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Molly heard the garage door open and scanned the room one last time. They had dressed and sprayed air freshener, but the musky scent of sex still seemed too obvious for their father to miss. Its fine. Were fine, Jacob assured her. Just relax. God knows Im relaxed. The satisfied smile on his face made her chuckle. He had his feet up on the coffee table with Camdens head in his lap. Molly was sitting with Camdens legs across her lap and was tracing her bare feet with trembling fingers. Camden had lovely feet, with perfectly pink nails. Molly had painted those nails a hundred times over the years, but touching them now created a new kind of flutter in her stomach. Dad came in through the kitchen. Hey, he muttered, sounding tense and tired. I got some bad news. Im gonna have to fly out tonight to fix a screw up in Atlanta. Jacob, Im gonna need you to run me to the airport and pick me up again on Sunday afternoon. Sure thing, Dad. Jacobs eyes were wide as he glanced between Camden and Molly. He whispered, Youll wait for me? Molly was tempted to tease him, but something in his eyes seemed vulnerable just then. She smiled at him and nodded. Well clean up and get ready for bed, but well wait. Camden sighed happily, then sat up. Hurry back. You make a nice pillow. Dad packed in minutes and by the time Jacob had his shoes on they were ready to go. Camden had sat up and was looking over the back of the couch as they came back into the living room. Oh, hey Camden, Dad said with a weary smile. I didnt see you there. Sorry you have to work all weekend. I hope you fix the problem. Camden gave him a sympathetic smile. Itll be fine. Its just technical stuff, but I need to be there to see the problem and fix it. He looked to his two kids. I dont mind Camden hanging out, but no parties, no guests, and no drinking my liquor. Im trusting you guys to be responsible. Am I clear? Yes, sir, Molly and Jacob answered in unison. Heres a hundred bucks, but this isnt spending money. Its for food and emergencies. I expect to get change back with receipts. Im sure Camdens parents will be happy to help you if you need anything else while Im gone. Of course they will, Camden said. Ill tell Mom so shell know to keep an eye on them for you. Itll be fine, Dad, Molly said. Call us if you get worried. I doubt well even leave the house. Jacob gave them a sly smile as he helped his Dad carry the bags out. See ya in a bit. Now that she was alone with Camden, Molly felt butterflies in her stomach and couldnt understand why. Camden sat close and quiet as Robot Chicken played on the unwatched television. Lacking anything intelligent to say, Molly asked, You okay? Yeah, she sighed and smiled over at Molly. I feel... different. But not in a bad way. She paused for a moment as her face flushed pink. Is it weird that I want to kiss you now? I never wanted to before. No, not to me anyway Molly said, feeling relieved. She took Camdens hand and ran her thumb across the back. I guess I always wanted to kiss you. It feels that way looking back. We were always kinda touchy. It never bothered me or anything. Then when you were really getting into it, I suddenly wanted to taste you. She shivered and chuckled to herself. Im glad you did. Molly turned the experience over in her mind. It seemed like the clear categories of brother and friend had run together like a painting in the rain. The picture may be different, but the colors were just as beautiful to her. Im changing the subject, Camden declared with a sigh. Theres lube in my panties and it feels weird. Can I borrow some clothes? Sure, we could probably use a shower before Jacob gets back anyway. Molly got up and pulled her friend up after her. They continued to hold hands as they went down the hall to her room. Molly grinned as they bumped shoulders when they passed through the doorway. Her room had white furniture with purple accents. Her full size bed was unmade, with the purple and gold comforter pushed all the way down against the foot board. The dresser was crowded with cosmetics under a large mirror with pictures tucked in along the frame. There were pictures of the three of them through the years, always smiling and always together. Molly pulled open a drawer and got out panties and long night shirts for them both. Camden had begun undressing, folding her clothes and placing them on the storage bench under the window. God, I should keep trimmed but I never had a reason to during winter before. This is long enough to perm! She pulled her pubic hair in a fist to show Molly how long it was. Let me get Jacobs trimmer. He goes apeshit when I use it, but I imagine things may be different now. Molly stepped into the shared bathroom between their rooms and grabbed his electric trimmer off the charger. Getting a towel, she headed back to find Camden climbing up on the bed. Can you help me do it? She blushed as she asked. Sure, Molly