Shaved Pussy Photos - Rumored Buzz On Beyonce Pussy Pic Exposed

by FranklinQ92641507751 posted Oct 17, 2015


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fat wet pussy picsMelanie Melanie and I met during my experiments with internet dating. Much like free shaved pussy most guy’s in their early twenties I was looking for a fuck buddy of sorts rather than an actual relationship. Melanie was much the opposite, while she wasn’t adverse to the idea of casual sex she was looking for love and, although we got along quite well, this difference in desire proved to be the sticking block that stopped us meeting for the first two or three weeks. This quasi-anonymity led us to discuss a lot of things we may not reveal in public, including our previous experimentations with the same sex, ideal mommy pussy pics dates and sexual fantasies, including the one where she gets fucked hard in the ass from behind.
It also meant that we began sending sexual text messages and pictures to each other though as a means of letting off pent up sexual frustration. Late at night Melanie would message me to say that she’s in the bath and about to start soaping up her boobs and pussy to clean them off before she plays with herself or that she picked up new batteries for her vibrator today as she wore the old ones out last night. The accompanying pictures were amazing, her large soapy breasts, her pussy mid-way through fucking herself with a dildo, her sexually suggestive pout when she mentioned blowjobs, it was all a lot of fun. In response I would send her pictures of myself flashing for her in locker room at the gym, jerking myself off and occasionally a picture of my stomach covered in a big load of warm sticky cum that I had shot all over my stomach, leaving glistening long lines of cum from my cock to my nipples. She particularly enjoyed those ones and mentioned how much she enjoyed cum and I resolved to find hd shaved pussy out if we ever did meet.
Eventually Melanie’s teasing grew stale and I found myself a fuck buddy so our communication all but ceased for a month or so until Christmas morning, when she sent me a picture message of herself spreading her pussy with the caption ‘Merry Christmas’. Surprised that she was still interested I decided to go for broke and several hours later, when I finally got the chance to be alone, I sent her a picture of my erect cock wrapped in a bow with the caption. ‘It’s rude to decline gifts, you get to unwrap yours tomorrow night.’ Her response was instantaneous ‘I’m busy tomorrow, come visit me tonight’. It was on.
Melanie lived about half an hour away from me in a nearby suburb. With indian shaved pussy the assurances we would have her apartment to ourselves I was thankful that I wasn’t able to make it home to visit my family this year. After packing away a special present for her I arrived and knocked on the front door of her downstairs apartment. After a few seconds of waiting she answered. As she let me inside I couldn’t help but notice her glances at my body, as if inspecting a package that alsscan joanne had been delivered by a courier. Seemingly satisfied with the results she smiled and welcomed me with "It’s good to finally meet you". "You too, I’ve heard so much about you" I replied jokingly. "Well I’ve seen quite a bit of you" she replied playfully, returning my jest. "I hope you brought me presents."
As I made my way through her house she began directing me towards her bedroom, clearly happy to skip over the customary talking that comes with meeting someone for the first time. Finding it upstairs tucked away in a corner I was met with a small single bed, a desk covered in study notes and a few pictures of herself with various friends dotted about the walls. "And you’re friends with ALL these people?" I said teasingly her as she entered the room. "Yeh most of them, not this guy though" she said, pointing to a picture of herself with Micky Mouse at Disney World. "Which is a shame because I would really like a mouse costume". "Well I don’t have a mouse costume on me but I did bring you a couple of other presents" I said, steering the conversation away from oversized Disney characters. "Bu first you need to let me see those gorgeous boobs of yours". Melanie’s eyebrows raised in mock surprise before she complied and began to take off her shirt and bra.
It was the first real opportunity I had to get a look at Melanie. She was a couple of inches shorter than me, about 5"8, and was a little more rotund than her dating profile pictures let on. Still, a couple of extra pounds was allowable, especially over the festive period. Her boobs were enormous; easily 36 EE’s and in the middle of each sat an erect long brown nipple. With Melanie topless in front of me I stood up and went in to kiss her, grabbing her right boob in the process. She responded with a light murmur and I felt her hands start running up the inside of my jeans towards my cock. She began to fumble with my jeans and broke away from our kiss, instead dropping to her knees. As she got the fly open she started to take my jeans off, before giving up and simply reaching into my underwear and grabbing my hardened cock in her hand. Before I had a chance to assist her in taking off my jeans and underwear she had my cock in her mouth and began to suck with a frantic pace. Clearly two months of pent up sexual frustration was too much for Melanie and the best way to remedy the situation was by filling her mouth with my cock.
