Naked Teenage Girls - How To Sell Playboy Naked Girls

by LeviLemke02463288 posted Oct 17, 2015


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We first met online, after you read an erotic story I wrote that you just couldn't get out of your head. It was something about the tone it was written it, the subtle, yet forceful, dominance of the man in the story. It was so well written you wanted to know who was behind it... and when you did you weren't disappointed. Our relationship developed quickly enough. It didn't take long for me to know who you really were, and it made your stomach alight with butterflies each time I spoke to you in such a way that reminded us both of your desire to be controlled.

.. your desire to be owned. But not just the tied up and spanked type of owned – like truly and completely owned. I could tell almost from the start that you wanted to give yourself completely to the man who could see it in you and draw that side out of you. But you had built a wall up around you physically. You hid this part of you from everyone around you – work, friends, family- and nobody suspected anything different. The men you had relationships with were ultimately unfulfilling and left you bored quickly.

You wanted a deeper sort of relationship, one where you could give all of yourself. And when you read my story those omnipresent feelings that you buried deep within your bosom drove you message me. But there was no wall you could give me because when I began to ask you questions specifically about what you liked about my story I knew. I knew that somehow I had written a story about you without even knowing you yet. The fact that we lived within the same city was a lucky coincidence.

As we came to this realization you began to get cold feet, nervous about actually fulfilling your life-long fantasy, already so conditioned to the wall you've hidden behind for so long. But I had already drawn you out and mentally you lay exposed, completely naked to someone for the first time in your life... and you liked it. The thought of doing it physically as well only excited you further and you committed to meeting me. You were only to call me "Master" or "Daddy" depending on what was most appropriate for the moment and I generally called you "My kitten," among other names girls stripping naked that you wore with pride.

You loved being identified as my pet and felt yourself starting to think like a cat as pics of nude girls your mind would wander toward me. You'd imagine purring, cuddling, and walking around naked for me with poise, luring me to wanting to fuck you. You found yourself wondering if I would put a collar on you or mark my ownership onto you in some other way. Meanwhile, you lived your everyday life as if nothing had changed. As the day we were to first meet crept closer at an agonizingly glacial pace you went about your business as usual.

Your face would grow slightly red when you caught someone looking over at you daydreaming about being controlled by me but then you'd realize they have no idea – they'd never even guess. You found yourself imagining me telling you what to wear that day, modeling it for me, making me meals, massaging my entire body with your tongue. All of these thoughts flitted across your mind as the days dragged closer to our first meeting.

Finally, today came. I had warned you that I was going to test your loyalty today. I wanted your trust and it was critical for you to give it to me completely or the fantasy would not come to fruition. You knew you had to give all of yourself to me and what you've exposed over the computer and texting was a good start but today you would give me all of you – mind, body, and spirit. Your first test was leaving your door unlocked for me to enter at my will, not at your permission. When I text you that I'm on my way you eagerly rush to the door and unlock it.

You're wearing the outfit that I had college lesbian sex chosen from the three best you laid out for me. A green spaghetti stringed top that you've sent me a picture of you in before that I loved because it exposed your feminine shoulders, full cleavage, and beautiful stomach. These were coupled with my favorite pair of jeans on you. I wanted live naked girls to see your contours through your clothes when I first saw you and this was the outfit that was best for that.

Your long brown hair flowed midway down your back and over your breasts as you eagerly wait for me to come through the door.