said. Hop on this towel so I can keep the hairs out of my bed. Turning on the buzzy trimmer, Molly focused on her task. The first few passes got the fluff on top of the mons down to a reasonable size, then she pushed her legs open to trim along her vulva leaving enough hair so it wouldnt itch. Youre lips dont stick out, Molly noted as she mushed the skin around to get into the creases of her legs. Once she got the majority of the bushy hair out of the way, she realized Camden was biting her lower lip. Am I hurting you? Just the opposite, she whispered. Its so nice. Like when you give me a pedicure and paint my toenails. She wiggled her nicely painted toes and laughed. Her strong scent wasnt unpleasant, but the combination of arousal, lube, and personal chemistry kept her from attempting what she wanted to do just then. It only took a few more passes to leave her neatly trimmed and ready for a shower. Want me to do you? Camden asked with a grin. Why not? Molly answered and quickly removed her own clothes, throwing them at the clothes hamper near the door. The tingling in her stomach intensified as she climbed up to place herself on the towel. The buzzing of the trimmer felt almost as good as the little vibrating egg shed picked up. Like Camden said, the sensation of being sheared was more pleasant than she expected and she soon found herself biting her lower lip. See? Camden said when she noticed. I told you it was nice. Lift up your knees, Im going in. Camden trimmed down her labia and pushed her skin around to get the trickier areas. When she parted her inner lips, Molly looked to see what she was doing. Camden had a curious expression on her face as she felt around with her warm fingers. Lose something? Molly asked with a chuckle. Its just so interesting! I can only see mine with a mirror. Im more pink, but I like the way your lips look tan here. She ran her fingers to show where she meant. And I think your opening is smaller than mine. Molly sat up and tried to see, but she couldnt contort herself enough. Like too small or just smaller? Hold on, Camden said, then got the lube from the dresser drawer theyd hidden their toys. After warming some on her fingers, she stepped back to the bed. I wanna see something. Do you mind? Go ahead, Molly said as she watched, more curious than aroused now. Camden took her first two fingers and slid them inside Mollys opening. It felt tight and tingly, but then Camden started feeling around along the front wall. That makes me feel like I need to pee, Molly said through clenched teeth. Thats the spot I have to hit when Im playing with myself. One hand rubbing up top, two fingers inside pushing here. Give me your hand. Molly put her hand out as Camden coated her fingers with a bit of lube. See if you can find it. Molly slid her middle and ring fingers inside, feeling along until she hit a kind of rough spot along the smooth front wall. It does feel kinda nice to push there. Mine swells up when I get close and pushing on it makes me cum so hard. Molly grinned, then they both laughed at the situation. I feel like were two guys looking at a cars engine. Did ya check the oil? Camden stepped closer with an impish grin on her face, then tilted her head as she reached Mollys lips. The kiss warmed quickly as Molly scooted closer, but when it cooled again it left them both breathless. We promised wed wait, Camden whispered. We will, Molly said. Lets get cleaned up. Want me to scrub your back? While Molly put their hair in the trash and the towel in the dirty clothes hamper, Camden got the water running in the tub to get it hot. They didnt waste much time to avoid the temptation of playing without Jacob. Molly did explore a bit while she had the soapy wash cloth and enjoyed he attention she received as well. Dressed in Mollys panties and night shirts, the girls sat on the bed together while Molly stripped the chipped polish off her fingernails and applied a fresh coat of her favorite pale pink color. Camden was playing with her phone as she waited, sometimes sliding her toes to tickle along Mollys thigh. Just doing normal things like this felt exciting to Molly now. Their new intimacy had changed things, but if anything it felt warmer and deeper between them. The silence was comfortable, their occasional touches sweet, but under it all was a passion that bubbled to the surface whenever she stared at Camdens face. With her nails finished and drying, Molly lay back with her fingers spread over her stomach. Camden kept glancing at the door while she rubbed lotion on Mollys feet. Hasnt it been too long? Hed have called if something came up. Watching her friend worry, Molly recognized how strongly she felt about Jacob. It made her feel jealous in a way, but not as badly as she expected. He really likes you, you know. Yeah, she whispered and blushed a deep pink. Ive always had a crush on him, ever since we were little. She felt her stomach churn as she