After several very enjoyable minutes in which Melanie demonstrated her fondness for swirling her tongue around on my knob and delicately kissing my balls she stood up and moved towards the bed. Positioning herself on all fours with her ass pointing towards me her intentions were clear, she wanted to be fucked from behind and hard. I pulled her pants down over her ass and noted that she wasn’t wearing any underwear, as if ready and waiting for my cock. Despite her obvious readiness I decided to tease her a little and stuck two fingers inside of her glistening cunt. She shuddered as I entered her and began to moan as I played with her g-spot. Due to the angle at which I was fingering her, Melanie’s cunt felt quite loose and I decided to probe her further, slipping a third finger inside of her. More moans greeted this decision and she began to rock back and forward slightly, using my fingers as a stand in cock. "Another" she moaned. "I want more."
The request caught me a little of guard. In my experiences most girls enjoyed one finger inside them, loved two and, when they really wanted to be stuffed this turned into three. Nonetheless Melanie’s cunt felt far from full so I obliged her, inserting a fourth finger as I began to slowly build up the speed at which I was moving them in and out of her pussy. As the speed increased she began to slam her body on my fingers as hard as she could, moaning loudly and letting out whimpers as she used my fingers as a fuck toy. Finally, with one last spasm, I felt her pussy tightening around my hand as she convulsed with an orgasm. "Wow…that was really good" she gasped, before her head sank back onto the pillows. "I really needed that." I laughed and mentioned to her that having half my hand in her pussy as she came felt amazing. In an offhand manner Melanie replied "I was kind of hoping you were going to fist me actually." "You…you want me to fist you?" I said, surprised. While I’d always fantasied about fisting I’d never encountered a girl who was remotely interested in the idea, let alone capable of being fisted. "Yeh, we’ll just take it slow and you can probably fit your whole hand in me" she said. "Here I’ll grab some lube."
I decided that now was the right time to give Melanie her present and I handed her a small boxed wrapped in tacky Christmas wrapping paper. As she unwrapped it she let out a squeal. "Oooh a butt plug, I’ve always wanted one of these" she said, throwing the wrapping paper onto the floor. "Great, because I’m going to put this in your ass while I fist you" I said, finding myself going hard again at the thought. Satisfied with my proposal Melanie handed me the box containing the six inch butt plug and a small tube of lube before resuming her position face down ass up on the bed in anticipation. After lubing up a finger I slowly slid it into her awaiting ass. It was a complete contrast to her gaping pussy and after a couple of minutes of light play I was able to fit two fingers in her ass before replacing them with the black plug. As I sat back to admire the view I noticed that Melanie had begun rubbing her clit while I was fingering her ass and that she was enjoying her new toy immensely.
Turning my attention back to her pussy I started by inserting two fingers inside her, closely followed by a third. Melanie began to moan and buried her head in the pillows to muffle her voice. As I slid a fourth finger in I could feel the plug in her ass pressing against my fingers, making her pussy seem a little more snug fit. Squirting a little lube onto my hand half buried in her pussy I began slowly inserting myself inside of her seemingly elastic cunt. Melanie’s squeals of pleasure were buried in the pillow and the moment I felt my wrist slip inside her head shot up, narrowly avoiding the shelf above her bead. "Oh fuck yes!" she yelled, seemingly no longer concerned by the noise level. "That feels fucking amazing." I began to play with her, slowly moving my hand back and forward inside her eager cunt. Melanie continued to moan and as she approached her second orgasm of the evening she began to shout all kinds of words culminating in a loud "Fuuuuck" as she came with my hand inside her.
Satisfied I had done the job I slowly withdrew my hand from inside her as she slumped forward on the bed in a post orgasmic bliss. Sensing that she wanted a few seconds to regain composure I began searching my jeans for a condom and began playing with myself after slipping it on. "I don’t know if my pussy can take much more" Melanie said, spying me jerking off. "Who said anything about your pussy" I replied, stepping toward her and smacking her ass. She let out a giggle, clearly having forgotten about the butt plug in the intensity of her orgasm, and rolled over onto her stomach to give me better access to her ass. Removing the plug I squirted a little lube onto her now puckered ass hole before slowly inserting the head of my cock into her awaiting ass. Melanie began to sink forward on the bed and I followed her, allowing my cock to slip nicely inside her ass as she let out a gasp of pleasure. "Just slowly ok" she said, as I nodded and began to fuck her ass.
After no more than a minute or two slowly gave way to an intense fucking as Melanie began to beg me to fuck her harder, my cock pounding deep inside her ass. The initial tightness had since disappeared and I was able to tease her by slamming my cock in and out of her at a surprisingly fast pace. As I felt myself approaching orgasm I withdrew my cock and instructed her to roll over. She complied and I barely had time to get the condom off before shooting huge wads of cum all over her stomach, boobs and face. Like a child eager to catch snowflakes she held her tongue out, hoping to catch a glob of warm sticky jizz on her tongue. As the last of my load spattered against her chest she began to play with it and rub it into her boobs and stomach. "That was fucking amazing" I said, watching her play with my cum. "Yeh, we should celebrate Christmas together more often" she replied.
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