Young Naked Woman - 8 Reasons To Love The New Young Petite Nude

by OliveMassina3866 posted Oct 17, 2015


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young blonde assApologies if this is short and rough around the edges. It was originally one of a series of bits of writing me and my ex used to send to each other. I miss him in so many ways, and tonight my mind is well and truly in the gutter thinking about the amazing sex we had, so thought I would post this and try and resist the urge to message him! My legs shake as you come up and out from under my dress, after licking clean my wet pussy and damp thighs, your mouth is wet and shiny from my arousal. You kiss me, hard and rough, I can taste myself on your lips. You push yourself up against me and I pull you closer, grinding myself into your impressive rock hard cock which seems to be desperate to pierce through the fabric of your trousers. My mouth waters at the thought of you being in my mouth, pulsing inside of me, dripping onto my tongue "Are you okay?" You ask, I just look at you and shake my head laughing as you know full well that I'm more than okay. You take me by the hand and I rest a little against your arm. Partly because I feel weak and need a little steadying after the soul shattering orgasm you've just inflicted on me, and also because I just want to feel your body next to mine. You smell delicious. Lightly I kiss the freckle on your neck, savouring the smile you give to me in return. As we walk through the alley back to the bus station not really saying much, the tension is tangible between us. Lightly your hand slips under my dress again and you cup my soaking cunt, only to take your hand back quick as a flash, I gasp and you smirk at me, "problem?" I stare at you but carry on walking ahead trying to appear calm, "nope" I reply. You're not fooled. We chat a little, not far now. My stomach is flip flopping in anticipation of what might happen, I steal quick glances at your face not only to appreciate how fucking gorgeous you are pregnant teen lesbians but wondering what you're thinking when you chew your lip like that or when your eyes wonder to glance at me. The bus station smells unpleasant and there's a few rowdy teenagers around, the odd homeless person and a couple of pigeons milling about. It feels like the bus takes hours to arrive but it's only minutes, we hop on and you guide me to the back seat. You sit next to the window and I rest my legs on yours, my skirt riding even further up my thighs. The vibrations of the bus seem to be encouraging your throbbing cock. I can't resist slipping my hand in your pocket and running my fingers against you, I smirk as it twitches in response, your boxers damp with pre cum. "What do you think you're doing?"you murmur, your eyes boring into me. I flit from staring at your eyes to your mouth to your cock to your legs to your body, torn between what to lust after and wishing I could rip your clothes off right here and now. "Nothing" I reply feigning innocence. I manage to get enough fingers in through the gap in your pocket to grip lightly around you, my pussy practically pulsing in desperate need of you. I rub up and down, lightly running my fingers over the material on your balls, savouring the feeling of you tensing under my touch. I stop and remove my hand before my nipples get any harder and show through my thin blouse. I gaze out of the window when you start to lift my tights off my legs with your fingers, then slowly your hand runs further and further up my thigh until your hand is between my legs. I moan quietly as you put your hand over my mouth and glance around the bus which is empty. You kiss my neck whilst your fingers work their way through a hole in my tights and your fingers are touching the soft skin of my thighs, achingly close to my soaking underwear. You run your fingers up and down the lace covering the wet lips of my pussy, my heart pounds as I naturally start to lift my pelvis towards you, desperate for friction and for your huge young cameltoe pussy cock to be inside me. "Beg me to put my fingers inside of you" you whisper against my skin as your tongue licks below my earlobe making me shiver in pleasure. "Please Reece, please" I beg, "good girl" you whisper as you thrust your fingers into me. I groan loudly this time as you kiss me deeply, groaning into my mouth as I clench around your fingers, pushing myself into you harder and covering them in my wetness. You're relentless and slowly ease them in and out whilst you're stretching me and teasing my ass in between deep thrusts into my pink soaking cunt. I buckle and shudder against you, you kiss me hard to devour my moans of ecstasy until finally, as I'm panting against you, my whole body tenses and I come violently all over you. I sag against teen girls with huge tits you, exhausted. You pull your hand out from under my skirt and slip them into my mouth "taste yourself and suck them" I close my eyes and lick you clean, flicking my tongue over your finger tips imagining it's your twitching cock. You lick your lips and then drop your hand, you reach across to push the button and yank me up so I'm standing. The bus shudders to a stop and quickly you grab my ass and pull me closer so my pelvis is up tight against your erection. I grind into you and then you push me off, instead dragging me down the aisle of the bus and back into the fresh air of night. We amble slowly down the path to the lodge where you open the door and pull me inside. I'm so excited for what's about to happen I can hardly breathe. You shut the bedroom door behind me and stand away from me, "take off your clothes. Slowly." Your eyes never leaving me I do as you say, until I'm standing in front of you, naked and vulnerable, completely yours and utterly at your mercy... Tonks93