considered how to say what she needed to say. Hey, if you guys want some alone time this weekend, she started and was stopped by the hard look in Camdens eyes. Wait for him to get back, she commanded. Camden wasnt always assertive, but this was obviously something she felt strongly about. Okay, Molly agreed and shut her eyes for a moment. Maybe we should call him. Just then the rumble of the garage door signaled his return. Nevermind. Camden was suddenly nervous, like she didnt know how to act. She changed her position on the bed three times before assuming a casual pose next to Molly. When Jacob appeared in the doorway he had two small bouquets of three red roses with babys breath all wrapped in green paper. Hey, he said, bluffing a mature air, but it didnt last a second until his cheeky grin appeared. I know its corny, but I had to bring you something. I mean, he paused as his flush deepened. I had fun and... he shook his head and gave up trying to be cool. Shit, youre both so gorgeous. How the hell did I get this lucky? Being my brother, of course, Molly laughed. All my twin brothers get to sleep with my hot friend. And you, he said almost as a question. I just spent an awkward trip to the airport with Dad, then a long trip home just thinking. He walked into the room and joined them sitting on the bed. Are you sure youre both okay with this? Rather than jump in, Molly held herself back and let Camden speak for them both. Weve been talking, Camden whispered. Im never gonna stop being Mollys friend, even if things change a little from now on. Im never gonna stop crushing on you, either, apparently. Her flush deepened as she took both of their hands. I know its gotta be weird for you two, but Im pretty sure we can work something out, cant we? It is weird, Jacob admitted. Its kinda hard to get my head around, but I cant deny how hot is was watching you two. He looked at Molly with his frown fighting his smile. And then you kissed me. I mean, really kissed me. Then maybe Im the weird one, because I liked it. Molly said and took his hand, then looked at Camden. And I definitely liked kissing you. The three of them sat there with the roses between them on the bed, staring around at each other. Jacob finally broke the silence when he said, Lets see what happens this weekend. Maybe it can work. In that case, go shower because I can smell you from here, Molly said as she pushed him to get off the bed. Camden laughed and the tension was gone like it had never been there at all. Molly got their toys and put them on her nightstand while the shower was running. Camden watched from the bed as Molly straighten her room. It was nerves, she knew it. Now that she knew how powerful the experience was it scared her a little. In just one afternoon so much had changed. It was hard to judge if it was better or worse or just different at this point. Penny for your thoughts, Camden prompted. Im nervous. And happy. And scared. And horny. Me too, but mostly happy. Jacob came in dying off with a towel. He was naked and his vigorous rubbing made his cock and balls bounce around. Watching him had a hypnotic effect on both women. Molly climbed back into bed and huddled next to her friend. It just flops around, Camden whispered. Thats so weird. I guess its not any weirder than running without a bra and your tits going all over the place. Jacob chuckled. Thats why we wear jock straps. Oh, Camden exclaimed, nodding as she seemed to get it. I always wondered why you guys had to wear those if you had underwear. The worst was when Molly made me do ballet with her one year, Jacob said with a wry look in Mollys direction. Fucking dance belts, Jeez that was torture. Camden clapped her hands and said, Please tell me theres pictures of him in tights! Molly nodded. Oh, yes, the threat of getting a full page ad in the yearbook is my half of our mutually assured destruction pact. Jacob tossed the towel over the shower rod to dry. I have a picture of Molly singing into her hair brush wearing a towel with curlers in her hair. Camden shot Molly a look of horror. I dont even know you. Then they all laughed about it. He turned off the lights in the bathroom, then turned off the overhead lights in Mollys room. The lamp on the nightstand offered more than enough light for him to climb into bed next to Camden with Molly on the other side. Camden rolled into his side as he slipped his arm under the pillow. Molly pulled up the sheets, then made Camden her little spoon. The full bed was cramped, but the three of them settled in together in the dim light. Molly heard them kissing and grinned. She snuggled against Camdens back and drifted off a little. At some point Jacob rolled over slightly and sighed. I want to taste you, Camden whispered to Jacob. Tell me what to do. Beats me, no ones ever done it for me before. Camden scooted down to sit between his legs. Molly was interested, so she rolled closer to Jacob and put her head on