Cam Sex 4 - A Deadly Mistake Uncovered On Sex Video Chatroom And How To Avoid It

by AndraWise0113700 posted Oct 17, 2015


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All day, they'd managed to avoid each other, but him walking her to the hotel room door and following her in to make sure she was "safe" made her feel perhaps he was waiting for another invitation.
With a raised eyebrow, she pushed him onto the bed, scattering the throws and blankets that got in her way as she crawled onto his long body, her tongue sliding out of his mouth, her pelvis arching down on his as she swept her hands under his t shirt and tasted him. He grunted in surprise as her hands travelled, feeling his chest as kissed him all over, enjoy how hard his heart beat as she pulled herself on him, legs either side, matching his heat with her own.
They eyes met and they spent a long time looking at each other; their mutual affection making her stop and consider the day so far, her eyes scanning his handsome face. She tilted his chin with her hand to kiss him lightly, and whilst intensifying the kiss, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, moving her lips and responding eagerly with her whole body, she slowly slid a hand to his crotch, enjoying how his breathing changed.
"We can’t do this…" he whispered, as she wrapped a whole hand around his penis, and she glanced at his face, hot with lust and mixed emotions.
"I know," she whispered, rocking her body to his, encouraging him to feel every curve of her, "I know…" and then kissed him again, holding his penis tighter with one hand, bringing one leg between his to feel his thighs.
She thought: I do not want to go another day not knowing what he looks like. All of him.
Determination set in her, and she began to assault his senses with kisses, bringing her hands over his body, sliding her palms up into his as she moved slowly on top of him again, bringing her breasts to his face as they spilled from the cups of her bra. He kissed her neck, her face, her full breasts, and she moaned as he eagerly explored her body. Her hands travelled once again under his shirt and she eased her fingers around the waist of his jeans, once again feeling him harden and stiffen as her touch neared his hot shaft.
He glanced at her warningly, but she curved herself back – thrusting her breasts to his chest – and he began to lose himself in the sensation of her skin, her thick hair dancing over his face, the feel of her on him. She began to tenderly stroke his penis, and he groaned again, inflaming her even more. She felt herself get wet at the thought of sucking him, taking him to the edge to have him enter her, and this made her increase the stroke, enjoying how he swelled to larger proportions. The idea that he could enter her and fuck her made her dizzy, and she became even more uninhibited, easing his cock out of the jogging bottoms and increasing in speed. She was pleased to hear him pant, and kissed him hard, then brought her lips to his shaft.
He couldn’t fight the feeling, and a loud groan escaped his lips as he felt her suck him hard, her whole mouth taking him in and her tongue rasping against his foreskin. He tasted sweet and the pre-cum made her anticipate an amazing finish as she stroked his legs, his balls, enjoying every sensation as her face was pressed against his skin.
She brought his hands to her head, whimpering as he pulled her hair to have her taste deeper, drawing her mouth almost off his engorged penis before pushing her down again. He revelled in her heat, her eagerness, her desire, and his hands smoothed her hair and body as she continued to orally have him. She felt him begin to pulse, and desire rippled through her as she was ready to swallow anything he had to give her, but suddenly he dragged her off and back, and brought his head crashing onto her breasts, biting and ripping the bra away that separated their chests.
Breathless, she forgot any feeling of nerves as he licked and nibbled her nipples, and she groaned and wrapped her legs around him, her hot pussy against his hard cock and, biting her lip, began to ease his boxers down slowly.
Catching on, he looked at her and they kissed savagely as they tore off the lower garments; her spotted pyjama bottoms, his tight boxers. She gasped as she felt his adult sex cam dick against her clit for the first time, and thought she would go mad with desire.
His hips wiggled, and she grew more abandoned and willing, opening her legs wide to invite him to enter her, her knees bent, toes curled as she felt his gaze on her. She felt it like a sizzling heat, and she raised her arms above her head, showing her whole body naked to him, no longer anxious under his gaze. She wanted him to see all of her.
He brought himself onto his knees, staring at the whole of her, before plunging his head down to her wet cleft, licking and sucking her as she’d done to him. She yelped in astonishment, not expecting the attention, and buried her hands in his hair, arching herself towards him to help him hit all the right spots with his tongue.
Close to cumming, she cried out, "oh God", and he tasted her as she let go, his tongue fucking her deeply as he felt her rich juice flow, his hands under her bottom and back as he tilted her up, strumming her clit as she came.
So sensitive it hurt, she panted and pushed against him, but he was not finished, and slid his slick body against her, plunging his cock into her cunt as she cried out again, and they were one.
Their eyes met and he kissed her, eager to have her taste herself, and she responded by kissing him with a wild mouth, their hands and legs entwined, buried in each other. Slowly, she began to arch and rock, and he matched her pace.
The headboard banged against the wall hard as she bucked and gasped against him, and he pushed back, taking her hard and without mercy as she bit his shoulder, his hands, as she reached orgasm.
Finally, he let himself go and with a final thrust he came, and she felt every inch of him inside her throb and pound and thump.
Once their shaking aftermath had stopped, she looked up at him and smiled softly.
"Any good?" she asked teasingly, and kissed his forehead.

