza De Caracas CarmonHill5524095548 2015.10.17 8
34118 Can You Learn To Talk French Separately? MiaKellermann652160 2015.10.17 8
34117 Do You Really Need House Artists? LisetteEdmondstone38 2015.10.17 8
34116 How To Decipher The French Man's Body Language ClairePaschke151 2015.10.17 8
34115 Get Economical Duct Cleaning In Baltimore Service BernieSimpkinson233 2015.10.17 8
34114 British Training In The Social Level - Enjoying Coaching English's Benefits EliNair86492266184 2015.10.17 8
34113 Green-Holding Your Home NoelJenks6015399 2015.10.17 8
34112 Free Training Methods - Learn A Language By Yourself GNDAliza0634279356460 2015.10.17 8
34111 The Laundry Style - End What You Begin = True Productivity ErinGerlach6118202 2015.10.17 8
34110 About Working From Home ClydeGuffey12127762 2015.10.17 8
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