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big ass pornstarsPart 1 Part 3 When I pull back into my garage, the mouth-watering aroma of food fills the SUV. I walk into the house with two fast-food bags and set them down on the kitchen counter. I open the fridge to see what the beverage options are. Beer. I shrug and grab two cans. I start to head to the bedroom, then suddenly thinking of something, I turn back and open a draw. Inside are neat rows of towels and I pick one up and soak the tip with warm water from the sink. I go to the bedroom but pause at the doorway to just look at her. She looks so small, my Anabelle does, her sleeping head peeking out from underneath the enormous, lavender bed covers. I walk to the bed and pull back the blanket to expose her body to me. I gently push her thighs apart and apply the wet corner of the towel between her legs, fondly wiping her sex clean. She moans ever so slightly and shifts her hips as I mop up the evidence of my passion from her. Anabelle wakes whilst I am untying her wrists and I lift her into my arms. Leaving the bedroom, I take her into the living room and set her down on the love seat in front of the television. I retrieve our meal from the kitchen and set it down on the glass coffee table. "Time to eat," I say passing her a cheeseburger and a beer. "I don't know about you but I'm ravenous. One must keep up one's strength and all that," I joke lamely. Anabelle automatically accepts the food but just holds it in her hands, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Unconcerned, I turn on the television knowing she will eventually eat, and, sure enough, a few minutes later she slowly unwraps the burger and takes a bite. We watch the news as we eat, not speaking. I reach over and open her beer for her then take a sip from mine. Half an hour later, the news program wraps up and I turn to Anabelle. She has a small trace of ketchup at the corner of her mouth. She looks so adorable I wonder that my heart doesn't burst from my chest. I reach for a serviette to wipe it off but then get a better idea. "Hold still," I say, leaning towards her. Anabelle stiffens then closes her eyes tightly as I use my tongue to lick her clean. She opens her eyes then, and watches me as I wipe away my saliva from her skin using my thumb. "Youre so beautiful, Annie," I tell her. "You steal my very breath away." She stares mutely into my eyes then says in a low voice, very much unlike her usual one, "Are we ... have you finished with me? Will you take me home now?" I study her intently for a moment without replying. A sad, dejected expression clouds her eyes, her pale skin is covered with dark bruises just beginning to rise and there are angry teeth marks marring her right shoulder. I look down at her breasts and see nail marks that I must have made in the throes of passion. I wrinkle my brow. I do not recall making these, I say, frowning and lightly tracing the marks with my fingertips. I bend down to sooth the agitated flesh with my tongue and hear Anabelles breathe catch–with pain or relief I do not know. "I will take you home," I say finally, but not quite yet." Anabelle is silent at this, having learnt by now that resistance is futile. She simply waits to see what I will do next. I take the beer from her hands and set it down on the coffee table. Anabelle watches me as I once again remove all my clothing and sit back down on the couch. "Sit on my lap," I order her. She stands up and makes as if to sit on my knee but I say, "No, straddle my thighs as if you were riding a seesaw." I help her as she spreads her legs and awkwardly straddles my lap. Anabelle winces and her forehead creases with pain as her aching cunny spreads apart. "Are you alright?" I ask her, running my hands down her small torso and lightly rubbing her tummy. "It hurts," Anabelle says, not meeting my eyes. "Im very sore down there." I lean in and kiss the tip of one breast then the other. "Dont worry; the pain wont last very long. Just try and relax the best you can. My cock is hard and impatiently bumping against her stomach. "Hold my penis still, Annie, so I can enter you properly." She reaches down and her tiny hands wrap around the bulging head of my erection. "Lower," I tell her. Theres an edge to my voice, her light, inexperience touch is wearing at my control. She slides her hands lower and holds my cock up straight. I grasp her hips and lift her, positioning her so that my cock eagerly nudges the outer lips of her cunt. With patient, unhurried motions, I gradually lower her down on my shaft, piercing her sweet cunny with excruciating slowness. Anabelle lets out a gasp as my large cock drives into her recently deflowered passage. With a jerk of my hands I slam her down until my cock is fully embedded in her womb. With firm hands on her hips, I begin to move Anabelle up and down, showing her how to move atop me, how to arch her back and ride my cock. She seems to have a natural talent for it and quickly gets the hang of it. I lean back to enjoy the way Anabelles agile, fluid body rocks and sways on my hips, her long hair falling loosely over her shoulders, her panting breath coming out in little huffs. I arch my hips, meeting her thrust for thrust and relishing the feeling of her vagina contracting around my prick. "Thats it, my darling; squeeze me tightly with your cunny. Make me empty my sperm inside you. Youre such a good girl, Annie, such a sweet, good girl." Anabelles breasts bounce in front of my face and, unable to resist, I pull her to me so I can suckle her nipple while we fuck. She cries out when I unexpectedly give her bottom several, sharp smacks with my open palm, urging her to increase the pace. "Come on, Annie; grind your hips for me. Show me how much you love to fuck!" I move to her other breast and continue to nurse. Grasping her hips, I drive up into her with a renewed vigour. Anabelle begins to moan as our mating becomes more and more violent. Then I slow my movements down suddenly and push in and out of her with lazy strokes. I know that this is going to be the last time I have her and I dont want it to end too quickly. I reach down between our bodies and stroke her clitoris, eliciting a desperate groan from my precious pet. I flick her nipple with my tongue. "Do you want me to make you cum?" Anabelle doesnt answer but when I increase the pressure on her clit, she gasps and nods without meeting my eyes. "Tell me, Annie" I demand hoarsely, "tell me to make you cum. Say Hal, please fuck me harder'." "I cant I cant say that," Anabelle sobs. "Please, do not make me say that." I pull her hard against