Karup Women - The Chronicles Of Hot Amateur Pictures

by AlexandraMcGavin8113 posted Oct 17, 2015


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~Chapter 5 ~http://ift.tt/1MEQc69 ~Chapter 6~ Sarah woke up in her father’s bed. Looking over at his sleeping form she smiled recalling the events of last night. Snuggling up to Owen she lightly traced her finger across his collar bone. Waking gradually he wrapped his arms around Sarah and pulled her in close. Soon after, the alarm clock went off. "Time for school darlin’" Owen sighed swinging his legs off the bed and taking a large stretch. "Do I have to?" she asked lightly tracing his back with her fingers. Owen shivered and looked at Sarah with pleading eyes. "Don’t make this any more complicated than it already is" he said. "Please. If you miss school, people will wonder why…" he faded off gazing at her bare legs. "But I want to be with you" Sarah cooed, her hand gliding down and resting on his hip. Owen cleared his throat, "We need to set some ground rules" he said. "Ok" she agreed hesitantly. "The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club" he stated with a straight face. Sarah leaned on his shoulder cracking up. "In all seriousness, that is a good rule. We should not talk about us to anyone" he said. Sarah sat back, nodding. "The next rule, we are father and daughter, and we will act as such in public settings" he stated. "But when I have you alone…" Sarah drawled straddling her father. "When we’re alone" he started, brushing her beautiful raven hair behind her ear "You’re all mine". Smirking she leaned down and kissed him. Looking up at her he smiled "Just one more rule. We have to be careful; and smart. The other day you said you were on the birth control pill?" Sarah nodded. "That’s great, just keep taking it, and we will be safe when you are ready to go further" he finished. "Do you have anything to add?" he asked. Grinding her hips against his she lay him down on the bed and whispered "I’m going to be late for school." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class was about to begin and Nathan was writing learning outcomes for the day on the blackboard. Students were trickling in, conversing loudly about the football game last night. Looking up from the board Nathan watched as Sarah walked down the aisle towards him. She was wearing a black tank top and tight faded jeans. "Good morning Sir" she chirped. "Good morning Sarah" he answered concentrating on what he was writing. "Is there something I can help you with?" he asked. "I just wanted to thank you for the advice you gave me last night" she mentioned convincingly "I think I’ve come up with a pretty good thesis statement" she said handing him a folded piece of paper. "That’s great to hear" he said smiling at the absurdity of the situation. "I’ll take a look at this as soon as I can" he said looking over her shoulder to see most of his class had settled in. Sarah bit her lip with a smirk and took a seat with the others. As the stragglers found their seats Nathan unfolded the note Sarah handed him. In cursive it read 'I'm not wearing anything under these jeans-' Nathan looked up at her, eyebrows raised. Sarah smirked and spread her knees slowly. Quickly looking away, Nathan swallowed nervously. The students were quietly waiting for him to start the class. Taking a quick glance he noticed Sarah was playing with the tip of her pen in her mouth. 'Fuck' he thought 'Don't look at her, just concentrate on the lesson.' Nathan took a deep breath and started talking about the Native Peoples in North America during the 1500's. "Aboriginal Peoples lived a very wise lifestyle. Most tribes were nomadic, moving with the herds of buffalo, and evading the seasonal conditions of their landscape. These Native Peoples were very resourceful" he said, eyes drawn back to Sarah. "When they brought home a kill, the Natives made sure to use every piece of the animal" gazed at her body, imagining what he would do to each part of hers, "Leaving nothing to waste." Sarah took a deep, calming breath. This was really turning her on. Nathan was having a hard time keeping his composure, and she was enjoying watching him squirm. Picking up her water bottle she took a long drag without breaking eye contact. Watching Sarah drink suggestively from her bottle Nathan felt himself growing aroused. Thinking quickly, he took shelter behind the podium. Thankfully he had practiced this lecture earlier that week, if not he would have been really struggling. The class went by tortuously slow, and everything Sarah did to tease him only made him harder. Finally, he got through all of the lecture material and sent the class on their way. Sarah waited for them to be alone, and then she approached the podium. "This is going to be harder than I thought" Nathan sighed. "Tell me about it" Sarah said as she reached her hand across his thigh to find him thick, and eagerly waiting. Groaning in frustration he grabbed her ass and pulled the back of her hair. "We need to get out of here. Now." Shaking with anticipation Sarah nodded and they broke apart from each other. Hungrily gazing at each other Nathan said "We cannot meet here anymore. Like last night. It is too risky." "Where should we go then?" she asked. "My family has a cabin 30 minutes from here" he revealed. Looking at each other they both wondered if they could last 30 minutes without ravaging each other. "Where is your car?" Sarah asked. "In the far lot by the baseball diamond. I'll go out first and wait in the car. Once I've been gone fro 5 minutes, meet me there." Nathan instructed, wanting to keep their relationship low profile. "Sounds good Babe" Sarah said giving him a lingering kiss. "You're going to pay for that" he said with a smirk. "Looking forward to it" little_miss_sexual