his shoulder. His erection was growing as Camden rubbed him along his shaft with her open palm. When she lifted it up and licked his head Jacob sighed and took Mollys hand. She could tell how intense it was by how hard he squeezed her fingers. Like this? Camden asked, then slipped his swollen head between her lips. Her tongue licked down the front of his shaft as she took him in. The effect on Jacob was immediate as he gasped, lifted his head, and squeezed Mollys fingers white. Oh fuck, he muttered. When she did that to me I thought I was gonna die, Molly whispered to her brother. Then kill me, he replied through clenched teeth. Im in heaven already. Up and down, Camden took his shaft in her mouth as she watched his reaction each time she came up for air. Her eyes began to water and her breath came in gasps as she tried to keep him deep inside for longer periods of time. Molly realized she was squeezing Jacobs hand just as hard as he was. That is so fucking hot, she murmured when Camden gagged silently, then gamely kept on. Jacob had been silent for a while with his legs straight and toes pointed down. Finally he gasped and sat up slightly, straining against some invisible weight as Camden moaned. When he collapsed back against the bed, Molly touched his sweaty face and blew cool air on him as he panted. It tastes better from the source, Camden said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. God, Im so hot right now. Come up here, Molly said as she moved back to her side of the bed to let Camden come back. Sitting up as Camden returned, Jacob rolled over to kiss her and rub his hand over her breasts. Molly moved her knees apart and lay down between her thighs. The warm musky smell of Camdens arousal made her mouth water. Pushing her thighs up to open her completely, Molly kissed her swollen lips while pushing two fingers inside slowly. Oh! Camden exclaimed, then reached down to grip Mollys hair in her fists. Right there, oh yeah, right there! Ignoring the discomfort as Camden pulled her hair, Molly opened her mouth to rub the flat of her tongue against the top of her slit. Tasting her friend was like licking a penny, all bright flavors of copper and sparks. The flood of arousal increased, soon covering her face and hand with Camdens sticky emissions. From the noisy wet sounds above she knew they were kissing, but Molly didnt care. She was focused on her friends pleasure and knew Jacob was as well. Keeping a steady cycle of motions was more difficult than shed assumed. Molly wanted to play and explore, licking the edges and creases, kissing her deeply to press her tongue as far as it would go, all the while massaging that little spot deep inside with her two fingers. Camden must had had enough playing and pulled harder on her long hair to direct the attention where it was needed most. Taking Camdens erect nubbin between her lips, Molly sucked and released like she was giving head to the tiny bump. Camden froze, her legs out straight as she alternated between panting and holding her breath. Molly, she gasped. Harder! Really hard! Following the command, Molly sucked the bump all the way into her mouth, rolling her tongue around it over and over. Her fingers felt like they were sucked in deeper as Camden tensed, then she felt the rhythmic pulse of her inner muscles that signaled her orgasm. Camden uttered a long, low groan as she forced Mollys face into her wetness. The frenzy continued as she flexed her hips until the pulses slowed, then stopped. Released at last, Molly sat up to look at her friend. She felt wet drops fall from her chin as Camden stared at her in the dim light. Jacob looked up at her with a half-grin that looked like he was proud of her for some reason. I want to say something stupid right now, Camden whispered. Come here and kiss me so I dont. Wiping her face on the sheet as moved, Molly lay next to her best friend, kissing her softly while Jacob caressed them both. After the tender moment, Jacob whispered, You have to show me how you did that. It was my first time. Im not sure I know myself, Molly chuckled. I was just inspired. She put her head down on the pillow with a sigh. It had felt right. Being with Camden clicked in a way kissing her old boyfriend Brian McCue never had. As she touched her friends flat stomach she wondered what it might mean. Molly realized she wasnt as curious about being with a guy anymore. It no longer seemed important somehow. Camdens scent was all over her face, her flavor was still in her mouth. It was more satisfying than anything shed done before. She could tell Jacob was falling to sleep from his deeper breaths. Camden was still running her fingers through her hair, rubbing the spots shed pulled so hard moments before. Are you okay? Camden asked this time in the silence. After taking a deep breath and letting it out in a low hum, Molly said, Yes. jacob_molly_camden

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