Hd Erotic Videos - Never Changing Good Hd Porn Will Eventually Destroy You

by HwaRabinovitch742256 posted Oct 17, 2015


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pov in pornThis past spring break I decided I would take the kids to visit my parents in the Midwest. My stepson who was on a two week break from the Marines after his first deployment surprised me and decided to come along. It’s a two day drive and he said he’d help me drive as my husband was back in Charleston for the month with the Air Force. Spring being Spring it rained the entire first day’s drive and I was a wreck by the time we got to the motel. I got a bottle of wine and drank three glasses to calm my nerves as I set up the room. I put my 6 and 8 yr olds in one bed, I took the other bed and my stepson blew up an air mattress. The boys were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. My stepson was fixated on his phone so I quickly changed into a t-shirt and slipped into bed. I’m guessing he saw my bare butt but it wouldn’t have been the first time. By 10PM we had the lights out and I was well on my way to a good long night sleep. I woke up at midnight to my stepson telling me his air mattress had deflated. I told him he could sleep on the other side of my bed and put a pillow between us as some form of separation. I was quickly asleep again. The next thing I remember is the familiar feeling of a warm body behind me, spooning me as I slept on my side. My mind starts to wake up as I feel something even more familiar, a warm hard penis sliding between my thighs. Hmm who’s back there? My mind is starting to remember that I’m in a motel and my stepson laid down beside me and now, OMG his cock is between my thighs. I wake up quickly now. How long has he been back there? How much has he already done? I don’t move but realize I’m very wet and my nipples are aching and hard. He is now starting to grind into me and I can feel him work his cock higher between my thighs. This is wrong, he can’t do this, I need to stop this and so I do. I slowly roll over feeling his cock leave my thighs and face him. I whisper that this is wrong and he needs to stop. He looks a little shocked in the darkness but also surprised I stopped him. I say what’s going on? He whispers that he was really horny and had been reading my Tumblr while he was away. He said he couldn’t help it and had been wanting to fuck me since he could remember. I was oddly flattered but told him it wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t want to ruin our relationship. He pleaded back that it wouldn’t. I told him again no and that he should go to sleep. He whispered back that he was still so horny. I told him he should go to the bathroom but he said it was cold and uncomfortable in there. I was tired and drunk so I told him fine he could stay but to roll over and take care of himself quickly. Instead of rolling completely over he rolled onto his back and started pumping his cock. I thought he was covered but quickly realized he wasn’t and I could clearly see his cock standing straight up as a small beam of light hit it from the crack in the curtains. It was shocking to see that his hand only covered half of his cock. Fuck this kids was no kid anymore. Watching him work his cock and seeing his conditioned firm Marine body, I couldn’t help myself but to reach down and touch myself as well. I was wetter than I remember being in a long time. My fingers slipped easily between the swollen lips of my pussy and quickly found my clit. My breathing was short and my heart rate was off the chart. It was a very surreal moment watching a guy I’ve known since he was a pre-teen and is now laying next to me a man stroking his big cock. He looks over at me and must have noticed my hand moving under the sheet. He asks if I’ll at least help him. I glance down and realize the same light hitting his cock is also on my crotch. I whisper to him a no. He then tells me to pull down the sheet so he can see, saying it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before. I tell him if it helps him out and he’ll go to sleep okay. With my feet I pull down the sheet and now have my pussy as visible as his cock. He then tells me to take off my t-shirt and he’ll cum and go to sleep. His commanding way and the sight of his cock has me transfixed. I submit and pull off my t-shirt. He then starts pumping his cock even harder and tells me how much he wants to fuck me. He goes on to tell me that he loves my big, fat pussy lips and huge mommy nipples. He says he’s cum thinking about fucking me more times than he can remember. OMG. He tells me to fuck myself and I do exactly what he says. I start to lose it and am on the verge of cumming when I see cum start spurting out of his cock. He rolls over slightly and a big stream hits my stomach and then the next hit my tits like a splash of a wave hitting the beach. The feeling makes me lose it too and the quake of an orgasm rips through my body making me thrash as my fingers sink deep into my pussy and I squirt all over my hand and bed. That so rarely happens to me but it was wonderful to feel. I look at him and tell him this never happened. He smiled at me knowing I was covered with his cum and also knowing it did happen. He did stay true to his promise, rolled over and went to bed. Kisses, Jen wncslut [1 comment]