me and begin driving into her with long, deliberate strokes, lifting then savagely grinding her down on my thrusting cock. Her arms are around my neck, squeezing me tightly and her cheek is pressed firmly against my ear. "Say it, Anabelle," I pant harshly in her ear. "I need to hear you say the words!" "Hal please fuck me harder." "Yes, oh yes. Just like that, my sweet lamp. Oh, youre so tight, so fucking wet, Annie. Say it again!" "Hal, please, fuck me. Fuck me harder. Harder!" Anabelles voice rises at the end just as I begin pounding furiously into her cunt. I love the feeling of her stiff nipples against my chest, and the way she arches her back and grunts with effort as I bury my cock inside her to the hilt. "Im cumming, Annie. Im going to fill you with my sperm. Here it comes!" I quicken my pace and slam my cock into her pussy. The couch shakes with the energetic violence of our movements. Anabelle throws her head back with a cry and arches her spine. "Squeeze me tight, Annie; clamp your pussy down on me." I try and hold off my climax as long as I can, but I feel my balls contract and my cock shoots a load up into her belly. I growl like a rabid dog and pull her savagely against me, squeezing her hard enough to hurt while I fill her womb up with spurt after spurt of my essence. Above the squishing sounds of my cock pummelling her sex, I hear Anabelle sob with confused lust as hot flashes of pleasure course through her, pulsing from the heated core between her legs. I force my mouth on hers and kiss her until neither of us has any air left. I fall back onto the couch in sheer exhaustion, nearly unconscious, with Anabelle flung sprawled atop me, heaving for breath, her mouth hot and panting against my ear. Minutes, hours, days pass as Anabelle and I try to catch our breaths, our bodies entwined, glistening with perspiration, her damp skin clinging silkily to mine, my seed leaking from her cunt and pooling in a warm puddle on my stomach. I sigh contentedly, loving the weight of Anabelle against my chest, my penis still twitching occasionally inside her, and her vagina answering with small contractions. Her head rests beside mine and her moist hair tickles my face. After a while, I shift and pull her up by the shoulders so I can look at her face. The tears have mostly dried on her cheeks and the bright colour in them gives her a wickedly sensuous aspect. "You are truly breathtaking Ana, ma belle. I could be here, with you, like this forever. Just me and you. We would leave this wretched world behind and create one that was meant for only us." Anabelle watches me unspeaking, breathing in deeply through her nose. There is still a lingering flicker of fear in her eyes, but another expression as well, a new one that I cannot begin to comprehend. I tug at her arm and she descends to me for a kiss. We go slow, taking our time, savouring the taste of one another as we indulge in the lazy afterglow of our love making. At last she lifts her head and I look at the clock on the mantle. 7:45 The recital would be ending soon, and so must our fervent love affair. "Time to get you home, sweetheart," I say, pulling Anabelle off my lap and leading her towards the bathroom. "But first, we have to get you all cleaned up. Wouldn't want to give your butler a fright when he get's a look at you, would we?" I turn the tap on in the tub and test the water. When it reaches the right temperature, I climb in and pull Anabelle in after me. We lie there in silence as the water slowly rises, Anabelle atop me with her head back and eyes closed, dozing peacefully, me very much awake and missing her as if she has already left. I run my slippery hands down the length of her arms, soothing the bruises on her breasts and along her ribcage. With loving tenderness, I move still lower and caress the soft downy mound of her femininity. After giving Anabelle a thorough cleaning, then rinsing her off in the shower, I pass a towel over her pink flesh and dry her off. I retrieve her clothes from the bedroom and help her get dressed. We do not speak as I drive Anabelle home. She stares mutely out the window at the speckled lights of downtown Boston, while my head is lost in memories of her body soft and submissive beneath mine. The silence is not awkward but neither is it entirely comfortable. I consider turning on the radio but reject the notion. Before long we enter Anabelle's wealthy neighbourhood and I park lesbian pornstars in front of the large iron gate of her family estate. "Were arrived, sweetheart," I say to her. "Time to get out." Anabelle lifts her head and looks out at the gates as if she's never seen them before. As if in a dream, she unstraps her buckle and moves as if to exit the vehicle. "Chérie," I say, making her hand pause on the handle. "Arent you going to kiss me good-bye? We will probably never see each other again." Anabelle turns back towards me but makes no further movements. I see that the fear has completely left her and, once again, she watches me with that unfathomable look in her eyes. It frightens me a little. Anabelle closes her eyes as I lean in and accepts the chaste kiss I plant on her lips. "Bonne nuit," I murmur, "et adieu. Until we meet again, my love." "Good-bye, Hal," Anabelle says finally, her voice sounding decades older. I reach into the back seat and pass her the violin case and her backpack. She exits the vehicle and walks over to the com system by the gates. I watch her press the buzzer and state her name into the mic. Seconds later, the gate begins to swing open. Anabelle looks back over her shoulder, just once, and then turns and makes her way up the drive. I watch until I loose sight of her in the dark, her form vanishing forever into the night. Sighing nosily, I vigorously rub my face then put the SUV into gear. I will have to leave town now, of course, that much is obvious. There is no way I can stay after this. I understand Anabelle's family porn stars naked almost as much as I do her and know that the industrious Mr. Reynolds will move heaven and earth to find the man who defiled his one and only daughter. I'm not planning on sticking around for that. I will go west, I think, perhaps take a trip through the Grand Canyons, or maybe to California. Yes, I've always had a yen to visit the west coast, but never seemed to find the time. Well, I have all the time in the world now, and the clock is ticking. I glance at the car dash as I pull out onto the freeway. 8:31 Absently, I begin humming the wordless tune that's been stuck in my head all day. To be continued ? Ladyzprince

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